Trump threatens more tariffs on the American People

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
You idiot. Rational people have been trying to explain economics to you lefty morons for ages. You want government in everything to provide everything but someone has to pay for that. Duh.

the grander objective would be the free market idealists vs. that of gub'mit regulatory capitalism

therein lies a world of dif.

but i do find it ironic that the rabid right, who were so bent on globalization and trickle down economics 40 odd years later are realizing it doesn't work , and now want to blame China instead of their own short sighted misled GREED

Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
If you understood how tariffs work, you wouldn’t say that. But, you’re a moron, so, here we are. Go drink bleach, traitor
You know nothing about commercial invoicing
I know that companies who “pay” tariffs on their goods pass the additional cost on to consumers.
You know that? How? It doesn’t raise the cost of our product
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
If you understood how tariffs work, you wouldn’t say that. But, you’re a moron, so, here we are. Go drink bleach, traitor
You know nothing about commercial invoicing
I know that companies who “pay” tariffs on their goods pass the additional cost on to consumers.
You know that? How?
It’s common fucking sense dude. You think that companies just eat the additional cost and don’t up their prices? :laughing0301:

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
You idiot. Rational people have been trying to explain economics to you lefty morons for ages. You want government in everything to provide everything but someone has to pay for that. Duh.

the grander objective would be the free market idealists vs. that of gub'mit regulatory capitalism

therein lies a world of dif.

but i do find it ironic that the rabid right, who were so bent on globalization and trickle down economics 40 odd years later are realizing it doesn't work , and now want to blame China instead of their own short sighted misled GREED

China has nothing to do with trickle down. Just the opposite. Their labor is slave labor and people exist for the regime. Trickle up.
Lift a liberal's left foot.

Take off the Jesus sandal.

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