Trump to deploy up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals

Again for the criminally stupid, Trump had nothing to do with the draft the story even says so.

Right...makes perfect unauthorized 'someone' just went ahead and wrote an 11 page memo thoroughly documenting their own ideas without any direction being given from a big shot(s) within the Trump admin?
Fake News is so awesome!!

Again for the criminally stupid, Trump had nothing to do with the draft the story even says so.

Right...makes perfect unauthorized 'someone' just went ahead and wrote an 11 page memo thoroughly documenting their own ideas without any direction being given from a big shot(s) within the Trump admin?
It makes perfect sense if the object is sabotage. Trump had only been sworn in 5 days before. Any low level clerk can type up a memo and plant it in a file. It happens in offices around the world.
The fake news is the OP claiming the AP reported an order being signed.

How are facts "fake news?"

{The Associated Press reported Friday morning that the Trump administration has considered deploying as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to, in the AP's words, "round up" undocumented immigrants, according to an obtained draft memo:}

Report: Trump Administration Considers Deploying 100,000 National Guard Troops to Round Up Immigrants

The AP lied, as they do so often.

They all think fakes new is truth , and truth is fake they can't figure out what Governmental Propaganda means yet. No matter what you tell them the holes in their brains are to severe. lol

That's the bad thing and it is by design. Design of the education system. They are not teaching with the methods that were used 20 years ago.

This cripples the student's ability to think objectively for themselves.

We're not? I teach the same way I did twenty years ago and I have gotten a lot better at it.
Wow. Progressives are falling all over themselves TRYING to believe such an audacious true.

They are SO gullible! They never stopped once to say to themselves..."hey, Prog, IF this were true, or even thought to be true by anyone, wouldn't it be getting 24/7 headline coverage from coast to coast and around the world?

Common sense is sorely lacking among the far left Progressives!
Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
But its hateful and anti immigrant. At least, so I am dictated too by the liberal cadre of political commissars. I despise illegal aliens and hope these bastards get what's coming to em'.
how is it anti immigrant exactly? do you know what illegal means? just curious who I'm asking. someone that understands our english and sovereignty or not.
Brother, relax. I was being sarcastic. I lived with illegal aliens, I don't see the love from illegals for American culture .I realized Mexican illegals actually hated us and actually get away with ignoring American culture. Aclimation is NOW a bad word. And I further realized that those that exploit illegal aliens for profit, and despise poor people of any color race and class are utilizing this to further their profit margin, not from altruistic or humanitarian motives. are the problem here, not illegal aliens.
Illegals are illegals period and all are criminals
Raids on turkish imams in Germany, DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups: for dummies

Turkey's top cleric denounces raids on 4 imams in Germany
The PSY-OP advances two agendas, the main one with the headlines and the secondary one in text.
1. Headlines set the stage for roundup of all muslims
2. in text the reader discovers that it was not because they were muslim clerics but rather "that they had spied on opponents of the Turkish government".
This markets the illuminati theater "Germany v Erdogan".
Reminder: Erdogan plays the KEY role supplying Europe's death camps, where refugees started to be gassed in Oct 2015.

Meanwhile in the USA: Same day, same main agenda:
DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups
The psy-op is as simple as this: use the verb in the past and as a possibility rather than as an announcement of what is about to start.
Goal: again setting the stage for upscaling the ongoing roundup, which, unlike in the EU, is not yet at the "muslims" but still at the "illegals" stage.

Feb 17, 2017 - Turkey's top cleric denounces raids on 4 imams in Germany
Turkey's top religious official suggested on Friday that the German authorities' raids on the apartments of four Islamic clerics were political moves fueled by "Islamophobia" ahead of elections in the country.
Mehmet Gormez, the chief of the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, also rejected accusations that the clerics were engaged in spying or any other illegal activity.
He acknowledged, however, that some had "exceeded their authorities" and were called back to Turkey, without offering details.
The four clerics' homes were raided on Wednesday over suspicions that they had spied on opponents of the Turkish government.
Turkey's top cleric denounces raids on 4 imams in Germany

Feb 17, 2017 - DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups
AP Exclusive: DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups

Psy-ops (all actors) are as obvious as this:
1. Demonize ethnic and religious minorities (such as "horrendous crimes"), same as setting the stage to for the supervised "race war" (such as "white police kills unarmed black" to have blacks led by illuminati's agents, such as BlackLivesMatter):
only these "stories" make national headlines, let alone FROM THE START of the "story", BEFORE the third stage, when the targeted group is explicitly named in the headlines.
2. Fake terrorist attacks: if the target were supposedly civilians.
Legalize Terror Agenda: How FAKE terror advances GENOCIDE both coming and ongoing

Jul 2015 - Psy-ops to paint refugees as criminal migrants: set stage for death trains and 2 months later already to keep them rolling.
Illuminati jokes: Why was a major psy-op staged on New Year's Eve at the Cologne main train station?
Last Prophet's words from Jul 2015, two months before the "relocations by death train" restarted, 80 years later, also explains it in advance.
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Death trains; Paint Refugees as criminal migrants to set stage and after to keep them rolling

All in Blog
Ethnic Civil War, Illuminati last tactic weapon: Raids on turkish imams in Germany, DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups: for dummies
Tent cities become prison camps: Roundup of homeless: psy-op for drastic upscale

Feb 2017 - what was explained by Last Prophet unfolds.
As served by "alternative" media, alias a member of the illuminati web of disinfo (zerohedge):
The City of Santa Ana has come up with an innovative and despotic way of keeping their homeless population in check — imprison them.
The city is now party to a federal lawsuit over unreasonable seizure, false imprisonment, and due process violations.
Heading up the lawsuit on behalf of Michael Diehl, who has lived at the encampment for three years, is the ACLU of Southern California.
The lawsuit demands the immediate removal of the 6-foot-tall chain-link fences penning in 75-100 people and their belongings.

---- From Sep 15, 2016
Homeless Tent Cities suddenly surface at city centers - the horrible truth
A psy-op that unlike almost every headlines is NOT staged with actors.

1. - Facilitate upscaling the roundup: these tent cities will become prison camps overnight.
2. - Market two of Trump's classic bombing missions: legalizing the extermination of the homeless in sync with roundup of "illegals", to be transported to be gassed in death camps.
During this process new groups of legal residents (before citizens) will be successively declared illegals.
How this will be served: "Trump solves the problem of tent cities by giving to the homelessthe jobs that the deported illegals no longer have".
3. - Yet another variation of having the targeted groups voluntarily come to the death camps: same as having refugees desperately try to cross the Mediterranean only to be transported to Europe's gas chambers, operating since Oct 2015.

Feb 17, 2017 - California City Erects 'Prison Camp' To Deal With Homeless
California City Erects 'Prison Camp' To Deal With Homeless | Zero Hedge

Sep 13, 2016 - Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes
Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes | Zero Hedge

From 2012, illustrated with recent examples, last one from Apr 2016:
Genocide of homeles: demonize, roundup, legalize: psy-ops.
Subliminal messages: "the sledgehammer of Hawaii lawmaker assaulted at homeless camp" goes beyond simply demonizing homeless.
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda: Homeless demonize, roundup legalize: psy-ops

All in Blog
Great Tribulation: Tent cities become prison camps: Roundup of homeless for drastic upscale
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The fake news is the OP claiming the AP reported an order being signed.

How are facts "fake news?"

{The Associated Press reported Friday morning that the Trump administration has considered deploying as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to, in the AP's words, "round up" undocumented immigrants, according to an obtained draft memo:}

Report: Trump Administration Considers Deploying 100,000 National Guard Troops to Round Up Immigrants

The AP lied, as they do so often.

They all think fakes new is truth , and truth is fake they can't figure out what Governmental Propaganda means yet. No matter what you tell them the holes in their brains are to severe. lol

That's the bad thing and it is by design. Design of the education system. They are not teaching with the methods that were used 20 years ago.

This cripples the student's ability to think objectively for themselves.

We're not? I teach the same way I did twenty years ago and I have gotten a lot better at it.

I'm sure you do, That does not mean your peers are all doing the same. I'm sure my cousin does too. He ain't taking no shit, no time, nohow. :badgrin:
The fake news is the OP claiming the AP reported an order being signed.

How are facts "fake news?"

{The Associated Press reported Friday morning that the Trump administration has considered deploying as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to, in the AP's words, "round up" undocumented immigrants, according to an obtained draft memo:}

Report: Trump Administration Considers Deploying 100,000 National Guard Troops to Round Up Immigrants

The AP lied, as they do so often.

They all think fakes new is truth , and truth is fake they can't figure out what Governmental Propaganda means yet. No matter what you tell them the holes in their brains are to severe. lol

That's the bad thing and it is by design. Design of the education system. They are not teaching with the methods that were used 20 years ago.

This cripples the student's ability to think objectively for themselves.

We're not? I teach the same way I did twenty years ago and I have gotten a lot better at it.

I'm sure you do, That does not mean your peers are all doing the same. I'm sure my cousin does too. He ain't taking no shit, no time, nohow. :badgrin:

I so do see lots of other teachers teaching due to my school undergoing construction, as I share classrooms with 5 other teachers.
How are facts "fake news?"

{The Associated Press reported Friday morning that the Trump administration has considered deploying as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to, in the AP's words, "round up" undocumented immigrants, according to an obtained draft memo:}

Report: Trump Administration Considers Deploying 100,000 National Guard Troops to Round Up Immigrants

The AP lied, as they do so often.

They all think fakes new is truth , and truth is fake they can't figure out what Governmental Propaganda means yet. No matter what you tell them the holes in their brains are to severe. lol

That's the bad thing and it is by design. Design of the education system. They are not teaching with the methods that were used 20 years ago.

This cripples the student's ability to think objectively for themselves.

We're not? I teach the same way I did twenty years ago and I have gotten a lot better at it.

I'm sure you do, That does not mean your peers are all doing the same. I'm sure my cousin does too. He ain't taking no shit, no time, nohow. :badgrin:

I so do see lots of other teachers teaching due to my school undergoing construction, as I share classrooms with 5 other teachers.

What state do you teach in? I've found that the "indoctrination curriculum" isn't in even a majority of states, but it is in some.

I've been gathering information since last year when I found out about "safe spaces" and all that gobblety-gook.
Why wait until they run afoul of police ?
Because I'm not interested in American officials going after people who have apparently done nothing wrong and demanding "Your papers, please!".

Despite what this Fake News article is pretending, and you are now actively pushing.

But they HAVE done something wrong. Millions of them crossed the border without authorization from US immigration authorities. That is a CRIME, and all those who have committed it are CRIMINALS. Those who have overstayed their visas also have done something wrong. They were required to leave the US before the expiration of their visas, and they did not. All this is a disrespect for our laws (and us).

What gave you the idea that these illegal aliens have "apparently done nothing wrong" ? Is this more of the FAKE NEWS being pushed on MSNBC, CNN, New York Times , and other liberal media ?
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True. But you can't tell that by looking at them. You'd have to walk up to them and demand, "Your papers, please!" to establish that they are doing something wrong by being here. Which means you'd have to walk up to EVERY U.S. citizen, too, and demand his papers.

And that ain't us.

We should wait till they get a speeding ticket, or write a bad check, or jaywalk in traffic, or other such thing that brings them into law enforcement circles. Then investigate further. And turn them over to ICE.
I see nothing wrong with asking people for proof that they are here legally. Them being here is a huge problem to us, which carries many HARMS to us. Why should we tolerate all these HARMS just to accomodate people who disrespect our laws and us ?

As for the people who are here legally (like me), why would we object ? This is done FOR US, on our behalf, to protect us from invasion of our borders, and all the harms we endure from this illegality. I see Trump is hiring 10,00 more ICE agents to go after illegal aliens. That's a good thing. Since when is it not "us", to enforce our laws ?
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What is a Trump supporter's definition of fake news? Any news that is bad for Trump. Since this story makes Trump look bad as it rightly should, it is automatically fake news.
Why should it make Trump look bad ? If 100,000 National Guardsmen were out rounding up illegal aliens, that's great.
The fake news is the OP claiming the AP reported an order being signed.

How are facts "fake news?"

{The Associated Press reported Friday morning that the Trump administration has considered deploying as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to, in the AP's words, "round up" undocumented immigrants, according to an obtained draft memo:}

Report: Trump Administration Considers Deploying 100,000 National Guard Troops to Round Up Immigrants

The AP lied, as they do so often.
The OP is fake. The linked article does not substantiate to OP.

I gave you the AP link where AP lied.

It's fake news that the AP spread to slander and libel Trump. It's what you little Goebbels do.
What is a Trump supporter's definition of fake news? Any news that is bad for Trump. Since this story makes Trump look bad as it rightly should, it is automatically fake news.
Why should it make Trump look bad ? If 100,000 National Guardsmen were out rounding up illegal aliens, that's great.'s a "lie"...but you think it's a great idea..........:rofl:

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