Trump throwing in the towel?

It's PolitcusUSA quoting the NY Slimes....I wouldn't hold my breath
I don't discount any source outright. The content is what matters.

I looked through Maggie Habberman's feed....what a fucking loon
Unless you have proof this story is bogus I will consider it legit. ABC radio is reporting it locally here in KC

Maybe they did maybe they didn't....again I don't trust the media.

Trump responded with this:

Jason Miller, a senior Trump communications adviser, said on Twitter: “Our data-driven campaign is shifting resources from over-performing markets to new battlegrounds w/in the battlegrounds. Buy is growing.”
It's PolitcusUSA quoting the NY Slimes....I wouldn't hold my breath
I don't discount any source outright. The content is what matters.

I looked through Maggie Habberman's feed....what a fucking loon
Unless you have proof this story is bogus I will consider it legit. ABC radio is reporting it locally here in KC

Maybe they did maybe they didn't....again I don't trust the media.

Trump responded with this:

Jason Miller, a senior Trump communications adviser, said on Twitter: “Our data-driven campaign is shifting resources from over-performing markets to new battlegrounds w/in the battlegrounds. Buy is growing.”
Basically an admission. And over performing? Really? lol he's losing those states but within striking distance
It's PolitcusUSA quoting the NY Slimes....I wouldn't hold my breath
I don't discount any source outright. The content is what matters.

I looked through Maggie Habberman's feed....what a fucking loon
Unless you have proof this story is bogus I will consider it legit. ABC radio is reporting it locally here in KC

Maybe they did maybe they didn't....again I don't trust the media.

Trump responded with this:

Jason Miller, a senior Trump communications adviser, said on Twitter: “Our data-driven campaign is shifting resources from over-performing markets to new battlegrounds w/in the battlegrounds. Buy is growing.”
Basically an admission. And over performing? Really? lol he's losing those states but within striking distance

I don't know, if it gives you a warm and fuzzy have at it. But again, the media is BS and I believe little of anything they spew
Why does anyone on the R side of life believe the bullshit they feed you.?

The campaign just switched ads from small towns they have wrapped up to mega markets. It's called strategy.

What the fuck that anyone right of center keeps believing in the bullshit the opposition puts out there.
Trump In Collapse As Campaign Cancels Ads In Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina

These are VITAL swing states. I can see no logical explanation for pulling all the adds this close to the election in states he needs to win.
This campaign has been unconventional from the start.
Why waste money.
Everyday there's a drip, drip, drip with Hillary.
Unless Trump knows what is going to be leaked in the future this is a VERY odd move.
I concur with you. It is odd.

Strategically, this is usually the time when ad-buy decisions are made or course-corrections are made. One week before this time in 2012, Romney pulled his ads out of Michigan.

One main reason why a campaign pulls ad buys is polling: either they are so far ahead or they are so far behind, they see no reason for the ads.

But this is a strange combination of states for Trump to want to pull his ad buys - for they are all still relatively close. Unless of course his team is convinced he cannot win in those states.

What is most amazing to me this cycle is North Carolina, where Hillary Clinton is polling demonstrably and considerably better than Obama ever did in both 2008 and in 2012. This was once an R+13 state just 12 years ago, to note...

So, should it be so that Trump really has pulled the funds, it's kind of a head-scratcher this time around.

Some say his campaign is collapsing. I say that it never bloomed to begin with.

Well Trump better sharpen up for the debate lest Swillery blindside him!

Before the debate is over I'm ready for bear to go to every outlet I know and love. Just to take out so called Miss Piggy. Timing is everything. She's directly hooked to Soros and Chavez,.

Miss Venezuela after all.
Trump In Collapse As Campaign Cancels Ads In Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina

These are VITAL swing states. I can see no logical explanation for pulling all the adds this close to the election in states he needs to win.
This campaign has been unconventional from the start.
Why waste money.
Everyday there's a drip, drip, drip with Hillary.
Unless Trump knows what is going to be leaked in the future this is a VERY odd move.
I concur with you. It is odd.

Strategically, this is usually the time when ad-buy decisions are made or course-corrections are made. One week before this time in 2012, Romney pulled his ads out of Michigan.

One main reason why a campaign pulls ad buys is polling: either they are so far ahead or they are so far behind, they see no reason for the ads.

But this is a strange combination of states for Trump to want to pull his ad buys - for they are all still relatively close. Unless of course his team is convinced he cannot win in those states.

What is most amazing to me this cycle is North Carolina, where Hillary Clinton is polling demonstrably and considerably better than Obama ever did in both 2008 and in 2012. This was once an R+13 state just 12 years ago, to note...

So, should it be so that Trump really has pulled the funds, it's kind of a head-scratcher this time around.

Some say his campaign is collapsing. I say that it never bloomed to begin with.


I have to ask why do you believe anything they tell you?

Trump campaign withdrew less that 300,000 in rural markets. THE MEDIA LIED TO YOU.
Well his "preparation" for the town hall is curious. The video of last night's "fake" town hall is on youtube. He gets questions from pro trump folks, and doesn't answer them so much as just go off on his stream of consciousness self wanking.
Well his "preparation" for the town hall is curious. The video of last night's "fake" town hall is on youtube. He gets questions from pro trump folks, and doesn't answer them so much as just go off on his stream of consciousness self wanking.

Did he have a 15 year old actress tossing softball Qs at him?
Well his "preparation" for the town hall is curious. The video of last night's "fake" town hall is on youtube. He gets questions from pro trump folks, and doesn't answer them so much as just go off on his stream of consciousness self wanking.

Did he have a 15 year old actress tossing softball Qs at him?
No, appeared to be an old white news radio tea party guy.
Well his "preparation" for the town hall is curious. The video of last night's "fake" town hall is on youtube. He gets questions from pro trump folks, and doesn't answer them so much as just go off on his stream of consciousness self wanking.

Did he have a 15 year old actress tossing softball Qs at him?

He's probably banging a few.
Trump probably wants to cut back on campaign spending because he wants to make sure there's enough left over after the election to pay himself back for those loans he made to the campaign.

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