Trump to deploy up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals

Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
But its hateful and anti immigrant. At least, so I am dictated too by the liberal cadre of political commissars. I despise illegal aliens and hope these bastards get what's coming to em'.
how is it anti immigrant exactly? do you know what illegal means? just curious who I'm asking. someone that understands our english and sovereignty or not.
well first off, the document was not a WH document. Let's first find out your evidence there was that discussion. There goes the left back at it to prove a negative. LOL, and

I don't have to provide evidence.

I didn't start the thread or make claims. The OP posted and article and proclaimed it to be "fake news". The burden to prove it fake is on him.
well can you provide the OP quote that made that statement?

Oh hell - thread's been merged with another one - the OP is a different one then I was responding to :lol:
Doesn't change the fact the story is FALSE, rhe White House had NOTHING to do with it and it was never a trump plan. Thus fake fucking news.

Remind me about the White House's (and Spicer's) level of truthiness :lol:
well prove them liars or stfu. Otherwise, you are again posting from pretendland.
What's fake about it? Did they or did they not consider this?

If the article is wrong, can you provide evidence to refute it?
well first off, the document was not a WH document. Let's first find out your evidence there was that discussion. There goes the left back at it to prove a negative. LOL, and

I don't have to provide evidence.

I didn't start the thread or make claims. The OP posted and article and proclaimed it to be "fake news". The burden to prove it fake is on him.
well can you provide the OP quote that made that statement?

Oh hell - thread's been merged with another one - the OP is a different one then I was responding to :lol:
Doesn't change the fact the story is FALSE, rhe White House had NOTHING to do with it and it was never a trump plan. Thus fake fucking news.

It is not fake news. You are relying on the WH telling the truth. The fact is that the document exists. It doesn't exist just because somebody decided to write it for the heck of it. Just because they got caught does not make it fake.
Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
Go get em' boss!
Reported by the Associated Press
But its hateful and anti immigrant. At least, so I am dictated too by the liberal cadre of political commissars. I despise illegal aliens and hope these bastards get what's coming to em'.
how is it anti immigrant exactly? do you know what illegal means? just curious who I'm asking. someone that understands our english and sovereignty or not.
Brother, relax. I was being sarcastic. I lived with illegal aliens, I don't see the love from illegals for American culture .I realized Mexican illegals actually hated us and actually get away with ignoring American culture. Aclimation is NOW a bad word. And I further realized that those that exploit illegal aliens for profit, and despise poor people of any color race and class are utilizing this to further their profit margin, not from altruistic or humanitarian motives. are the problem here, not illegal aliens.
The National Guard is not meant to be used as law enforcement unless there has been a disaster. This would be a abuse of the Guard and the first step to a police state. This would be so typical of Trump who clearly is a wanna be Putin.
Trump is the guy that favors smaller government. No, the guard isn't going to be deployed like ICE. They aren't trained for it, didn't sign up for it, and is well apart from their purpose.

Trump can't call up the National Guard for the purpose of "law enforcement". He can ask, nicely, and the governors might order it. But Trump himself does not have that authority and he cannot legally order the US Army or the US Air Force to enforce domestic policy, that is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. He might try to order the Navy or Marines but they would most likely tell him to pound sand.

Trumps NPD be damned. If he wants to get in a pissing match with the US Military he is going to get a real taste of humility.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal governmentin using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction, and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.

The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army National Guard and the AirNational Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

Exactly, under STATE authority, by order or invitation of the GOVERNOR. Like I said Trump can ask nicely. Lincoln ASKED. George Washington ASKED. It was George Wallace standing in the school house door, and JUST George Wallace, that necessitated a federalized national guard. So, it might work for one raving lunatic governor, it wouldn't work for a hundred thousand "Illegals" any better than it did for a half million seceding southerners

George W Bush ASKED after Hurricane Katrina and the Governor refused.
What's fake about it? Did they or did they not consider this?

If the article is wrong, can you provide evidence to refute it?

Trump to deploy up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals.

Do you see anything about "considering" in the thread title?
The fake news here is that this is fake news. The fact is that opponents of Trump and Trump supporters are putting out fake news. What is a Trump supporter's definition of fake news? Any news that is bad for Trump. Since this story makes Trump look bad as it rightly should, it is automatically fake news.

You are contending the story is accurate?

How so, specifically?
Illegals ARE in fact doing something wrong JUST by being here.
True. But you can't tell that by looking at them. You'd have to walk up to them and demand, "Your papers, please!" to establish that they are doing something wrong by being here. Which means you'd have to walk up to EVERY U.S. citizen, too, and demand his papers.

And that ain't us.

We should wait till they get a speeding ticket, or write a bad check, or jaywalk in traffic, or other such thing that brings them into law enforcement circles. Then investigate further. And turn them over to ICE.

How does that work in the sanctuary cities?
well first off, the document was not a WH document. Let's first find out your evidence there was that discussion. There goes the left back at it to prove a negative. LOL, and

I don't have to provide evidence.

I didn't start the thread or make claims. The OP posted and article and proclaimed it to be "fake news". The burden to prove it fake is on him.
well can you provide the OP quote that made that statement?

Oh hell - thread's been merged with another one - the OP is a different one then I was responding to :lol:
Doesn't change the fact the story is FALSE, rhe White House had NOTHING to do with it and it was never a trump plan. Thus fake fucking news.

It is not fake news. You are relying on the WH telling the truth. The fact is that the document exists. It doesn't exist just because somebody decided to write it for the heck of it. Just because they got caught does not make it fake.

There is a document at the Pentagon describing how the US could conduct a nuclear first strike on Russia, but the White House is not considering doing that anytime soon. It has been there for at least 20 years.
Hey look people....I'm gonna go out on a whim and bet that document is a real draft of ideas put to paper. This tells me how aggressive minded the Trump admin is about making good on ridding this country of human cockroaches. Kid yourself all you want if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy...but this administration is extremely serious about it...They're exploring all potential avenues to accomplish it and accomplish it quickly...That alone makes me very happy.

5 days after Trump was sworn in, an anonymous person wrote a draft memo and placed the draft memo into a file. Then the draft memo was suddenly found by the same or another unknown person and given to the AP.

This screams set up.
Again for the criminally stupid, Trump had nothing to do with the draft the story even says so.

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