Trump threatens more tariffs on the American People

Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
If you understood how tariffs work, you wouldn’t say that. But, you’re a moron, so, here we are. Go drink bleach, traitor
The title says one thing you lying skank and link says another!
Aww don’t hang yourself :( You have so much hate to live for

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

Yep, the pool lil Rancor Baby needs another distraction from his COVID Dithering and Incompetence.
This is why he latches onto conspiracy theories from quacks and disregards his own intel.

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Why didn't you let Joe sniff my head ? I'M FUGLY !!!
I had no idea. Later on we can set it up.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
China will not pay the tariffs, but they will pay for them. This is not just in the US, but many other affected developed countries.

China must, and will, be held accountable. What they do to their own people, they cannot do to the rest of the world.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

There should be more tariffs on China. Move our factories back here, or at the very least to non-communist friendly countries not trying to destroy our economy.
So you think taxing imports will create jobs here then......?

China will not pay the tariffs, but they will pay for them
tariffs are a tax on imports to AMERICANS, not China

China must, and will, be held accountable.

for what? our own globalist greed selling out all American manufacturing and outsourcing to cheap labor?

how are they at fault?

I guess you have to have a grasp of the nuances of prepositions in the English language to understand.

Anyway, you sound like something out of a 60s radical group with your political views. It comes off as pretty funny today. The world has moved on.
  • Funny
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Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
We could punish the Chinese by exiling Trump to China.

so you just go ahead blaming whatever or whoever your f*ckin fascist pig potus tells you to meat dude

oh and he's gonna get your guns too meat dude

f*ck due process

and yeah, that's Trump


Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

Yep, the pool lil Rancor Baby needs another distraction from his COVID Dithering and Incompetence.
This is why he latches onto conspiracy theories from quacks and disregards his own intel.

Is there ever some humor around there? That's not funny.
This prompts me to ask some questions now:

What do you think of Richard Pryor in Stir Crazy?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
Read the article, num nuts! He is doing it to you!!!
But not you, amirite?

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

When you buy American you don't pay tarrifs.

When you buy Chinese you support The Communist Party. But since that's where your trolling payments come from, yeah, it makes sense that you give to your masters that which they have give you. It's almost Biblical! Oh, wait, you have no idea what that means.
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
If you understood how tariffs work, you wouldn’t say that. But, you’re a moron, so, here we are. Go drink bleach, traitor
Do tell, jeenius.
How do tariffs work, exactly?
You don’t really think that companies don’t pass the cost of tariffs on to you? :laughing0301:

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Okay I have two points.

You are correct- the American people pay the tariffs/taxes on imports from China and everywhere else.

But the article you cite really has no evidence to support Trump threatening more tariffs- certainly it is a concern- such a move would certainly hamper our economic recovery- but trying to be fair about this- your article was really just an opinion piece about people speculating- not really news.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!
Hold on there shill, your title says he's doing it to Americans but your link says he's doing it to the chinks. Which is it liar?
Man it must really piss you off that the filters don't let you say the N word here at USMB.

American importers pay the tariffs aka taxes on imports into the United States. Whether that importer is Ford or Walmart, its an American importer- so those are direct taxes on American businesses. In some cases those taxes are paid by American individuals who order items directly- but ultimately they are always paid for by Americans- they are just a tax on Americans.

Get ready for whatever stimulus money Trump gave you to go to pay additional tariffs. But don't worry, Trump will claim that it's actually China that will pay the tariffs, and Trumpanzees will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Do a little research; try a news source other than Faux News and you will learn that it is we, the American citizens, who actually pay for Trump's tariffs. No wonder his poll numbers are in the dumper. He is unfit to be President! Bigly!!!

Dems 2020: We <3 ChiComs and the CCP!
Republicans 2020: We are raising taxes on Americans to show the Chinese we mean business!

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