Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.

Propaganda isn't's indoctrinational.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.
Yes TODAY the CEO will speak at the march for life parade along with his pos VP both of which want to tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies Nothing more important to attend to than that CEO ??

What are you babbling about? Trump did not go.
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.


That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.

Propaganda isn't's indoctrinational.

Facts, from scientists... is not propaganda.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

Americans don't support defunding public broadcasting.

What Americans? the majority? 33%? 49%? Why don't you provide some validated data? Based on the logic behind your statement, Americans don't support Democrats and Liberals. We're both right.
No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
I warn folks not to get too worked up over this issue. The Taxpayer-funding will likely continue. Republicans always talk a good game on defunding, but they never deliver. Personally, i don't mind continuing funding for PBS. It's not as militant Left Wing. But Taxpayer-funding for NPR should definitely end. It refuses to provide balance. It does only push Pro-Democrat propaganda. So i'm willing to compromise. Keep PBS funding, ditch NPR funding.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.

Straws on a pile as far as I can see. Look at silencing the twitter feeds of certain agencies. Instead of doing what is done in some schools, where they teach creationism and evolution both, the new administration seems bent on only putting out one point of view. I found it unintellectual when the last administration did it, and I have the same criticism of the new administration. The free market works in ideas as well as finances: Put the ideas out there and see which one wins. Don't just hide the one you don't like. That's encouraging ignorance.

Would you let an employee post positions about your company with which you vehemently disagreed? Of course not!

That is why Trump put a gag on the liberal airheads at the EPA from spreading their propaganda.
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.


That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

Damn, that wasn't any where near my best one. You sure are easily entertained.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.
PBS is a government propaganda organ. The first order of business for authoritarian governments is to make sure the public is bombarded with the regimes propaganda, and that's exactly the purpose the PBS and the NEA serve. They have nothing to do with "freedom of the press."
PBS helps educate kids and adults alike...I'm sorry some here have a problem with enlightenment. Let's be honest, Trump is only cutting it because it provides information about global warming,evolution, and other items that scare his little mind.
If you are the product of PBS "thinking" that's a prime example of why it's a waste of money.


That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

Damn, that wasn't any where near my best one. You sure are easily entertained.

Let's be real, you got your education from burning crosses and stroking the barrel of a gun, we all know why you are so against PBS and knowledge, it helps people to think for themselves and not be so easily indoctrinated into your little white cloth groups.
No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
Being government funded removes what viewers support as the measuring stick of staying in business or not. That's my point. Rush and the rest are doing just fine. No tax dollars needed. If enough people want PBS they will have no problem continuing doing what they are with no need for government funding. It's time to let them fly or die.
Yeah keep the huffaturd post crew, dump the REAL NEWS crew. Sounds like a good well indoctrinated little liberal turd. There is NO reason for the government to fund any news source. The liberal shit media gets enough from the soros nwo groups that promote rewritten history, socialist agendas, and ruling class regalist imperial views
Would you let an employee post positions about your company with which you vehemently disagreed? Of course not!

That is why Trump put a gag on the liberal airheads at the EPA from spreading their propaganda.

And a quote came out of this polluted agency that they would "resist and they are tough"....and about to be job-hunting once Shumer and the other Rats confirm Trump's new man to take over there.
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media.

The media has totally discredited itself, and Trump is calling them on it. 'Fake News', 'All-In', Refusing to report news due to bias / agenda, etc....we finally have a President who is calling them out, although IMO this problem with the news has never been this bad before.

NPR, however, has been little more than a liberal propaganda / elitist media for decades now, and it is about time tax dollars were cut off from such a blatantly biased federal govt-funded organization. If liberals want so badly for it to remain on the air let them pull money out of their own pockets to pay for it.

There is no "news" any more. There are just opinions shouted at each other
Zappa once said that art paid for by the state is called "propaganda"

So Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel was propaganda. I fundamentally disagree with Zappa. If I won't listen to Madanna's views because they don't make sense, I sure won't listen to Frank Zappa either.

Which state paid for the Sistine Chapel?
Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.
PBS is a government propaganda organ. The first order of business for authoritarian governments is to make sure the public is bombarded with the regimes propaganda, and that's exactly the purpose the PBS and the NEA serve. They have nothing to do with "freedom of the press."

Yeah, i can't trust State-Run Media. That's how i feel anyway.

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