Trump to defund PBS/NPR.

I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

I'm not forced to listen, but I am forced to pay for it. That's what I object to.

The federal government gives more money every year to Amtrak... I don't see you complaining about that.
You haven't been paying attention then.

Bullshit, the only things you complain about are things you consider to be liberal, like educational, housing assistance, health care, and food assistance.
Yes, because all of the solutions you come up with are dumb. Everything you touch get's worse. Even trains.

Everything "I" touch? Simple fucking question, and I've asked people like you this over and over and not gotten a single fucking answer... if I were liberal why would I argue that I'm not one every time?

I guarantee that as much as you hate social programs, there is someone in your life that you care for and love that has benefited from those programs in one way or another... even maybe you directly at some point though you obviously won't admit it. I fucking guarantee it. And if you say it isn't true, you are a liar.
Let's be honest here. Nova and Nature are some of the best programming left on TV. I can fuss thru the GWarming crap to watch them. But don't tell your lefty friends who actually FUNDS those shows. It's those evil Koch Brothers !!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the Kochs
would PREFER to fund them somewhere else.

And frankly -- since they booted production on Sesame Street, I haven't been watching much more than those two. You fire Big Bird and replace him with cheap foreign animation and you're doomed. :lol: Not to mention the F-You their news side just did on Trump by editing a time lapse of the mall from dawn and dusk and leaving out the peak TWO HOURS or so of crowd size. That was a kamikaze move after the war was lost -- kind of move.

Weepy Woodruff and Margaret Warner had quite the lie-fest going the night after Trump got elected....something about withered old women telling whoppers that I once found hilarious but now find disgusting. PBS is also very aware of the repeated showings of civil rights era riots, dogs and fire hoses' effect on another generation of young blacks. Their agenda is very clear to anybody paying attention.

Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?
Let's be honest here. Nova and Nature are some of the best programming left on TV. I can fuss thru the GWarming crap to watch them. But don't tell your lefty friends who actually FUNDS those shows. It's those evil Koch Brothers !!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the Kochs
would PREFER to fund them somewhere else.

And frankly -- since they booted production on Sesame Street, I haven't been watching much more than those two. You fire Big Bird and replace him with cheap foreign animation and you're doomed. :lol: Not to mention the F-You their news side just did on Trump by editing a time lapse of the mall from dawn and dusk and leaving out the peak TWO HOURS or so of crowd size. That was a kamikaze move after the war was lost -- kind of move.

Weepy Woodruff and Margaret Warner had quite the lie-fest going the night after Trump got elected....something about withered old women telling whoppers that I once found hilarious but now find disgusting. PBS is also very aware of the repeated showings of civil rights era riots, dogs and fire hoses' effect on another generation of young blacks. Their agenda is very clear to anybody paying attention.

Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

Your totally correct on that. I'm not abandoning free markets at all. Just pointing out folks ARE forced to pay to stuff that they would rather not. And besides, if ANYTHING is funded, it should be innovative and unique. And NOT generally available on the marketplace.
Weepy Woodruff and Margaret Warner had quite the lie-fest going the night after Trump got elected....something about withered old women telling whoppers that I once found hilarious but now find disgusting. PBS is also very aware of the repeated showings of civil rights era riots, dogs and fire hoses' effect on another generation of young blacks. Their agenda is very clear to anybody paying attention.

Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?

Your bill is determined by how many channels Comcast offers. Because they PAY for every one of them and pass the cost on to you. Which in some cases is incestuous and self-serving because now most of the cable/streaming providers are OWNERS of some of this media. And they charge you for stuff -- you'd rather NOT pay for. Just like the Govt charges taxpayers for media that often conflicts with their political goals and views.

Comcast controls what Comcast airs. With maybe the exception of "local programming" which MIGHT be required in the license arrangements of their service area regulators.
Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?

Your bill is determined by how many channels Comcast offers. Because they PAY for every one of them and pass the cost on to you. Which in some cases is incestuous and self-serving because now most of the cable/streaming providers are OWNERS of some of this media. And they charge you for stuff -- you'd rather NOT pay for. Just like the Govt charges taxpayers for media that often conflicts with their political goals and views.

Comcast controls what Comcast airs. With maybe the exception of "local programming" which MIGHT be required in the license arrangements of their service area regulators.

Your bill is contingent on how many channels you subscribe.
Are you sure it's "agenda" and not just nostaglia for the good ole days when leftists were liberals and actually stood for stuff and changed the world??? :eusa_angel:

It appeals to people over 50. That's their demographic. And I'd rather be stuck in the 60's on PBS than watch a History Channel where every other show is about Hiltler and WW2.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?

Your bill is determined by how many channels Comcast offers. Because they PAY for every one of them and pass the cost on to you. Which in some cases is incestuous and self-serving because now most of the cable/streaming providers are OWNERS of some of this media. And they charge you for stuff -- you'd rather NOT pay for. Just like the Govt charges taxpayers for media that often conflicts with their political goals and views.

Comcast controls what Comcast airs. With maybe the exception of "local programming" which MIGHT be required in the license arrangements of their service area regulators.

I'm not sure how they are doing it, but there are some new companies that are letting you pick what channels you subscribe to instead of having to buy blocks that include channels you may never use. I think one of those companies is Sling Tv.
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?

Your bill is determined by how many channels Comcast offers. Because they PAY for every one of them and pass the cost on to you. Which in some cases is incestuous and self-serving because now most of the cable/streaming providers are OWNERS of some of this media. And they charge you for stuff -- you'd rather NOT pay for. Just like the Govt charges taxpayers for media that often conflicts with their political goals and views.

Comcast controls what Comcast airs. With maybe the exception of "local programming" which MIGHT be required in the license arrangements of their service area regulators.

Your bill is contingent on how many channels you subscribe.

No it's not. It's based on "packages". You don't get to pick every channel you want to pay for..
Mod Note: I'm enjoying this thread. Are YOU? :badgrin:
Because it's gotten a bit personal and testy in here for the last 4 or 5 pages.
Take that crap to the Flame Zone. Stay on the topic..
Fine, the you pay for PBS. No one is forced to pay for the History Channel if they don't want it.

Uh.. Comcast doesn't give me a choice either. I have to pay for women's channels, religious channels, gay channels, hispanic language channels. If youre THAT pro-choice, you should probably go off the grid entirely..
Comcast is a government protected monopoly. One of the conditions the government imposed for granting that monopoly was the requirement to carry a lot of channels that only a small percentage of the population actually watches. Don't blame free enterprise for that.

You're saying that just because some channels are more popular, Comcast shouldn't have to air them?

Your bill is determined by how many channels Comcast offers. Because they PAY for every one of them and pass the cost on to you. Which in some cases is incestuous and self-serving because now most of the cable/streaming providers are OWNERS of some of this media. And they charge you for stuff -- you'd rather NOT pay for. Just like the Govt charges taxpayers for media that often conflicts with their political goals and views.

Comcast controls what Comcast airs. With maybe the exception of "local programming" which MIGHT be required in the license arrangements of their service area regulators.

I'm not sure how they are doing it, but there are some new companies that are letting you pick what channels you subscribe to instead of having to buy blocks that include channels you may never use. I think one of those companies is Sling Tv.

With Sling Tv you also buy blocks.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

In related news.......

Turkey shuts 15 media outlets and arrests opposition editor
Editor of the Cumhuriyet secularist newspaper arrested in dawn raids with 10,000 more civil servants sacked for alleged terror links
when that actually happens here let me know
You were complaining about funding bad art.

I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?

Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.

Only an idiot would come to a conclusion not based on what a person said. Can you answer the question?
I did. Pay attention.
Why are you opposed to funding art?
Because of a $20 trillion debt.
Don't give that excuse when you plan to spend 12 billion on the Wall.
You see only the negatives of building a wall. I see a cost savings of $160 billion annually taking care of illegals....untold jobs created along with increased revenue.....reduced costs to ICE transporting illegals, court costs, food and temporary
Most illegals come in legally and do not return. The wall will not help.

Yep! All of those Mexicans came into the US legally and overstayed their visa. Right! That sounds totally believable.

What are you? Some kind of illegal idiot?
I read it on the BBC website.
I was complaining about funding any art. If I wasn't clear in that, let me be now.
Why are you opposed to funding art?

Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.

Only an idiot would come to a conclusion not based on what a person said. Can you answer the question?
I did. Pay attention.

Okay, you are an idiot, thanks for clarifying.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why are you opposed to funding art?

Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.

Only an idiot would come to a conclusion not based on what a person said. Can you answer the question?
I did. Pay attention.

Okay, you are an idiot, thanks for clarifying.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
All you have is insults. You are unable to give a halfway intelligent reply.
Can you support art on your own? You know like make donations.
I cannot do it alone. Only an idiot would have to be told this.

Only an idiot would come to a conclusion not based on what a person said. Can you answer the question?
I did. Pay attention.

Okay, you are an idiot, thanks for clarifying.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
All you have is insults. You are unable to give a halfway intelligent reply.

You never answered my question, what would I be replying to? All you did was call me an idiot and then you,bitch about me having only insults? If you can't answer my question, I don't care.
One by one, Trump dismantles and discredits every leftist propaganda station. The stations which, have fed us a bunch of propaganda using our own money taken by taxes. It's finally time to put an end to the parasitism and propaganda. If leftists want to hear how much someone agrees with their shitty opinions, then they better pay for it by themselves.

“The Trump Administration needs to reform and cut spending dramatically, and targeting waste like the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be a good first step in showing that the Trump Administration is serious about radically reforming the federal budget,” said Brian Darling, a former aide to Paul and a former staffer at the Heritage Foundation.

PBS/NPR In Panic: Trump Administration To Defund/Privatize

The new enlightenment has begun! "Win streak" is the term that best describe Trump's presidency so far.

Now, perhaps we can finally get rid of all those wasteful school lunch programs and do what Gingrich suggested a few years ago: put those little kids to work cleaning the bathrooms. Hell, that's job training. They'd have a career before they even got to Junior High.

Hell, in that case we might as well put those kids on a factory assambly line somewhere straight out of junior high.
I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?

It's because he is afraid of people in the population having knowledge of what is really going on around them and aren't so easily manipulated by propaganda spewed by people like Trump.
It's like this thread is a room we're all in trying to discuss something and you're some retarded kid with a bucket on his head running all over the place bumping into the walls and furniture.

Sure thing boss. You're only defense for Trump to quit supporting PBS and NPR is ignorance and fear. Do you even realize that more tax dollars go towards the study of how hummingbirds masturbate than goes towards PBS, but here you are arguing about it. That's just how out of touch you really are.

So what are you saying, that because we spend more on hummingbirds masturbating, we should continue funding PBS and NPR?

Kind of a weak argument, don't you think? It's a similar argument druggies use for legalized drugs; alcohol is legal.

I'd be willing to bet that when Trump has more time, he will get to things like hummingbirds, but for right now, we on the right have been complaining for decades about the funding of left-leaning outlets. He's only been Prez for about a week.
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I wouldn't make peep.

Unlike you guys, I'm not delusional. I don't think there is someone holding a gun to my head and forcing me to listen.

My co-worker listens to Rush, I listen to my Pandora music choices. All is cool.

You keep saying you want choice but with government funding all choice is removed.

You have the choice to listen...or not.

How can you claim "all choice is removed"?

It's because he is afraid of people in the population having knowledge of what is really going on around them and aren't so easily manipulated by propaganda spewed by people like Trump.
It's like this thread is a room we're all in trying to discuss something and you're some retarded kid with a bucket on his head running all over the place bumping into the walls and furniture.

Sure thing boss. You're only defense for Trump to quit supporting PBS and NPR is ignorance and fear. Do you even realize that more tax dollars go towards the study of how hummingbirds masturbate than goes towards PBS, but here you are arguing about it. That's just how out of touch you really are.

Tax dollars shouldn't go to silly research, NPR, PBS, Amtrak, Nike, Intel, GM, Ford, Intel or any other corporation. Get rid of it all.
Not related at all. When Trump starts sending thugs to the NYT and MSNBC, or appoints monitors to said organization, then you would have a point.

Lambasting the press is not suppressing the press.
When that happens, the Drumpfsters will wholeheartedly support him.

No, we won't, unlike party hacks like yourself, some of us stand to our principles first.

Yep, in most cases your principles are, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"; but in your case, someone who pisses and moans about a fee to buy a gun, your guiding principle is simplified, "fuck the rest of you".

The same vulgarity that the nation was subjected to in the Lemming, 'Women's March" last weekend.

What is wrong with Liberals....?
(don't answer was rhetorical and the answer is evident)

Something you can't understand, liberals and progressives and Democrats have empathy and value the truth. Your mental illness - Narcissism - and character flaws - mendacity - interfere with rational thinking and common decency.

Post Script: Claiming my use of the word "fuck: is vulgar is laughable and an example of a false defense, the hate you spew against all who disagree with you is an example of real vulgarity.

"Claiming my use of the word "fuck: is vulgar is laughable..."

You actually wrote this?????

You've done a far better job of proving yourself an imbecile than I could....and I do so with metronomic regularity.

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