Trump: The Policies, Not The Person


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The brightest among us recognize the wisdom of the title.
Not the candidates color, nor height, ....nor party for that's the policies.

Take a look at the economy, and the results of his nascent foreign policy efforts, and clearly Trump was the correct choice.

And's not just those of us who supported Trump.
Some of his greatest detractors were Republicans, even never-Trumper Mollie Hemingway.
As many others have....she's changed her tune,

1."I wasn't a Trump supporter. I am now.

2. He was a New York liberal who had conquered the Republican Party in part by promising a good Supreme Court nomination. That was the most I allowed myself to hope for when he won.

3.The nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch to fill the vacancy of Antonin Scalia more than fulfilled that promise. ....a brilliant legal mind with tremendous writing ability and persuasive powers.
......Gorsuch is not even close to the only good thing Trump has done.

4.He has appointed 12 outstanding federal appellate judges — a record number for a president in his first year. By comparison, President Barack Obama had only three in his first year.

5.Trump announced the U.S. departure from the Paris climate accord, an agreement that would have had virtually no impact on future temperatures but would have come at a large cost in the growth of government and control over the economy. Since Obama never ran the treaty through the Senate, it was nonbinding, but the federal bureaucracy was working to implement it with new regulations on U.S. businesses.

6.The Clean Power Plan, which gave the Environmental Protection Agency unprecedented authority over states and businesses and was on track to be the most expensive regulation in history, is under review.

7.For the 2017 fiscal year, Trump revoked 22 regulations for each new regulation that was issued. His chief regulatory officer, Neomi Rao, said the administration would continue the pace of deregulation through 2018, announcing 448 deregulatory actions and 131 regulatory actions.

8. the end of the year, lawmakers had passed the largest corporate tax reform in U.S. history and secured tax cuts for the vast majority of Americans.

9.Businesses are responding to the deregulation and historic corporate tax reform by loosening purse strings and investing in plants, equipment and factories.

10. Pepco, a power utility that serves the Mid-Atlantic region, just announced it's lowering everyone's electric bills as a result of the savings from corporate tax reform"
I wasn't a Trump supporter. I am now.

Teetering on the brink, American may just have been given another chance to be what it was always intended to be.

It brings this verse from 2 Timothy 2:20-21 to mind:

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use.
21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

11."Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is restoring due process to college campuses by rescinding Obama-era guidelines that made the mistake of encouraging college administrators to adjudicate serious crimes such as sexual assaults.

12.Trump's foreign policy... focused on national interest over nation-building or other less pressing and more expensive concerns.
By trusting his military leaders to make quick decisions on the battlefield, in contrast to Obama's desire to placate Iran and micromanage trivial moves such as helicopter deployments, Trump is crushing the Islamic State.
Sanctions and other nonmilitary efforts are being used to keep North Korea at bay after the failure of denuclearization as practiced by presidents since Bill Clinton."
I wasn't a Trump supporter. I am now.
13."Trump is not normal, his critics keep saying. Sometimes that's a plus. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel more than two decades after the Senate passed legislation requiring it, and after two decades of presidents signing waivers every six months to avoid it. More recently, he froze funding for Pakistan until it stops harboring terrorists.

14.[His]... boorish attitude has come in handy after decades of media bullying of conservatives. ,,,His surprising conservatism might also be the result of the absolutism and extremism of his critics, whether among the media, traditional Democratic activists or the anti-Trump right. If Trump were ever inclined to indulge his liberal tendencies after winning the election, the stridency and spite of his opponents have provided him with no incentives to do so.

My expectations were low — so low that he could have met them by simply not being President Hillary Clinton. But a year into this presidency, he's exceeded those expectations by quite a bit. I'm thrilled."
I wasn't a Trump supporter. I am now.
"I was wrong. My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong, in retrospect. I was wrong.

I had friends who supported him, and I didn’t understand them. I said, "Are you not aware of what he said about John McCain? Isn’t that enough to disqualify the guy?" They perceived in him what I did not perceive in him, that these over-the-top statements – as objectionable as the statements themselves may be, and none of them defended the statements – nevertheless, what they perceived was accurate: a man who doesn’t give a damn about what the press says about him. That is the only way to govern. It is the only way to advance the principles of conservatism in the United States is to not give a damn."
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager: 'My Opposition to Donald Trump Was Wrong,' He Is a 'Great President'

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