Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

If Obamacare was truly "IMPLODING!" like Republicans have been crowing for the longest...why is this stunt even necessary?

Do you want it to fully implode, or do what want to fix it beore it reaches that point? smh Liberal logic.
No I know . Its called Trump Care now. Believe me I know how the Pubs fought tooth and nails to ruin the ACA since inception. I hate the Pubs for it. I esp hate trump and people who voted for the a hole, pussy grabbing pos. Pence , Paul and Ryan are just as bad.

In your own mind, P.

As long is a law of the land, with or without minor adjustments that law itself allows president to do thru executive orders, it's still leftist law. What if those changes turn out to be good?

By the way, did you run out of batteries? :D
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

The problem with the free market when it comes to healthcare is that I'm not a car. My body isn't something I can live without if I can't afford the maintenance.

Free maket means back to the ins. market. Get ready to fill out long questionnaires about your health.

And to be denied for anything and everything. When people are born having to pay much higher premiums, or risk not being able to get treatment for their condition, you know you're being fucked over.
Trump destabilizing the exchanges and spiking the costs for insurance by as much as 25% is only going to pave the way for single payer, as Conservatives have offered no alternative health care plan because Conservatives fundamentally do not understand what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how any of it relates to health care delivery.
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Which is exactly why we should have single payer. Because private insurance is a business model that does nothing to enhance or improve health care delivery; it only restricts it.
There is no Free Market in medical care. Regulation has squeezed the freedom out of the market, resulting in skyrocketing prices. Regulation is why you can't afford medical care

What does "free market health care" look like in your world? Is it you being able to go to any doctor you want?

You don't have that right now. Right now, you can only go to the doctor you want to go to if they contract with your insurer. In order to see a doctor, you have to buy insurance first, and then you get to pick your doctor from the network your insurer contracts with. And the insurance company administers payment to your provider from your premium pool after you receive the treatment.

So think about how fucking stupid and backwards that is. Since all an insurer does is reimburse your provider for services you've already received with premiums you've already paid, why must we as consumers first pick who pays our doctors before actually picking our doctors? Does that make any sense to you?
Do you want it to fully implode, or do what want to fix it beore it reaches that point? smh Liberal logic.

You all have been promising for 7 years that it would implode. It didn't, so you had to take active steps to make sure it implodes in order to validate your argument that it's imploding.
In regards paying for the maintenance, I wouldn't mind to help you with the cost, but I don't want to be forced to pay for it.

You're being forced to pay for it when you pay for insurance anyway, so what the fuck!? What do you think health insurance is!?

Conservatives simply have a fundamental misunderstanding of what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how any of it relates to health care.
How about Pence in Indiana quitting needle exchange. His crack state is what he left it as. How about giving someone cervical ca. Same thing. Do they put people who spread VD's in prison.

Pence only accepted the VP offer because he knew he couldn't win re-election in Indiana because he did such a shit job as governor.
Notice this follows his EO today to allow cross state bids for insurance?

Many states already allow cross-state insurers, GA being one of them. But insurers don't do it. Why? Because each state has different laws and regulations for health insurance, and the administrative costs far outweigh any potential revenue from an expanded customer base.

Also, allowing insurers to sell across state lines will lead to too-big-to-fail insurance companies, just like it did with banks, telecoms, and cable companies. All three of which have the lowest customer satisfaction ratings of any industry.
If Democrats won't cooperate with Republicans in tweaking Obamacare, then it's fair for Trump to shove Obamacare off a cliff and force Democrats to the table.

All you stupid idiots are doing by sabotaging Obamacare is paving the way for single-payer because none of you have been able to come up with an alternative. So you wreck Obamacare, have no idea what kind of system you want, so you create the environment where a single payer plan would be popular.
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

Huge hit to people struggling to pay their premiums

Doesn't hurt Obamacare...hurts people
Because courts ruled subsidies illegal

Wrong. A lower court ruled that, but the appeals court didn't. The decision of the lower court has been stayed at Trumps' request.

And what is the alternative Conservatives have proposed for health care? Nothing. They have no alternative. All they want to do is destabilize the markets to create chaos, then blame that chaos they created on the Democrats who had no power to stop it. But because you offer no viable alternative plan, the only other alternative out there is single payer, which is more popular than the GOP and Trump.
Huge hit to people struggling to pay their premiums
Doesn't hurt Obamacare...hurts people

Hurts Conservatism because you all wrecking Obamacare on purpose without offering any alternative further erodes the already record-low support Conservatives have now. And on top of that, wrecking Obamacare without offering any alternative only bolsters the case for single payer health care.
Going forward, when people lose insurance, or when their premiums go up, it can no longer be blamed on the failings of Obamacare...nor can it be blamed on Democrats or Republicans.

It will be all Trump's fault.

But, like a honey badger, he won't give a shit.
In regards paying for the maintenance, I wouldn't mind to help you with the cost, but I don't want to be forced to pay for it.

You're being forced to pay for it when you pay for insurance anyway, so what the fuck!? What do you think health insurance is!?

Conservatives simply have a fundamental misunderstanding of what health insurance is, what insurance companies do, and how any of it relates to health care.

Yes, I'll be paying for the policy I want and only IF I chose to have it.
Going forward, when people lose insurance, or when their premiums go up, it can no longer be blamed on the failings of Obamacare...nor can it be blamed on Democrats or Republicans.

It will be all Trump's fault.

But, like a honey badger, he won't give a shit.

"When premiums go up"...

They're gone up because commiecare is unsustainable, despite of promise that will go down.
Yes, I'll be paying for the policy I want and only IF I chose to have it.

But that policy is not yours exclusively, you realize. You're paying into a policy with thousands, millions, tens of millions of other people. So your premiums are going to pay for all sorts of things. On top of that, the premium cost itself takes into account all those whose health care you pay for who don't have insurance. Because the costs for those without insurance get passed from the provider to the insurer, and the insurer on to you.

All you guys are doing is making a strong case for single payer, saying that insurance companies can only be profitable by increasing premium costs for customers. So if costs are going up purely to sustain the profit margins of insurance companies, then what fucking good or purpose do insurance companies serve? None. And your monkeying around with Obamacare only serves the function of proving that these companies serve no good purpose. And since that's the case, why not just have a single payer that does the function of all insurance companies, but doesn't have to satisfy shareholders by achieving profits?
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

What an ignorant comment. The reason the subsidies are there are for the extremely high cost for Obaminationcare. Take away the subsidiaries the premium (which are extremely high even with the subsidy) will be outright unaffordable to the point that no insurance is a better option.

Dismantling Obaminationcare is a priority, but this is wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using
Because courts ruled subsidies illegal

Wrong. A lower court ruled that, but the appeals court didn't. The decision of the lower court has been stayed at Trumps' request.

And what is the alternative Conservatives have proposed for health care? Nothing. They have no alternative. All they want to do is destabilize the markets to create chaos, then blame that chaos they created on the Democrats who had no power to stop it. But because you offer no viable alternative plan, the only other alternative out there is single payer, which is more popular than the GOP and Trump.

Deflection noted

But the federal court ruled it Un-Constitutional....... like I said

Nothing needs offered. If you want HC, pay for it


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