Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

If preventing government-run health insurance was the Conservatives' goal, this plan of Trump's fails spectacularly. Destabilizing the markets by removing the subsidies without offering any alternative will pave the way for Bernie's single payer legislation sooner rather than later. With the GOP poised to possibly lose both houses of Congress next year and Trump being removed from office, the single payer plan is right around the corner. And you Conservatives have no one to thank for that but yourselves.
I see personal insults from half-wit bolshevik turds hiding safely behind their computer as a badge of honor, and they establish that you have nothing to contribute to the topic that the thread is about, meaning you look Fuck you.

What's so interesting about this particular poster is that what it writes looks to have been pushed through some kind of translating software, and the profile was created right during the time when Russia launched its propaganda campaign to influence American voters. Could he be a Russian troll or Russian bot? Seems more likely than not.
Gallon of milk price is not mine exclusively, you realize. The price depends on milk quality, origin, freshness, supply and demand, manufacturer, etc. I'm aware that goat's milk might cost more than cow's milk, and that there are alternatives, such as soy milk, almond milk, or hemp milk. It's my choice what kind of milk I am going to buy, from whom I am going to buy it, and if I chose to buy it at all.

The alternative you're offering is equivalent to 1% milk, where that is only choice I got, plus I have to wait in line to get it, and if I am lucky to get it, it would most likely be spoiled, and at the end I'll pay for it multiple time over the real cost. My question to you, is the government business to sell milk?

So trying to conflate milk (a commodity) with health insurance (a service) only sets out to prove what I've been saying; that Conservatives simply do not understand the concept of health insurance.

You're narrow minded. It's not about the milk you dunce. Milk is just and example, it could be anything else.

When you buy milk, do you first pay a premium fee to then be enrolled in a milk plan that pays for the milk using premiums you already paid?

You think I can't prepay farmer to have fresh milk delivered to my doorstep. We could set the plan for every day delivery, or every other day, or just on weekends, set up payment plan. If I have enough neighbors to subscribe, I believe the price would go down.

This post from Americano proves that Conservatives do not grasp the concept of health insurance, and never will.

No it doesn't. It proves that you don't get the concept of the free market. Not one communist does.
"Sabotaging CommieCare." LOL ommieCare is the sabotage. Like and IED.

How so? The insurance marketplaces were stable and growing until these recent actions taken by you clowns to destabilize them. And because you have no alternative to propose, people will turn to single payer in even greater numbers now. Single payer already has a higher favorability rating than Trump and the GOP.

You don't wait for it to explode, you use explosive to detonate it from the safe distance. kept promising for 7 years that it would explode and it didn't. Only now that you've taken direct action is it exploding. So you broke it, and then you complain about it being broken while not offering any alternative to fix it. So because you lack the effort and capability to have an alternative, everyone is going to turn to single payer.

So thanks for speeding that transition up. Single payer is what we wanted all along and you're going to give it to us because of your reactionary contrarianism.

Name one government program that was sustainable, and did not require "saving" from bankruptcy with additional funding.

I see personal insults from half-wit bolshevik turds hiding safely behind their computer as a badge of honor, and they establish that you have nothing to contribute to the topic that the thread is about, meaning you look Fuck you.

What's so interesting about this particular poster is that what it writes looks to have been pushed through some kind of translating software, and the profile was created right during the time when Russia launched its propaganda campaign to influence American voters. Could he be a Russian troll or Russian bot? Seems more likely than not.

I think it is a pussy boy posting from his mother's basement in some rotting northern city run by Democrats for 40 years; or maybe California. Likely hates self-reliant successful people; doesn't have the emotional maturity to completely understand why; blames them rather than the true cause---jealousy.

These numbskull liberals (budding bolsheviks) are motivated by either guilt or jealousy. This one is jealous.

I mostly ignore them if they are too cowardly to address the topic and merely attack the poster, but every now and then, you need to show a little contempt.
If Obamacare was truly "IMPLODING!" like Republicans have been crowing for the longest...why is this stunt even necessary?

If Democrats won't cooperate with Republicans in tweaking Obamacare, then it's fair for Trump to shove Obamacare off a cliff and force Democrats to the table.

Eh, Democrats are in full sedition .. top to bottom, a positive solution from them is laughable...

They're more like yapping dogs and parasites than responsible politicians.

Here is hoping you become uninsurable, and loose your job if you even work.

Is this the true Penelope or are you just being a meanie?

Where's the Democratic Party solution, 6 years and they have zero solutions, maybe I'm wrong, show me the legislation you're so thrilled about..:smile:

No I hope you do, then you can feel what many have been feeling since T took office. I really mean it. 6 years of Rep rule debasing the ACA.

Everyone who voted for Trump I do wish to get a medical condition no matter how young and healthy they seem to be.

You're fucken sick in the head!
Here is an intelligent person addressing the issue:

Media's shrill coverage conceals some first-rate moves by Trump on Obamacare

One other thing: Those subsidies aren't going to the poor, as NPR claims. They are going to the middle and lower-middle class, which do not qualify for the full free ride the poor get through Medicaid. These are people who probably could afford health care insurance, provided it was offered at a price they could pay and for services that serve their needs.

Under Obamacare, they get none of those things. Obamacare is larded up with costly mandates on things only a small minority of buyers will ever use, such as drug addiction treatment (which has a 90% fail rate) and pregnancy care. Not all buyers are going to want or need those services, yet they are sufficiently pricey to drive up the entire cost of health care policies disproportionately, and nobody can get out of them. There's no such thing as tailoring an insurance policy to coverage consumers actually want under Obamacare. The mandates are entirely one-size-fits-all, and consumers have no input.


You won't hear that Truth from the New York Media which breached the implied duty it undertook when it accepted First Amendment Protections..the duty to tell the citizens the facts so they could form their own opinion of what to do about them...and has instead become the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party...which itself has become Karl Marx's Dream Come True.

What the hell do you care you live in Canada. No the premiums will not be lower except for the young and healthy, once they get a pre existing condition they will go sky high like they use to be.

You don't "get" a preexisting condition. Either you already have one, i.e. PREEXISTING, or you don't. If you don't you have nothing to worry about. If you get ill while you have insurance they have to cover you. So you can quit your liberal whining and lying about healthcare.

Most medical conditions people have are brought on themselves. With almost 70% of America overweight and billions spent on weight related issues every year, it's our fault as a society. Fat should not be acceptable, at all. Ever. If you can't take care of yourself and keep your weight in check, why should you pay the same premiums as someone who is busting their ass working out and exercising to stay fit and healthy?
What the hell do you care you live in Canada. No the premiums will not be lower except for the young and healthy, once they get a pre existing condition they will go sky high like they use to be.

You don't "get" a preexisting condition. Either you already have one, i.e. PREEXISTING, or you don't. If you don't you have nothing to worry about. If you get ill while you have insurance they have to cover you. So you can quit your liberal whining and lying about healthcare.

One again, ignorance is bliss. How can one even discuss logical stuff with the likes of this post. You have no idea what ins use to be like, so to debate it with you is senseless.
Here is an intelligent person addressing the issue:

Media's shrill coverage conceals some first-rate moves by Trump on Obamacare

One other thing: Those subsidies aren't going to the poor, as NPR claims. They are going to the middle and lower-middle class, which do not qualify for the full free ride the poor get through Medicaid. These are people who probably could afford health care insurance, provided it was offered at a price they could pay and for services that serve their needs.

Under Obamacare, they get none of those things. Obamacare is larded up with costly mandates on things only a small minority of buyers will ever use, such as drug addiction treatment (which has a 90% fail rate) and pregnancy care. Not all buyers are going to want or need those services, yet they are sufficiently pricey to drive up the entire cost of health care policies disproportionately, and nobody can get out of them. There's no such thing as tailoring an insurance policy to coverage consumers actually want under Obamacare. The mandates are entirely one-size-fits-all, and consumers have no input.


You won't hear that Truth from the New York Media which breached the implied duty it undertook when it accepted First Amendment Protections..the duty to tell the citizens the facts so they could form their own opinion of what to do about them...and has instead become the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party...which itself has become Karl Marx's Dream Come True.


No one want to pay for Pg care. I don't want to pay for prostate cancer. Of course you pro lifers do not want to pay for pregnancy . That is the reason you are pro life, you don't want to fund BC's pills either.
What the hell do you care you live in Canada. No the premiums will not be lower except for the young and healthy, once they get a pre existing condition they will go sky high like they use to be.

You don't "get" a preexisting condition. Either you already have one, i.e. PREEXISTING, or you don't. If you don't you have nothing to worry about. If you get ill while you have insurance they have to cover you. So you can quit your liberal whining and lying about healthcare.

Most medical conditions people have are brought on themselves. With almost 70% of America overweight and billions spent on weight related issues every year, it's our fault as a society. Fat should not be acceptable, at all. Ever. If you can't take care of yourself and keep your weight in check, why should you pay the same premiums as someone who is busting their ass working out and exercising to stay fit and healthy?

You'll need to use crayons for this one. And type slower so she can catch up with you. :D
If Democrats won't cooperate with Republicans in tweaking Obamacare, then it's fair for Trump to shove Obamacare off a cliff and force Democrats to the table.

Eh, Democrats are in full sedition .. top to bottom, a positive solution from them is laughable...

They're more like yapping dogs and parasites than responsible politicians.

Here is hoping you become uninsurable, and loose your job if you even work.

Is this the true Penelope or are you just being a meanie?

Where's the Democratic Party solution, 6 years and they have zero solutions, maybe I'm wrong, show me the legislation you're so thrilled about..:smile:

No I hope you do, then you can feel what many have been feeling since T took office. I really mean it. 6 years of Rep rule debasing the ACA.

Everyone who voted for Trump I do wish to get a medical condition no matter how young and healthy they seem to be.

You're fucken sick in the head!

I'll be praying for it. You shall reap what you sow.
Eh, Democrats are in full sedition .. top to bottom, a positive solution from them is laughable...

They're more like yapping dogs and parasites than responsible politicians.

Here is hoping you become uninsurable, and loose your job if you even work.

Is this the true Penelope or are you just being a meanie?

Where's the Democratic Party solution, 6 years and they have zero solutions, maybe I'm wrong, show me the legislation you're so thrilled about..:smile:

No I hope you do, then you can feel what many have been feeling since T took office. I really mean it. 6 years of Rep rule debasing the ACA.

Everyone who voted for Trump I do wish to get a medical condition no matter how young and healthy they seem to be.

You're fucken sick in the head!

I'll be praying for it. You shall reap what you sow.

So who will you be praying to ...Satan?
Here is an intelligent person addressing the issue:

Media's shrill coverage conceals some first-rate moves by Trump on Obamacare

One other thing: Those subsidies aren't going to the poor, as NPR claims. They are going to the middle and lower-middle class, which do not qualify for the full free ride the poor get through Medicaid. These are people who probably could afford health care insurance, provided it was offered at a price they could pay and for services that serve their needs.

Under Obamacare, they get none of those things. Obamacare is larded up with costly mandates on things only a small minority of buyers will ever use, such as drug addiction treatment (which has a 90% fail rate) and pregnancy care. Not all buyers are going to want or need those services, yet they are sufficiently pricey to drive up the entire cost of health care policies disproportionately, and nobody can get out of them. There's no such thing as tailoring an insurance policy to coverage consumers actually want under Obamacare. The mandates are entirely one-size-fits-all, and consumers have no input.


You won't hear that Truth from the New York Media which breached the implied duty it undertook when it accepted First Amendment Protections..the duty to tell the citizens the facts so they could form their own opinion of what to do about them...and has instead become the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party...which itself has become Karl Marx's Dream Come True.


No one want to pay for Pg care. I don't want to pay for prostate cancer. Of course you pro lifers do not want to pay for pregnancy . That is the reason you are pro life, you don't want to fund BC's pills either.

You should follow your own Biblical Motto:

"It is not what enters one’s mouth that defiles that person; but what comes out of the mouth is what defiles one".

In your case, here is one even more appropriate:

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion" Proverbs 18:2.

And while we are going Biblical, here is one for you half-wit Socialist Porch Sitters on the Federal Plantation:

"A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich". Proverbs 10:4

And, HELL NO I don't want to pay for your Birth Control....except, in cases like yourself, it would obviously be the best thing for my they won't have to take care of yours.

Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

What Trump did was illegal. Selling policies across state lines is a state decision not the federal government. If I were a state official, I would arrest anyone who tries. You are a disgusting monster. You probably want people with low incomes to drop dead and as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "decrease the surplus population".
The Republicans need to lose the House to put a check on this garbage.
When Trump's base cries about losing their healthcare, Republi-clans laugh and laugh and laugh.

Notice this follows his EO today to allow cross state bids for insurance?

He knows exactly what he is doing. Big government trough for big medical companies in particular big socialists states, will now suffer the most. I'm guessing NY and Cali. This will force democrats to come to the table and actually grow a spine, as their voters and donors will ask them what they are doing to repeal and replace because their companies no longer can offer the same, they will have more choice though.

Trump really is a president of action and when he goes for it, he goes full throttle, no bs and lengthy and expensive dragging, get it done and force others to govern as well and not just block government progress. Policies which American voters want enacted. Capitalism, free markets, responsible use of taxes, lower regulations, better trade deals (or withdraw from them).

People like you attacked Obama for his executive orders yet you have no problem with Trump acting illegally using a EO. The states should require that any entity that does business in their state to submit to regulation or bring charges if they refuse to do so. Voters want Obamacare fixed not repealed.
When Trump's base cries about losing their healthcare, Republi-clans laugh and laugh and laugh.

If it's illegal for the government to spend the money, it shouldn't be spent. If they want to prop up the insurance companies, Congress should allocate to funds. It's really that simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The man has balls.

Traditional Wisdom is that once a Federal Give-Away Program has can never be taken away...because nobody in the Swamp has the guts to do so amid the screeching from the Democrat/Bolsheviks and their Pravda-like New York Media.

Some people are going to have to get off the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation and start helping to support themselves...instead of looking to hard-working Americans with their own families to do it for them.

Socialism takes a hit. Ron Reagan would be impressed.

Your ignorance of Ronald Reagan is impressive. In his speech, "A Time for Choosing", he said that no one should be prevented from seeing a doctor because they can't afford it. Reagan would have supported helping people however what he objected to was the bureaucracy. Reagan would have supported the subsidies however he would have opposed the bureaucracy behind it. I think he would have supported giving subsidies to people with modest incomes but he would have given it directly to the people and allow them to buy the insurance.
Huge hit to Obamacare here, Trump doing the right thing. If these companies can't price themselves in the market and survive without government assistance, this should not be a burden on everyone.

Trump to halt ObamaCare subsidies: Report

President Donald Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health care law also known as ObamaCare.

It’s the latest effort in the president’s bid to ultimately “repeal and replace” what’s considered the signature legislation of his White House predecessor.

Word of Trump’s latest plan came from two people familiar with the decision, who spoke to the Associated Press. They requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House said in a statement that the Department of Health and Human Services has determined there is no appropriation for cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Obamacare law.

Trump's decision was expected to rattle already-unsteady insurance marketplaces. The president has previously threatened to end the payments, which help reduce health insurance copays and deductibles for people with modest incomes, but remain under a legal cloud.

Pushback expected

The president's action will likely to trigger a lawsuit from state attorneys general, who contend the subsidies to insurers are fully authorized by federal law, and the president's position is reckless. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, called the decision “sabotage,” and promised a lawsuit.

After the president’s intentions were disclosed, leading Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize the plan.

In a statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., predicted that Trump’s expected action would increase Americans’ health premiums by 20 percent or more.

"If these reports are true,” the Democrats said in the joint statement, referring to the president’s plans, “the president is walking away from the good-faith, bipartisan Alexander-Murray negotiations and risking the health care of millions of Americans.”

The Democrats were referring to bipartisan talks being led by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., to seek a bipartisan agreement for funding ObamaCare subsidies and stabilizing health insurance markets.

Order to lower premiums

Earlier Thursday, Trump predicted that “millions and millions of people” would benefit from an executive order he signed Thursday to make lower-premium health insurance plans more widely available.

But the changes Trump hopes to bring about could take months or even longer. That's according to administration officials who outlined the order for reporters. The proposals may not be finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next year.

What Trump did was illegal. Selling policies across state lines is a state decision not the federal government. If I were a state official, I would arrest anyone who tries. You are a disgusting monster. You probably want people with low incomes to drop dead and as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "decrease the surplus population".
The Republicans need to lose the House to put a check on this garbage.

You would arrest anyone who tries to open up the free market, but you don't demand the arrest of illegal immigrants being sheltered?

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