Trump thought courts were key to winning. Judges disagreed.

Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for the sorest loser in American history. He is attempting to steal the election like an entitled crybaby Third World dickface.

Fortunately, everyone sees right through him except for the usual mouth breathing rubes.

The sorest losers have been the Progs in many elections. I enjoy when you hurt and kill each other. It is your standard way of living. And your sycophants in the media/entertainers are part and parcel of the deception.

I'm a Never Trumper, fool. Learn the difference.

Just another example of how well informed and sharp these guys are.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:
This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for him - Pity yes, but not sorrow. What he is doing is undermining our democracy.
Putin didn't have to lift a finger this time around.
Pity is a good word. Of course I hate what he's done. But if anything, I think it will cause most people to value our elections even more, now that a losing President tried taking that right away from us.

Your lips to God's ear that this long national nightmare somehow ends up with a silver lining.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for the sorest loser in American history. He is attempting to steal the election like an entitled crybaby Third World dickface.

Fortunately, everyone sees right through him except for the usual mouth breathing rubes.

The sorest losers have been the Progs in many elections. I enjoy when you hurt and kill each other. It is your standard way of living. And your sycophants in the media/entertainers are part and parcel of the deception.

I'm a Never Trumper, fool. Learn the difference.

Is it about Trump and his personality? Or his middle of the road programs that both parties have supported over the years but mysteriously change their views on once empowered.
Liar. They sent the cutters home because their job was completed. No one told the poll watchers to go home.
You are the liar

they pretended to stop counting before they sent observers home

then 5 poll workers pulled out suitcases for votes and started pushing them through the machines
Pity is a good word. Of course I hate what he's done. But if anything, I think it will cause most people to value our elections even more, now that a losing President tried taking that right away from us.
Thats delusional

If dems get away with stealing this election our political dystem is finished and we will become a one-party dictatorship
Liar. They sent the cutters home because their job was completed. No one told the poll watchers to go home.
You are the liar

they pretended to stop counting before they sent observers home

then 5 poll workers pulled out suitcases for votes and started pushing them through the machines
Imbecile, that video was investigated even before Impeached Trump salivated over it...

"The full video has been watched by our investigators, hours of it. When the workers began packing up to go, there were two groups, the cutters and the counters. Cutters opened, stacked and prepared ballots for scanning. Scanners...well, they scanned. All of them heard a supervisor say we are finishing for the night, because the cutters had completed their work. The scanners heard they were “done” and started packing up to leave. During that time the elections director called the absentee supervisor at State Farm to tell him the scanners needed to continue their work. So people had already started to leave or had left...cutters, media, monitors. But the video shows no new boxes of ballots brought out from a table, they were all there when the media and monitors were in the room. The video shows them getting back to work scanning. When the SEB monitor arrives they continue to do the same thing they had been doing all night. When the SOS investigator got there they continued doing the same thing. The report shows they scanned (and this is from memory so it may be off) about 5000 total ballots from 8:30 to 12:30 or so when they stopped. Not a blistering pace. The claim that the monitors were “told” or “instructed” to leave is unfortunately a he said/she said situation. The video has no audio. And let’s remember, everyone knows there is video rolling in there. I’ve been in the’s impossible to miss the multiple cameras. And let’s use common sense...did this team of regular elections workers suddenly become Oceans 11, or were they annoyed with having to work late and just do their jobs." ~ Gabriel Sterling, Georgia election official
Pity is a good word. Of course I hate what he's done. But if anything, I think it will cause most people to value our elections even more, now that a losing President tried taking that right away from us.
Thats delusional

If dems get away with stealing this election our political dystem is finished and we will become a one-party dictatorship
Good, then you should never bother wasting any more time voting in the future. Be sure to spread your message to everyone you know in Georgia.
The claim that the monitors were “told” or “instructed” to leave is unfortunately a he said/she said situation.
Was Gabriel Sterling and the monitors under oath when he/they said that?

if not its meaningless

the witnesses against the democrats signed sworn affidavits
The claim that the monitors were “told” or “instructed” to leave is unfortunately a he said/she said situation.
Was Gabriel Sterling and the monitors under oath when he/they said that?

if not its meaningless

the witnesses against the democrats signed sworn affidavits

Neither Giuliani nor his witnesses were under oath when they presented that video at the Senate sub-committee the other day. So since when is being under oath a requirement to make a statement with you cultists?

And as Mr. Sterling so accurately pointed out, everyone in that room knew they were on camera.
Is it about Trump and his personality? Or his middle of the road programs that both parties have supported over the years but mysteriously change their views on once empowered.
Middle of the road programs. Record deficits? Record spending? Record golfing? Lying 24 times a day? Incompetence?

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Actually, it is Trump trying to use the courts to overrule the will of 82 million voters.
The evidence is difficult to ignore but one or two trump appointed judges and hundreds of democrat judges have found an excuse to do so

georgia for instance where poll workers were unwatched and counting votes in the middle of the night

or the ware county Dominion voting machine switching trump votes over to biden

Difficult to ignore?

Meanwhile nevada’s top court just rejected trumps appeal to overturn the election results.
Trumps “Legal Team “ has been a classic joke of inept lawyers making ridiculous clams

Trumps “Legal Team “ has been a classic joke of inept lawyers making ridiculous clams

Let’s see. In the last month trumps legal team got caught with his hands down his pants in a borat movie, farting in court and sweating his hair coloring out in court.

It’s not looking or smelling good for the trump team.
Neither Giuliani nor his witnesses were under oath when they presented that video at the Senate sub-committee the other day
Giuliani was not a witness

But his witnesses all signed sworn affidavits

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