Trump to defund PBS/NPR.


Fresh Air with Terry have long had a liberal bias, I admit that I have not listened to her in a few years but during the Bush years, she was critical of Bush. She is very low key however, there is a bias. Since it has been a few years I am going off past experience. I don't listen to politics on the radio anymore, I will listen to sports talk and music, that is now it. If NPR and PBS can't make it on their own they need to go.

Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.

Having a military is a good idea, shouldn't we be able to fund it voluntarily?

The military is in Constitution. PBS and NPR is not.
NPR allows people like you to present their opinion, unfettered and uncensored.
Have you ever listened to NPR - I mean REALLY listened to them, over a period of time. I doubt it. Their main personnel promote Liberals / Democrats while making fun of Conservatives. When talking to people like me they may allow them to speak but usually end up making fun of them / making jokes about their opinions.

If you have ever paid attention to their programming or really listened to them, political bias is absolutely a FACT on NPR.

Fresh Air with Terry have long had a liberal bias, I admit that I have not listened to her in a few years but during the Bush years, she was critical of Bush. She is very low key however, there is a bias. Since it has been a few years I am going off past experience. I don't listen to politics on the radio anymore, I will listen to sports talk and music, that is now it. If NPR and PBS can't make it on their own they need to go.

Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.

Having a military is a good idea, shouldn't we be able to fund it voluntarily?

The military is in Constitution. PBS and NPR is not.

That's the dumbest post of the day.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

Need to change your underwear again and it's not even noon yet.
Just because someone SAYS Trump NEEDS to do something, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
That is an Op/Ed on a fake news site, Gateway Pundit is as Alt-Right as it gets outside of Breitbart.

Fresh Air with Terry have long had a liberal bias, I admit that I have not listened to her in a few years but during the Bush years, she was critical of Bush. She is very low key however, there is a bias. Since it has been a few years I am going off past experience. I don't listen to politics on the radio anymore, I will listen to sports talk and music, that is now it. If NPR and PBS can't make it on their own they need to go.

Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.

Having a military is a good idea, shouldn't we be able to fund it voluntarily?

The military is in Constitution. PBS and NPR is not.

That's the dumbest post of the day.

There's so many, how do you choose?
NPR allows people like you to present their opinion, unfettered and uncensored.
Have you ever listened to NPR - I mean REALLY listened to them, over a period of time. I doubt it. Their main personnel promote Liberals / Democrats while making fun of Conservatives. When talking to people like me they may allow them to speak but usually end up making fun of them / making jokes about their opinions.

If you have ever paid attention to their programming or really listened to them, political bias is absolutely a FACT on NPR.

So anyone who gets money from the government is forbidden to have a political point of view?

lol, good one.

Fresh Air with Terry have long had a liberal bias, I admit that I have not listened to her in a few years but during the Bush years, she was critical of Bush. She is very low key however, there is a bias. Since it has been a few years I am going off past experience. I don't listen to politics on the radio anymore, I will listen to sports talk and music, that is now it. If NPR and PBS can't make it on their own they need to go.

Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.

Having a military is a good idea, shouldn't we be able to fund it voluntarily?

The military is in Constitution. PBS and NPR is not.

That's the dumbest post of the day.

There's so many, how do you choose?

What makes it stupid is, CONGRESS is in the Constitution, and CONGRESS funds PBS and NPR, and the SCOTUS is in the Constitution, and SCOTUS has not ruled PBS/NPR funding unconstitutional.
So anyone who gets money from the government is forbidden to have a political point of view?
Not saying that at all. I am saying if ALL US citizens (tax dollars) are funding a government-run media that media should not overwhelmingly, if not totally, push / represent the minority political view.
You were complaining about funding bad art.

I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?
Because of a $20 trillion debt.
Don't give that excuse when you plan to spend 12 billion on the Wall.
You see only the negatives of building a wall. I see a cost savings of $160 billion annually taking care of illegals....untold jobs created along with increased revenue.....reduced costs to ICE transporting illegals, court costs, food and temporary
Uh huh. You got enough for a wall, you got enough for PBS. According to Carbiner, the government funds 15% of its operating costs. It's not going to break Washington to pay for one worthwhile television station.

Fresh Air with Terry have long had a liberal bias, I admit that I have not listened to her in a few years but during the Bush years, she was critical of Bush. She is very low key however, there is a bias. Since it has been a few years I am going off past experience. I don't listen to politics on the radio anymore, I will listen to sports talk and music, that is now it. If NPR and PBS can't make it on their own they need to go.

Most of you probably pay about a dollar a year in federal taxes towards public broadcasting.

I am willing to sponsor any one of you, at 1 dollar a year, to relieve this hardship, on the condition that the person I sponsor promises to quit crying about that hardship.

And that's WAY too much. Once again, if your ideas are so darn good, they need not be mandatory.

Having a military is a good idea, shouldn't we be able to fund it voluntarily?

The military is in Constitution. PBS and NPR is not.

That's the dumbest post of the day.
And your's was the least original.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

Need to change your underwear again and it's not even noon yet.
Just because someone SAYS Trump NEEDS to do something, doesn't mean it's going to happen.
That is an Op/Ed on a fake news site, Gateway Pundit is as Alt-Right as it gets outside of Breitbart.
Thank God.
What makes it stupid is, CONGRESS is in the Constitution, and CONGRESS funds PBS and NPR, and the SCOTUS is in the Constitution, and SCOTUS has not ruled PBS/NPR funding unconstitutional.
No one is saying they are Un-Constitutional. The Constitution also does NOT mandate Congress to fund them...and guess what?! Congress is about to STOP funding them, which is NOT Un-Constitutional, either. Have a nice day.
I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?
Because of a $20 trillion debt.
Don't give that excuse when you plan to spend 12 billion on the Wall.
You see only the negatives of building a wall. I see a cost savings of $160 billion annually taking care of illegals....untold jobs created along with increased revenue.....reduced costs to ICE transporting illegals, court costs, food and temporary
Uh huh. You got enough for a wall, you got enough for PBS. According to Carbiner, the government funds 15% of its operating costs. It's not going to break Washington to pay for one worthwhile television station.

With several hundred cable channels.....there is no need to fund PBS or NPR........or the endowment for arts and humanities........too many rich left wingers who can do that...
The People want that 15% to come out of taxes. You lose.
I am one of 'the people', one of the majority NPR does not represent...and I do NOT want that coming out of my taxes. Much like abortions - you like it, you want it, YOU fund it!
About time. State funded media is a bad idea. We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.

Besides, if NPR and PBS programming is as quality as many say, it will have no problem thriving in a free market.
I'm sure the LIB Coastal Elites will have no problem supporting these LIB propaganda outlets.
Let fucking Soros pony up!
It's after all his choir who feeds on the LIB propaganda.
Yeah, it's NPR breaking the federal bank. Not the $1.2 trillion in annual tax expenditures which transfer wealth up the food chain.

Sure. Okay.
Okay I can live with NPR going private. But defunding NEA sort of says something about what kind of a nation and culture we are turning into.

A more fiscally responsible one where money is no longer forcible taken from the few so that you can see bad art?

PM me your real name and address and I'll write you a check for the $3.78 you have contributed over the years to the National Endowment for the Arts. If we can still watch American Masters and Lincoln Center Presents rather than Real Housewives of New Jersey and Celebrity Apprentice.
We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.
Putin's gov funds RT News and it has been effective in duping naive Americans.
A CIA report cited their propaganda.
The US needs its own news outlets based on more objective reporting & educational-scientific issues to counter the Kremlin crap.
Yep, PBS and NPR have been duping Americans for some time now, that's the whole problem. Odd that you think nursing off the public titty makes one objective.


Whatever Comrade... Your daily diet of RT tv is showing...
We don't buy the schlock spewed by other country's state-run propaganda machines, we shouldn't have it here. The notion of "news" funded by the government is distasteful at best, tyrannical at worst.
Putin's gov funds RT News and it has been effective in duping naive Americans.
A CIA report cited their propaganda.
The US needs its own news outlets based on more objective reporting & educational-scientific issues to counter the Kremlin crap.
Yep, PBS and NPR have been duping Americans for some time now, that's the whole problem. Odd that you think nursing off the public titty makes one objective.


Whatever Comrade... Your daily diet of RT tv is showing...
I don't see them often but since I don't watch Democrat news outlets I do see them more. Putin is an amateur compared to them.

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