Trump Threatens to Close Border Next Week

Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
They are not coming through point of entry. Only commerce is driving through check points. Caravans are jumping fences and turning themselves in so the can be housed fed given medical and released. Border should already be secured and then concentrate on check points
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Then why are illegal aliens costing this country billions each year for anchor babies tax breaks medical education subsidized housing drugs gangs crimes and incarcerations? Because they are low wage earners. And because business are addicted to cheap foreign labor instead of a fair wages for Americans. Democrats in bed with corporations

As much as I'd like to believe the propaganda you do, I know better. Every non-partisan study says that when it comes to costs, the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out of it.

Our real problem is that the American people don't want to work. Having had jobs available and offering them year in and year out, I know, for a fact, that most Americans simply don't want the jobs. Mothers have mollycoddled their boys to the point that the majority of them can be found living at home in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet; America consumes 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; For every drug addict in a rehab facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prison. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread. The average 25 year old white male has tattoos, body piercings, no high school education, no driver's license, very little work experience and dresses like a homeless man. They don't shave, bathe, or read on a regular basis so they are ignoramuses that reek of alcohol, cigarettes, and B.O. These guys are generally out of shape and have no work ethic. Finding something they can do is a challenge in itself.

It's easier to sit on your ass, receive food money on a debit card from Uncle Scam, live off mommy's paycheck, smoke weed and play on the Internet all day than to look for a job. Let me put it into perspective for you:

I've argued with people about this situation for over 15 years on the Internet on many different boards. In all that time, NOBODY associated with a discussion board has ever shown up when I had jobs available. In those 15 + years NOBODY has shown up and said they heard about me from someone who posts on a discussion board. I did find a guy who is doing jobs for me at $25 an hour cash. He's a White American, but he's 68 and retired. Even then, he wasn't someone I found on the Internet. He just wants small jobs to supplement his Socialist Security.

I know you'll get mad, boil, stew, get hot under the collar, turn red, blow a cork, hit the roof and raise the ceiling, but this is an alternative view for you to think about:

There is a lady living to me just next door. She has a teen age son whose basic exercise is walking the dog a couple of times per day. Outside of that, he plays on the computer - video games and social media. He watches tv. The Hispanic kid from across the street mows my next door neighbor's lawn. This is the typical situation in America.

I cannot hire people who are not willing to work. I cannot pay people a surgeon's wages for skill sets that take them six months or less to learn. My brother's wife is a registered nurse. She went to college for four years. She makes $35 an hour. Handymen in my area make $25 to $30 an hour doing odd jobs they can learn in under a year. Problem is, nobody wants to do the work. Nobody is taking food from your table. Foreigners pay taxes, buy goods, use services and create opportunities. If Americans weren't in prison, drug rehab centers, using drugs, or living off Uncle Scam and mommy, AND then acquiring a record that society will never them live past (due to idiotic "background checks" for every little thing) they could be working the jobs. You simply need both sides of the story.
Desperate times require desperate measures.

I got married a few years ago to a woman who had two sons by a previous marriage. I was not aware that both of them were typical Americans.

One son, in his late 20s came with us under the pretext of getting an education and a job. After four months of watching that silly POS leave the house with cut off jeans, wrinkled t shirts, rarely (if ever) shaven, Doc Marten boots (yes, with cut off jeans) and a weirdo hair style - shaven on the sides with a thin spiked Mohawk thing going on in the middle, One Friday I told him that he was going to get up on Monday morning and be clean shaven with a decent hair cut, some casual clothes that you would expect a job applicant to wear. I told him he would leave the house in the morning when I did and not come back until after 5 and that he WOULD look for a job.

Instead, his mother decides to "invite" him to go to a movie with her. But, the car had a flat and by the time they got a tow truck to come out and change tires, they missed the movie. That asshat went berserk beating holes in my walls once they got home. The good news, he packed his rags and went out to live in the woods. My wife went out and got a job in order to pay rent for him as he had lived in a tent for six months with her doing his laundry, hauling his lazy ass around, etc. But, in six months he's effed that up and they want him out by the end of the month.

A desperate measure would be to criminalize my wife's actions and all the mothers like her. Desperate measures would be to take this scumbag's $650 a month debit card the government graciously gives him and FORCE him to go out an get a job. Desperate measures would be for Uncle Scam to tell him that he MUST go to school and get a GED if he wants government to keep helping him.

OR you could keep blaming foreigners who are doing the same thing you'd do if you were in their position.
Desperate times require desperate measures.

I got married a few years ago to a woman who had two sons by a previous marriage. I was not aware that both of them were typical Americans.

One son, in his late 20s came with us under the pretext of getting an education and a job. After four months of watching that silly POS leave the house with cut off jeans, wrinkled t shirts, rarely (if ever) shaven, Doc Marten boots (yes, with cut off jeans) and a weirdo hair style - shaven on the sides with a thin spiked Mohawk thing going on in the middle, One Friday I told him that he was going to get up on Monday morning and be clean shaven with a decent hair cut, some casual clothes that you would expect a job applicant to wear. I told him he would leave the house in the morning when I did and not come back until after 5 and that he WOULD look for a job.

Instead, his mother decides to "invite" him to go to a movie with her. But, the car had a flat and by the time they got a tow truck to come out and change tires, they missed the movie. That asshat went berserk beating holes in my walls once they got home. The good news, he packed his rags and went out to live in the woods. My wife went out and got a job in order to pay rent for him as he had lived in a tent for six months with her doing his laundry, hauling his lazy ass around, etc. But, in six months he's effed that up and they want him out by the end of the month.

A desperate measure would be to criminalize my wife's actions and all the mothers like her. Desperate measures would be to take this scumbag's $650 a month debit card the government graciously gives him and FORCE him to go out an get a job. Desperate measures would be for Uncle Scam to tell him that he MUST go to school and get a GED if he wants government to keep helping him.

OR you could keep blaming foreigners who are doing the same thing you'd do if you were in their position.
Americans have been in their positions many times and we did not tuck tail and invade another country. We fought. . Punk ass little bitches have got the message from democrats open borders that if they come we will take care of them. We have the same problems here that they claim to be running from. And they are bringing with them their problems because they are part of the problem. In early years of South and Central America the had men and women revolutionist who fought back against corruption for all the people and not themselves.your boss are not typical because I know none like them. But maybe on the reservation they get government handout with no incentives. I never lived on the Red and never taken government handouts. Close the rez and stop Gov handouts. Blame your liberal wife.
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Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
Yes. It would cost Mexico economically much more than them paying for the wall or just securing the southern border and help securing our border. But we know the cartels own Mexico and they need open borders to move their drugs. Close the border and we will get help from democrats but don't count on any help from Mexico. Cartel don't care about Mexicans.
Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
We have tried open borders and amnesties and we know that do not work. Securing the border by any measures. Instread of trying to fix the middle east who was not a threat because Mexicans kill more Americans than middle east terrorist we should have invaded Mexico
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
Yes. It would cost Mexico economically much more than them paying for the wall or just securing the southern border and help securing our border. But we know the cartels own Mexico and they need open borders to move their drugs. Close the border and we will get help from democrats but don't count on any help from Mexico. Cartel don't care about Mexicans.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Then why are illegal aliens costing this country billions each year for anchor babies tax breaks medical education subsidized housing drugs gangs crimes and incarcerations? Because they are low wage earners. And because business are addicted to cheap foreign labor instead of a fair wages for Americans. Democrats in bed with corporations

As much as I'd like to believe the propaganda you do, I know better. Every non-partisan study says that when it comes to costs, the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out of it.

Our real problem is that the American people don't want to work. Having had jobs available and offering them year in and year out, I know, for a fact, that most Americans simply don't want the jobs. Mothers have mollycoddled their boys to the point that the majority of them can be found living at home in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet; America consumes 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; For every drug addict in a rehab facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prison. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread. The average 25 year old white male has tattoos, body piercings, no high school education, no driver's license, very little work experience and dresses like a homeless man. They don't shave, bathe, or read on a regular basis so they are ignoramuses that reek of alcohol, cigarettes, and B.O. These guys are generally out of shape and have no work ethic. Finding something they can do is a challenge in itself.

It's easier to sit on your ass, receive food money on a debit card from Uncle Scam, live off mommy's paycheck, smoke weed and play on the Internet all day than to look for a job. Let me put it into perspective for you:

I've argued with people about this situation for over 15 years on the Internet on many different boards. In all that time, NOBODY associated with a discussion board has ever shown up when I had jobs available. In those 15 + years NOBODY has shown up and said they heard about me from someone who posts on a discussion board. I did find a guy who is doing jobs for me at $25 an hour cash. He's a White American, but he's 68 and retired. Even then, he wasn't someone I found on the Internet. He just wants small jobs to supplement his Socialist Security.

I know you'll get mad, boil, stew, get hot under the collar, turn red, blow a cork, hit the roof and raise the ceiling, but this is an alternative view for you to think about:

There is a lady living to me just next door. She has a teen age son whose basic exercise is walking the dog a couple of times per day. Outside of that, he plays on the computer - video games and social media. He watches tv. The Hispanic kid from across the street mows my next door neighbor's lawn. This is the typical situation in America.

I cannot hire people who are not willing to work. I cannot pay people a surgeon's wages for skill sets that take them six months or less to learn. My brother's wife is a registered nurse. She went to college for four years. She makes $35 an hour. Handymen in my area make $25 to $30 an hour doing odd jobs they can learn in under a year. Problem is, nobody wants to do the work. Nobody is taking food from your table. Foreigners pay taxes, buy goods, use services and create opportunities. If Americans weren't in prison, drug rehab centers, using drugs, or living off Uncle Scam and mommy, AND then acquiring a record that society will never them live past (due to idiotic "background checks" for every little thing) they could be working the jobs. You simply need both sides of the story.
I wouldn't work for you, either, Porter. You can't stop finding fault with the people around you and judge everyone based on your highly limited experience of what an "average 25 year old American" is.
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
We have tried open borders and amnesties and we know that do not work. Securing the border by any measures. Instread of trying to fix the middle east who was not a threat because Mexicans kill more Americans than middle east terrorist we should have invaded Mexico
We don't have "open borders." Obviously, if we did, Border Patrol would not be intercepting 4,000 a day. Streamlining and perhaps changing some of the rules would be helpful to them. I don't understand why they can't just revise the statute so that people who enter the country illegally cannot request asylum.
Desperate times require desperate measures.

I got married a few years ago to a woman who had two sons by a previous marriage. I was not aware that both of them were typical Americans.

One son, in his late 20s came with us under the pretext of getting an education and a job. After four months of watching that silly POS leave the house with cut off jeans, wrinkled t shirts, rarely (if ever) shaven, Doc Marten boots (yes, with cut off jeans) and a weirdo hair style - shaven on the sides with a thin spiked Mohawk thing going on in the middle, One Friday I told him that he was going to get up on Monday morning and be clean shaven with a decent hair cut, some casual clothes that you would expect a job applicant to wear. I told him he would leave the house in the morning when I did and not come back until after 5 and that he WOULD look for a job.

Instead, his mother decides to "invite" him to go to a movie with her. But, the car had a flat and by the time they got a tow truck to come out and change tires, they missed the movie. That asshat went berserk beating holes in my walls once they got home. The good news, he packed his rags and went out to live in the woods. My wife went out and got a job in order to pay rent for him as he had lived in a tent for six months with her doing his laundry, hauling his lazy ass around, etc. But, in six months he's effed that up and they want him out by the end of the month.

A desperate measure would be to criminalize my wife's actions and all the mothers like her. Desperate measures would be to take this scumbag's $650 a month debit card the government graciously gives him and FORCE him to go out an get a job. Desperate measures would be for Uncle Scam to tell him that he MUST go to school and get a GED if he wants government to keep helping him.

OR you could keep blaming foreigners who are doing the same thing you'd do if you were in their position.
Americans have been in their positions many times and we did not tuck tail and invade another country. We fought. . Punk ass little bitches have got the message from democrats open borders that if they come we will take care of them. We have the same problems here that they claim to be running from. And they are bringing with them their problems because they are part of the problem. In early years of South and Central America the had men and women revolutionist who fought back against corruption for all the people and not themselves.your boss are not typical because I know none like them. But maybe on the reservation they get government handout with no incentives. I never lived on the Red and never taken government handouts. Close the rez and stop Gov handouts. Blame your liberal wife.

You know, I would agree that no matter how long my wife has been a registered Republican, she is a social liberal. But, I can rest assured that what I've been describing for you is not an anomaly. ALL of the White families in this county that I know (and I know a LOT of people here) have relatives that are exactly as I described. BTW, this is the second fastest growing county in the United States with just over a million people living in it at the current time.

YOU have people in your family that live off the government. The pretext is that you work and pay taxes so if your relatives are living off the system, they're entitled.

Okay, I won't dispute that. Under current laws, undocumented foreigners qualify for very little in the way of government handouts. So, once you factor that in plus the $12 BILLION DOLLARS they pay into Socialist Security where they can never draw a dime out in retirement, the books begin to balance themselves out. But, all of that aside, the nation does not operate without people working.

Americans cannot work with this generation of over-protective mothers that refuse to allow their children to grow up. We cannot maintain a nation that treats their drug use like a religion. We cannot grow when we have more people in prisons than any nation on the planet. Americans cannot go back to work when unnecessary "background checks" prevent many an American from getting beyond their past - and sometimes that is little more than a youthful indiscretion like smoking pot.

Now, I don't know if you're trying to be a smart ass toward me, but I don't live on a reservation. And, I hate to tell this to you (though you have my personal promise that the United States Supreme Court ultimately will), but Trump cannot shut down the border nor sustain a wall on the pretexts he is working off of. The politicians can blow smoke up your hind quarters all day long, but you're working the wrong side of the equation. If we don't reform our own people, the foreigners will pour in here. There will be life after Trump. WHEN the pendulum swings back left, God help us all.
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
Yes. It would cost Mexico economically much more than them paying for the wall or just securing the southern border and help securing our border. But we know the cartels own Mexico and they need open borders to move their drugs. Close the border and we will get help from democrats but don't count on any help from Mexico. Cartel don't care about Mexicans.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Then why are illegal aliens costing this country billions each year for anchor babies tax breaks medical education subsidized housing drugs gangs crimes and incarcerations? Because they are low wage earners. And because business are addicted to cheap foreign labor instead of a fair wages for Americans. Democrats in bed with corporations

As much as I'd like to believe the propaganda you do, I know better. Every non-partisan study says that when it comes to costs, the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out of it.

Our real problem is that the American people don't want to work. Having had jobs available and offering them year in and year out, I know, for a fact, that most Americans simply don't want the jobs. Mothers have mollycoddled their boys to the point that the majority of them can be found living at home in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet; America consumes 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; For every drug addict in a rehab facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prison. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread. The average 25 year old white male has tattoos, body piercings, no high school education, no driver's license, very little work experience and dresses like a homeless man. They don't shave, bathe, or read on a regular basis so they are ignoramuses that reek of alcohol, cigarettes, and B.O. These guys are generally out of shape and have no work ethic. Finding something they can do is a challenge in itself.

It's easier to sit on your ass, receive food money on a debit card from Uncle Scam, live off mommy's paycheck, smoke weed and play on the Internet all day than to look for a job. Let me put it into perspective for you:

I've argued with people about this situation for over 15 years on the Internet on many different boards. In all that time, NOBODY associated with a discussion board has ever shown up when I had jobs available. In those 15 + years NOBODY has shown up and said they heard about me from someone who posts on a discussion board. I did find a guy who is doing jobs for me at $25 an hour cash. He's a White American, but he's 68 and retired. Even then, he wasn't someone I found on the Internet. He just wants small jobs to supplement his Socialist Security.

I know you'll get mad, boil, stew, get hot under the collar, turn red, blow a cork, hit the roof and raise the ceiling, but this is an alternative view for you to think about:

There is a lady living to me just next door. She has a teen age son whose basic exercise is walking the dog a couple of times per day. Outside of that, he plays on the computer - video games and social media. He watches tv. The Hispanic kid from across the street mows my next door neighbor's lawn. This is the typical situation in America.

I cannot hire people who are not willing to work. I cannot pay people a surgeon's wages for skill sets that take them six months or less to learn. My brother's wife is a registered nurse. She went to college for four years. She makes $35 an hour. Handymen in my area make $25 to $30 an hour doing odd jobs they can learn in under a year. Problem is, nobody wants to do the work. Nobody is taking food from your table. Foreigners pay taxes, buy goods, use services and create opportunities. If Americans weren't in prison, drug rehab centers, using drugs, or living off Uncle Scam and mommy, AND then acquiring a record that society will never them live past (due to idiotic "background checks" for every little thing) they could be working the jobs. You simply need both sides of the story.
I wouldn't work for you, either, Porter. You can't stop finding fault with the people around you and judge everyone based on your highly limited experience of what an "average 25 year old American" is.

Limited experience? Judging people? You have to be freaking joking.

I was a Justice of the Peace before the state eliminated those positions for magistrates. Then I worked in the legal field for many years. Then I became a minister and my work is unlike what preachers normally do.

My entire day is spent helping people get on their feet. My limited experience means that I deal with over a dozen families per week. It sends me into drug rehab centers to counsel people, dealing with people's probation officers, and trying to help people get back on their feet. Yeah, that's real limited experience when you do it seven days a week. With only three and half plus decades of experience, you're probably right. I'm willing to bet your experience is much more extensive than mine.

I also have to work with the Georgia Dept. of Labor. They have classes on how to dress for a job interview and what is expected. So, yeah, I'm judging people on their appearances too. Wear the wrong clothes, go too far on makeup, tattoos, body piercings, and / or go to a job interview smelling like an ashtray and it will affect the outcome of the interview. BTW, did you notice I'm the one bitching about people like you - that support National ID and endless background checks - checks for things that might amount to nothing more than a youthful indiscretion... crap that those over 40 did in their life and the cops back then just told people to quit doing and go home. Yeah, you're probably right. I need to have help wanted signs out for another 15 years, interview at least 8 to 10,000 more people for jobs; counsel another couple thousand people before I can claim any relevant experience.
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
We have tried open borders and amnesties and we know that do not work. Securing the border by any measures. Instread of trying to fix the middle east who was not a threat because Mexicans kill more Americans than middle east terrorist we should have invaded Mexico
We don't have "open borders." Obviously, if we did, Border Patrol would not be intercepting 4,000 a day. Streamlining and perhaps changing some of the rules would be helpful to them. I don't understand why they can't just revise the statute so that people who enter the country illegally cannot request asylum.

Because neither political side will vote it. It will have to be demanded by the Americans with "no" rejected as an option. Laws will also need to be changed to prevent illegals from doing business, securing housing or owning property, or obtaining licenses or any services.
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?
I assumed thats what was meant.
I saw on tv some high up border patrol agent said 6000 detained is considered a crisis. at the time he was speaking, they had 13500.. crazy..
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
We have tried open borders and amnesties and we know that do not work. Securing the border by any measures. Instread of trying to fix the middle east who was not a threat because Mexicans kill more Americans than middle east terrorist we should have invaded Mexico

Got any stats to back that up or are you just blowing smoke out your arse?
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
We have tried open borders and amnesties and we know that do not work. Securing the border by any measures. Instread of trying to fix the middle east who was not a threat because Mexicans kill more Americans than middle east terrorist we should have invaded Mexico
We don't have "open borders." Obviously, if we did, Border Patrol would not be intercepting 4,000 a day. Streamlining and perhaps changing some of the rules would be helpful to them. I don't understand why they can't just revise the statute so that people who enter the country illegally cannot request asylum.

Because neither political side will vote it. It will have to be demanded by the Americans with "no" rejected as an option. Laws will also need to be changed to prevent illegals from doing business, securing housing or owning property, or obtaining licenses or any services.

In other words, you want the ultimate POLICE STATE - the Orwellian nightmare. Right?
Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?

Turn on the No Vacancies sign and turn off the lights...

The better route would be to put Americans to work. Then if there are any jobs left over, the foreigners are welcome to them.

Dream all you like, but long after you and I are returned to the dust from whence we came, there will be foreigners coming here. Putting America back to work and trying to develop a culture in this country would do more to regulate foreigners from coming here than a fifty foot wall around the entire U.S. and all our military personnel manning it.
I agree they're in deep shit down there. The articles I've read said the numbers are almost as high as a decade ago. That would have been around 2008, that there were even more.
What Trump needs to do is figure out what is causing this; apparently Bush or Obama managed to get it under control somehow. The tap needs to be turned off at the source. And of course, as you've said before, we need to focus on prosecuting the employers on this side of the border who hire illegals.

There is apparently panic south of us; whether they are afraid the Wall will get built before they can sneak over, or things are happening at home that make the risks worth it, I don't know. That is for the administration to figure out. I don't see how threatening Mexico like this is going to solve our problem.
It is because of Bush Clinton and Obama did not do that is causing this national emergency on the border.
Do you feel better now that you've blamed someone else? There, now can we address my point?

Do you think closing the border with Mexico will help?
Yes. It would cost Mexico economically much more than them paying for the wall or just securing the southern border and help securing our border. But we know the cartels own Mexico and they need open borders to move their drugs. Close the border and we will get help from democrats but don't count on any help from Mexico. Cartel don't care about Mexicans.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Then why are illegal aliens costing this country billions each year for anchor babies tax breaks medical education subsidized housing drugs gangs crimes and incarcerations? Because they are low wage earners. And because business are addicted to cheap foreign labor instead of a fair wages for Americans. Democrats in bed with corporations

As much as I'd like to believe the propaganda you do, I know better. Every non-partisan study says that when it comes to costs, the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out of it.

Our real problem is that the American people don't want to work. Having had jobs available and offering them year in and year out, I know, for a fact, that most Americans simply don't want the jobs. Mothers have mollycoddled their boys to the point that the majority of them can be found living at home in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet; America consumes 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; For every drug addict in a rehab facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prison. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread. The average 25 year old white male has tattoos, body piercings, no high school education, no driver's license, very little work experience and dresses like a homeless man. They don't shave, bathe, or read on a regular basis so they are ignoramuses that reek of alcohol, cigarettes, and B.O. These guys are generally out of shape and have no work ethic. Finding something they can do is a challenge in itself.

It's easier to sit on your ass, receive food money on a debit card from Uncle Scam, live off mommy's paycheck, smoke weed and play on the Internet all day than to look for a job. Let me put it into perspective for you:

I've argued with people about this situation for over 15 years on the Internet on many different boards. In all that time, NOBODY associated with a discussion board has ever shown up when I had jobs available. In those 15 + years NOBODY has shown up and said they heard about me from someone who posts on a discussion board. I did find a guy who is doing jobs for me at $25 an hour cash. He's a White American, but he's 68 and retired. Even then, he wasn't someone I found on the Internet. He just wants small jobs to supplement his Socialist Security.

I know you'll get mad, boil, stew, get hot under the collar, turn red, blow a cork, hit the roof and raise the ceiling, but this is an alternative view for you to think about:

There is a lady living to me just next door. She has a teen age son whose basic exercise is walking the dog a couple of times per day. Outside of that, he plays on the computer - video games and social media. He watches tv. The Hispanic kid from across the street mows my next door neighbor's lawn. This is the typical situation in America.

I cannot hire people who are not willing to work. I cannot pay people a surgeon's wages for skill sets that take them six months or less to learn. My brother's wife is a registered nurse. She went to college for four years. She makes $35 an hour. Handymen in my area make $25 to $30 an hour doing odd jobs they can learn in under a year. Problem is, nobody wants to do the work. Nobody is taking food from your table. Foreigners pay taxes, buy goods, use services and create opportunities. If Americans weren't in prison, drug rehab centers, using drugs, or living off Uncle Scam and mommy, AND then acquiring a record that society will never them live past (due to idiotic "background checks" for every little thing) they could be working the jobs. You simply need both sides of the story.
I wouldn't work for you, either, Porter. You can't stop finding fault with the people around you and judge everyone based on your highly limited experience of what an "average 25 year old American" is.

Limited experience? Judging people? You have to be freaking joking.

I was a Justice of the Peace before the state eliminated those positions for magistrates. Then I worked in the legal field for many years. Then I became a minister and my work is unlike what preachers normally do.

My entire day is spent helping people get on their feet. My limited experience means that I deal with over a dozen families per week. It sends me into drug rehab centers to counsel people, dealing with people's probation officers, and trying to help people get back on their feet. Yeah, that's real limited experience when you do it seven days a week. With only three and half plus decades of experience, you're probably right. I'm willing to bet your experience is much more extensive than mine.

I also have to work with the Georgia Dept. of Labor. They have classes on how to dress for a job interview and what is expected. So, yeah, I'm judging people on their appearances too. Wear the wrong clothes, go too far on makeup, tattoos, body piercings, and / or go to a job interview smelling like an ashtray and it will affect the outcome of the interview. BTW, did you notice I'm the one bitching about people like you - that support National ID and endless background checks - checks for things that might amount to nothing more than a youthful indiscretion... crap that those over 40 did in their life and the cops back then just told people to quit doing and go home. Yeah, you're probably right. I need to have help wanted signs out for another 15 years, interview at least 8 to 10,000 more people for jobs; counsel another couple thousand people before I can claim any relevant experience.
You're burnt out, Porter. After nine years of working with families where at least 70% had either an alcohol or drug addiction involved, I understand. But it's time to go when all you can feel for them is frustration and contempt.
You only see the folks with huge problems and challenges. It is not the "average" American is my only point.
Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?

Turn on the No Vacancies sign and turn off the lights...
With no details provided, I can only say it sounds too simplistic. Like the wall.
Sounds like a plan
But a senior administration official undermined the president's threat, saying the Department of Homeland Security has no plans to close the border next week.

How do you shut down a border that long, anyway? Just close the customs stations?

Turn on the No Vacancies sign and turn off the lights...

The better route would be to put Americans to work. Then if there are any jobs left over, the foreigners are welcome to them.

Dream all you like, but long after you and I are returned to the dust from whence we came, there will be foreigners coming here. Putting America back to work and trying to develop a culture in this country would do more to regulate foreigners from coming here than a fifty foot wall around the entire U.S. and all our military personnel manning it.

I am guessing you do not know that I think the wall idea is stupid and in fact we agree.

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