Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.


We both know that's not what he said. And he's right. Sooner or later fema leaves. Only agenda driven buckwheats make it "bad trump"
Excuse you, clearly the agenda-driven idiot is Trump, here. No mention of FEMA still being in Florida or Texas....this latest poop-tweet storm stems from his agenda of playing to his base by degrading brown people, then a personal little baby vendetta that arose when he got personal pushback from people much smarter than him. Period. Like, a retarded ferret can figure this out. He is not a complicated man.

Goddamn, it's like Trump has 30 million mommies willing to do anything to keep from speaking simple truths about his stupid and embarrassing behavior...
let's be clear on one thing -


it is not the role of the executive branch to create law.

end of story.

i will not fall for a diversion or a trump vs. obama debate. ANY PRESIDENT MAKING LAW VIA EO IS OUT OF LINE.

if you are still confused, just stop. i'm out.


And contrast his comments about PR to those he made about Texas: ""TEXAS: We are with you today, we are with you tomorrow, and we will be with you EVERY SINGLE DAY AFTER, to restore, recover, and REBUILD,""

Pretty clear distinction, even for the apathetic. You could pretty much drive a train through the gap in between his comments on PR and those on Texas.

"but to take "they can't stay down there forever" as TRUMP IS PULLING FEMA is fucking crap."

It is perfectly reasonable, given the contrast in his comments, that his timeline on FEMA in Puerto Rico may be shorter than elsewhere and shorter than what is necessary. Stop excusing the person who makes the decisions... his words matter...

it still aplies to Houston and maybe their mayor isnt a batshit crazy self promoter
Just like with Flint Michigan, the liberals come in, promise all the free stuff that those "poor" people can get, just vote for those giving it, then when the money runs, out, the REST OF US tax paying citizens have to pick up the tab.. I really do get tired of liberals and their bullshit agenda.


Yep, you are pissing on the graves of all the Puerto Ricans that died to give you your freedom! How are you! Can you put a price tag on freedom and the lives of the people that died in order to defend it?
I fought for my country and still pay federal income taxes, don't try to use your bull shit Rules for Radicals on me , pussy. The liberal governor spent all the money on bullshit welfare keep the "poor" people, poor, and then when disaster happens, those stupid people look towards US to bail their sorry asses out, like Obama bailed the banks out. Fuck you and your liberal agenda.
You are still pushing that broken nonsense.
Hmmmmm, I sense a racist tinge of grievance there.

I have a problem with helping those who don't help themselves, but you can't lump an entire island or territory into it. And Trump has no problem with continuing to pay people to rebuild in what really are flood zones in Hou and Fla.
That's because Florida and Texas voted for him. trump is a vindictive child.

kinda,like obama not going to lousiana during the floods, excep lt trump went to PR
bucky got schooled again. His personal attack on me always falls flat. Yes, Trump and bucky are simpatico when it comes to being vindictive.
Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.

If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.

If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.

If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
I don't know and neither does anyone else it seems. But why else would this woman withhold food and supplies and medical needs and refuse to meet with Fema directors? Money? Agenda? Anger? Power?
Excuse you, clearly the agenda-driven idiot is Trump, here. No mention of FEMA still being in Florida or Texas....this latest poop-tweet storm stems from his agenda of playing to his base by degrading brown people, then a personal little baby vendetta that arose when he got personal pushback from people much smarter than him. Period. Like, a retarded ferret can figure this out. He is not a complicated man.

Goddamn, it's like Trump has 30 million mommies willing to do anything to keep from speaking simple truths about his stupid and embarrassing behavior...
let's be clear on one thing -


it is not the role of the executive branch to create law.

end of story.

i will not fall for a diversion or a trump vs. obama debate. ANY PRESIDENT MAKING LAW VIA EO IS OUT OF LINE.

if you are still confused, just stop. i'm out.


And contrast his comments about PR to those he made about Texas: ""TEXAS: We are with you today, we are with you tomorrow, and we will be with you EVERY SINGLE DAY AFTER, to restore, recover, and REBUILD,""

Pretty clear distinction, even for the apathetic. You could pretty much drive a train through the gap in between his comments on PR and those on Texas.

"but to take "they can't stay down there forever" as TRUMP IS PULLING FEMA is fucking crap."

It is perfectly reasonable, given the contrast in his comments, that his timeline on FEMA in Puerto Rico may be shorter than elsewhere and shorter than what is necessary. Stop excusing the person who makes the decisions... his words matter...
i'm sure, to you, i am.

don't give much of a fuck about that either at this point.
yes, you are, whether intentional or not. It is perfectly reasonable to see his comments as a threat to pull FEMA early, especially when contrasting them to his comments on Texas. And, given what we now about him being a thin-skinned little manbaby, one more barb from any of the people much smarter than him who are criticizing him might be all it takes for him to pull the plug.
And its perfectly reasonable to say fema won't be there forever.

Given that 2 weeks is nowhere close to forever, the comment was not appropriate.
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.
Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.

If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
I don't know and neither does anyone else it seems. But why else would this woman withhold food and supplies and medical needs and refuse to meet with Fema directors? Money? Agenda? Anger? Power?

We all know that Trump is a severe liar. In Africa most of the dictators are there because they support what are called American or other western interests. So let's leave Africa out of this and understand that Trump is going to lie as long as he has enablers who allow him to lie. The San Juan mayor is not witholding supplies from her citizens.
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.

Maybe you need to shut the fuck up.
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.
you are a Moron who continues to have a FAKE QUOTE as your tag EVEN THOUGH THE ASSHOLES WHO MADE IT UP APOLOGIZED FOR THE fake QUOTE
Donald is a real hero.

Trump threatens to pull FEMA from Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

His comments -- in which he also blamed the beleaguered island for a financial crisis "largely of their own making" and infrastructure that was a "disaster" before the hurricane -- come as Puerto Rico still reels from a lack of electricity, public health access and a rising death toll.

Trump's tweets come nearly three weeks after the hurricane, as the vast majority of the island remains without power and the death toll from the storm has risen to 45, authorities said.

If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
I don't know and neither does anyone else it seems. But why else would this woman withhold food and supplies and medical needs and refuse to meet with Fema directors? Money? Agenda? Anger? Power?

We all know that Trump is a severe liar. In Africa most of the dictators are there because they support what are called American or other western interests. Sp lets leave Africa out of this and understand tat rump is going to lie as long as he has enablers who allow him to lie. The San Juan mayor is not witholding supplies from her citizens.
According to a police officer there...she is. And the Fema director said she refuses to meet with him. And the govenor is now investigating her.
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.
you are a Moron who continues to have a FAKE QUOTE as your tag EVEN THOUGH THE ASSHOLES WHO MADE IT UP APOLOGIZED FOR THE fake QUOTE
No you are the fucking moron, who says that the RICH don't pay their fair share, and these liberal mother fuckers who keep voting liberal and stay poor, just keep on taking while avoiding THEIR FAIR SHARE. Blow me mother fucker...
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.
you are a Moron who continues to have a FAKE QUOTE as your tag EVEN THOUGH THE ASSHOLES WHO MADE IT UP APOLOGIZED FOR THE fake QUOTE
No you are the fucking moron, who says that the RICH don't pay their fair share, and these liberal mother fuckers who keep voting liberal and stay poor, just keep on taking while avoiding THEIR FAIR SHARE. Blow me mother fucker...
Lose the Fake Quote you Idiot Rube LOL
If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
I don't know and neither does anyone else it seems. But why else would this woman withhold food and supplies and medical needs and refuse to meet with Fema directors? Money? Agenda? Anger? Power?

We all know that Trump is a severe liar. In Africa most of the dictators are there because they support what are called American or other western interests. Sp lets leave Africa out of this and understand tat rump is going to lie as long as he has enablers who allow him to lie. The San Juan mayor is not witholding supplies from her citizens.
According to a police officer there...she is. And the Fema director said she refuses to meet with him. And the govenor is now investigating her.

Sure, right. Let go on and now play the game of discrediting those who say Trump is not doing his job. We have reporters on the ground talking to citizens and this has not been reported and while I'm not going to say t's not happening in some cases, I will say that its not a general practice being done. And I will go out on the limb and say is not happening in San Juan.
Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans . On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........
Then tell the PR to start a war with the US and then after we kick their asses we can come in and rebuild it like we did with Japan. Otherwise shut the fuck up loser, Puerto Ricans don't pay their fair share of TAXES yet is taking in billions of dollars of our taxes.
you are a Moron who continues to have a FAKE QUOTE as your tag EVEN THOUGH THE ASSHOLES WHO MADE IT UP APOLOGIZED FOR THE fake QUOTE
No you are the fucking moron, who says that the RICH don't pay their fair share, and these liberal mother fuckers who keep voting liberal and stay poor, just keep on taking while avoiding THEIR FAIR SHARE. Blow me mother fucker...
Lose the Fake Quote you Idiot Rube LOL
Leave for fucking Cuba you communist.
If that corrupt mayor is withholding help from Fema and supplies being sent, why shouldn't he pull them out?
If your community was in dire straights and you personally sent goods and food you had stored to the community only to find out the mayor of your town was hoarding it in a barn because the folks didn't vote for him..would you continue to send food and goods or put a whoa on it? If it were me..I would put a whoa on it.
In Africa there are countries where food Aid is being provided by the U.S. but the socialist dictators prevent the food from going to the people, so it rots on the wharfs. Liberals hate people, because people cause CO2, so if you starve them, you control what they do. Did Puerto Rico, go bankrupt because the socialist/liberals wanted their people to suffer the same fate?
I don't know and neither does anyone else it seems. But why else would this woman withhold food and supplies and medical needs and refuse to meet with Fema directors? Money? Agenda? Anger? Power?

We all know that Trump is a severe liar. In Africa most of the dictators are there because they support what are called American or other western interests. Sp lets leave Africa out of this and understand tat rump is going to lie as long as he has enablers who allow him to lie. The San Juan mayor is not witholding supplies from her citizens.
According to a police officer there...she is. And the Fema director said she refuses to meet with him. And the govenor is now investigating her.

Sure, right. Let go on and now play the game of discrediting those who say Trump is not doing his job. We have reporters on the ground talking to citizens and this has not been reported and while I'm not going to say t's not happening in some cases, I will say that its not a general practice being done. And I will go out on the limb and say is not happening in San Juan.
Then we will have to agree to disagree. I saw the vid of the cop saying "authorities will not release the food". I have read reports...whether fake or real news nobody will ever know...that she is withholding from those communities that she THINKS did not vote for her or support her. I also have read how corrupt she is. And I have seen her standing in front of pallets of food sitting there while claiming nothing is being sent. There are no drivers because they are picketing. Picketing for what? Non existant businesses? More like her demanding drivers leave and not deliver.
But you continue to think as you wish, as will I.
If I were in trumps shoes, I would pull Fema too. Especially since Fema says they are getting no support from her at all.

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