Trump thought courts were key to winning. Judges disagreed.

The Democrats have disenfranchised the American voters through their mail in ballot scam.

Funny isn't it that the scam was made possible by a virus caused by the Chinese. The country that made the Biden family rich and had the most to lose from a Trump win.
ocrats have disenfranchised the American voters through their mail in ballot scam.

Funny isn't it that the scam was made possible by a virus caused by the Chinese? The country that made Biden rich and had the most to lose from a Trump win.
It's a scam because your Orange Dope said it was a scam months and months before the Election - not because it's actually a scam. You're repeating what you're told, even though his own teams of experts were denying what he was saying was true.

It's time for the Cult to start thinking about maybe themselves being the fucking problem.

If you think over 50 Courts, many with Trump appointed Judges, are all "in" on your Vast conspiracy theory - then you think like a child. Grow the fuck up, take some responsibility, and stop clinging your hopes and dreams and wishes onto a fucking TV Personality. It's pathetic little bitch shit.

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company
....and being ceo doesn't guarantee that everyone puts in an honest days work and cheats the company
The Democrats blatantly stole the election.

Trump warned us of it months in advance. Everybody knew the Democrats were going to scam the mail in ballot process and they did.

Nobody did a damn thing of substance to stop it or to prevent it.

Nobody gives a damn about our Republic. After all even if Biden is an illegitimate President he will still help you out by getting somebody else to pay your health care bills. Life will be good then, huh?
The Democrats blatantly stole the election.

Trump warned us of it months in advance. Everybody knew the Democrats were going to scam the mail in ballot process and they did.

Nobody did a damn thing of substance to stop it or to prevent it.

Nobody gives a damn about our Republic. After all even if Biden is an illegitimate President he will still help you out by getting somebody else to pay your health care bills. Life will be good then, huh?
There was no scam, there there buddy :itsok:
The Democrats blatantly stole the election.

Trump warned us of it months in advance. Everybody knew the Democrats were going to scam the mail in ballot process and they did.

Nobody did a damn thing of substance to stop it or to prevent it.

Nobody gives a damn about our Republic. After all even if Biden is an illegitimate President he will still help you out by getting somebody else to pay your health care bills. Life will be good then, huh?
caught them red handed

there is no doubt that democrats cheated and stole the election

but the courts chose to look the way

this is the end of representative democracy in America and the beginning of the new banana republic
Actually, it is Trump trying to use the courts to overrule the will of 82 million voters.
The evidence is difficult to ignore but one or two trump appointed judges and hundreds of democrat judges have found an excuse to do so

georgia for instance where poll workers were unwatched and counting votes in the middle of the night

or the ware county Dominion voting machine switching trump votes over to biden

Trump has no evidence. If he had evidence, he'd be able to prove it in any one of the dozens of court cases to date, of which, he lost all but one regarding the distance of poll watchers to poll workers.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Being president is not the equivalent to being CEO of a company
Every judge in America has told Trump to STFU. What a great country!
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for the sorest loser in American history. He is attempting to steal the election like an entitled crybaby Third World dickface.

Fortunately, everyone sees right through him except for the usual mouth breathing rubes.
The American voters bitch slapped the fat slug in record numbers. But that wasn't enough for him. Now he is offering his jowls to every judge in America so they can bitch slap him, too.

It will be Congress's turn to bitch slap him next.

Priceless! :lol:

Karma is a BITCH!
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for him - Pity yes, but not sorrow. What he is doing is undermining our democracy.
Putin didn't have to lift a finger this time around.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for the sorest loser in American history. He is attempting to steal the election like an entitled crybaby Third World dickface.

Fortunately, everyone sees right through him except for the usual mouth breathing rubes.

The sorest losers have been the Progs in many elections. I enjoy when you hurt and kill each other. It is your standard way of living. And your sycophants in the media/entertainers are part and parcel of the deception.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for the sorest loser in American history. He is attempting to steal the election like an entitled crybaby Third World dickface.

Fortunately, everyone sees right through him except for the usual mouth breathing rubes.

The sorest losers have been the Progs in many elections. I enjoy when you hurt and kill each other. It is your standard way of living. And your sycophants in the media/entertainers are part and parcel of the deception.

I'm a Never Trumper, fool. Learn the difference.
Donald has been very busy on the Twit Machine this morning.
And Twitter was forced to hire a full time fact checker. :cool:

This poor bastard is getting PATHETIC now.
Texas is "the big one" now? Took all of two seconds for the PA case to stop beIng the only one that counts.

I'm going to start feeling sorry for this guy. Utter desperation.

Don't feel sorry for him - Pity yes, but not sorrow. What he is doing is undermining our democracy.
Putin didn't have to lift a finger this time around.

Pity is a good word. Of course I hate what he's done. But if anything, I think it will cause most people to value our elections even more, now that a losing President tried taking that right away from us.

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