Trump to pound home the Wetback Affect in SOTU

If he does, he'll be playing strictly to his base. I'm not sure how that gets to 270ev.

“His base” that 30 states, 2,623 counties and everybody not in South Mexifornia and Loon York? Everybody not a filthy wetback, a bottom feeding degenerate, a pole puffer, a rug muncher, a man in a dress or a feminazi?
You think his base is as strong as it was in November 2016? :71: How'd November 2018 work out for tiny donnie's base?
His base may be as strong, but it's only 35% or so, and Hillary isn't running. And as Dean says, a racist attack will not work. It certainly won't net him PA, Mich and Wisc, and potentially would cost him GA or Fla. The wall itself only polls at around 40%

Loser's a loser.

Trump wins on immigration only if he can convince people that the dems proposal is not in good faith, but on Friday the congress will produce a bipartisan compromise, that will provide "some" infrastructure funding. I think he'll opt for declaring an emergency instead, because he fears Coulter and Mueller will drop an indictment on the boychicks before Nov 20

Yeah, sorry....the term is super confusing for ignorant Loons. Here you go, let me what else you’d like to be taught.


  1. a Mexican living in the US, especially without official authorization.
If he does, he'll be playing strictly to his base. I'm not sure how that gets to 270ev.

“His base” that 30 states, 2,623 counties and everybody not in South Mexifornia and Loon York? Everybody not a filthy wetback, a bottom feeding degenerate, a pole puffer, a rug muncher, a man in a dress or a feminazi?
You think his base is as strong as it was in November 2016? :71: How'd November 2018 work out for tiny donnie's base?
His base may be as strong, but it's only 35% or so, and Hillary isn't running. And as Dean says, a racist attack will not work. It certainly won't net him PA, Mich and Wisc, and potentially would cost him GA or Fla. The wall itself only polls at around 40%

Loser's a loser.

Trump wins on immigration only if he can convince people that the dems proposal is not in good faith, but on Friday the congress will produce a bipartisan compromise, that will provide "some" infrastructure funding. I think he'll opt for declaring an emergency instead, because he fears Coulter and Mueller will drop an indictment on the boychicks before Nov 20

Haha...fools and their polls.
“Hillary will win because 93% polled in south Mexifornia said she, I can ‘will’ her to the Oval Office.”
Blast from the Past : Whatever happened to all the Leftist activist moving out of America if Trump was elected. Heads up Ya'll South America is getting pretty empty maybe you should move now real estate is probably dirt cheap.
Who? Sounds like fake news.
Good, legitimate leaders turn people’s what they do...they’re always in search of that perfect person for the job. You didn’t know this because you’re a fool who supports those who operate under status quo.
But he claimed he already had the best people. Was he lying or just not as smart as he or you think he is?
One does not have to be a white supremacist to hate ILLEGAL wetbacks.
No, but for you and Steven Miller, it certainly helps. Now if we could just figure out what either you two twats are actually superior at...

Well, unfortunately for you there happens to be lots of data/statistics categorized by ethnicity out there... grab your straight jacket and look them up… You’ll know who’s supreme according to those facts you hate real fast...right?
We already know there is no express drug war clause, nor any express immigration clause, nor any express wall building clause.

Thank goodness I subscribe to the federal doctrine and can be grateful for our doctrine of separation of powers.

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