Trump to pressure governors to reopen schools

Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

The left wants to keep children out of school so they can say Trump kept the children out of school.

Covid 19 should not be used as a Political Weapon. But because your Rump is such serious trouble, he's making it that way and you are just following suit. Grow the F*** up.
It's not Trump. It's the communist democrats. Enemies like you.

It's never Rump. So we have a Never Rump Organization and you find that in poor taste. I belong to an "Anyone BUT Rump" group. No apologies, no condemning, nothing but getting
Rump to NY to face charges there.
Supreme Court or no. NY is waiting.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.

You are dealing with people who have no problem with children being mowed down in schools by crazy people with semi automatic weapons.

Why are you surprised these same people have no problem killing children, teachers, school administrators, parents, grandparents and causing the virus to be even worse?
You know why?

Because, fuck you, that's why!!

Your hyperbolic hyperventilating and appeals to emotion of "think of the children" are so goddamn tired and old that we don't give a fuck.

Sometimes you got a crack a few eggs to make an omelette.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

The left wants to keep children out of school so they can say Trump kept the children out of school.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Youth is not a high risk group. Go back to goddamn school.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
Since when did he say we shouldn’t wear masks and social distance?

Stop it, just stop it. WE ain't buying you trying to cover up for your Orange Deity anymore. That's been covered over and over and I won't go into it one more time. So play stupid, blind and dumb.
In other words you’re full of shit. Your TDS has turned you into a dithering moron.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Youth is not a high risk group. Go back to goddamn school.

What are we going to have to do, isolate all students for 14 days and not allow them to go back home? Or are we going to be Adults and build in certain features and practices into our schools before we reopen them. Let's face it, Public Schools are giant petri dishes.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
I am glad that Trump is busting up the bullshit and FORCING things back in order.

Otherwise, the authoritarian twats will have us shut down for 2 years wearing burqas under penalty of death for non-compliance.

It's time for the pussy Karens to get out of the fucking way or get shot.
Are you talking smack about Pence's wife? Forcing sure sounds authoritarian.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

I have friends who are teachers.

They are now looking for new careers or jobs.

No trump can't open or close any schools nor can he cut off funding for schools.

Yes, it's disgusting that it's not safe for trump's friends to be in prison but it's just fine to expose millions of children, teachers and school staff to covid. At least according to trump.

What he doesn't understand that what he did today made him look worse. Opening schools will only cause more problems and make him look even worse than he does now.

trump and his people are such a special kind of stupid.

Lets just hope our nation can make it through this. My aunt couldn't. She died of the virus in April.
What happened to common sense. Why are so many lacking it?

You are expecting common sense from this administration?

You're joking right?
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Youth is not a high risk group. Go back to goddamn school.

What are we going to have to do, isolate all students for 14 days and not allow them to go back home? Or are we going to be Adults and build in certain features and practices into our schools before we reopen them. Let's face it, Public Schools are giant petri dishes.
Send them all back at once. Darwinism will weed them out.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

I have friends who are teachers.

They are now looking for new careers or jobs.

No trump can't open or close any schools nor can he cut off funding for schools.

Yes, it's disgusting that it's not safe for trump's friends to be in prison but it's just fine to expose millions of children, teachers and school staff to covid. At least according to trump.

What he doesn't understand that what he did today made him look worse. Opening schools will only cause more problems and make him look even worse than he does now.

trump and his people are such a special kind of stupid.

Lets just hope our nation can make it through this. My aunt couldn't. She died of the virus in April.
What happened to common sense. Why are so many lacking it?

You are expecting common sense from this administration?

You're joking right?
What got him elected in 2016 and re-elected in 2020. Common sense.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
Since when did he say we shouldn’t wear masks and social distance?

Stop it, just stop it. WE ain't buying you trying to cover up for your Orange Deity anymore. That's been covered over and over and I won't go into it one more time. So play stupid, blind and dumb.
In other words you’re full of shit. Your TDS has turned you into a dithering moron.

So you don't have an answer so you use those three letters. Does it make you feel better? Is it more refreshing than lynching a minority? Does it have as 40 round Mag? Sorry, but the TDS Daily Fruitcake Award has already been issued. So you can only have a lesser award. Wear it well.



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Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
Since when did he say we shouldn’t wear masks and social distance?

Stop it, just stop it. WE ain't buying you trying to cover up for your Orange Deity anymore. That's been covered over and over and I won't go into it one more time. So play stupid, blind and dumb.
In other words you’re full of shit. Your TDS has turned you into a dithering moron.
Another flame boy chips in with his angry diatribe. Can you add to this thread or is it that programmed chip in your head that keeps bugging you?
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

I have friends who are teachers.

They are now looking for new careers or jobs.

No trump can't open or close any schools nor can he cut off funding for schools.

Yes, it's disgusting that it's not safe for trump's friends to be in prison but it's just fine to expose millions of children, teachers and school staff to covid. At least according to trump.

What he doesn't understand that what he did today made him look worse. Opening schools will only cause more problems and make him look even worse than he does now.

trump and his people are such a special kind of stupid.

Lets just hope our nation can make it through this. My aunt couldn't. She died of the virus in April.
What happened to common sense. Why are so many lacking it?

You are expecting common sense from this administration?

You're joking right?
What got him elected in 2016 and re-elected in 2020. Common sense.

What got him elected in 2016 is two fold. First of all, Hillary. Second of all, he used the hates the and fears that were already there under surface and brought them to the front. He's trying to do the same thing now but there ain't no Hillary and we ain't buying the scam anymore. I am like many, it's going to be a close race in November but Uncle Joe will win by at least 30 EC votes. Enjoy.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
Since when did he say we shouldn’t wear masks and social distance?

Stop it, just stop it. WE ain't buying you trying to cover up for your Orange Deity anymore. That's been covered over and over and I won't go into it one more time. So play stupid, blind and dumb.
In other words you’re full of shit. Your TDS has turned you into a dithering moron.

So you don't have an answer so you use those three letters. Does it make you feel better? Is it more refreshing than lynching a minority? Does it have as 40 round Mag? Sorry, but the TDS Daily Fruitcake Award has already been issued. So you can only have a lesser award. Wear it well.

View attachment 361166
Earlier today I almost gave out the daily "Poke in the Eye Award" but I'm saving it for later. There is a runner up award but I can't decide right now who deserves it more. So many to choose from.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.

:auiqs.jpg: No he doesn't. He's likely got fuck all to do with Barron's education. That's women's work to a sociopath like Orange Virus. He's 'too important' to worry about trivial things like his progeny's education. He let Devo's buy her way into the education secretary appt., for fucks sake.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
Since when did he say we shouldn’t wear masks and social distance?

Stop it, just stop it. WE ain't buying you trying to cover up for your Orange Deity anymore. That's been covered over and over and I won't go into it one more time. So play stupid, blind and dumb.
In other words you’re full of shit. Your TDS has turned you into a dithering moron.

So you don't have an answer so you use those three letters. Does it make you feel better? Is it more refreshing than lynching a minority? Does it have as 40 round Mag? Sorry, but the TDS Daily Fruitcake Award has already been issued. So you can only have a lesser award. Wear it well.

View attachment 361166
Earlier today I almost gave out the daily "Poke in the Eye Award" but I'm saving it for later. There is a runner up award but I can't decide right now who deserves it more. So many to choose from.

Only the Fruitcake TDS award can go to one person each day but there are enough Fruitcakes that are a bit slow on the trigger, they get this one. I also have a few more but the idjit tattoo is something special and some one has to go to great lengths of stupidity to get it. I gave one out today.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.

Rump is only for Rump. I have a feeling that his Wife is raising Baron from here and Baron's real living quarters away from the Whitehouse.
She probably keeps Baron far away and isolated from the guy and I don't blame her one f'n bit.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.

Rump is only for Rump. I have a feeling that his Wife is raising Baron from here and Baron's real living quarters away from the Whitehouse.
She probably keeps Baron far away and isolated from the guy and I don't blame her one f'n bit.

Best quote from this "Take me with you".
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

Science says that Mask, Social Distancing and other things are in order. Your Orange Leader doesn't agree, therefore it's YOU that is questioning Science. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but peoples lives depend on doing the right thing.
I am glad that Trump is busting up the bullshit and FORCING things back in order.

Otherwise, the authoritarian twats will have us shut down for 2 years wearing burqas under penalty of death for non-compliance.

It's time for the pussy Karens to get out of the fucking way or get shot.
Are you talking smack about Pence's wife? Forcing sure sounds authoritarian.
Gotta use FORCE against authoritarians. Force vs. Force

Fight fire with fire.

But if people want to stay home....they can...
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.

Rump is only for Rump. I have a feeling that his Wife is raising Baron from here and Baron's real living quarters away from the Whitehouse.
She probably keeps Baron far away and isolated from the guy and I don't blame her one f'n bit.

He's private schooled, just like the Orange Virus. I can only hope this fucked family can get away from the feedback loop of creating sociopaths and produce at least ONE productive member of society. I can see it's a possibility with Mary.

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