Trump Threatens to Close Border Next Week

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit

You're just a dumb ass. Many professions pay above average wages and Americans won't work the jobs. What you want, plain and simple is called socialism. Fair wage.
Expecting wages to keep up with inflation is not socialism.

Controlling wages is socialism. Jobs pay what they're worth. If a nurse with a four year college degree makes $35 an hour, then no job out there requiring only one year of on the job training is worth $25 an hour. Americans simply don't want to work. You'd rather sit on your ass, argue with me, and expect others to believe you got a degree in economics from Harvard when, in reality, you're sitting on your ass in mommy's house, pecking a keyboard, and living off Uncle Scam.
Too many low paying jobs require experience or college degrees.

Free Enterprise = find a need and fill it. Friend of mine had been in law practice for 12 years. One week-end he needed a plumber asap. After he got the bill, he sold his law practice and bought a plumbing company and had the people he hired to teach him plumbing.

You don't even have to get a high school diploma to become a licensed plumber and they make as much as attorneys.
Mexico have offered these migrants work visas and they refuse because they believe we will give them more. They can work in US companies that have moved to Mexico.
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We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.
And no place to hold them for processing because democrats want the hold up in the Hilton they are released never to her seen again.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
Seal the damn border. Nothing in the Constitution says we have to let them in.
Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause; only lousy capitalists or good national socialists lose money on border policy, whine about taxes and blame the Poor.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.
And no place to hold them for processing because democrats want the hold up in the Hilton they are released never to her seen again.
We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure.
Maybe we should just annex Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador as territories to the US and install a government that could teach those people how to live. Lets face it, their current governments are obviously incapable of self governance. They're far too greedy and corrupt.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us?

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us?

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
Dude your a party of one. Keep pointing out others failures and problems with no solutions to be had other than ones that would never be passed in this congress.
Migrants are being released from over crowed camps on their own or to families which is Chain Migration which have to stop. We have nothing but to open the doors and let them in. We are letting all of them in anyway so Trump isn't doing anything different than have not been done all alone just on a larger scale. I don't think this can be fixed at this point.
Migrants are being released from over crowed camps on their own or to families which is Chain Migration which have to stop. We have nothing but to open the doors and let them in. We are letting all of them in anyway so Trump isn't doing anything different than have not been done all alone just on a larger scale. I don't think this can be fixed at this point.
Yes it can, seal the border with Mexico until Mexico solves it's immigration problem.
Migrants are being released from over crowed camps on their own or to families which is Chain Migration which have to stop. We have nothing but to open the doors and let them in. We are letting all of them in anyway so Trump isn't doing anything different than have not been done all alone just on a larger scale. I don't think this can be fixed at this point.
Yes it can, seal the border with Mexico until Mexico solves it's immigration problem.
We have no immigration clause in our Constitution; why does the right wing believe we have an immigration problem?
Migrants are being released from over crowed camps on their own or to families which is Chain Migration which have to stop. We have nothing but to open the doors and let them in. We are letting all of them in anyway so Trump isn't doing anything different than have not been done all alone just on a larger scale. I don't think this can be fixed at this point.
Yes it can, seal the border with Mexico until Mexico solves it's immigration problem.
We have no immigration clause in our Constitution; why does the right wing believe we have an immigration problem?
We can't afford more beggars in this country.
Migrants are being released from over crowed camps on their own or to families which is Chain Migration which have to stop. We have nothing but to open the doors and let them in. We are letting all of them in anyway so Trump isn't doing anything different than have not been done all alone just on a larger scale. I don't think this can be fixed at this point.
Yes it can, seal the border with Mexico until Mexico solves it's immigration problem.
We have no immigration clause in our Constitution; why does the right wing believe we have an immigration problem?
We can't afford more beggars in this country.
only lousy capitalist say that. don't know how make money instead of lose money, right wingers?
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us?

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
Dude your a party of one. Keep pointing out others failures and problems with no solutions to be had other than ones that would never be passed in this congress.

Funny thing that you brought that up. If you watched 60 Minutes tonight you would have seen a solution... and if you asked my college friends from the 1980s along with the state legislators in my district, you might notice that I was more than a quarter of a century ahead of the curve. If it weren't for the touchy feely stuff, what is being done was something I dreamed up and lobbied for starting in 1985 or thereabouts. The episode will appear on this link:

60 Minutes (Official Site) Watch on CBS All Access

Part of a solution to drug use and recidivism in prisons involved making inmates EARN their early release. For example, getting a GED could lower the sentence of an inmate by 25 percent. Drug counselling would lower their sentences by another 10 percent. The plan is over thirty pages so don't even attempt to judge it. You don't know enough about it.

Needless to say, it won't be happening in Georgia any time soon. The legislators pat you on the head, thinking only THEY have a solution, the proceed to worry about "Hate Crimes" legislation (already being handled at the federal level), reparations for Blacks to pacify Stacey Abrams, changing the names of buildings from people we no longer think about to those we won't give a shit about a generation from now.

But, don't think I don't have solutions - solutions presented to LEOs, psychologists, psychiatrists, prison officials, legislative aides, etc., etc. who, in the early stages pointed out things that needed to be refined, but now grudgingly admit would work. I may lack the funding and the organization, but at the local level, the people I've helped who acted on what I said were and are successful. So, I will keep pointing out the problems and any time someone wants the REAL no bullshit solutions, I've worked on them almost daily for close to four decades (when I was a freaking kid.)

The issue with foreigners is only a symptom of a bigger underlying issue. Through Hegelian Dialectics, the globalists have sold you pie in the sky solutions (if you think regression is a solution) and the end game is to take away your Rights, make it impossible to resist tyranny, and the bottom line will not change. If you think that three Jews and six Catholics sitting on the United States Supreme Court will allow you to halt incoming foreigners, do mass deportations, and split up families, you would have to be the dumbest person alive.

But, some of you will not study what those nine people believe and think about the issue. The politicians are merely making sure the final decision falls into the hands of unelected judges and the United States Supreme Court who will help you create the POLICE STATE, eviscerate your unalienable Rights, and let you have the socialistic democracy both sides of the political aisle really want. And when it's over the foreigners will still be here and the politicians will throw their hands up in the air and proclaim they did all they could do.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us? We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming to our country. Half the people in the world would love to come here so we should only be taking the best, based on how much we need what they can bring to the table. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that allowed, if not encouraged, these refugee and illegal immigrant invasions.

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming into our country. Hell, half the people in the world would love to come here so there is a big talent pool. That's why we should only be admitting the best and brightest. That means highly educated, first and foremost, due to the changing nature of our future employment needs. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that Democrats and neocons have created to promote these refugee and illegal alien invasions. The last thing we need, especially in light of the fact that we are 22 trillion in debt, is to add millions of uneducated, dirt poor liabilities to our country. We should also adopt a strict everify system and apply it to all employment, voting and government assistance. We need the wall, not because it's the be all end all, but because it imposes a degree of control over people who obviously don't respect our laws. We also need a better visa tracking system. But one of our biggest obstacles is that the vested interests, the establishment, have bought off the Democratic party, the neocons and the media and education cartels. As a result, trying to have a meaningful conversation with those bigots will never get you anywhere but vilified in the next news cycle or campus gathering. There, my friend, I briefly explained it to you, not that I think you'll listen.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us? We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming to our country. Half the people in the world would love to come here so we should only be taking the best, based on how much we need what they can bring to the table. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that allowed, if not encouraged, these refugee and illegal immigrant invasions.

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming into our country. Hell, half the people in the world would love to come here so there is a big talent pool. That's why we should only be admitting the best and brightest. That means highly educated, first and foremost, due to the changing nature of our future employment needs. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that Democrats and neocons have created to promote these refugee and illegal alien invasions. The last thing we need, especially in light of the fact that we are 22 trillion in debt, is to add millions of uneducated, dirt poor liabilities to our country. We should also adopt a strict everify system and apply it to all employment, voting and government assistance. We need the wall, not because it's the be all end all, but because it imposes a degree of control over people who obviously don't respect our laws. We also need a better visa tracking system. But one of our biggest obstacles is that the vested interests, the establishment, have bought off the Democratic party, the neocons and the media and education cartels. As a result, trying to have a meaningful conversation with those bigots will never get you anywhere but vilified in the next news cycle or campus gathering. There, my friend, I briefly explained it to you, not that I think you'll listen.

For all your ranting, you are promoting the very same, exact socialist solutions that the Democrats proposed in the 1980s and 1990s.

Much of what you propose is complete and utter nonsense. Again, I ask, how in the Hell are you going to screen people when the governments you will be relying on will LIE to you?

Insofar as our 22 Trillion Dollar debt, that is YOUR fault. YOUR silly ass proposals caused much of that debt. The debt don't have squat to do with foreigners. It is dumbasses in America passing Orwellian infringements on privacy that, in turn, created a pretext for maintaining the 16th Amendment (which was illegally ratified.) News flash: BEFORE the wallists started the wall worship thing, the patriot movement, for lack of a more descriptive adjective, were poised to force America to seriously take a look at the income tax and get rid of it (you know the Republicans did pass that into law and the income tax mirrors a plank from the Communist Manifesto.

Today, you have really really dumb ass people thinking we can reserve spots for "only the brightest..." You mean like Nidal Hasan's family??? Or how about Omar Mateen's family? You're so screwed up that YOU will never understand - NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO BECOME A CITIZEN IN ORDER TO COME HERE, DO BUSINESS, AND ENGAGE IN OTHERWISE LAWFUL ACTIVITIES.

Put Americans back to work, REPEAL all that background check, National ID, womb to the tomb monitoring bullshit, quite handing out citizenship like it's candy. Right now, I'm counting TWELVE current federal legislators who came from foreign countries. ALL of them are Democrats. Is THAT your idea of the world's brightest? Hell, they're taking over "legally" as the wallist morons slang is used.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Yeah, let's give America over to the third world. Now THAT sounds like a plan. NOT.
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us? We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming to our country. Half the people in the world would love to come here so we should only be taking the best, based on how much we need what they can bring to the table. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that allowed, if not encouraged, these refugee and illegal immigrant invasions.

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming into our country. Hell, half the people in the world would love to come here so there is a big talent pool. That's why we should only be admitting the best and brightest. That means highly educated, first and foremost, due to the changing nature of our future employment needs. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that Democrats and neocons have created to promote these refugee and illegal alien invasions. The last thing we need, especially in light of the fact that we are 22 trillion in debt, is to add millions of uneducated, dirt poor liabilities to our country. We should also adopt a strict everify system and apply it to all employment, voting and government assistance. We need the wall, not because it's the be all end all, but because it imposes a degree of control over people who obviously don't respect our laws. We also need a better visa tracking system. But one of our biggest obstacles is that the vested interests, the establishment, have bought off the Democratic party, the neocons and the media and education cartels. As a result, trying to have a meaningful conversation with those bigots will never get you anywhere but vilified in the next news cycle or campus gathering. There, my friend, I briefly explained it to you, not that I think you'll listen.

For all your ranting, you are promoting the very same, exact socialist solutions that the Democrats proposed in the 1980s and 1990s.

Much of what you propose is complete and utter nonsense. Again, I ask, how in the Hell are you going to screen people when the governments you will be relying on will LIE to you?

Insofar as our 22 Trillion Dollar debt, that is YOUR fault. YOUR silly ass proposals caused much of that debt. The debt don't have squat to do with foreigners. It is dumbasses in America passing Orwellian infringements on privacy that, in turn, created a pretext for maintaining the 16th Amendment (which was illegally ratified.) News flash: BEFORE the wallists started the wall worship thing, the patriot movement, for lack of a more descriptive adjective, were poised to force America to seriously take a look at the income tax and get rid of it (you know the Republicans did pass that into law and the income tax mirrors a plank from the Communist Manifesto.

Today, you have really really dumb ass people thinking we can reserve spots for "only the brightest..." You mean like Nidal Hasan's family??? Or how about Omar Mateen's family? You're so screwed up that YOU will never understand - NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO BECOME A CITIZEN IN ORDER TO COME HERE, DO BUSINESS, AND ENGAGE IN OTHERWISE LAWFUL ACTIVITIES.

Put Americans back to work, REPEAL all that background check, National ID, womb to the tomb monitoring bullshit, quite handing out citizenship like it's candy. Right now, I'm counting TWELVE current federal legislators who came from foreign countries. ALL of them are Democrats. Is THAT your idea of the world's brightest? Hell, they're taking over "legally" as the wallist morons slang is used.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Yeah, let's give America over to the third world. Now THAT sounds like a plan. NOT.
In order to do what you want you'd have to repeal the 14th amendment. What is your realistic method of accomplishing that?
We have no idea who are in these caravans. There could be Taliban, MS13, drug cartel operatives, teen aged prostitutes, gang members or even Chinese and Russian operatives. Chances are, there is an assortment of all those categories. We also understand that Democrats are in favor of letting each and every one of them in here regardless. The main problem is that most Democratic constituents are monkey see monkey do followers of anything their leaders tell them. So when the invaders are actually favored by Democrats over their country and President, It leaves Trump no alternative but to shut down the border. He'll have everyone's attention when these caravans end up stranded in all of Mexico's border towns. Viva Trump.

If I agreed with your assessment, we'd both be wrong; however, I do have some things you might be able to help me out with.

Muslims have declared war on us whether we believe it or not; agree or not. The Mexican government has printed comic books in the past showing their citizenry how to avoid immigration officials. On and on I could go.

So, no matter what you propose, do you not agree you STILL would not really know who is coming in? If a country is willing to teach its citizenry how to avoid contact with immigration officials during an improper entry attempt, do you think they are going to tell you who the good guys and bad guys are?

Same question for those countries that have declared war against us? We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming to our country. Half the people in the world would love to come here so we should only be taking the best, based on how much we need what they can bring to the table. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that allowed, if not encouraged, these refugee and illegal immigrant invasions.

It's bad enough that the globalists are in violation of the Constitution by upholding Trump's tyrannical actions, but you have failed to tell me what good it does to presume people guilty, then ask a liar to tell you whether that foreigner is a good or a bad one. Can you explain without insults or flaming?
We will never totally control our border or our immigration system, so the best we can hope for is a better system that will allow us to screen who we grant the great privilege of coming into our country. Hell, half the people in the world would love to come here so there is a big talent pool. That's why we should only be admitting the best and brightest. That means highly educated, first and foremost, due to the changing nature of our future employment needs. So how do we achieve that? First of all, we need congress to close the loopholes that Democrats and neocons have created to promote these refugee and illegal alien invasions. The last thing we need, especially in light of the fact that we are 22 trillion in debt, is to add millions of uneducated, dirt poor liabilities to our country. We should also adopt a strict everify system and apply it to all employment, voting and government assistance. We need the wall, not because it's the be all end all, but because it imposes a degree of control over people who obviously don't respect our laws. We also need a better visa tracking system. But one of our biggest obstacles is that the vested interests, the establishment, have bought off the Democratic party, the neocons and the media and education cartels. As a result, trying to have a meaningful conversation with those bigots will never get you anywhere but vilified in the next news cycle or campus gathering. There, my friend, I briefly explained it to you, not that I think you'll listen.
We need to stop all immigration, legal and illegal, because our natural resources and environment can no longer sustain us. No one is thinking about the long term effect of over population.
The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people
Immigration and migration in America: social impact and social response. Dail PW. The author discusses various social problems resulting from migration to and within the United States, including poverty, acculturation, education, housing, employment,social adjustment, and family difficulties.
Environmental issues in the United States include climate change, energy, species conservation, invasive species, deforestation, mining, nuclear accidents, pesticides, pollution, waste and over-population. Despite taking hundreds of measures, the rate of environmental issues is increasing rapidly instead of reducing.
The social consequences of immigration will turn us into south and central countries and all their problem. These people are bringing a mindset of social culture and it will change america not for the best.
FDA's new import tool kit will have a huge impact on food safety given that an estimated 15 percent of the U.S. food supply is imported, including 50 percent of fresh fruits, 20 percent of fresh vegetables and 80 percent of seafood.
In the United States, imported foods increase as Americans consume more products And the farm land is being contaminated with herbicides and pesticides depleting farm land and land fills with garbage..chemical leaking. Save the country and save Americans. Stop all immigration.
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