Trump Threatens to Close Border Next Week

Back on topic. Close the southern border.
By any means necessary and stop aid and the fall out we can handle and we will survive. We have been through worse. Keep America great by Americans for Americans first. We have nothing to lose compared to what we will lose and our children and grand children with open borders. Am e Rica is broken so let's fix America first. Homeless families and Vets unemployed. Jobs have been created but they are low wage jobs that do not get people off welfare. Majority on food stamps are working.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
We don't have "open borders." Obviously, if we did, Border Patrol would not be intercepting 4,000 a day. Streamlining and perhaps changing some of the rules would be helpful to them. I don't understand why they can't just revise the statute so that people who enter the country illegally cannot request asylum.

Because neither political side will vote it. It will have to be demanded by the Americans with "no" rejected as an option. Laws will also need to be changed to prevent illegals from doing business, securing housing or owning property, or obtaining licenses or any services.

In other words, you want the ultimate POLICE STATE - the Orwellian nightmare. Right?

Wrong, and thick to boot. That's the Democrats' goal, not mine. Note that nothing I suggested included citizens or authorized visitors.

What I want is for illegals to stay home and take care of their own problems on their own soil, not bring those problems here and expect Americans to cover them.

Most "illegals" as you ignorantly call them are coming here because your American counterparts invite them here.
You mean democrats and the businesses that are in bed with them.

You're the very kind of dumbass that has NO legitimacy at all. Fuck you and horse you rode in on. I've voted for ONE Democrat since I started voting (when Reagan went into office.) The candidate I voted for was running for PSC. Compare that to at least 500 Republicans I've voted for in my lifetime. That don't include the ones whose campaigns I managed, donated to, and / or endorsed.
I wouldn't work for you, either, Porter. You can't stop finding fault with the people around you and judge everyone based on your highly limited experience of what an "average 25 year old American" is.

Limited experience? Judging people? You have to be freaking joking.

I was a Justice of the Peace before the state eliminated those positions for magistrates. Then I worked in the legal field for many years. Then I became a minister and my work is unlike what preachers normally do.

My entire day is spent helping people get on their feet. My limited experience means that I deal with over a dozen families per week. It sends me into drug rehab centers to counsel people, dealing with people's probation officers, and trying to help people get back on their feet. Yeah, that's real limited experience when you do it seven days a week. With only three and half plus decades of experience, you're probably right. I'm willing to bet your experience is much more extensive than mine.

I also have to work with the Georgia Dept. of Labor. They have classes on how to dress for a job interview and what is expected. So, yeah, I'm judging people on their appearances too. Wear the wrong clothes, go too far on makeup, tattoos, body piercings, and / or go to a job interview smelling like an ashtray and it will affect the outcome of the interview. BTW, did you notice I'm the one bitching about people like you - that support National ID and endless background checks - checks for things that might amount to nothing more than a youthful indiscretion... crap that those over 40 did in their life and the cops back then just told people to quit doing and go home. Yeah, you're probably right. I need to have help wanted signs out for another 15 years, interview at least 8 to 10,000 more people for jobs; counsel another couple thousand people before I can claim any relevant experience.
You're burnt out, Porter. After nine years of working with families where at least 70% had either an alcohol or drug addiction involved, I understand. But it's time to go when all you can feel for them is frustration and contempt.
You only see the folks with huge problems and challenges. It is not the "average" American is my only point.

Quite the optimist you are! I'm looking for the exception. That is why I just graduated back in September with a degree in Christian Education. I plan on teaching, but you are oblivious to reality.

NOBODY on this board can tell you honestly that they do not know of an American who is not living off Uncle Scam, on drugs, unemployed, or living off relatives - and / or some combination thereof.

I know no such person or persons. But then, I don't hang in those social circles.

Sure you don't. You're perfect and so is everyone you know.

That halo must get awfully tight some days. With over 36,000 posts on this board you know more dysfunctional people than Dr. Phil. But, if you want to believe in a delusion, who am I to tell you that you can't?
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit
Limited experience? Judging people? You have to be freaking joking.

I was a Justice of the Peace before the state eliminated those positions for magistrates. Then I worked in the legal field for many years. Then I became a minister and my work is unlike what preachers normally do.

My entire day is spent helping people get on their feet. My limited experience means that I deal with over a dozen families per week. It sends me into drug rehab centers to counsel people, dealing with people's probation officers, and trying to help people get back on their feet. Yeah, that's real limited experience when you do it seven days a week. With only three and half plus decades of experience, you're probably right. I'm willing to bet your experience is much more extensive than mine.

I also have to work with the Georgia Dept. of Labor. They have classes on how to dress for a job interview and what is expected. So, yeah, I'm judging people on their appearances too. Wear the wrong clothes, go too far on makeup, tattoos, body piercings, and / or go to a job interview smelling like an ashtray and it will affect the outcome of the interview. BTW, did you notice I'm the one bitching about people like you - that support National ID and endless background checks - checks for things that might amount to nothing more than a youthful indiscretion... crap that those over 40 did in their life and the cops back then just told people to quit doing and go home. Yeah, you're probably right. I need to have help wanted signs out for another 15 years, interview at least 8 to 10,000 more people for jobs; counsel another couple thousand people before I can claim any relevant experience.
You're burnt out, Porter. After nine years of working with families where at least 70% had either an alcohol or drug addiction involved, I understand. But it's time to go when all you can feel for them is frustration and contempt.
You only see the folks with huge problems and challenges. It is not the "average" American is my only point.

Quite the optimist you are! I'm looking for the exception. That is why I just graduated back in September with a degree in Christian Education. I plan on teaching, but you are oblivious to reality.

NOBODY on this board can tell you honestly that they do not know of an American who is not living off Uncle Scam, on drugs, unemployed, or living off relatives - and / or some combination thereof.

I know no such person or persons. But then, I don't hang in those social circles.

Sure you don't. You're perfect and so is everyone you know.

That halo must get awfully tight some days. With over 36,000 posts on this board you know more dysfunctional people than Dr. Phil. But, if you want to believe in a delusion, who am I to tell you that you can't?
Arguing with yourself are we?
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

I was working earlier and did not have time to school you on your post. May I? According to the article:

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday."

I want everyone to note what the OP is about and what this article was supposed to imply. NOWHERE in this description do you see terminology like "illegal" or undocumented (the correct terminology.) So, some of those studying the gospel according to Trump should take note. The article states:

"About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households..."

Right away we're seeing that this article is NOT about undocumented workers at all. Undocumented foreigners do NOT qualify for those kinds of benefits:

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

The above link states:

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."

Let's consider the facts:

"How much do legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs?
Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens. As recently as 2013, the rate at which non-citizens have used public benefit programs was less than that of U.S.-born citizens. For example, 32.5 percent of native-born citizen adults receive SNAP benefits compared to 25.4 percent of naturalized citizen adults and 29 percent of noncitizen adults. In addition to immigrants’ lower rate of SNAP usage, they also receive lower benefit values, costing the program less.

How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Back to Oddball's link. It states:

"Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation

That brings me back to my own points that I've shared here. A CNN article states:

"The federal government operates at least 69 programs that provide assistance deliberately and exclusively to poor and lower-income people. The benefits include cash, food, housing, medical care and social services.

Yet when poverty expert Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, examined these anti-poverty programs, he found that only two, the earned income tax credit and the additional child refundable credit, require recipients to actually work for their benefits.

...Meanwhile, although spending on welfare has been cut in half since it was reformed in 1996, other federal spending on programs, such as food stamps, has soared year after year and decade after decade. Simply put, spending on social welfare programs has exploded.

...Under a culture of dependency, poverty becomes a trap, and recipients get stuck. Long-term welfare recipients lose work habits and job skills and miss out on the marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. That's a key reason the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can

Why the U.S. has a culture of dependency - CNN

Here is the bottom line:

Americans are becoming welfare dependent. I work in that field and understand it. I see it as do ALL of you. Foreigners fill the void left by generational welfarites. Oddball's article was about immigrants (without regard to their status with BICE.) At any rate, all non-partisan studies conclude that undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out; their children become more productive than their native counterparts; foreigners end up with jobs and Americans are content to live off Uncle Scam. That is OUR fault as Americans.

We have a problem of our own making and we don't need the government to solve what we are allowing to happen. I'm committed to acknowledging the problem and humiliating my own countrymen into doing something about our part in the status quo. Take ownership, take responsibility, act to put Americans back to work.
Illegals give birth to American citizens who receive governmental benefits and the check/money goes to their illegal parents.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

I was working earlier and did not have time to school you on your post. May I? According to the article:

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday."

I want everyone to note what the OP is about and what this article was supposed to imply. NOWHERE in this description do you see terminology like "illegal" or undocumented (the correct terminology.) So, some of those studying the gospel according to Trump should take note. The article states:

"About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households..."

Right away we're seeing that this article is NOT about undocumented workers at all. Undocumented foreigners do NOT qualify for those kinds of benefits:

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

The above link states:

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."

Let's consider the facts:

"How much do legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs?
Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens. As recently as 2013, the rate at which non-citizens have used public benefit programs was less than that of U.S.-born citizens. For example, 32.5 percent of native-born citizen adults receive SNAP benefits compared to 25.4 percent of naturalized citizen adults and 29 percent of noncitizen adults. In addition to immigrants’ lower rate of SNAP usage, they also receive lower benefit values, costing the program less.

How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Back to Oddball's link. It states:

"Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation

That brings me back to my own points that I've shared here. A CNN article states:

"The federal government operates at least 69 programs that provide assistance deliberately and exclusively to poor and lower-income people. The benefits include cash, food, housing, medical care and social services.

Yet when poverty expert Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, examined these anti-poverty programs, he found that only two, the earned income tax credit and the additional child refundable credit, require recipients to actually work for their benefits.

...Meanwhile, although spending on welfare has been cut in half since it was reformed in 1996, other federal spending on programs, such as food stamps, has soared year after year and decade after decade. Simply put, spending on social welfare programs has exploded.

...Under a culture of dependency, poverty becomes a trap, and recipients get stuck. Long-term welfare recipients lose work habits and job skills and miss out on the marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. That's a key reason the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can

Why the U.S. has a culture of dependency - CNN

Here is the bottom line:

Americans are becoming welfare dependent. I work in that field and understand it. I see it as do ALL of you. Foreigners fill the void left by generational welfarites. Oddball's article was about immigrants (without regard to their status with BICE.) At any rate, all non-partisan studies conclude that undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out; their children become more productive than their native counterparts; foreigners end up with jobs and Americans are content to live off Uncle Scam. That is OUR fault as Americans.

We have a problem of our own making and we don't need the government to solve what we are allowing to happen. I'm committed to acknowledging the problem and humiliating my own countrymen into doing something about our part in the status quo. Take ownership, take responsibility, act to put Americans back to work.
Sell this shit to someone who do not know legal from illegal and do not know that illegal are often called immigrants being afraid to called it what is is. Call a spade a spade.
I'd rather he shut down the welfare state....Then any and all immigrants coming here would have to pull their own weight.

Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

I was working earlier and did not have time to school you on your post. May I? According to the article:

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday."

I want everyone to note what the OP is about and what this article was supposed to imply. NOWHERE in this description do you see terminology like "illegal" or undocumented (the correct terminology.) So, some of those studying the gospel according to Trump should take note. The article states:

"About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households..."

Right away we're seeing that this article is NOT about undocumented workers at all. Undocumented foreigners do NOT qualify for those kinds of benefits:

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

The above link states:

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."

Let's consider the facts:

"How much do legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs?
Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens. As recently as 2013, the rate at which non-citizens have used public benefit programs was less than that of U.S.-born citizens. For example, 32.5 percent of native-born citizen adults receive SNAP benefits compared to 25.4 percent of naturalized citizen adults and 29 percent of noncitizen adults. In addition to immigrants’ lower rate of SNAP usage, they also receive lower benefit values, costing the program less.

How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Back to Oddball's link. It states:

"Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation

That brings me back to my own points that I've shared here. A CNN article states:

"The federal government operates at least 69 programs that provide assistance deliberately and exclusively to poor and lower-income people. The benefits include cash, food, housing, medical care and social services.

Yet when poverty expert Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, examined these anti-poverty programs, he found that only two, the earned income tax credit and the additional child refundable credit, require recipients to actually work for their benefits.

...Meanwhile, although spending on welfare has been cut in half since it was reformed in 1996, other federal spending on programs, such as food stamps, has soared year after year and decade after decade. Simply put, spending on social welfare programs has exploded.

...Under a culture of dependency, poverty becomes a trap, and recipients get stuck. Long-term welfare recipients lose work habits and job skills and miss out on the marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. That's a key reason the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can

Why the U.S. has a culture of dependency - CNN

Here is the bottom line:

Americans are becoming welfare dependent. I work in that field and understand it. I see it as do ALL of you. Foreigners fill the void left by generational welfarites. Oddball's article was about immigrants (without regard to their status with BICE.) At any rate, all non-partisan studies conclude that undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out; their children become more productive than their native counterparts; foreigners end up with jobs and Americans are content to live off Uncle Scam. That is OUR fault as Americans.

We have a problem of our own making and we don't need the government to solve what we are allowing to happen. I'm committed to acknowledging the problem and humiliating my own countrymen into doing something about our part in the status quo. Take ownership, take responsibility, act to put Americans back to work.
You quote from CNN and National Immigration Forum fact sheet? Left wing open border supporters? I am an old woman but not an old fool.
Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit

You're just a dumb ass. Many professions pay above average wages and Americans won't work the jobs. What you want, plain and simple is called socialism. Fair wage.
You're burnt out, Porter. After nine years of working with families where at least 70% had either an alcohol or drug addiction involved, I understand. But it's time to go when all you can feel for them is frustration and contempt.
You only see the folks with huge problems and challenges. It is not the "average" American is my only point.

Quite the optimist you are! I'm looking for the exception. That is why I just graduated back in September with a degree in Christian Education. I plan on teaching, but you are oblivious to reality.

NOBODY on this board can tell you honestly that they do not know of an American who is not living off Uncle Scam, on drugs, unemployed, or living off relatives - and / or some combination thereof.

I know no such person or persons. But then, I don't hang in those social circles.

Sure you don't. You're perfect and so is everyone you know.

That halo must get awfully tight some days. With over 36,000 posts on this board you know more dysfunctional people than Dr. Phil. But, if you want to believe in a delusion, who am I to tell you that you can't?
Arguing with yourself are we?

We paleface? You aren't funny in that sense - maybe in the other, however.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit

You're just a dumb ass. Many professions pay above average wages and Americans won't work the jobs. What you want, plain and simple is called socialism. Fair wage.
Expecting wages to keep up with inflation is not socialism.
Illegals give birth to American citizens who receive governmental benefits and the check/money goes to their illegal parents.

The money is for the "legal citizen" people like YOU helped create and sustain by not figuring out that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified.

It's the Trump supporters and the Democrats that want to acknowledge that travesty of justice to remain in force.
Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

I was working earlier and did not have time to school you on your post. May I? According to the article:

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday."

I want everyone to note what the OP is about and what this article was supposed to imply. NOWHERE in this description do you see terminology like "illegal" or undocumented (the correct terminology.) So, some of those studying the gospel according to Trump should take note. The article states:

"About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households..."

Right away we're seeing that this article is NOT about undocumented workers at all. Undocumented foreigners do NOT qualify for those kinds of benefits:

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

The above link states:

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."

Let's consider the facts:

"How much do legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs?
Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens. As recently as 2013, the rate at which non-citizens have used public benefit programs was less than that of U.S.-born citizens. For example, 32.5 percent of native-born citizen adults receive SNAP benefits compared to 25.4 percent of naturalized citizen adults and 29 percent of noncitizen adults. In addition to immigrants’ lower rate of SNAP usage, they also receive lower benefit values, costing the program less.

How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Back to Oddball's link. It states:

"Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation

That brings me back to my own points that I've shared here. A CNN article states:

"The federal government operates at least 69 programs that provide assistance deliberately and exclusively to poor and lower-income people. The benefits include cash, food, housing, medical care and social services.

Yet when poverty expert Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, examined these anti-poverty programs, he found that only two, the earned income tax credit and the additional child refundable credit, require recipients to actually work for their benefits.

...Meanwhile, although spending on welfare has been cut in half since it was reformed in 1996, other federal spending on programs, such as food stamps, has soared year after year and decade after decade. Simply put, spending on social welfare programs has exploded.

...Under a culture of dependency, poverty becomes a trap, and recipients get stuck. Long-term welfare recipients lose work habits and job skills and miss out on the marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. That's a key reason the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can

Why the U.S. has a culture of dependency - CNN

Here is the bottom line:

Americans are becoming welfare dependent. I work in that field and understand it. I see it as do ALL of you. Foreigners fill the void left by generational welfarites. Oddball's article was about immigrants (without regard to their status with BICE.) At any rate, all non-partisan studies conclude that undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out; their children become more productive than their native counterparts; foreigners end up with jobs and Americans are content to live off Uncle Scam. That is OUR fault as Americans.

We have a problem of our own making and we don't need the government to solve what we are allowing to happen. I'm committed to acknowledging the problem and humiliating my own countrymen into doing something about our part in the status quo. Take ownership, take responsibility, act to put Americans back to work.
Sell this shit to someone who do not know legal from illegal and do not know that illegal are often called immigrants being afraid to called it what is is. Call a spade a spade.

You're a fucking socialist that don't belong in this country. People are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Secondly, the United States Supreme Court ruled that being in the United States without papers is NOT a crime so what you're insinuating is dishonest.

Adding insult to injury, it was total morons like you that lobbied for those convoluted laws and precedents in case law.
Foreigners DO pull their own weight. The reason they come here is job openings exist because half of the American people are living off the government.
Omg. The reason they come is freebies and dropping the anchor babies whose benefits substain them. The is no one that have a skill to contribute crossing illegal. Do you know how to Google? Because Google the cost of illegal immigration and you will thousands of credible hits. But you are comfortable keeping your head deep into your ass

If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

I was working earlier and did not have time to school you on your post. May I? According to the article:

"More than half of the nation's immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that's far higher than the native-born population's, according to a report to be released Wednesday."

I want everyone to note what the OP is about and what this article was supposed to imply. NOWHERE in this description do you see terminology like "illegal" or undocumented (the correct terminology.) So, some of those studying the gospel according to Trump should take note. The article states:

"About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households..."

Right away we're seeing that this article is NOT about undocumented workers at all. Undocumented foreigners do NOT qualify for those kinds of benefits:

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

The above link states:

"Are undocumented immigrants eligible for federal public benefit programs?

Generally no. Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)."

Let's consider the facts:

"How much do legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs?
Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens. As recently as 2013, the rate at which non-citizens have used public benefit programs was less than that of U.S.-born citizens. For example, 32.5 percent of native-born citizen adults receive SNAP benefits compared to 25.4 percent of naturalized citizen adults and 29 percent of noncitizen adults. In addition to immigrants’ lower rate of SNAP usage, they also receive lower benefit values, costing the program less.

How much do immigrants contribute to support public benefits programs?
Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund."

Fact Sheet: Immigrants and Public Benefits - National Immigration Forum

Back to Oddball's link. It states:

"Chavez, president of the Becoming American Institute, a conservative group that advocates for higher levels of legal immigration to reduce illegal immigration, said politicians should be careful about using the data. Rather than focus on the fact that immigrants are initially more dependent on welfare than the U.S.-born, she said they should focus on studies that show what happens to the children of those immigrants.

"These kids who get subsidized school lunches today will go on to graduate high school ... will go on to college and move up to the middle class of America," Chavez said. "Every time we have a nativist backlash in our history, we forget that we see immigrants change very rapidly in the second generation

That brings me back to my own points that I've shared here. A CNN article states:

"The federal government operates at least 69 programs that provide assistance deliberately and exclusively to poor and lower-income people. The benefits include cash, food, housing, medical care and social services.

Yet when poverty expert Robert Rector, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, examined these anti-poverty programs, he found that only two, the earned income tax credit and the additional child refundable credit, require recipients to actually work for their benefits.

...Meanwhile, although spending on welfare has been cut in half since it was reformed in 1996, other federal spending on programs, such as food stamps, has soared year after year and decade after decade. Simply put, spending on social welfare programs has exploded.

...Under a culture of dependency, poverty becomes a trap, and recipients get stuck. Long-term welfare recipients lose work habits and job skills and miss out on the marketplace contacts that lead to job opportunities. That's a key reason the government should require welfare recipients to work as much as they can

Why the U.S. has a culture of dependency - CNN

Here is the bottom line:

Americans are becoming welfare dependent. I work in that field and understand it. I see it as do ALL of you. Foreigners fill the void left by generational welfarites. Oddball's article was about immigrants (without regard to their status with BICE.) At any rate, all non-partisan studies conclude that undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out; their children become more productive than their native counterparts; foreigners end up with jobs and Americans are content to live off Uncle Scam. That is OUR fault as Americans.

We have a problem of our own making and we don't need the government to solve what we are allowing to happen. I'm committed to acknowledging the problem and humiliating my own countrymen into doing something about our part in the status quo. Take ownership, take responsibility, act to put Americans back to work.
You quote from CNN and National Immigration Forum fact sheet? Left wing open border supporters? I am an old woman but not an old fool.

No, you're a total dumb ass. The poster I responded to was using MSM sources as well. Like I told him, if the MSM proves your point, it's manna from Heaven; if it contradicts your POV, it's fake news. In this case the poster supporting your position ended up with an article that supported MY position. Left or right, we cannot defeat the FACTS. And your buddy's link along with mine are all in accord with one another.
If anybody has their head up their ass it is the stupid motherfuckers that continue to push debunked horseshit that people come to this country to take benefits from the American people. ANYBODY that still believes that lie is a fucking idiot. If you took all the nitwits that believe that shit and turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

In the first place, every accounting ledger has at least TWO columns: debit and credit. All the followers of the almighty Donald Trump want to talk about is what the foreigners ":cost." Those people don't have enough sense to look at the fact that foreigners come here and work jobs sorry ass Americans won't apply for. They worker harder for less and are at least 15 to 20 percent more productive than their American counterparts.

LilOlLady wants to believe that a multicultural generation made America great. The fact is, America was built by whites. In the Constitution the Preamble states:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Very clearly the "posterity" of the founders of the Constitution were White. Within months of the ratification of the Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Let me quote the relevant part:

"SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof,"

America was built by White people with open borders, foreigners working here without becoming citizens, and without a freaking POLICE STATE to watch us from the womb to the tomb.

Today all the people who worship at the feet of the fat rich boy that never worked a day in his life seem oblivious to their history and the fact that they are forfeiting their Rights for NOTHING. Whites can have the jobs any time they want them; if you repealed the income tax (which is based off the Communist Manifesto) and eliminated the welfare state, forcing people to get a job, the Trump supporters wouldn't have anything to bitch about. But, that makes too much sense.

The ONLY thing these dumb asses that keep repeating debunked lies are going to accomplish is building a government so big that WHEN the Democrats come back to power, the Republic will be totally destroyed and an internal war required to reclaim our Liberties. The communists referred to these simpletons as useful idiots.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit

You're just a dumb ass. Many professions pay above average wages and Americans won't work the jobs. What you want, plain and simple is called socialism. Fair wage.
Expecting wages to keep up with inflation is not socialism.

Controlling wages is socialism. Jobs pay what they're worth. If a nurse with a four year college degree makes $35 an hour, then no job out there requiring only one year of on the job training is worth $25 an hour. Americans simply don't want to work. You'd rather sit on your ass, argue with me, and expect others to believe you got a degree in economics from Harvard when, in reality, you're sitting on your ass in mommy's house, pecking a keyboard, and living off Uncle Scam.
From USA Today....Definitely NOT part of the VRWC.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

They're being coached on how to receive handouts....Get your head out of your ass.

Let's cut through he bullshit for a change. If the MSM does an article that does not support your position, it is fake news. If it supports your position, it is manna from Heaven.
I am not partial I call a lie where ever I see it. I Am a die hard liberal for Trump and his securing the border and making America safer and stronger. If businesses cannot get illegal cheap labor they will hire Americans at a fair wage. And you may pay more for lettuce but it will contribute to the economy because Americans will be paying taxes and buying. Help pay down a growing deficit. Illegal aliens grow the deficit

You're just a dumb ass. Many professions pay above average wages and Americans won't work the jobs. What you want, plain and simple is called socialism. Fair wage.
Expecting wages to keep up with inflation is not socialism.

Controlling wages is socialism. Jobs pay what they're worth. If a nurse with a four year college degree makes $35 an hour, then no job out there requiring only one year of on the job training is worth $25 an hour. Americans simply don't want to work. You'd rather sit on your ass, argue with me, and expect others to believe you got a degree in economics from Harvard when, in reality, you're sitting on your ass in mommy's house, pecking a keyboard, and living off Uncle Scam.
Too many low paying jobs require experience or college degrees.

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