Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

Historically, the first order of business for an authoritarian government is to neutralize the media and press. That is what trump is doing by attacking the media. The results will be that no one is able to decipher what is real news and what is not. The government gains complete control of what the public is allowed to know. Even provable facts are questioned and left in doubt.

Eliminating state run media leads to "government gaining complete control of what the public is allowed to know"?

Wow, that's some logic you got there.
What a goddamned liar you are. I can go on the net and get any view from anywhere in the world. It is your orange clown and people like you that are trying to change that. You and he are Fascist.
So the fact you stated as being able to get any info in the world you want at any time should make government funding of a radio station and tv station irrelevant and not needed. NOW you don't know how you feel about it. But you feel private education is something that's not even on the table because it offers more......huh?

K-12 education is legally mandated. College education is not. K-12 is the minimum standard and I don't think anyone argues that an educated populace would not be in our best interest. It is in our best interest to provide that education at no cost (other than through our taxes). If you look at countries where families must pay you will see huge descrepencies in education and poverty. I don't think there is a reasonable argument against a minimal, no-cost education.

The argument is whether you want taxpayers to pay for a Ford or a Lamborghini.

The reason I'm on the fence about free college is - it's not mandated, it PROBABLY is in the best interest of our populace today given what is needed for a job - but I haven't totally looked at it. If I did agree, I still won't fund a Lamborghini.

I disagree there because in my opinion, if you can't afford kids, don't have kids. I didn't.

You pay to feed them. You pay to shelter them. You pay to clothe them. You pay for their medical care. And yes, you should pay to educate them if you can't do it on your own.

If you can't do all of things for your children, then don't have any children.

I opted out of kids because I couldn't afford them and felt I would not be a good parent (and my family is genetically a mess) - but I don't have an issue paying for other kid's education. It benefits us all.

And if parents paid for their own kids education, it wouldn't benefit us all?

Besides that, I get sick of paying for all the extras. I don't want to pay for their lunch. I don't want to pay for their gymnasium or football field. I don't want to pay for field trips. And for crying out loud, if I have to pay for your kids education, can't you at least take them to the school yourself? No, I have to pay for their transportation as well.

Yeh, my father could pay for my education working two full-time jobs every week day and helped run a farm on the weekend. I am where I am today because of my public school education. Under your idea, I would be a ditch digger somewhere.

People take it for granted...just looking at other parts of the world should be enough of a reality check.
You have a choice to pay when you listen to anyone but NPR. In that case you don't just listen to ad's trying to sell you stuff if you choose to purchase them thus keeping the advertisers aboard supporting your show. It's you paying for them to be on air whether you listen or not with tax dollars. You can turn off NPR on the radio, you can't turn them off in your wallet.

I pay for a lot of things whether I use them or not. I have a choice.
Why are you ok with that? If you aren't using something why should you pay for it?

Yes, I'm ok with that.

For example, funding PP and other crisis pregnancy centers provide a valuable service to society as a whole and I support that.
PP sure doesn't provide much of a service to our newest citizens. The ones that will never get anything from government other than a death sentence at the very earliest point of their life. Does that actually make you feel good that you ending that child's life you consider a good service that helped you out?

Do you feel good deliberately distorting people's positions?
What did I distort? You need to post those things.
Let's be honest here. Nova and Nature are some of the best programming left on TV. I can fuss thru the GWarming crap to watch them. But don't tell your lefty friends who actually FUNDS those shows. It's those evil Koch Brothers !!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the Kochs
would PREFER to fund them somewhere else.

And frankly -- since they booted production on Sesame Street, I haven't been watching much more than those two. You fire Big Bird and replace him with cheap foreign animation and you're doomed. :lol: Not to mention the F-You their news side just did on Trump by editing a time lapse of the mall from dawn and dusk and leaving out the peak TWO HOURS or so of crowd size. That was a kamikaze move after the war was lost -- kind of move.

Weepy Woodruff and Margaret Warner had quite the lie-fest going the night after Trump got elected....something about withered old women telling whoppers that I once found hilarious but now find disgusting. PBS is also very aware of the repeated showings of civil rights era riots, dogs and fire hoses' effect on another generation of young blacks. Their agenda is very clear to anybody paying attention.

Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?

It's because he is afraid of people in the population having knowledge of what is really going on around them and aren't so easily manipulated by propaganda spewed by people like Trump.
It's like this thread is a room we're all in trying to discuss something and you're some retarded kid with a bucket on his head running all over the place bumping into the walls and furniture.

Sure thing boss. You're only defense for Trump to quit supporting PBS and NPR is ignorance and fear. Do you even realize that more tax dollars go towards the study of how hummingbirds masturbate than goes towards PBS, but here you are arguing about it. That's just how out of touch you really are.
No one is saying NPR and PBS have to close their doors. They are saying that taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize these businesses. They should be paid for with donations by people who find value in them.

Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?
You don't have a choice about paying for it.
Like I already said, I support the government subsidizing the arts and public broadcasting.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.
You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?
You have a choice to pay when you listen to anyone but NPR. In that case you don't just listen to ad's trying to sell you stuff if you choose to purchase them thus keeping the advertisers aboard supporting your show. It's you paying for them to be on air whether you listen or not with tax dollars. You can turn off NPR on the radio, you can't turn them off in your wallet.

I pay for a lot of things whether I use them or not. I have a choice.
Why are you ok with that? If you aren't using something why should you pay for it?

Yes, I'm ok with that.

For example, funding PP and other crisis pregnancy centers provide a valuable service to society as a whole and I support that.
If it's so valuable, then the people who use it should pay for it themselves. Why should I pay for your abortion?
Then you should be fine with the government paying Rush to be on air, or Hannity, or Levin or Beck. The only reason you're good with NPR getting tax dollars is you agree with them.

Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
If the issue ever came up, I would complain about it. Amtrak should be abolished.
Let's be honest here. Nova and Nature are some of the best programming left on TV. I can fuss thru the GWarming crap to watch them. But don't tell your lefty friends who actually FUNDS those shows. It's those evil Koch Brothers !!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the Kochs
would PREFER to fund them somewhere else.

And frankly -- since they booted production on Sesame Street, I haven't been watching much more than those two. You fire Big Bird and replace him with cheap foreign animation and you're doomed. :lol: Not to mention the F-You their news side just did on Trump by editing a time lapse of the mall from dawn and dusk and leaving out the peak TWO HOURS or so of crowd size. That was a kamikaze move after the war was lost -- kind of move.

Weepy Woodruff and Margaret Warner had quite the lie-fest going the night after Trump got elected....something about withered old women telling whoppers that I once found hilarious but now find disgusting. PBS is also very aware of the repeated showings of civil rights era riots, dogs and fire hoses' effect on another generation of young blacks. Their agenda is very clear to anybody paying attention.

Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

That's some of the funniest shit you have ever said. Oh shit that is fucking hilarious! Jesus you are one hell of a comedian! OMG I"'m busting a gut at how awesome that was!!!!

Damn, that wasn't any where near my best one. You sure are easily entertained.

Let's be real, you got your education from burning crosses and stroking the barrel of a gun, we all know why you are so against PBS and knowledge, it helps people to think for themselves and not be so easily indoctrinated into your little white cloth groups.
Let's get real: you're a leftwing douche bag who uses insults as a substitute for facts and logic. PBS is nothing more than a government propaganda organ. That's the only reason all you douche bags are crying about its demise.

I'm not a lefty and you calling me out for using insults in my posts is like an elephant calling a pig fat.
Right, and I'm the Queen of England.
So you're the one that invited Trump to visit the castle!
Yes I would. If that is what viewers want and support, I'm fine with that.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.

Bullshit, the only things you complain about are things you consider to be liberal, like educational, housing assistance, health care, and food assistance.
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.

Bullshit, the only things you complain about are things you consider to be liberal, like educational, housing assistance, health care, and food assistance.
Amtrak is liberal.
I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.

Bullshit, the only things you complain about are things you consider to be liberal, like educational, housing assistance, health care, and food assistance.
Amtrak is liberal.

Amtrak is liberal? You eating magic mushrooms?
You would scream night and day if the government paid to put Rush on the air.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.

Bullshit, the only things you complain about are things you consider to be liberal, like educational, housing assistance, health care, and food assistance.
Yes, because all of the solutions you come up with are dumb. Everything you touch get's worse. Even trains.
Don't give that excuse when you plan to spend 12 billion on the Wall.
You see only the negatives of building a wall. I see a cost savings of $160 billion annually taking care of illegals....untold jobs created along with increased revenue.....reduced costs to ICE transporting illegals, court costs, food and temporary
Uh huh. You got enough for a wall, you got enough for PBS. According to Carbiner, the government funds 15% of its operating costs. It's not going to break Washington to pay for one worthwhile television station.
The question is not if it will break the government. The question is if the government should be in the business of funding television in the first place and particularly if the government should be funding news.

The clear answer here is a resounding no IMHO. There is no reason for the government to be funding news or entertainment.

Or education? Do you believe we are a democratic republic? A nation whose population votes to elect their representatives fits that definition, notwithstanding the myth and meme that the United States is not a democracy.

That said, a democracy needs an informed and educated population to be and remain a nation of The People, by the People and for the people. Both NPR and PBS provide more than news and entertainment - they provide many things and most are informative, educational, substantive and relevant to the lives of voters and soon to be voters (i.e. minors).
That seems to be your perspective. And if you really believe that, they take donations.

None of that means the government itself should be funding these activities.

The POTUS installs the Board of Directors, and is limited to installing more than five (of the nine directors) from his own party. David Koch is a supporter of NOVA for the reasons I spelled out in my post above. Democracy requires a learned/informed population, and the way we are going - all partisan all of the time - is unhealthy and a threat to The Union.

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