Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

What Trump did was illegal. Selling policies across state lines is a state decision not the federal government. If I were a state official, I would arrest anyone who tries. You are a disgusting monster. You probably want people with low incomes to drop dead and as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "decrease the surplus population".
The Republicans need to lose the House to put a check on this garbage.

You would arrest anyone who tries to open up the free market, but you don't demand the arrest of illegal immigrants being sheltered?

This is not free markets. State regulation is required to ensure that companies have the resources to honor claims made by paying customers. You are aware of the fact that auto insurance companies can sell policies in different states but they are subject to state regulation. Unfettered free markets are undesirable. Before Obamacare, insurance companies covered people who were young and healthy and everyone else was out of luck. That left groups like older people and people with pre-existing conditions unable to find affordable insurance. That is what Trump and you want to bring back.

Nobody is sheltering illegal immigrants. Sanctuary cities are mis-labeled. They do not take illegals and hide them in cellars. They simply say they will not enforce federal immigration law. They are not required to do so. I am upholding the law, you are not.
If Obamacare was truly "IMPLODING!" like Republicans have been crowing for the longest...why is this stunt even necessary?

If Democrats won't cooperate with Republicans in tweaking Obamacare, then it's fair for Trump to shove Obamacare off a cliff and force Democrats to the table.

Eh, Democrats are in full sedition .. top to bottom, a positive solution from them is laughable...

They're more like yapping dogs and parasites than responsible politicians.

Here is hoping you become uninsurable, and loose your job if you even work.

Is this the true Penelope or are you just being a meanie?

Where's the Democratic Party solution, 6 years and they have zero solutions, maybe I'm wrong, show me the legislation you're so thrilled about..:smile:

The Democrat plan is already in place. People want Obamacare fixed not repealed.
You people that are laughing in your glory that others are loosing healthcare deserve whatever you get. You will not get mercy from me, I'd have more mercy for a crack addict and an Hiv positive person that someone who voted for Trump and who is laughing at people losing healthcare.
no one is losing anything, titless, they will just have to learn to be adults.

Let them eat cake? I didn't know Maia Antoinette was still alive. Why don't you learn to be a human being.
No I know . Its called Trump Care now. Believe me I know how the Pubs fought tooth and nails to ruin the ACA since inception. I hate the Pubs for it. I esp hate trump and people who voted for the a hole, pussy grabbing pos. Pence , Paul and Ryan are just as bad.

In your own mind, P.

As long is a law of the land, with or without minor adjustments that law itself allows president to do thru executive orders, it's still leftist law. What if those changes turn out to be good?

By the way, did you run out of batteries? :D

It is making new law not a adjustment. The EO is illegal.
You're narrow minded. It's not about the milk you dunce. Milk is just and example, it could be anything else.

A very poor example because how customers purchase milk vs. how health care is paid couldn't be more different.

You think I can't prepay farmer to have fresh milk delivered to my doorstep.

This isn't 1955, milk deliverymen don't exist anymore. You buy milk at the store, not from the distributor directly. And the concept of health insurance is that you and millions of others pool your premiums together to hedge against the risk of financial ruin from unexpected health care costs. That's not even close to commercial sale of milk at all. So your comparison is pointless. Deal with reality, not Conservative fantasy.

No it doesn't. It proves that you don't get the concept of the free market. Not one communist does.

What do you think "free market health care" looks like? How is an insurance company determining what doctors you can go to and what procedures they will cover that protects their bottom line an example of "free market"?

Thing is, you people don't seem to have any idea of the kind of system you want. All you know is what you don't want, and that's a very childish way to go about policy.
No I know . Its called Trump Care now. Believe me I know how the Pubs fought tooth and nails to ruin the ACA since inception. I hate the Pubs for it. I esp hate trump and people who voted for the a hole, pussy grabbing pos. Pence , Paul and Ryan are just as bad.

In your own mind, P.

As long is a law of the land, with or without minor adjustments that law itself allows president to do thru executive orders, it's still leftist law. What if those changes turn out to be good?

By the way, did you run out of batteries? :D

It is making new law not a adjustment. The EO is illegal.

It's based on the same provision in the statute that allowed Barry to make adjustments to ACA. If Trump's EO is illegal, so was Barry's.
What irks me (I'm an independent, btw) that this basically seems like Trump's personal vendetta since he couldn't get it done through Congress. He's willing to make millions Americans pay more for health insurance and raise the deficit because he couldn't get his way. Sacrificing Americans for his own personal vendetta. That's a scary thought.
I think it is a pussy boy posting from his mother's basement in some rotting northern city run by Democrats for 40 years; or maybe California. Likely hates self-reliant successful people; doesn't have the emotional maturity to completely understand why; blames them rather than the true cause---jealousy.

So this response here is textbook Russian trolling 101. Russians were directed by Putin and the FSB to spread dissent among Americans by seeking to divide. So you're either a Russian propagandist, or a victim of Russian propaganda. Either way, you suck.
What irks me (I'm an independent, btw) that this basically seems like Trump's personal vendetta since he couldn't get it done through Congress. He's willing to make millions Americans pay more for health insurance and raise the deficit because he couldn't get his way. Sacrificing Americans for his own personal vendetta. That's a scary thought.

This and his disdain for Puerto Rico only goes to predict his inevitable uncaring response to millions dead on the Korean peninsula from a nuclear war he seems determined to start. If he cares so little about citizens in this country, how much do you think he cares about civilians in others?
What Trump did was illegal. Selling policies across state lines is a state decision not the federal government. If I were a state official, I would arrest anyone who tries. You are a disgusting monster. You probably want people with low incomes to drop dead and as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "decrease the surplus population".
The Republicans need to lose the House to put a check on this garbage.

It's been the unspoken GOP/Conservative policy for years that they don't give a shit about people they don't know personally.
Here is an intelligent person addressing the issue:

Media's shrill coverage conceals some first-rate moves by Trump on Obamacare

One other thing: Those subsidies aren't going to the poor, as NPR claims. They are going to the middle and lower-middle class, which do not qualify for the full free ride the poor get through Medicaid. These are people who probably could afford health care insurance, provided it was offered at a price they could pay and for services that serve their needs.

Under Obamacare, they get none of those things. Obamacare is larded up with costly mandates on things only a small minority of buyers will ever use, such as drug addiction treatment (which has a 90% fail rate) and pregnancy care. Not all buyers are going to want or need those services, yet they are sufficiently pricey to drive up the entire cost of health care policies disproportionately, and nobody can get out of them. There's no such thing as tailoring an insurance policy to coverage consumers actually want under Obamacare. The mandates are entirely one-size-fits-all, and consumers have no input.


You won't hear that Truth from the New York Media which breached the implied duty it undertook when it accepted First Amendment Protections..the duty to tell the citizens the facts so they could form their own opinion of what to do about them...and has instead become the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party...which itself has become Karl Marx's Dream Come True.


That argument has holes in it. Just because you may never use it does not mean that you should not have it. Many states require a minimum level of auto insurance.

You mean you won't hear what you want from the media. The public has formed their opinions because they can see what is going on. You can't stand the fact that voters see the truth and don't agree with you.
Here is an intelligent person addressing the issue:

Media's shrill coverage conceals some first-rate moves by Trump on Obamacare

One other thing: Those subsidies aren't going to the poor, as NPR claims. They are going to the middle and lower-middle class, which do not qualify for the full free ride the poor get through Medicaid. These are people who probably could afford health care insurance, provided it was offered at a price they could pay and for services that serve their needs.

Under Obamacare, they get none of those things. Obamacare is larded up with costly mandates on things only a small minority of buyers will ever use, such as drug addiction treatment (which has a 90% fail rate) and pregnancy care. Not all buyers are going to want or need those services, yet they are sufficiently pricey to drive up the entire cost of health care policies disproportionately, and nobody can get out of them. There's no such thing as tailoring an insurance policy to coverage consumers actually want under Obamacare. The mandates are entirely one-size-fits-all, and consumers have no input.


You won't hear that Truth from the New York Media which breached the implied duty it undertook when it accepted First Amendment Protections..the duty to tell the citizens the facts so they could form their own opinion of what to do about them...and has instead become the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party...which itself has become Karl Marx's Dream Come True.


That argument has holes in it. Just because you may never use it does not mean that you should not have it. Many states require a minimum level of auto insurance.

You mean you won't hear what you want from the media. The public has formed their opinions because they can see what is going on. You can't stand the fact that voters see the truth and don't agree with you.

States require a minimum amount of car insurance in case you kill or cripple someone though your negligence---your insurance company will have to pay for the damages you caused.

A 60 year old woman does not need maternity insurance, yet ObamaCare is forcing her to buy it, thus increasing her premium---to pay for the insurance of others.

There is simply no comparison between the two. Are you a fool?

Voters do agree with me. I am a Republican. Republicans control the Presidency, the Congress, 35 governorships, and most of the State legislatures. Are you a fool?

What Trump did was illegal. Selling policies across state lines is a state decision not the federal government. If I were a state official, I would arrest anyone who tries. You are a disgusting monster. You probably want people with low incomes to drop dead and as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "decrease the surplus population".
The Republicans need to lose the House to put a check on this garbage.

It's been the unspoken GOP/Conservative policy for years that they don't give a shit about people they don't know personally.

That is not entirely true. There has always been 2 branches of conservatism. One that ignores problems in the country and small government becomes more important. That is what caused the depression. The second branch seeks conservative solutions. Some of the aspects of Obamacare such as the mandate and refundable tax credits were part of the Heritage plan on healthcare reform. Reagan like myself are in the second group. Reagan said that no one should be unable to see a doctor because they can't afford it. What he despised was the bureaucracy. Unfortunately the so-called Freedom Caucus are in the first group. They worship at the altar of small government and tell people who are struggling to drop dead.
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

Since the MOD LOCKED IT :

Trump Further Dismantles Obamacare Overnight, Ending Illeg
When Trump's base cries about losing their healthcare, Republi-clans laugh and laugh and laugh.

When Trump's base cries about losing their healthcare, Republi-clans laugh and laugh and laugh.

al Cost-Sharing Payments

Destroying Health Care in America
You're narrow minded. It's not about the milk you dunce. Milk is just and example, it could be anything else.

A very poor example because how customers purchase milk vs. how health care is paid couldn't be more different.

You think I can't prepay farmer to have fresh milk delivered to my doorstep.

This isn't 1955, milk deliverymen don't exist anymore. You buy milk at the store, not from the distributor directly. And the concept of health insurance is that you and millions of others pool your premiums together to hedge against the risk of financial ruin from unexpected health care costs. That's not even close to commercial sale of milk at all. So your comparison is pointless. Deal with reality, not Conservative fantasy.

No it doesn't. It proves that you don't get the concept of the free market. Not one communist does.

What do you think "free market health care" looks like? How is an insurance company determining what doctors you can go to and what procedures they will cover that protects their bottom line an example of "free market"?

Thing is, you people don't seem to have any idea of the kind of system you want. All you know is what you don't want, and that's a very childish way to go about policy.

It doesn't matter if is a milk or something else.

OK, let's replace "milk" with "phone service".

Today, pretty much everyone has the smart phone, whether is iPhone, Samsung, LG, Nokia, etc, and using the different providers/carriers for their service, whether at&t, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, Boost, etc. The price of the phone depends on screen size, memory size, quality of camera, overall quality, while the price of the service depends on plan options, coverage, bandwidth, data size etc. It's entirely up to me what phone and what service I'll purchase to satisfy my needs, from whom I'll purchase it, if I chose to purchase it at all.

The alternative you're offering is government approved latest generation brick that runs on GSM (since LTE is expensive), with installed only government approved apps, of course I'll have to get on the waiting list to get it, and when I do, the only numbers I am allowed to dial are immediate family, government approved numbers and hotline designed to rat on suspicious anti-collective activities. The cost of the phone and government service to run it would be whatever government want it to be, plus the cost of the phones of several other members of community. Of course, government itself would have the special "unlocked" phones on that only they could have, with unlimited of everything, on LTE and satellite networks, at my expense.

Now tell me, is government's business to sell the phone services?
What irks me (I'm an independent, btw) that this basically seems like Trump's personal vendetta since he couldn't get it done through Congress. He's willing to make millions Americans pay more for health insurance and raise the deficit because he couldn't get his way. Sacrificing Americans for his own personal vendetta. That's a scary thought.

Please explain how deficit would increase if he eliminates government subsidies?

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