Trump to name greedy CEO head of Labor Department

Why is 100 hour rediculous?
What is your wage based on?
Based on what the AVERAGE family needs to pay bills,rent,gas. I think 15$ covers that. Sure covers it here.

Oh so jobs shoild.always meet a family basic.needs?

Who decides what needs are basic?
You realize when you raise the min wage, prices go up?
Funny how CEO's make MILLIONS and yet prices are still low. Feed that line of BS elsewhere.

Youre not bright are you?
You realize there is one CEO and thousands of employees for a company

Oh and sweeping the floor is not difficult and shouldnt pay much, its why people go to college.
Oh yes go to college so MORE rich assholes can get richer off of a high school student wanting to educate themselves and ending up 100k or more in debt. Its why my kids will either get scholarships OR will be going to college in Europe where they actually give a shit about their future workers and have college for free in MANY countries. Right now looks like Germany and Iceland are leading contenders.

So you dont like college?
You think it should be free?
Do you think people are responsible for anything?
Enjoy your toys you bought off of someone else's labor while it lasts cupcake.

This guy has no clue, should everyone have the same wealth?
Share Our Wealth Proposal
  • Cap personal fortunes at $50 million each — equivalent to about $600 million today (later reduced to $5 - $8 million, or $60 - $96 million today)
  • Limit annual income to one million dollars each (about $12 million today)
  • Limit inheritances to five million dollars each (about $60 million today)
  • Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
  • Free college education and vocational training
  • Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
  • Veterans benefits and healthcare
  • A 30 hour work week
  • A four week vacation for every worker
  • Greater regulation of commodity production to stabilize prices
Google Huey Long and Share Our Wealth Proposal.
Yeah I'm not a commie, the govt has no business knowing or controlling how much money you have.

And these proposal are insane, no way to pay for them and it takes responsibility out our your hands, bad things happen then.
Plenty of ways to pay for them. You enjoy being on the wrong side of history,doesn't bother me one bit.I am not a communist either. I am a Racial Socialist which as I have said before if you are interested enough I can and will give you a link to read so you better understand my ideology. If we can afford foreign aide to Israel,asinine wars and invading every country on earth we CAN and WILL afford all those things.

I agree about foreign aid.
Wrong side of history?
Is this more demographics bullshit?
A communist is a socialist in a Harry. I mean socialism is everything from NAZI Germany to the USSR.

And the proposal, do you think people should be responsible to buy anything with their own money?
National Socialist Germany was NATIONALISM mixed with Socialism which is why it WORKED. COMMUNISM was INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM which is why it NEVER worked. You gotta understand the difference. I won't explain it to you folks. Yall claim you are so bright so you can do the figuring out I already have.
Trump's Labor Dept pick sends early warning sign to worker advocates

Oh yay. An asshole who gets rich off the work of others who get paid SHIT wages.Good luck to the workers fighting for civilized nations wages and not 3rd world country wages.

3rd world country wages ? Seriously ? I don't believe the wages for US citizens have been as low as the current rate for third world countries since before the industrial revolution.

Countries With The Lowest Minimum Wage in the World
Trump's Labor Dept pick sends early warning sign to worker advocates

Oh yay. An asshole who gets rich off the work of others who get paid SHIT wages.Good luck to the workers fighting for civilized nations wages and not 3rd world country wages.

A President once
Trump's Labor Dept pick sends early warning sign to worker advocates

Oh yay. An asshole who gets rich off the work of others who get paid SHIT wages.Good luck to the workers fighting for civilized nations wages and not 3rd world country wages.

Based on what the AVERAGE family needs to pay bills,rent,gas. I think 15$ covers that. Sure covers it here.

Oh so jobs shoild.always meet a family basic.needs?

Who decides what needs are basic?
You realize when you raise the min wage, prices go up?
Funny how CEO's make MILLIONS and yet prices are still low. Feed that line of BS elsewhere.

Youre not bright are you?
You realize there is one CEO and thousands of employees for a company

Oh and sweeping the floor is not difficult and shouldnt pay much, its why people go to college.
Oh yes go to college so MORE rich assholes can get richer off of a high school student wanting to educate themselves and ending up 100k or more in debt. Its why my kids will either get scholarships OR will be going to college in Europe where they actually give a shit about their future workers and have college for free in MANY countries. Right now looks like Germany and Iceland are leading contenders.

So you dont like college?
You think it should be free?
Do you think people are responsible for anything?
Course they are. But educating yourself SHOULD NOT be a punishment. Give college kids a damn chance without burying them in debt from the day they graduate! Jesus Christ. Go study how Germany,Iceland,Sweden,Norway,Finland,France,Spain etc etc MOST of Europe manages to do this. In fact in FOUR YEARS a college graduate in Germany will have paid back in working in Germany the money spent on their college education so its a win win for the country. They educate people,they then get educated workers who work and the taxes they pay go back to the government that paid for the college!
Trump's Labor Dept pick sends early warning sign to worker advocates

Oh yay. An asshole who gets rich off the work of others who get paid SHIT wages.Good luck to the workers fighting for civilized nations wages and not 3rd world country wages.

3rd world country wages ? Seriously ? I don't believe the wages for US citizens have been as low as the current rate for third world countries since before the industrial revolution.

Countries With The Lowest Minimum Wage in the World
Get rid of laws enforcing a minimum wage and yes the wages will drop like a rock to 3rd world wages.
Trump to name greedy CEO head of Labor Department

Democrats ran one of the greediest people on the planet as a candidate, lost, and now are pissed that they can't pick Trump's Cabinet.

:crybaby: :lmao:
I'm not a democrat ya fucking idiot. Jesus....I see why the world laughs at Americans...they are mostly idiots!
Who gives a damn what you are?!
Trump to name greedy CEO head of Labor Department

Democrats ran one of the greediest people on the planet as a candidate, lost, and now are pissed that they can't pick Trump's Cabinet.

:crybaby: :lmao:
I'm not a democrat ya fucking idiot. Jesus....I see why the world laughs at Americans...they are mostly idiots!
Who gives a damn what you are?!
You said democrats dipshit. You obviously don't even comprehend your own rhetoric.
I love watching these Libstains cry!

If you like this you'll love what he's going to do for the average workers. We can finally have Carl's Jr as the backbone of the American economy.

we just witnessed what the current president did for the Middle Class over the past 8 years........ reduced our take home pay and increased our healthcare costs.That said, what is, in your view, the Obama backbone of the American Economy?
I love watching these Libstains cry!

I like seeing socialists and fascists upset
No you girls like seeing families suffer and then you WHINE when they use welfare to get by because you REFUSED to back decent wages and cheaper education resources.
They believe they are right and we believe we are right. But many of the poor people you're defending voted for trump or didn't vote at all. The ones that didn't vote don't matter and the ones that voted for trump get what they deserve.

To the ones that voted for hillary, if they are poor and have children they shouldn't have any more. And they have to teach their kids to go for a skilled trade or community college then bachelors. The poor are on their own. Republicans are the dad who takes the credit card from the irresponsible kid. And he took the keys to the car too. We are grounded for 4 years because we didn't vote for mom (Hillary)
The crying, whining, moaning, bitching, and gnashing of liberal snowflake teeth is insane despair from their loss is like sweet music to the ears... :p
The Department of Labor should be abolished
And what would that entail? What services would be gone along with that? I tend to agree. I think wages should be controlled by congress.
Move to Cuba and be happy. Only leftists think getting rich is a crime. Capitalism is still legal and the SCOTUS is going to keep it that way for a long time. Sorry.
Corporations have taken over everything. White house Senate Congress 30 GOP governors and most state houses to boot and the supreme Court.

The founding fathers warned about this but what can I do. If the people today want to go this route what am I gonna do but roll with it.
And Hillary was going to be any better? She was selling everything thst wasn't nailed down to foreign nations, countries that hate us, support terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdeting women & murdering homosexuals....

And HER loss is what you insane snowflakes are freaking out over? :p
I love watching these Libstains cry!

I like seeing socialists and fascists upset
No you girls like seeing families suffer and then you WHINE when they use welfare to get by because you REFUSED to back decent wages and cheaper education resources.
They believe they are right and we believe we are right. But many of the poor people you're defending voted for trump or didn't vote at all. The ones that didn't vote don't matter and the ones that voted for trump get what they deserve.

To the ones that voted for hillary, if they are poor and have children they shouldn't have any more. And they have to teach their kids to go for a skilled trade or community college then bachelors. The poor are on their own. Republicans are the dad who takes the credit card from the irresponsible kid. And he took the keys to the car too. We are grounded for 4 years because we didn't vote for mom (Hillary)
I voted for Trump. I still think Trump will make things SO WELL that even these people who DO have jobs in fast food etc CAN and WILL if they want get jobs in manufacturing or some other place that needs very little or no skills at all. I already had a talk with my oldest who is 10 about going to college in Europe. I told ALL my kids straight up. We don't have money to send kids to college and therefore you need to get a scholarship,go to school in Europe and if all goes well STAY THERE OR stay here and go into debt to get a degree. My oldest wants to be a Veterinarian and that's fine with me its a great job but its more than just 4 years of college and she knows this.
The Department of Labor should be abolished
And what would that entail? What services would be gone along with that? I tend to agree. I think wages should be controlled by congress.
Move to Cuba and be happy. Only leftists think getting rich is a crime. Capitalism is still legal and the SCOTUS is going to keep it that way for a long time. Sorry.
Corporations have taken over everything. White house Senate Congress 30 GOP governors and most state houses to boot and the supreme Court.

The founding fathers warned about this but what can I do. If the people today want to go this route what am I gonna do but roll with it.

I find it amusing that you only associate corporations with the Republican Party, as if somehow the Democrats aren't just as bought and paid for.
The crying, whining, moaning, bitching, and gnashing of liberal snowflake teeth is insane despair from their loss is like sweet music to the ears... :p
This clown must enjoy talking in an echo chamber or something.
Trump's Labor Dept pick sends early warning sign to worker advocates

Oh yay. An asshole who gets rich off the work of others who get paid SHIT wages.Good luck to the workers fighting for civilized nations wages and not 3rd world country wages.
Hillary loved the little guy soooo much. Sure.
Not hardly. Hell not at ALL. If he is going to nominate someone who hates people making a livable wage then make it cheaper and easier to go to tech school,community college,trade schools etc. Fund them more.
Thought Trump was s'posed to be a friend of the working man?...

Trump picks opponent of higher minimum wage for Labor Department
December 8, 2016 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump named fast-food executive Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department of Labor on Thursday, drawing criticism from labor advocates worried about his opposition to a higher minimum wage and government regulation of the workplace. Puzder, chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc, which operates the Carl's Jr. and Hardee's fast-food chains, has frequently argued in the media that higher minimum wages would hurt workers by forcing restaurants to close.
He has bashed a new Labor Department rule aimed at extending overtime pay to more than 4 million U.S. workers and has praised the benefits of automation in the fast-food industry. Fast-food workers, who are largely not unionized, are engaged in a multi-year campaign known as the "Fight for $15," which is supported by labor unions, to raise minimum wages to $15 an hour. They have had state-wide successes in New York and California and in cities and municipalities such as Seattle. The federal minimum wage is $7.25. Workers in states that have higher minimum wages are entitled to the higher rate, the Labor Department says.

Trump, in a statement released by his transition team, praised Puzder for a "record fighting for workers" and said he would ensure occupational safety standards. "He will save small businesses from the crushing burdens of unnecessary regulations that are stunting job growth and suppressing wages,” Trump said. In the same statement, Puzder, 66, said he agreed with Trump that "the right government policies can result in more jobs and better wages for the American worker." The Labor Department regulates wages, safety and discrimination in the workplace. Republican Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in last month's election by carrying swing states - and some traditionally Democratic states - in the U.S. Rust Belt after promising to create jobs and to review or cancel trade deals that he said were bad for workers. National labor leaders had urged their rank-and-file members to back Clinton, saying Trump's appointments and policies would not align with his promises to workers.

Labor leaders have been girding for Trump to appoint pro-business regulators at the Labor Department and the National Labor Relations Board, and to roll back key regulatory initiatives of the Obama administration such as the Labor Department rule granting overtime pay to more than 4 million salaried workers, both unionized and not unionized. "He was talking a good game when he was running for president, as far as helping workers and leveling the playing field for them, but with the nominations he's made it's just the opposite," said Lee Saunders, president of the public employees union AFSCME. Shake-ups are expected under Trump at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, which enforces federal anti-discrimination laws. Trump will have an early opportunity to shape the EEOC when he replaces its general counsel, Obama appointee David Lopez, who is leaving the agency this month, and a vacancy on the commission. Trump will also be able to fill two current vacancies on the five-member NLRB early in his term, likely tipping the agency to a more business-friendly posture.

Although just 11.1 percent of U.S. workers were represented by a union in 2015 - down from 20.1 percent in 1983, the first year government statistics were kept - labor unions are a powerful force in Democratic politics. But union members' support for Clinton at the election was lower than it had been for President Barack Obama four years ago. About 51 percent of voters from union households backed Clinton, with 42 percent supporting Trump, a CNN exit poll showed. Democrat Obama won 58 percent of the same voters in his 2012 re-election win against Republican Mitt Romney. Business groups welcomed the appointment of Puzder. Robert Cresanti, president of the International Franchise Association, an industry group, praised him as an "exceptional choice" who would bring "business experience and policy acumen on so many issues impacting employers and employees." Democrats were critical. "In Andrew Puzder, Trump found a labor secretary that would help him roll back the minimum wage, end the overtime rule that will raise wages for millions, weaken safeguards for workers, and to wipe out unions," said American Bridge, a liberal advocacy group.


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