Trump thrashes Clinton at Memorial Dinner

LMAO! That was funny!
He behaved very very badly. The things he said were completely inappropriate and he was booed by the audience for saying them.

This is not someone who should be the leader of the free world. He is a disgusting pig. And, btw, another woman has come out with a sexual assault allegation against him.

He is scum, absolute scum. He has no dignity, no character and has dragged this campaign year, campaigning against Republicans and Mrs. Clinton, through the mud. He's disgusting. Beneath contempt.

He has ridiculed the handicapped and women. He has said abominable things about Hispanics and called for the families of Muslims to be attacked. He has bragged in disgusting language about assaulting women. He has traitorously kissed Putin's ass.

He's not worthy of any public service position, much less president.


You are obviously one of the deplorables. How sad for you.

Proud deplorable! You are obviously one of the morons with their head up their ass that couldn't care less what that evil bitch says or does.
Ya, Trump did so well another top Republic dropped any support for Trump and said he would not vote for Trump. Michael Steele said he was almost puking listening to Trump during the debate and mentioned Trump's racism as on of the reasons. Steele is African-American
Yawn....its "news" another neocohen won't vote for Trump. YAWN. Good riddance! You morons think having every corrupt and evil piece of shit vote for you because they have a D beside their name is a good thing. I DON'T WANT THESE PEOPLES ENDORSEMENTS!
It is comical how the dopeyest of the Trump dopes minimalize the impact of Republican leader after Republican leader denounces him and vows not to vote for him and act like it is irrelavant. Elections are about getting votes. Everytime one of those leaders announces they are rejecting Trump they take a number of votes away from Trump. In the case of Steele, numbers of Republican voters who respect his opinion will back away from supporting and voting for Trump. Perhaps it is one of the reasons Clinton is being given an over 90% chance of winning the election.
Trump never seems to pass on an opportunity to make an ass of himself....
And his followers love that about him...And want him to do more of it.
Ya, Trump did so well another top Republic dropped any support for Trump and said he would not vote for Trump. Michael Steele said he was almost puking listening to Trump during the debate and mentioned Trump's racism as on of the reasons. Steele is African-American
Yawn....its "news" another neocohen won't vote for Trump. YAWN. Good riddance! You morons think having every corrupt and evil piece of shit vote for you because they have a D beside their name is a good thing. I DON'T WANT THESE PEOPLES ENDORSEMENTS!
It is comical how the dopeyest of the Trump dopes minimalize the impact of Republican leader after Republican leader denounces him and vows not to vote for him and act like it is irrelavant. Elections are about getting votes. Everytime one of those leaders announces they are rejecting Trump they take a number of votes away from Trump. In the case of Steele, numbers of Republican voters who respect his opinion will back away from supporting and voting for Trump. Perhaps it is one of the reasons Clinton is being given an over 90% chance of winning the election.
To me it is IRRELEVANT. I DON'T WANT THEIR ENDORSEMENTS! They are EXACTLY what is wrong with America. Clinton is one of them nothing but a war mongering neo con. PERIOD. The very fact they don't like Trump tells me I picked the right candidate! If they liked him that tells me that he is JUST LIKE THEM and I fucking HATE Bush even 8 years after he left office...I think he belongs in prison beside Obama and Clinton!
Trump never seems to pass on an opportunity to make an ass of himself....
And his followers love that about him...And want him to do more of it.
Yep! Because we want a REAL PERSON not a robot. We want someone that speaks like a normal every day red blooded American. Not an elitist snobbish bitch like Clinton.

LMAO! That was funny!
He behaved very very badly. The things he said were completely inappropriate and he was booed by the audience for saying them.

This is not someone who should be the leader of the free world. He is a disgusting pig. And, btw, another woman has come out with a sexual assault allegation against him.

He is scum, absolute scum. He has no dignity, no character and has dragged this campaign year, campaigning against Republicans and Mrs. Clinton, through the mud. He's disgusting. Beneath contempt.

He has ridiculed the handicapped and women. He has said abominable things about Hispanics and called for the families of Muslims to be attacked. He has bragged in disgusting language about assaulting women. He has traitorously kissed Putin's ass.

He's not worthy of any public service position, much less president.


You are obviously one of the deplorables. How sad for you.

Proud deplorable! You are obviously one of the morons with their head up their ass that couldn't care less what that evil bitch says or does.

Unfortunatly for you, Trump and his supporters have failed to show that Clinton is anything like the foul names you call her. You guys are just talking to each other and presenting yourselves as mean spririted, low class losers who rely on hatred fueled by conspriracy theories, lies and misinformation.
Trump never seems to pass on an opportunity to make an ass of himself....
And his followers love that about him...And want him to do more of it.
Yep! Because we want a REAL PERSON not a robot. We want someone that speaks like a normal every day red blooded American. Not an elitist snobbish bitch like Clinton.
A megalomaniac with the vocabulary of an 8th grade bully?

LMAO! That was funny!
He behaved very very badly. The things he said were completely inappropriate and he was booed by the audience for saying them.

This is not someone who should be the leader of the free world. He is a disgusting pig. And, btw, another woman has come out with a sexual assault allegation against him.

He is scum, absolute scum. He has no dignity, no character and has dragged this campaign year, campaigning against Republicans and Mrs. Clinton, through the mud. He's disgusting. Beneath contempt.

He has ridiculed the handicapped and women. He has said abominable things about Hispanics and called for the families of Muslims to be attacked. He has bragged in disgusting language about assaulting women. He has traitorously kissed Putin's ass.

He's not worthy of any public service position, much less president.


You are obviously one of the deplorables. How sad for you.

Proud deplorable! You are obviously one of the morons with their head up their ass that couldn't care less what that evil bitch says or does.

Unfortunatly for you, Trump and his supporters have failed to show that Clinton is anything like the foul names you call her. You guys are just talking to each other and presenting yourselves as mean spririted, low class losers who rely on hatred fueled by conspriracy theories, lies and misinformation.


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