Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.
I have been afraid of this. I will miss NPR/PBS terribly. It was a valuable haven of sanity and information in a more and more commercial-driven race for sensational news.
This is horrible. It's making me sick. Please someone tell me it's not true.

Donate money to them during their fundraising drives if you want to keep it!
How long has PBS been around? Once you look that up then come back and tell me how fucking stupid your comment is.


PBS has been around since 1970... so to say it is Obama funded is a fucking retarded thing to say. It's been supported by Republican Presidents as well. Trump and his crew is turning this country backwards and in 4 years when we get a real President all this shit will just be reinstated.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media.

The media has totally discredited itself, and Trump is calling them on it. 'Fake News', 'All-In', Refusing to report news due to bias / agenda, etc....we finally have a President who is calling them out, although IMO this problem with the news has never been this bad before.

NPR, however, has been little more than a liberal propaganda / elitist media for decades now, and it is about time tax dollars were cut off from such a blatantly biased federal govt-funded organization. If liberals want so badly for it to remain on the air let them pull money out of their own pockets to pay for it.
NO IT'S NOT! It tells the truth in depth on topics they feel are important. You don't have to listen, but how would you like it if he were trying to shut down Rush or that other neener head from Boston? It feels the same to me.

Try rereading your post with emphasis on the red text and perhaps you will see why that is wrong.
NPR will be around truth seekers will fund it, liberals want the government to pay for pbs because they want to keep their money and let others pay for their vomit pump.
No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.
PBS is a government propaganda organ. The first order of business for authoritarian governments is to make sure the public is bombarded with the regimes propaganda, and that's exactly the purpose the PBS and the NEA serve. They have nothing to do with "freedom of the press."

Let's be honest here. Nova and Nature are some of the best programming left on TV. I can fuss thru the GWarming crap to watch them. But don't tell your lefty friends who actually FUNDS those shows. It's those evil Koch Brothers !!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the Kochs
would PREFER to fund them somewhere else.

And frankly -- since they booted production on Sesame Street, I haven't been watching much more than those two. You fire Big Bird and replace him with cheap foreign animation and you're doomed. :lol: Not to mention the F-You their news side just did on Trump by editing a time lapse of the mall from dawn and dusk and leaving out the peak TWO HOURS or so of crowd size. That was a kamikaze move after the war was lost -- kind of move.
PBS has been around since 1970... so to say it is Obama funded is a fucking retarded thing to say. It's been supported by Republican Presidents as well. Trump and his crew is turning this country backwards and in 4 years when we get a real President all this shit will just be reinstated.

Once again your ADD missed what I said....GLOBAL WARMING "SCIENCE" is Obama-funded nitwits living on grant money. And in 4 years you and algore will be appreciated about as much as a fart in a crowded elevator.
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.


That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

Damn, that wasn't any where near my best one. You sure are easily entertained.

Let's be real, you got your education from burning crosses and stroking the barrel of a gun, we all know why you are so against PBS and knowledge, it helps people to think for themselves and not be so easily indoctrinated into your little white cloth groups.
Yes, that's where I got my education. The same education that makes you look like the fool you are day after day. The same education that posts things that send you into a tizzy.
PBS has been around since 1970... so to say it is Obama funded is a fucking retarded thing to say. It's been supported by Republican Presidents as well. Trump and his crew is turning this country backwards and in 4 years when we get a real President all this shit will just be reinstated.

Once again your ADD missed what I said....GLOBAL WARMING "SCIENCE" is Obama-funded nitwits living on grant money. And in 4 years you and algore will be appreciated about as much as a fart in a crowded elevator.

Global Warming has been a part of PBS programming before Obama made office....Jesus dude you are dense.
No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.
Trump wanting to defund NPR and PBS is a only a recommendation at this stage by someone named Darling. I bet he got mocked at school with such a name. Can I borrow a pencil, Darling? Thanks, you're a Darling.
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.


That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

Damn, that wasn't any where near my best one. You sure are easily entertained.

Let's be real, you got your education from burning crosses and stroking the barrel of a gun, we all know why you are so against PBS and knowledge, it helps people to think for themselves and not be so easily indoctrinated into your little white cloth groups.
Yes, that's where I got my education. The same education that makes you look like the fool you are day after day. The same education that posts things that send you into a tizzy.

You act proud to be an online troll. That's funny shit right there. What kind of life can you possibly have that you brag about acting like a prick on purpose to get a rise out of other people. And then you want to try and make fun of me and my education.


You pathetic little man.
The liberals have been outed as the shit they are, Trump used their methods to BEAT their ass even with their main organizer pumping out his best shit. He has used their ignorance and lack of intelligence to make them show what they are to the centrist that make up the majority of the country and give them the information that will doom liberal shit for 50 years at least, hopefully forever.
Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?

It's because he is afraid of people in the population having knowledge of what is really going on around them and aren't so easily manipulated by propaganda spewed by people like Trump.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?
You have a choice to pay when you listen to anyone but NPR. In that case you don't just listen to ad's trying to sell you stuff if you choose to purchase them thus keeping the advertisers aboard supporting your show. It's you paying for them to be on air whether you listen or not with tax dollars. You can turn off NPR on the radio, you can't turn them off in your wallet.

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