Trump to name greedy CEO head of Labor Department

I love watching these Libstains cry!

I like seeing socialists and fascists upset
No you girls like seeing families suffer and then you WHINE when they use welfare to get by because you REFUSED to back decent wages and cheaper education resources.
They believe they are right and we believe we are right. But many of the poor people you're defending voted for trump or didn't vote at all. The ones that didn't vote don't matter and the ones that voted for trump get what they deserve.

To the ones that voted for hillary, if they are poor and have children they shouldn't have any more. And they have to teach their kids to go for a skilled trade or community college then bachelors. The poor are on their own. Republicans are the dad who takes the credit card from the irresponsible kid. And he took the keys to the car too. We are grounded for 4 years because we didn't vote for mom (Hillary)
I voted for Trump. I still think Trump will make things SO WELL that even these people who DO have jobs in fast food etc CAN and WILL if they want get jobs in manufacturing or some other place that needs very little or no skills at all. I already had a talk with my oldest who is 10 about going to college in Europe. I told ALL my kids straight up. We don't have money to send kids to college and therefore you need to get a scholarship,go to school in Europe and if all goes well STAY THERE OR stay here and go into debt to get a degree. My oldest wants to be a Veterinarian and that's fine with me its a great job but its more than just 4 years of college and she knows this.
Let's hope so. I see lots of negative signs already but there is nothing I can do now but hope I'm wrong.

The only thing I worry about personally is SS and Medicare. That and another great recession. I think the corporations have finally succeeded in completely taking over this country.

But it is what it is. It's not the end of the world. It's not like red dawn where an invading force has invaded but it's as big a change since the new deal. Anyways, we've been sliding this way for a long time.
very simply put, If high wages were advantageous to the business, the business would pay high wages.
I know a couple of business owners, every one of them thinks they pay the employees to little, they wish they could pay them more, but the money just is not there to do it. I accept the fact that yes, there are businesses out there that try to maximize profits, or buy that new yacht on the backs of the employees, but I dont think that is as prevalent as people tend to think it is. For a company that has gone public, it needs the investors to buy their stock, its how they can afford to grow, to upgrade machinery when applicable. To attract those investors there has to be a good chance of paying reasonable dividends back. In most businesses (most not all) labor is the greatest expense in producing whatever it is that is produced once you consider the employee pay, the employer matched deductions, insurance, sick leave, vacation etc... A $30.00 and hour employee might actually cost that employer closer to $50.00 an hour once all is considered. The employee only sees $30.00. Since everything about a business has to have a profit associated with it, that $30.00 an hour employee might get pissed when he see's his employer charging customers 80 an hour for his time but the company is only making $30.00 an hour off of him. The customer wants to see an $80.00 per hour value,,,, from a $30.00 an hour employee.
Thought Trump was s'posed to be a friend of the working man?...

Trump picks opponent of higher minimum wage for Labor Department
December 8, 2016 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump named fast-food executive Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department of Labor on Thursday, drawing criticism from labor advocates worried about his opposition to a higher minimum wage and government regulation of the workplace. Puzder, chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc, which operates the Carl's Jr. and Hardee's fast-food chains, has frequently argued in the media that higher minimum wages would hurt workers by forcing restaurants to close.
He has bashed a new Labor Department rule aimed at extending overtime pay to more than 4 million U.S. workers and has praised the benefits of automation in the fast-food industry. Fast-food workers, who are largely not unionized, are engaged in a multi-year campaign known as the "Fight for $15," which is supported by labor unions, to raise minimum wages to $15 an hour. They have had state-wide successes in New York and California and in cities and municipalities such as Seattle. The federal minimum wage is $7.25. Workers in states that have higher minimum wages are entitled to the higher rate, the Labor Department says.

Trump, in a statement released by his transition team, praised Puzder for a "record fighting for workers" and said he would ensure occupational safety standards. "He will save small businesses from the crushing burdens of unnecessary regulations that are stunting job growth and suppressing wages,” Trump said. In the same statement, Puzder, 66, said he agreed with Trump that "the right government policies can result in more jobs and better wages for the American worker." The Labor Department regulates wages, safety and discrimination in the workplace. Republican Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in last month's election by carrying swing states - and some traditionally Democratic states - in the U.S. Rust Belt after promising to create jobs and to review or cancel trade deals that he said were bad for workers. National labor leaders had urged their rank-and-file members to back Clinton, saying Trump's appointments and policies would not align with his promises to workers.

Labor leaders have been girding for Trump to appoint pro-business regulators at the Labor Department and the National Labor Relations Board, and to roll back key regulatory initiatives of the Obama administration such as the Labor Department rule granting overtime pay to more than 4 million salaried workers, both unionized and not unionized. "He was talking a good game when he was running for president, as far as helping workers and leveling the playing field for them, but with the nominations he's made it's just the opposite," said Lee Saunders, president of the public employees union AFSCME. Shake-ups are expected under Trump at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, which enforces federal anti-discrimination laws. Trump will have an early opportunity to shape the EEOC when he replaces its general counsel, Obama appointee David Lopez, who is leaving the agency this month, and a vacancy on the commission. Trump will also be able to fill two current vacancies on the five-member NLRB early in his term, likely tipping the agency to a more business-friendly posture.

Although just 11.1 percent of U.S. workers were represented by a union in 2015 - down from 20.1 percent in 1983, the first year government statistics were kept - labor unions are a powerful force in Democratic politics. But union members' support for Clinton at the election was lower than it had been for President Barack Obama four years ago. About 51 percent of voters from union households backed Clinton, with 42 percent supporting Trump, a CNN exit poll showed. Democrat Obama won 58 percent of the same voters in his 2012 re-election win against Republican Mitt Romney. Business groups welcomed the appointment of Puzder. Robert Cresanti, president of the International Franchise Association, an industry group, praised him as an "exceptional choice" who would bring "business experience and policy acumen on so many issues impacting employers and employees." Democrats were critical. "In Andrew Puzder, Trump found a labor secretary that would help him roll back the minimum wage, end the overtime rule that will raise wages for millions, weaken safeguards for workers, and to wipe out unions," said American Bridge, a liberal advocacy group.

A lot of people don't believe in $15 minimum wage. Minimum wage is supposed to be low.

Would you be OK with $8 minimum wage if there were plenty of $15 hr jobs available? That's what Republicans are promising. Give them. 2 years
The greedy assholes in this country are the welfare queens that think they are entitled to the money that other people makes. You know, the core of the filthy ass Democrat Party.
very simply put, If high wages were advantageous to the business, the business would pay high wages.
I know a couple of business owners, every one of them thinks they pay the employees to little, they wish they could pay them more, but the money just is not there to do it. I accept the fact that yes, there are businesses out there that try to maximize profits, or buy that new yacht on the backs of the employees, but I dont think that is as prevalent as people tend to think it is. For a company that has gone public, it needs the investors to buy their stock, its how they can afford to grow, to upgrade machinery when applicable. To attract those investors there has to be a good chance of paying reasonable dividends back. In most businesses (most not all) labor is the greatest expense in producing whatever it is that is produced once you consider the employee pay, the employer matched deductions, insurance, sick leave, vacation etc... A $30.00 and hour employee might actually cost that employer closer to $50.00 an hour once all is considered. The employee only sees $30.00. Since everything about a business has to have a profit associated with it, that $30.00 an hour employee might get pissed when he see's his employer charging customers 80 an hour for his time but the company is only making $30.00 an hour off of him. The customer wants to see an $80.00 per hour value,,,, from a $30.00 an hour employee.
Fine for companies that are struggling but what about the ones that aren't?

This is one reason why income inequality has grown. Company used to take profits and split it up 3 ways. Execs, shareholders and workers. Since the 70s this has changed. Now the execs get 50% and shareholders get 50%. Workers left behind.
Cry more its fucking hilarious! You are a rich asshole congrats. Wonder how many people you walked all over to get there. YOU are the kind of people who are destroying this country. Enjoy it while it lasts rich asshole. :) WE THE WORKERS are coming to get what's rightfully ours. Those that refuse to allow peaceful revolution make violent revolution inevitable.

My pinky toe works harder than you clown. I'm off to play in the snow with my new 4x4, why don't you go eat your Top Ramen noodles.
Enjoy your toys you bought off of someone else's labor while it lasts cupcake.

This guy has no clue, should everyone have the same wealth?
Share Our Wealth Proposal
  • Cap personal fortunes at $50 million each — equivalent to about $600 million today (later reduced to $5 - $8 million, or $60 - $96 million today)
  • Limit annual income to one million dollars each (about $12 million today)
  • Limit inheritances to five million dollars each (about $60 million today)
  • Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
  • Free college education and vocational training
  • Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
  • Veterans benefits and healthcare
  • A 30 hour work week
  • A four week vacation for every worker
  • Greater regulation of commodity production to stabilize prices
Google Huey Long and Share Our Wealth Proposal.
Yeah I'm not a commie, the govt has no business knowing or controlling how much money you have.

And these proposal are insane, no way to pay for them and it takes responsibility out our your hands, bad things happen then.

This guy is a nutter pay him no attention he's :cuckoo:
I love watching these Libstains cry!

I like seeing socialists and fascists upset
No you girls like seeing families suffer and then you WHINE when they use welfare to get by because you REFUSED to back decent wages and cheaper education resources.
They believe they are right and we believe we are right. But many of the poor people you're defending voted for trump or didn't vote at all. The ones that didn't vote don't matter and the ones that voted for trump get what they deserve.

To the ones that voted for hillary, if they are poor and have children they shouldn't have any more. And they have to teach their kids to go for a skilled trade or community college then bachelors. The poor are on their own. Republicans are the dad who takes the credit card from the irresponsible kid. And he took the keys to the car too. We are grounded for 4 years because we didn't vote for mom (Hillary)
I voted for Trump. I still think Trump will make things SO WELL that even these people who DO have jobs in fast food etc CAN and WILL if they want get jobs in manufacturing or some other place that needs very little or no skills at all. I already had a talk with my oldest who is 10 about going to college in Europe. I told ALL my kids straight up. We don't have money to send kids to college and therefore you need to get a scholarship,go to school in Europe and if all goes well STAY THERE OR stay here and go into debt to get a degree. My oldest wants to be a Veterinarian and that's fine with me its a great job but its more than just 4 years of college and she knows this.
Let's hope so. I see lots of negative signs already but there is nothing I can do now but hope I'm wrong.

The only thing I worry about personally is SS and Medicare. That and another great recession. I think the corporations have finally succeeded in completely taking over this country.

But it is what it is. It's not the end of the world. It's not like red dawn where an invading force has invaded but it's as big a change since the new deal. Anyways, we've been sliding this way for a long time.
I see some good signs..companies are saying they are staying and some from foreign countries want to invest here...that's great news to me. Still yet I would prefer my kids to go to college in Europe,get a job there and marry a European man/woman. America just isn't worth sticking around for. It refuses to catch up with the rest of the world as far as recognizing how great an educated populace IS and can be and I have nothing but hatred for it. We get by...barely and only because me and the wife have street smarts and know how to skate the line between legal and illegal and know how to shop cheap and don't get ourselves into debt but we also go without stuff A LOT. Tired of trying to FIX America and its population unfortunately is filled with idiots. On top of education I appreciate Europe banning GMO'S,Most countries use their taxes to help the population not for war or foreign aide,I prefer the European culture as well its got THOUSANDS of years of culture...
And Hillary was going to be any better? She was selling everything thst wasn't nailed down to foreign nations, countries that hate us, support terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdeting women & murdering homosexuals....

And HER loss is what you insane snowflakes are freaking out over? :p
She wouldn't rubber stamp every Paul Ryan bill and appoint a rwnj to the supremes
The greedy assholes in this country are the welfare queens that think they are entitled to the money that other people makes. You know, the core of the filthy ass Democrat Party.
Wrong. The greedy assholes are the ones getting rich while the poor workers bust their ass to make,sell,transport etc the product and get SHIT for wages in return while the CEO has 2 or 3 homes,5 car garage and kids in private school costing more in 1 year than what you make in an entire year.
Instead of raising the minimum wage for crappy part-time jobs Trump is actually saving and bringing in more real jobs.
My pinky toe works harder than you clown. I'm off to play in the snow with my new 4x4, why don't you go eat your Top Ramen noodles.
Enjoy your toys you bought off of someone else's labor while it lasts cupcake.

This guy has no clue, should everyone have the same wealth?
Share Our Wealth Proposal
  • Cap personal fortunes at $50 million each — equivalent to about $600 million today (later reduced to $5 - $8 million, or $60 - $96 million today)
  • Limit annual income to one million dollars each (about $12 million today)
  • Limit inheritances to five million dollars each (about $60 million today)
  • Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
  • Free college education and vocational training
  • Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
  • Veterans benefits and healthcare
  • A 30 hour work week
  • A four week vacation for every worker
  • Greater regulation of commodity production to stabilize prices
Google Huey Long and Share Our Wealth Proposal.
Yeah I'm not a commie, the govt has no business knowing or controlling how much money you have.

And these proposal are insane, no way to pay for them and it takes responsibility out our your hands, bad things happen then.

This guy is a nutter pay him no attention he's :cuckoo:
You must be related to Easy there eh? Nothing to retort just whine about my facts.
And Hillary was going to be any better? She was selling everything thst wasn't nailed down to foreign nations, countries that hate us, support terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdeting women & murdering homosexuals....

And HER loss is what you insane snowflakes are freaking out over? :p
She wouldn't rubber stamp every Paul Ryan bill and appoint a rwnj to the supremes
Which would still be better than Hillary...

...and there ya go using that awesome talent of prognostication again, the one that helped predict Hillary's landslide victory. :p
Enjoy your toys you bought off of someone else's labor while it lasts cupcake.

This guy has no clue, should everyone have the same wealth?
Share Our Wealth Proposal
  • Cap personal fortunes at $50 million each — equivalent to about $600 million today (later reduced to $5 - $8 million, or $60 - $96 million today)
  • Limit annual income to one million dollars each (about $12 million today)
  • Limit inheritances to five million dollars each (about $60 million today)
  • Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
  • Free college education and vocational training
  • Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
  • Veterans benefits and healthcare
  • A 30 hour work week
  • A four week vacation for every worker
  • Greater regulation of commodity production to stabilize prices
Google Huey Long and Share Our Wealth Proposal.
Yeah I'm not a commie, the govt has no business knowing or controlling how much money you have.

And these proposal are insane, no way to pay for them and it takes responsibility out our your hands, bad things happen then.

This guy is a nutter pay him no attention he's :cuckoo:
You must be related to Easy there eh? Nothing to retort just whine about my facts.

Call your crisis hotline your grip on reality is tenuous.
This guy has no clue, should everyone have the same wealth?
Share Our Wealth Proposal
  • Cap personal fortunes at $50 million each — equivalent to about $600 million today (later reduced to $5 - $8 million, or $60 - $96 million today)
  • Limit annual income to one million dollars each (about $12 million today)
  • Limit inheritances to five million dollars each (about $60 million today)
  • Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
  • Free college education and vocational training
  • Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
  • Veterans benefits and healthcare
  • A 30 hour work week
  • A four week vacation for every worker
  • Greater regulation of commodity production to stabilize prices
Google Huey Long and Share Our Wealth Proposal.
Yeah I'm not a commie, the govt has no business knowing or controlling how much money you have.

And these proposal are insane, no way to pay for them and it takes responsibility out our your hands, bad things happen then.

This guy is a nutter pay him no attention he's :cuckoo:
You must be related to Easy there eh? Nothing to retort just whine about my facts.

Call your crisis hotline your grip on reality is tenuous.
I love watching these Libstains cry!

I like seeing socialists and fascists upset
No you girls like seeing families suffer and then you WHINE when they use welfare to get by because you REFUSED to back decent wages and cheaper education resources.
They believe they are right and we believe we are right. But many of the poor people you're defending voted for trump or didn't vote at all. The ones that didn't vote don't matter and the ones that voted for trump get what they deserve.

To the ones that voted for hillary, if they are poor and have children they shouldn't have any more. And they have to teach their kids to go for a skilled trade or community college then bachelors. The poor are on their own. Republicans are the dad who takes the credit card from the irresponsible kid. And he took the keys to the car too. We are grounded for 4 years because we didn't vote for mom (Hillary)
I voted for Trump. I still think Trump will make things SO WELL that even these people who DO have jobs in fast food etc CAN and WILL if they want get jobs in manufacturing or some other place that needs very little or no skills at all. I already had a talk with my oldest who is 10 about going to college in Europe. I told ALL my kids straight up. We don't have money to send kids to college and therefore you need to get a scholarship,go to school in Europe and if all goes well STAY THERE OR stay here and go into debt to get a degree. My oldest wants to be a Veterinarian and that's fine with me its a great job but its more than just 4 years of college and she knows this.
Let's hope so. I see lots of negative signs already but there is nothing I can do now but hope I'm wrong.

The only thing I worry about personally is SS and Medicare. That and another great recession. I think the corporations have finally succeeded in completely taking over this country.

But it is what it is. It's not the end of the world. It's not like red dawn where an invading force has invaded but it's as big a change since the new deal. Anyways, we've been sliding this way for a long time.
I see some good signs..companies are saying they are staying and some from foreign countries want to invest here...that's great news to me. Still yet I would prefer my kids to go to college in Europe,get a job there and marry a European man/woman. America just isn't worth sticking around for. It refuses to catch up with the rest of the world as far as recognizing how great an educated populace IS and can be and I have nothing but hatred for it. We get by...barely and only because me and the wife have street smarts and know how to skate the line between legal and illegal and know how to shop cheap and don't get ourselves into debt but we also go without stuff A LOT. Tired of trying to FIX America and its population unfortunately is filled with idiots. On top of education I appreciate Europe banning GMO'S,Most countries use their taxes to help the population not for war or foreign aide,I prefer the European culture as well its got THOUSANDS of years of culture...
My bro spent 4 years in Switzerland and he hated to come back.

Americas problem is we have huge poor populations and the market uses that to keep wages down. Alan Greenspan said his job was to keep unemployment not too high but also not too low to control wages. So they flooded our markets to do jobs Americans wouldn't do. And we sent millions of jobs overseas.

So I don't have any kids. It allows me to be fairly rich. Condo paid off, car paid off, hundreds of thousands saved, dads gonna leave me hundreds of thousands. My brothers rich so we have property in the country. Life is good. Im glad my bro is rich and can afford to send his kid to $20k a year highschool.

Americans who aren't rich get what they deserve. Every other country loves their socialized medicine. That's another thing. Your kids will never be financially broken with medical bills.
The Department of Labor should be abolished
And what would that entail? What services would be gone along with that? I tend to agree. I think wages should be controlled by congress.
Move to Cuba and be happy. Only leftists think getting rich is a crime. Capitalism is still legal and the SCOTUS is going to keep it that way for a long time. Sorry.
Corporations have taken over everything. White house Senate Congress 30 GOP governors and most state houses to boot and the supreme Court.

The founding fathers warned about this but what can I do. If the people today want to go this route what am I gonna do but roll with it.

I find it amusing that you only associate corporations with the Republican Party, as if somehow the Democrats aren't just as bought and paid for.
I know but a completely different agenda approach and philosophy.

You act like democrats should be anti corporations. Of course they are pro corporation but they are also pro labor.

Now trump says he's pro labor. Maybe he is. But do you think Paul Ryan is pro labor?
very simply put, If high wages were advantageous to the business, the business would pay high wages.
I know a couple of business owners, every one of them thinks they pay the employees to little, they wish they could pay them more, but the money just is not there to do it. I accept the fact that yes, there are businesses out there that try to maximize profits, or buy that new yacht on the backs of the employees, but I dont think that is as prevalent as people tend to think it is. For a company that has gone public, it needs the investors to buy their stock, its how they can afford to grow, to upgrade machinery when applicable. To attract those investors there has to be a good chance of paying reasonable dividends back. In most businesses (most not all) labor is the greatest expense in producing whatever it is that is produced once you consider the employee pay, the employer matched deductions, insurance, sick leave, vacation etc... A $30.00 and hour employee might actually cost that employer closer to $50.00 an hour once all is considered. The employee only sees $30.00. Since everything about a business has to have a profit associated with it, that $30.00 an hour employee might get pissed when he see's his employer charging customers 80 an hour for his time but the company is only making $30.00 an hour off of him. The customer wants to see an $80.00 per hour value,,,, from a $30.00 an hour employee.
Fine for companies that are struggling but what about the ones that aren't?

This is one reason why income inequality has grown. Company used to take profits and split it up 3 ways. Execs, shareholders and workers. Since the 70s this has changed. Now the execs get 50% and shareholders get 50%. Workers left behind.
execs get 50%, shareholders get 50%.
Um,, why would anyone work for free, because thats what you are indicating

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