Trump Thugs Getting Fired for Violent, Seditious, Anti-American Storming of Capitol

The fake frothing is so funny
Only libs think getting shot while protesting an election is warranted but shooting at police during a drug deal and they shoot back isn’t

That dear sweet woman you have been boo hooing over who got shot when police were fired upon when they tried to arrest her drug dealing humper. But....but...but ...she was unarmed you weep

Oh, the no knock warrant where the police were blindly shooting into her apartment and even the neighbors. Good call, idiot.
You asked, I answered and you can parse bitch the answer all you want
She got shot by standing right next to drug dealing thugs who were holed up in their drug dealing house and fired upon police. I know being responsible for ones own well being is too much for Happy Joy of which you are neither

I believe she was in bed and if the police knocked none of this would have happened. Funny thing is her boyfriend will have an easier time finding a job than these wingnuts (getting back on topic).

I'm pretty joyously happy right now. I'm getting most everything I want out of this election and now we're going to watch the GOP squirm over a new impeachment. Lovin' it.
Asked and answered so you skip along to something else as you are defeated Once Again

I sure don't feel defeated.

You're the one comparing invaders going into the capital being shot with police performing a no knock warrant and shooting an innocent person in bed. Might I add blindly shooting to where they even shot into the neighbors apartment. None of this is good but these two incidents have zero in common with each other except in both cases the invaders were shot at.
Why did you spank your monkey for four years screaming Russia Russia?
The fake frothing is so funny
Only libs think getting shot while protesting an election is warranted but shooting at police during a drug deal and they shoot back isn’t

That dear sweet woman you have been boo hooing over who got shot when police were fired upon when they tried to arrest her drug dealing humper. But....but...but ...she was unarmed you weep

Oh, the no knock warrant where the police were blindly shooting into her apartment and even the neighbors. Good call, idiot.
You asked, I answered and you can parse bitch the answer all you want
She got shot by standing right next to drug dealing thugs who were holed up in their drug dealing house and fired upon police. I know being responsible for ones own well being is too much for Happy Joy of which you are neither

I believe she was in bed and if the police knocked none of this would have happened. Funny thing is her boyfriend will have an easier time finding a job than these wingnuts (getting back on topic).

I'm pretty joyously happy right now. I'm getting most everything I want out of this election and now we're going to watch the GOP squirm over a new impeachment. Lovin' it.
Asked and answered so you skip along to something else as you are defeated Once Again

I sure don't feel defeated.

You're the one comparing invaders going into the capital being shot with police performing a no knock warrant and shooting an innocent person in bed. Might I add blindly shooting to where they even shot into the neighbors apartment. None of this is good but these two incidents have zero in common with each other except in both cases the invaders were shot at.
Why did you spank your monkey for four years screaming Russia Russia?

So, we've reached finally reached the kitchen sink. Thank god.
If one of my employees did this, they'd be fired on the spot. Everyone has the right to protest peacefully, but these are criminal acts.

Some individuals here who had previously been photographed at Trump rallies and supporters of the QAnon conspiracy-theory movement were quickly identified. Online detectives focused their efforts on others. ...​
One of the people shown in the D.C. police photos wore his work identification badge inside the capitol and was identified and fired by his employer, Navistar Direct Marketing of Fredrick, Maryland. ...​
Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol, she said in an interview. ...​
Rick Saccone, an adjunct professor at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, resigned after the college reviewed a video he posted on Facebook from the scene. “As a result of that investigation, Dr. Saccone has submitted and we have accepted his letter of resignation, effective immediately,” the college said in a statement. ...​
Paul Davis, a lawyer at Westlake, Texas-based Goosehead Insurance, used a social media account to broadcast his participation at the capitol, saying that he had been teargassed.​
A Goosehead spokesperson confirmed Davis had been fired.​

Thats an awful long post to say they got what they deserved...


The problem lies in the fact that several got fired only because they were identified at the rally. They didn't take part in the riot and left either before or as soon as it began but still got fired.
Dikd any BLM rioters in Seattle, Portland, Kenosha get fired? Of course not. If an employer fired one of these vermin then the wrath of the entire left would be upon them.
The fake frothing is so funny
Only libs think getting shot while protesting an election is warranted but shooting at police during a drug deal and they shoot back isn’t

That dear sweet woman you have been boo hooing over who got shot when police were fired upon when they tried to arrest her drug dealing humper. But....but...but ...she was unarmed you weep

Oh, the no knock warrant where the police were blindly shooting into her apartment and even the neighbors. Good call, idiot.
You asked, I answered and you can parse bitch the answer all you want
She got shot by standing right next to drug dealing thugs who were holed up in their drug dealing house and fired upon police. I know being responsible for ones own well being is too much for Happy Joy of which you are neither

I believe she was in bed and if the police knocked none of this would have happened. Funny thing is her boyfriend will have an easier time finding a job than these wingnuts (getting back on topic).

I'm pretty joyously happy right now. I'm getting most everything I want out of this election and now we're going to watch the GOP squirm over a new impeachment. Lovin' it.
Asked and answered so you skip along to something else as you are defeated Once Again

I sure don't feel defeated.

You're the one comparing invaders going into the capital being shot with police performing a no knock warrant and shooting an innocent person in bed. Might I add blindly shooting to where they even shot into the neighbors apartment. None of this is good but these two incidents have zero in common with each other except in both cases the invaders were shot at.
Why did you spank your monkey for four years screaming Russia Russia?

So, we've reached finally reached the kitchen sink. Thank god.
In other words, yes, I did spank my monkey for 4 years shouting "Russia! Russia! Russia!"
The fake frothing is so funny
Only libs think getting shot while protesting an election is warranted but shooting at police during a drug deal and they shoot back isn’t

That dear sweet woman you have been boo hooing over who got shot when police were fired upon when they tried to arrest her drug dealing humper. But....but...but ...she was unarmed you weep

Oh, the no knock warrant where the police were blindly shooting into her apartment and even the neighbors. Good call, idiot.
You asked, I answered and you can parse bitch the answer all you want
She got shot by standing right next to drug dealing thugs who were holed up in their drug dealing house and fired upon police. I know being responsible for ones own well being is too much for Happy Joy of which you are neither

I believe she was in bed and if the police knocked none of this would have happened. Funny thing is her boyfriend will have an easier time finding a job than these wingnuts (getting back on topic).

I'm pretty joyously happy right now. I'm getting most everything I want out of this election and now we're going to watch the GOP squirm over a new impeachment. Lovin' it.
Asked and answered so you skip along to something else as you are defeated Once Again

I sure don't feel defeated.

You're the one comparing invaders going into the capital being shot with police performing a no knock warrant and shooting an innocent person in bed. Might I add blindly shooting to where they even shot into the neighbors apartment. None of this is good but these two incidents have zero in common with each other except in both cases the invaders were shot at.
Why did you spank your monkey for four years screaming Russia Russia?

So, we've reached finally reached the kitchen sink. Thank god.
In other words, yes, I did spank my monkey for 4 years shouting "Russia! Russia! Russia!"
Exactly what he said and did
A moron cultist just pointed to unemployment and job growth as accolades of a good President, but I'm sure she thinks Obama, who oversaw record-breaking job growth and left Unemployment for Trump on a straight downward commiesocialistsatan

See how easy it is to gas-light the cult? They think up is down, even if they prove THEMSELVES wrong. They're morons!

Oh Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it by getting rid of Barry's business killing EO's. Which Biden will no doubt bring back.

What a fool you are. A fool who will regret his vote for Biden. Hope you google that list of things that jack ass wants to do. Enjoy.
The trajectory stayed the same.

I don't care about your opinion, I own facts. You're a cultist, I'm not here to convince you of anything because I consider you mentally inept. Don't waste your time on me, I don't even respect you.

That's okay there numb nuts. I have no respect for a fool like you either. You couldn't convince me the sky was blue.

An appropriate argument. Even though the sky is blue, you aren't going to be convinced of that. The courts have ruled the elections as valid. Even Trump appointed courts. But you aren't going to be told different.

LOL I don't need anyone to convince me the sky is blue. I have eyes just like you. That jack ass is just that a jack ass.

And of course no Court was going to overturn a fraudulent election.

None of them want to get caught in the crossfire.

There is more than enough evidence out there you lefties just don't want to see it. If Biden were Trump you'd be screaming election fraud long and loud and all that evidence you don't want to see would be front and center.

Now we are stuck with Biden/Harris for four years and they have a Dem House and Senate so nothing will stop jack ass from implementing that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Google it and see for yourself.

I didn't vote for Biden. But you are a part of the cult that can't understand that there is more to the world than red or blue.

Hey I'm no cultist. I just happen to think Trump is a great POTUS. No Red or Blue with me either. I'm an Independent and have been for decades.
You're a Cultist. Instead of looking into the Election fraud claims yourself, which all have explanations and are easily debunked and there's hundreds of pages of Court docs proving as literally said "the courts just dont want to get in the middle of it."

You think like a fucking toddler - that thought alone proves it. Moron? The Cult lost in court 60 fucking times, many with TRUMP appointed Judges...and REPUBLICAN State Legislatures, Governors and Secretaries of State all certified the Election. That you think some grandiose conspiracy transpired to steal the election in 6+ States makes you a completely void of reality CULTIST. You're in a Cult.

Do you really think any official in this country would overturn an election?? There is evidence all over the place none of them want to take it seriously. Hundred if not thousands of signed affidavits of people who were there. One Dem said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Boxes of ballots under desks. Boxes of ballots delivered after the counters were sent home. Counters forbidden to be in the same room the counters were in.

Dominion machines that took Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

Oh yeah. One honest election. You might be a cult member but I'm not. Enjoy the next four years of the Biden/Harris shit show. Hope you have lots of money cause you're going to need it. Enjoy.
I think you're a fuckin idiot, that's what I think. Courts don't work on the basis of "but i dunno guys....they have a good case here but I'll just slide my entire career, my oath, all of my schooling under the bus for this one, just in case, yannow...and do it while the entire country is looking too."

You're a fuckin idiot.

No you are the fucking idiot. Courts do what Judges say. Period.
No Judge wanted to get involved with overturning an election. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that.


Have you ever once asked yourself why that is? If the election was unjust or stolen, why wouldn't a Trump appointed judge overturn the result. Why would 86 judges, at the state, federal and appeal court levels right up to the Supreme Court, deny all of these cases? Why would thousands of poll workers certify that they saw nothing wrong, if the election was "stolen"?

The Republican Party has a lot of lies to answer for, but at some point, YOU are going to have to accept responsibility for accepting their lies, distortions and bullshit, and believeing them time and time again without question.

That's easy. None of them want to get involves in overturning a presidential election. Can you imagine what a mess that would be to clean up?/ I sure can.

Now shag you ass back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. Good Lord.
If one of my employees did this, they'd be fired on the spot. Everyone has the right to protest peacefully, but these are criminal acts.

Some individuals here who had previously been photographed at Trump rallies and supporters of the QAnon conspiracy-theory movement were quickly identified. Online detectives focused their efforts on others. ...​
One of the people shown in the D.C. police photos wore his work identification badge inside the capitol and was identified and fired by his employer, Navistar Direct Marketing of Fredrick, Maryland. ...​
Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol, she said in an interview. ...​
Rick Saccone, an adjunct professor at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, resigned after the college reviewed a video he posted on Facebook from the scene. “As a result of that investigation, Dr. Saccone has submitted and we have accepted his letter of resignation, effective immediately,” the college said in a statement. ...​
Paul Davis, a lawyer at Westlake, Texas-based Goosehead Insurance, used a social media account to broadcast his participation at the capitol, saying that he had been teargassed.​
A Goosehead spokesperson confirmed Davis had been fired.​

I question the idea of “online detectives”, which really amounts to a bunch of random people sitting behind a keyboard trying to dig up information about people.

I’d be curious if they’ve been given access to facial recognition software or if it really is word of mouth.

The reason I question it is because you have a bunch of untrained people who could inevitably doxx people and get them hurt.

These people are not trained, are not a part of any law enforcement or investigation agency, and they are not held accountable for any harm they may cause to someone
If one of my employees did this, they'd be fired on the spot. Everyone has the right to protest peacefully, but these are criminal acts.

Some individuals here who had previously been photographed at Trump rallies and supporters of the QAnon conspiracy-theory movement were quickly identified. Online detectives focused their efforts on others. ...​
One of the people shown in the D.C. police photos wore his work identification badge inside the capitol and was identified and fired by his employer, Navistar Direct Marketing of Fredrick, Maryland. ...​
Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired by @properties and removed from its website, even though she had done nothing wrong and had not entered the capitol, she said in an interview. ...​
Rick Saccone, an adjunct professor at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, resigned after the college reviewed a video he posted on Facebook from the scene. “As a result of that investigation, Dr. Saccone has submitted and we have accepted his letter of resignation, effective immediately,” the college said in a statement. ...​
Paul Davis, a lawyer at Westlake, Texas-based Goosehead Insurance, used a social media account to broadcast his participation at the capitol, saying that he had been teargassed.​
A Goosehead spokesperson confirmed Davis had been fired.​

When do we start firing Antifa and BLM rioters....Oh that's right.....NO IDs no jobs.

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