Trump threatens more tariffs on the American People

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

Do you think we should still be this dependent on China after the way they covered up the ferocity of this virus?
Do you think we should still be this dependent on Trump after the way he covered up the ferocity of this virus?

FEB 24
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock market starting to look very good to me”
Donald Trump

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Tariffs have hurt china more than the US

since china has blown up the world economy now is the perfect time to disengage and reduce our dependency on chinese manufacturing
You may be correct- but you ran away quickly from the point that these tariffs have hurt the United States- and are paid by Americans. They are a tax on Americans.

Certainly we can 'disengage'- you know with government mandating to American businesses what they can do. Or we can just raise the taxes on Americans again to hurt the Chinese some more.

Or- we could focus more on recovering the economy and less on how to get vengeance on the Chinese.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

There should be more tariffs on China. Move our factories back here, or at the very least to non-communist friendly countries not trying to destroy our economy.
So you want to tax Americans more so factories move back here?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
Man it must really piss you off that the filters don't let you say the N word here at USMB.

American importers pay the tariffs aka taxes on imports into the United States. Whether that importer is Ford or Walmart, its an American importer- so those are direct taxes on American businesses. In some cases those taxes are paid by American individuals who order items directly- but ultimately they are always paid for by Americans- they are just a tax on Americans.
Yes, though to answer your question, you cannot imagine how much it angers me not to be able to say it. I am so stressed out, I ran 20 read lights in respite. But I've contacted the mods about the word and all they do is respond back calling me the N word! That aint right dude I don't care who you is. If I create a partition here on this drive so i can use the best word ever, will you sign it? Please? Bad sectors not withstanding, maybe we can prevail! Can you help, for

since china has blown up the world economy

sorry no

the Trump administration locked the American worker down

have the f*ckin' courtesy to place blame where it belongs

No he didn't liar, state governors did. Why do you think protesters are after that bitch in Michigan instead of Trump?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Tariffs have hurt china more than the US

since china has blown up the world economy now is the perfect time to disengage and reduce our dependency on chinese manufacturing
And, that's what Impeached Trump wants you to think,
Why not, since its the truth?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Tariffs have hurt china more than the US

since china has blown up the world economy now is the perfect time to disengage and reduce our dependency on chinese manufacturing
You may be correct- but you ran away quickly from the point that these tariffs have hurt the United States- and are paid by Americans. They are a tax on Americans.

Certainly we can 'disengage'- you know with government mandating to American businesses what they can do. Or we can just raise the taxes on Americans again to hurt the Chinese some more.

Or- we could focus more on recovering the economy and less on how to get vengeance on the Chinese.
I did not run away from anything

tariffs do raise prices in the short run

which seems inconsequential compared to the insane response of shutting down the economy and putting millions of Americans at the edge of poverty

but tariffs also keep more American dollars on America instead of china

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

There should be more tariffs on China. Move our factories back here, or at the very least to non-communist friendly countries not trying to destroy our economy.
So you think taxing imports will create jobs here then......?


In the long run of course it does. Why do you think China, the EU, and virtually every other nation on the planet use them?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

There should be more tariffs on China. Move our factories back here, or at the very least to non-communist friendly countries not trying to destroy our economy.
So you want to tax Americans more so factories move back here?

Yes, if they buy Chinese made goods.
So China caused this pandemic lied about it downplayed it tried to cover it up and the left is upset at Trump for considering taking this action against them. Basically it seems the left is willing to give China a free pass on all of this if not and you oppose tariffs please till us what action to take against China that you would find acceptable if any.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Depending on shipment custom documents, they will. It’s obvious you don’t know custom fees commercial invoices

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
You idiot. Rational people have been trying to explain economics to you lefty morons for ages. You want government in everything to provide everything but someone has to pay for that. Duh.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
You idiot. Rational people have been trying to explain economics to you lefty morons for ages. You want government in everything to provide everything but someone has to pay for that. Duh.

the grander objective would be the free market idealists vs. that of gub'mit regulatory capitalism

therein lies a world of dif.

but i do find it ironic that the rabid right, who were so bent on globalization and trickle down economics 40 odd years later are realizing it doesn't work , and now want to blame China instead of their own short sighted misled GREED


Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
it worked last time, keep doing them!

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

Do you think we should still be this dependent on China after the way they covered up the ferocity of this virus?
Of course he does.
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
If you understood how tariffs work, you wouldn’t say that. But, you’re a moron, so, here we are. Go drink bleach, traitor
You know nothing about commercial invoicing
I know that companies who “pay” tariffs on their goods pass the additional cost on to consumers.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
You are a major reason we did not have the medical supplies to combat this virus. Lets get it from China.

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