Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

That's not what I heard in the interview.... Trump wants to end the fight we have been at for 50 years... not possible some say... but this is a man that walked into North Korea.....

He wants to end the fight by saying it's terrible that a woman has a 6 week limit on when she can kill her baby? You end the fight by pushing Republican lawmakers, when you have the majority, to pass a bill saying that abortion is murder.
RvW was hashed out on the grounds of privacy. There was no mention of "life."
This thread is hilarious. It's about another of Trumps flip flops. And his supporters want to make it about abortion. Trying to make out like Trump is pro life. LMAO.......
Spin this.....
"Life" begins at birth. FACT...... not debatable. Life begins at Birth.

There's nothing to spin, what you said is objectively false and insane.

If you believe it, you're a deranged retard.

Hopefully you're only joking and pretending to be a deranged retard?
I could ask you the same question. Many on the left oppose legal restrictions on the third trimester that limit things to emergencies. Why is that a problem for them?

If it truly is a case where only emergency abortions happen in that period, then the left has no reason to be angry about said restrictions.
Slow Hoser loves to murder babies.
Nobody hates the unborn you ignorant, hateful asshole. YOU hate all women and consider the women disposable.

What part of "abortions are banned" do you not understand. ALL surgical abortions are banned. Even in an ectopic pregnancy, hospitals won't intervene until the fetal heart stops beating.

Prove a single word of what you just said, lying Cunadian.

You can't.

We know you can't.

What's worse is that YOU know you can't.


It's going to be so much fun when our reality becomes impossible to deny any longer, and your tantrums become impossible to resist any longer, like with the Toronto roundhouse kick punk.

You're losing it and it's going to happen soon.

He's been pro choice his entire life. He flips to being pro life to run for potus. Now he's pro choice again. Now watch all the supposed pro life Trump supporters ease over to the pro choice side.

Too bad the Heritage Foundation justices he appointed don't agree with him. He should have picked different judges.
I'll take someone who knows what his/her values are and sticks to those values because they have the courage of their convictions.

“I mean, DeSanctus is willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban,” Trump said.

“Would you support that?” Welker asked. “You think that goes too far?”

“I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake,” Trump answered.

DeSantis responded to the remarks during an interview with O. Kay Henderson on Radio Iowa, saying: “Protecting babies with heartbeats is not terrible.”

“Donald Trump may think it’s terrible, but I think protecting babies with heartbeats is noble and just, and I’m proud to have signed the heartbeat bill in Florida,” he said in a clip tweeted out by the DeSantis War Room. “And I know Iowa has similar legislation.”

“I don’t know how you can even make the claim that you’re somehow pro-life if you’re criticizing states for enacting pro-life protections for babies that have heartbeats,” he continued. “And so I thought him saying that those bills were terrible, I think, was a terrible statement, and I think it’s a window into how he’s changing as he’s running this campaign. I think he’s changing in a way that is not consistent with the values of the people in Iowa.”

He's been pro choice his entire life. He flips to being pro life to run for potus. Now he's pro choice again. Now watch all the supposed pro life Trump supporters ease over to the pro choice side.

He appointed pro life judges to SCOTUS so that tells me he is pro life.

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