Trump thought courts were key to winning. Judges disagreed.

Yea. A state run by jeb bush and his shady appointee Katherine Harris. Yea sure, it was the dems. Lol fucking idiot
You are the one who gave them full credit for it
That makes no sense. I give Chaney and the bush boys full credit. Bush is an idiot but not so stupid he doesn’t know how to cheat and steal a state his brother ran.

One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.

Ballot stuffing? Do you have any evidence? Because it’s a fact that repugs threw out democratic votes Because of hanging chads. Why were there hanging chads? Because Katherine Harris switched to this different type of really thin paper that she knew would result in hanging chads. So they planned it long before the election.
Yea. A state run by jeb bush and his shady appointee Katherine Harris. Yea sure, it was the dems. Lol fucking idiot
You are the one who gave them full credit for it
I hope you believe this election was rigged. Now you know how we felt in 2000.

And then in 2004 Kerry wanted a recount in Ohio but ken Blackwell hurried up and certified the vote so Kerry could not get a recount.

So that would mean ken Blackwell is a globalist deep state rino Because He hates trump.

I hope deep state globalist rhinos fucked you and trump.

If what you say is true then republicans shouldn’t even bother to vote. The system is rigged against you. I would love for republicans to believe that and stop voting.
One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.
There is no comparison at all

florida was a mess because democrat voters in the hood and elderly dems in retirement communities were too stupid to fill out a paper ballot
One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.
There is no comparison at all

florida was a mess because democrat voters in the hood and elderly dems in retirement communities were too stupid to fill out a paper ballot
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.

And Katherine Harris didn’t throw out votes for bush that had hanging chads. She only used hanging chads to throw out votes for gore.

But I understand that your excuse on why you disenfranchised blacks in Florida. It was their fault.

This is why you lost. 95% of black people vote democratically because you’re a racist liar scumbag. Keep it up. I love it. If you stop you might get more votes. So please don’t stop
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.
Funny it was only confusing to democrats but not republicans

The dems were bussing in dumb fucks who has no idea what they were voting for or why

Repubs understood that buccannon was a 3rd party candidate

But the democrat robots didnt know anything and merely followed the instructions they were given on the bus to “vote every page”
One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.
There is no comparison at all

florida was a mess because democrat voters in the hood and elderly dems in retirement communities were too stupid to fill out a paper ballot
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.

And Katherine Harris didn’t throw out votes for bush that had hanging chads. She only used hanging chads to throw out votes for gore.

But I understand that your excuse on why you disenfranchised blacks in Florida. It was their fault.

This is why you lost. 95% of black people vote democratically because you’re a racist liar scumbag. Keep it up. I love it. If you stop you might get more votes. So please don’t stop
That was on Democrats, who designed the butterfly ballot. Still, Bush would have lost the election had Democrats not fucked up with that and the world would have taken an entirely different direction.
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.
Funny it was only confusing to democrats but not republicans

The dems were bussing in dumb fucks who has no idea what they were voting for or why

Repubs understood that buccannon was a 3rd party candidate

But the democrat robots didnt know anything and merely followed the instructions they were given on the bus to “vote every page”
That’s why I like the straight party box where all you do is check that box and you voted for all the democrats.
One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.
There is no comparison at all

florida was a mess because democrat voters in the hood and elderly dems in retirement communities were too stupid to fill out a paper ballot
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.

And Katherine Harris didn’t throw out votes for bush that had hanging chads. She only used hanging chads to throw out votes for gore.

But I understand that your excuse on why you disenfranchised blacks in Florida. It was their fault.

This is why you lost. 95% of black people vote democratically because you’re a racist liar scumbag. Keep it up. I love it. If you stop you might get more votes. So please don’t stop
That was on Democrats, who designed the butterfly ballot. Still, Bush would have lost the election had Democrats not fucked up with that and the world would have taken an entirely different direction.
We des
One thing I love about you guys thinking dems stole 5 states. You are claiming democrats used all the exact same tactics Katherine Harris and jeb used to steal Florida.
There is no comparison at all

florida was a mess because democrat voters in the hood and elderly dems in retirement communities were too stupid to fill out a paper ballot
That’s another way republicans cheated. The way the names were lined up was confusing.

And Katherine Harris didn’t throw out votes for bush that had hanging chads. She only used hanging chads to throw out votes for gore.

But I understand that your excuse on why you disenfranchised blacks in Florida. It was their fault.

This is why you lost. 95% of black people vote democratically because you’re a racist liar scumbag. Keep it up. I love it. If you stop you might get more votes. So please don’t stop
That was on Democrats, who designed the butterfly ballot. Still, Bush would have lost the election had Democrats not fucked up with that and the world would have taken an entirely different direction.

Are you sure she was a Democrat? I'm not. She only switched parties in 1996. She/They probably planned to steal the election as far back as that. PNAC was a Republican think tank planning the re invasion of Iraq long before 2000.

In 1996 LePore changed her political party registration to Democratic after deciding to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections.[2][3] She was elected as the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections in November, 1996 and re-elected without opposition in November, 2000. In 2004 she lost re-election as Election Supervisor. Prior to the election she had changed her political party designation to independent.

In 2000, to accommodate the large number of presidential candidates eligible in Florida, LePore designed a staggered two-page format with candidate names on alternating sides of a central punch button column. Conservatives falsely commented that the same ballot was successfully used in the 1996 election; in fact, it had never been used in a Palm Beach County election among rival candidates for office.[7] In 2000, the confusing design led to an increased amount of miscast votes in the presidential election (votes that would otherwise have been a decisive reversal) and consequently achieved notoriety. A study by The Palm Beach Post speculated that voters confused by Palm Beach County's butterfly ballot cost Al Gore the presidency.

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company

All it takes if for one judge to look at the evidence then to the SC it goes. LOL
And they could help trump pull off the coup. But it would be a big mistake.

The only coup I see is the one perpetrated by the Dems in this election. It is a big mistake and I hope the SC takes a look at the whole thing.
When did the Democrats use guns to attempt a coup? In another thread you claim last week wasn't an attempted coup by Republicans because they didn't all have guns.

Busted bitch! You see the Dems attempted a coup but not one incident have Democrats used guns so again, why the double standard?

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company

All it takes if for one judge to look at the evidence then to the SC it goes. LOL
And they could help trump pull off the coup. But it would be a big mistake.

The only coup I see is the one perpetrated by the Dems in this election. It is a big mistake and I hope the SC takes a look at the whole thing.
When did the Democrats use guns to attempt a coup? In another thread you claim last week wasn't an attempted coup by Republicans because they didn't all have guns.

Busted bitch! You see the Dems attempted a coup but not one incident have Democrats used guns so again, why the double standard?
And then son, when they can't win and argument, the demoscat traitors resort to start making up shit.
Trump thought, or rather thinks, that the judiciary owes its loyalty to the man who appointed them and not to the country and the rule of law. What is the surprise there? It is after all what any wannabe dictator would think.
You are mistaken, it is the Obama judges that feel that way

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company

All it takes if for one judge to look at the evidence then to the SC it goes. LOL
And they could help trump pull off the coup. But it would be a big mistake.

The only coup I see is the one perpetrated by the Dems in this election. It is a big mistake and I hope the SC takes a look at the whole thing.
When did the Democrats use guns to attempt a coup? In another thread you claim last week wasn't an attempted coup by Republicans because they didn't all have guns.

Busted bitch! You see the Dems attempted a coup but not one incident have Democrats used guns so again, why the double standard?
And then son, when they can't win and argument, the demoscat traitors resort to start making up shit.
Making things up? Claudette said last week wasn't an attepted coup because those rioters didn't all have guns. But do a search for the word COUP and see how many times Republicans call the impeachment of Trump an attempted coup.

So Claudette is wrong. Guns aren't required to attempt a coup. You Republicans understood that when you called the Trump impeachment hearings an attempted coup.

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company

All it takes if for one judge to look at the evidence then to the SC it goes. LOL
And they could help trump pull off the coup. But it would be a big mistake.

The only coup I see is the one perpetrated by the Dems in this election. It is a big mistake and I hope the SC takes a look at the whole thing.
When did the Democrats use guns to attempt a coup? In another thread you claim last week wasn't an attempted coup by Republicans because they didn't all have guns.

Busted bitch! You see the Dems attempted a coup but not one incident have Democrats used guns so again, why the double standard?
And then son, when they can't win and argument, the demoscat traitors resort to start making up shit.
Oh, and impeaching Trump wasn't an attempted coup based on the definition

a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company

Trump has some cockamamie idea that Judges owe their allegiance to him rather than the Constitution. That's why he has such a revolving door problem with his cabinet. Not too many people are willing to be crushed into submission by a flashy moron.
Trump thought that packing the courts with Conservatives for for years would mean they would do his bidding when asked.
Its not trumps bidding as you claim but the rights of 75 million legal trump voters that are being denied
Its not trumps bidding as you claim but the rights of 75 million legal trump voters that are being denied
Those 75m freely exercised their rights.
They lost. That always happens to one side or the
other in an election.

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