Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

You clowns are ALWAYS having to explain what trump said or meant to say.

IT should tell you the complete story about the man, but NO, you ALWAYS have an excuse for this dotard.
We know what he said, it's you clowns that do the 'left splainin' about what he says. Then, like the good little Marxies you are, project and blame others for not underwriting and 'understanding' your vile, venomous hatred of one man. :cuckoo:
If you're convinced this never happens, then how about a month before birth?
C-Sections. There are NO abortions of a viable fetus at 8 months.
Dear Lord, have you every heard of pre-mature babies born at 20+ weeks.
They do EVERYTHING to save the Baby, they (Nobody) just says....Kill the Fetus.
Unless the mother is going to die during delivery or the fetus is basically non-viable.

What is your agenda?
Which broad did Trump knock up and be all for abortion?
Trump is certainly not personally pro abortion. He is from New York. He's never going to be greatly against abortion.
Now that is something. Did you write that all by yourself?
C-Sections. There are NO abortions of a viable fetus at 8 months.
Dear Lord, have you every heard of pre-mature babies born at 20+ weeks.
They do EVERYTHING to save the Baby, they (Nobody) just says....Kill the Fetus.
Unless the mother is going to die during delivery or the fetus is basically non-viable.

What is your agenda?
My agenda is getting you to define when life begins, because if you can't give a straight answer on it, then your stance is about rhetoric or dogma rather than a coherent understanding of the issue overall.

But again, if we can logically assume that abortions at 8 months are either rare or nonexistent, then restricting said abortions at this fetal development stage to medical emergencies should be perfectly fine, right?
tRump's opinion is that of the last person he spoke to.

That's why he was pro gun controls for a few hours after one of the mass shootings during his term.
Many years ago, maybe. All that comes out of that mushroom these days is orange dust.
…And pro union. He loves them union auto workers!
I remember hearing many times, when he was first running, how "transactional" he was. Which is a nice way of saying that he'll do or say absolutely anything in any given situation as long as it benefits him in that moment.

So a person like this, who has no core morality, character or principles, has to do a lot of dancing to keep everyone happy.

The problem, of course, is the way his groupies enable it by not holding him accountable for anything. He's somehow filling a massive hole in their lives -- he's their Hulk Hogan, Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ rolled into one -- and they can't allow themselves any inner doubt.
My agenda is getting you to define when life begins, because if you can't give a straight answer on it, then your stance is about rhetoric or dogma rather than a coherent understanding of the issue overall.

But again, if we can logically assume that abortions at 8 months are either rare or nonexistent, then restricting said abortions at this fetal development stage to medical emergencies should be perfectly fine, right?
Spin this.....
"Life" begins at birth. FACT...... not debatable. Life begins at Birth.
Birth can happen successfully after 20 some months, with MUCH ICU care.
Once the fetus has been out of the womb of a woman, LIFE begins. FACT.

Please tell me if I got this correct or Not?
Nobody hates the unborn you ignorant, hateful asshole.
You do, you deceitful harpy.

You hate them more than you hate men, which is saying something.

YOU hate all women and consider the women disposable.
So fucking stupid, so blatantly dishonest.

Banning aggressive violence done by someone means you're "disposable?" Then all men are "disposable."

What part of "abortions are banned" do you not understand.
They should be.

ALL surgical abortions are banned. Even in an ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy treatment is not an elective abortion.

It's a medical emergency - the kid is doomed no matter what, so you must intervene - the law doesn't ban the treatment anywhere abortion is banned, and no one, not even uncompromising abolitionists, want that banned.

You're just flat out lying by claiming the law bans ectopic pregnancy treatment.

Hospital / physician incompetence or maliciously lying doesn't make the law the bullshit you say it is.
Spin this.....
"Life" begins at birth. FACT...... not debatable. Life begins at Birth.
Birth can happen successfully after 20 some months, with MUCH ICU care.
Once the fetus has been out of the womb of a woman, LIFE begins. FACT.

Please tell me if I got this correct or Not?
Depends on the jurisdiction. As I mentioned earlier, you can be charged with double homicide for killing a pregnant woman even in many pro-choice areas with varying levels of fetal development. So, in practical terms, it is defined before birth under certain circumstances.

Also, women who drink or otherwise ingest certain substances that harm the unborn can face criminal charges in certain jurisdictions (again even in pro-choice areas) because of harm done to the unborn. So, effectively, life is defined as beginning before birth in those cases too.

So, how do you reconcile that? Should it be perfectly legal for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol even if it results in birth defects?
Apparently the doctor is only there to advise. That’s either an intended lie or an ignorant one.
In CA any 'pregnant person' (LOL) can get an abortion for any reason before the 'point of viability' of the fetus. That decision (of viability) has to be made by a physician who determines it based on a good-faith medical judgment that the fetus could survive outside the uterus. Also, PA's can perform abortions in CA so I imagine they can 'advise.'
Depends on the jurisdiction. As I mentioned earlier, you can be charged with double homicide for killing a pregnant woman even in many pro-choice areas with varying levels of fetal development. So, in practical terms, it is defined before birth under certain circumstances.

Also, women who drink or otherwise ingest certain substances that harm the unborn can face criminal charges in certain jurisdictions (again even in pro-choice areas) because of harm done to the unborn. So, effectively, life is defined as beginning before birth in those cases too.

So, how do you reconcile that? Should it be perfectly legal for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol even if it results in birth defects?
Much of this I agree with...... but why not just answer your own question that you demanded be answered.
I answered the question......without a 'whataboutisms'
LIFE begins at birth. My Answer.

So in your view, without ANY 'whataboutisms'
When does LIFE begin for you.
Not in court, just answer like I did.

Me: Life begins at Birth.
Spin this.....
"Life" begins at birth. FACT...... not debatable. Life begins at Birth.
Birth can happen successfully after 20 some months, with MUCH ICU care.
Once the fetus has been out of the womb of a woman, LIFE begins. FACT.

Please tell me if I got this correct or Not?
Define "Life" first.
Which broad did Trump knock up and be all for abortion?
Trump is certainly not personally pro abortion. He is from New York. He's never going to be greatly against abortion.

I can't believe you asked that first question. There should have been enough clues in what I wrote for it to be clear I wasn't talking about a specific event. I said "He's the sort of guy who....", and that didn't ring any bells for you.

Again, I doubt Trump gives a shit about abortion one way or the other. He'll use the issue to get what he wants, and be on either side when it's convenient for him.
Much of this I agree with...... but why not just answer your own question that you demanded be answered.
I answered the question......without a 'whataboutisms'
LIFE begins at birth. My Answer.

So in your view, without ANY 'whataboutisms'
When does LIFE begin for you.
Not in court, just answer like I did.

Me: Life begins at Birth.
I define it as beginning at conception, but even back when I was pro-choice, I defined it at the start of the third trimester.

To define life as being at birth, that morally means an abortion is acceptable up to that point. Again, the frequency of its occurrence is irrelevant, because abortion is a moral issue. This is why I never viewed life as beginning at birth. It inherently justifies barbaric behavior.
I did.
Once the woman, yes woman, gives birth.
Post #43.
No, you defined a baby not what life is. The baby did not come from nowhere. The egg had a life and the sperm had a life. You're assuming that life can only be in one form. You're assuming that cells dividing and multiplying to a certain predetermined pattern are not living things while in process? A human being's life starts at conception and ends at death. If you violently interrupt it's progress at any point, you are predating them.
I define it as beginning at conception, but even back when I was pro-choice, I defined it at the start of the third trimester.

To define life as being at birth, that morally means an abortion is acceptable up to that point. Again, the frequency of its occurrence is irrelevant, because abortion is a moral issue. This is why I never viewed life as beginning at birth. It inherently justifies barbaric behavior.
So how do you define a "Stillbirth"
When the Doctor preforms the procedure to account for this "Stillbith"

do you count that as
1) an abortion?
2) an act of nature where the dr. needs to perform a procedure?
3) murder?
4) a life that died in the womb?

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