Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

The man has balls.

Traditional Wisdom is that once a Federal Give-Away Program has can never be taken away...because nobody in the Swamp has the guts to do so amid the screeching from the Democrat/Bolsheviks and their Pravda-like New York Media.

Some people are going to have to get off the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation and start helping to support themselves...instead of looking to hard-working Americans with their own families to do it for them.

Socialism takes a hit. Ron Reagan would be impressed.

Wow, the brain dead actually can be brainwashed. Real news for thoughtful people.
What an ignorant comment. The reason the subsidies are there are for the extremely high cost for Obaminationcare. Take away the subsidiaries the premium (which are extremely high even with the subsidy) will be outright unaffordable to the point that no insurance is a better option.

So you seem to be saying the only way insurance companies can be sustainable is if they increase premium costs in order to preserve positive margins. So the question is; since that's the case why are these insurance companies necessary?
But the federal court ruled it Un-Constitutional....... like I said

And that ruling has been stayed. And even since it is, what's the alternative Conservatives have proposed? Nothing. This proposal from Trump is going to increase premium costs by as much as 25% for 2018.

All you're doing by sabotaging Obamacare is helping build a case for single payer by revealing that the only reason premium costs would go up without the subsidies is to sustain insurance company margins.

And insurance company margins are not more important than your health, are they?

Nothing needs offered. If you want HC, pay for it

So what happens when HC is too expensive? Like, if you get hit by a bus or get cancer? Then what? Just die?
Rip the bandaid off. More short term pain. Better long-term growth

Without a viable plan to put in place to replace the chaos you're sowing in the insurance markets, there is no possible long-term growth. All there is are future bailouts for insurers who cannot sustain positive margins without raising premium costs. And if you're doing this all in service of insurance company sustainability, then your priorities are all screwed up because all an insurance company does is administration...a job Medicare can do for a fraction the overhead.
Trump destabilizing the exchanges and spiking the costs for insurance by as much as 25% is only going to pave the way for single payer, as Conservatives have offered no alternative health care plan because Conservatives fundamentally do not understand what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how any of it relates to health care delivery.


What happens when exchanges collapse?
Republicans cannot agree on a healthcare plan

Bernie Sanders and single pay are the only option
Once again, Trump seems to take action without asking...What happens next?
But the federal court ruled it Un-Constitutional....... like I said

And that ruling has been stayed. And even since it is, what's the alternative Conservatives have proposed? Nothing. This proposal from Trump is going to increase premium costs by as much as 25% for 2018.

All you're doing by sabotaging Obamacare is helping build a case for single payer by revealing that the only reason premium costs would go up without the subsidies is to sustain insurance company margins.

And insurance company margins are not more important than your health, are they?

Nothing needs offered. If you want HC, pay for it

So what happens when HC is too expensive? Like, if you get hit by a bus or get cancer? Then what? Just die?

Again, no alternative needs proposed by Pubs. I had no issue with my premiums pre-ACA


Trump destabilizing the exchanges and spiking the costs for insurance by as much as 25% is only going to pave the way for single payer, as Conservatives have offered no alternative health care plan because Conservatives fundamentally do not understand what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how any of it relates to health care delivery.


What happens when exchanges collapse?
Republicans cannot agree on a healthcare plan

Bernie Sanders and single pay are the only option

^^^^ lol ^^^^^^

Yes, I'll be paying for the policy I want and only IF I chose to have it.

But that policy is not yours exclusively, you realize. You're paying into a policy with thousands, millions, tens of millions of other people. So your premiums are going to pay for all sorts of things. On top of that, the premium cost itself takes into account all those whose health care you pay for who don't have insurance. Because the costs for those without insurance get passed from the provider to the insurer, and the insurer on to you.

All you guys are doing is making a strong case for single payer, saying that insurance companies can only be profitable by increasing premium costs for customers. So if costs are going up purely to sustain the profit margins of insurance companies, then what fucking good or purpose do insurance companies serve? None. And your monkeying around with Obamacare only serves the function of proving that these companies serve no good purpose. And since that's the case, why not just have a single payer that does the function of all insurance companies, but doesn't have to satisfy shareholders by achieving profits?

Gallon of milk price is not mine exclusively, you realize. The price depends on milk quality, origin, freshness, supply and demand, manufacturer, etc. I'm aware that goat's milk might cost more than cow's milk, and that there are alternatives, such as soy milk, almond milk, or hemp milk. It's my choice what kind of milk I am going to buy, from whom I am going to buy it, and if I chose to buy it at all.

The alternative you're offering is equivalent to 1% milk, where that is only choice I got, plus I have to wait in line to get it, and if I am lucky to get it, it would most likely be spoiled, and at the end I'll pay for it multiple time over the real cost. My question to you, is the government business to sell milk?
Again, no alternative needs proposed by Pubs. I had no issue with my premiums pre-ACA

Right, you didn't have an issue yet. But that didn't mean you wouldn't have had an issue down the line under the old system. That's what you don't seem to get. Just because you weren't affected at that time didn't mean you wouldn't be in the future.

I can't help it that you're not good at long-term planning.

Single payer is going to be the result of these sabotage attempts. Once Trump is flushed from office, and the GOP with him, there won't be market considerations for health insurance reform the next time. The next time, single payer is going to be the only consideration, and private insurance will disappear because of the actions you morons took today.
Gallon of milk price is not mine exclusively, you realize. The price depends on milk quality, origin, freshness, supply and demand, manufacturer, etc. I'm aware that goat's milk might cost more than cow's milk, and that there are alternatives, such as soy milk, almond milk, or hemp milk. It's my choice what kind of milk I am going to buy, from whom I am going to buy it, and if I chose to buy it at all.

The alternative you're offering is equivalent to 1% milk, where that is only choice I got, plus I have to wait in line to get it, and if I am lucky to get it, it would most likely be spoiled, and at the end I'll pay for it multiple time over the real cost. My question to you, is the government business to sell milk?

So trying to conflate milk (a commodity) with health insurance (a service) only sets out to prove what I've been saying; that Conservatives simply do not understand the concept of health insurance.

When you buy milk, do you first pay a premium fee to then be enrolled in a milk plan that pays for the milk using premiums you already paid?

This post from Americano proves that Conservatives do not grasp the concept of health insurance, and never will.
The funding was declared illegal by the courts and the ruling stands. President Trump is merely acting lawfully. Next time, read it before you vote to see what's in it.
The funding was declared illegal by the courts and the ruling stands. President Trump is merely acting lawfully. Next time, read it before you vote to see what's in it.

No, the ruling is stayed by the courts at Trump's request. But whatever, destabilizing the exchanges only further makes the case for single payer. You all are saying that insurance companies simply cannot sustain their business without raising premium costs by 25%. That's the best case for single payer there is, so thanks! Thanks for making single payer look like the only singular reasonable option to solve this problem.
Next time, read it before you vote to see what's in it.

So this statement here proves one thing about you; that you're a lying son of a bitch.

Pelosi's full quote was "We have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy" By lopping off the second half of that sentence, you prove her entire statement true!
If Democrats won't cooperate with Republicans in tweaking Obamacare, then it's fair for Trump to shove Obamacare off a cliff and force Democrats to the table.

All you stupid idiots are doing by sabotaging Obamacare is paving the way for single-payer because none of you have been able to come up with an alternative. So you wreck Obamacare, have no idea what kind of system you want, so you create the environment where a single payer plan would be popular.

I want to save and expand Obamacare, while deregulating the market. The trouble is, no one in Congress agrees with me. The Democrats only want to increase regulation. The Republicans want to end Obamacare. So, what's going to happen is we'll eventually get a socialist system because Republicans are worthless.
But the federal court ruled it Un-Constitutional....... like I said

And that ruling has been stayed. And even since it is, what's the alternative Conservatives have proposed? Nothing. This proposal from Trump is going to increase premium costs by as much as 25% for 2018.

All you're doing by sabotaging Obamacare is helping build a case for single payer by revealing that the only reason premium costs would go up without the subsidies is to sustain insurance company margins.

And insurance company margins are not more important than your health, are they?

Nothing needs offered. If you want HC, pay for it

So what happens when HC is too expensive? Like, if you get hit by a bus or get cancer? Then what? Just die?

"Sabotaging CommieCare." LOL

CommieCare is the sabotage. Like and IED.

You don't wait for it to explode, you use explosive to detonate it from the safe distance.
I want to save and expand Obamacare, while deregulating the market.

Can't be done because you need the regulations in order to sustain the market. Conservatives simply don't know what they want the health care system to look like. All they know is what they don't want; and that is informed by fear and ignorance.

The trouble is, no one in Congress agrees with me. The Democrats only want to increase regulation. The Republicans want to end Obamacare. So, what's going to happen is we'll eventually get a socialist system because Republicans are worthless.

Can you please explain to me what the benefit is to patients to have a private insurer reimburse your provider instead of Medicare?
"Sabotaging CommieCare." LOL ommieCare is the sabotage. Like and IED.

How so? The insurance marketplaces were stable and growing until these recent actions taken by you clowns to destabilize them. And because you have no alternative to propose, people will turn to single payer in even greater numbers now. Single payer already has a higher favorability rating than Trump and the GOP.

You don't wait for it to explode, you use explosive to detonate it from the safe distance. kept promising for 7 years that it would explode and it didn't. Only now that you've taken direct action is it exploding. So you broke it, and then you complain about it being broken while not offering any alternative to fix it. So because you lack the effort and capability to have an alternative, everyone is going to turn to single payer.

So thanks for speeding that transition up. Single payer is what we wanted all along and you're going to give it to us because of your reactionary contrarianism.
The man has balls.

Traditional Wisdom is that once a Federal Give-Away Program has can never be taken away...because nobody in the Swamp has the guts to do so amid the screeching from the Democrat/Bolsheviks and their Pravda-like New York Media.

Some people are going to have to get off the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation and start helping to support themselves...instead of looking to hard-working Americans with their own families to do it for them.

Socialism takes a hit. Ron Reagan would be impressed.

Wow, the brain dead actually can be brainwashed. Real news for thoughtful people.

I see personal insults from half-wit bolshevik turds hiding safely behind their computer as a badge of honor, and they establish that you have nothing to contribute to the topic that the thread is about, meaning you look Fuck you.


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