Trump to pressure governors to reopen schools

Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
The shit that Trump and crew has been throwing at the wall lately is not sticking.
The distraction tactics to upcoming events is amazingly all the same.

You are aware that Trump had nothing to do with the release of Paul Manafort or Michael Cohen. I was sure you knew that.

Why doesn't the left want children to get an education?

Why does the right want to spread the coronavirus?
Who are the carriers? Do you know? Do you know the long term results of Covid after one has recovered? The 'exposure to granny should be limited?" Yea! Tell that to all the infected in the nursing homes.

Yes indeed, ask the families of those whose loved ones lost friends and relatives when Gov. Cuomo forced elderly COVID-19 patients back into nursing and assisted care facilities. Due to Cuomo's action, thousands unnecessarily died in those homes. So many, in fact, that more elderly died in those homes alone than all deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Florida has to date.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.
Why do you think Euro countries have been able to send their kids back to school? Any idea?
Well it's not time here in the U.S. Why is that?

The goal in the United States is to try to take down President Trump. Opening up in Europe while keeping the US locked down as tight as the President's Rear End is going to be used to try and destroy the American Presidency and Middle Class.

In Europe the number of coronavirus cases are decreasing. In the US, it is skyrocketing. Europe took tough actions early. Republicans opened up while cases were going up. That is why.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

The Federal Government and the President of the United States isn't in charge of opening or closing schools. It isn't one of his constitutional powers.

As far as schools, remember, President Trump has a school aged kid at home. He understands how important it is for children to get an education.
Why do you think Euro countries have been able to send their kids back to school? Any idea?
Well it's not time here in the U.S. Why is that?

The goal in the United States is to try to take down President Trump. Opening up in Europe while keeping the US locked down as tight as the President's Rear End is going to be used to try and destroy the American Presidency and Middle Class.

In Europe the number of coronavirus cases are decreasing. In the US, it is skyrocketing. Europe took tough actions early. Republicans opened up while cases were going up. That is why.
Good luck with that polish robot. He has specific programming only.
Not one bedwetter has explained to us how children are in danger by going back to school. Children don’t get ill from the virus, and certainly don’t die from it at any significant rate. I mean out of 130,000 plus deaths, 14 were in the age group of 5-14. And I bet most if not all had some other very serious conditions.

No takers? Science and statistics scare you off?
BWK , okfine ?
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

There is no point whatsoever in providing facts about anything to Democrats. To them, the only thing that matters are FEELINGS!

If President Trump suggested to NOT open the schools until Fall 2021, and there had been no new cases of COVID-19 in six months, the Democrats would be screaming and stomping their little feet in faux outrage and that it was insane to not wait a full year.

Democrats have no clue as to what to do. All they know is that ANYTHING President Trump does is a calamity!
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Doesn't seem like there's really a plan here with the best interests of the communities in mind.

What about the teachers? Many of them are old and have health conditions.
What about the elderly living with the younger ones?

What exactly is the plan? There's no way for the kids to effectively keep 6 feet of distance among themselves.

In Europe the number of coronavirus cases are decreasing. In the US, it is skyrocketing. Europe took tough actions early. Republicans opened up while cases were going up. That is why.

The number of deaths per million is the relevant factor. We are testing more citizens than other countries and we have a larger population. So we more known cases of COVID-19 than smaller countries and others testing far fewer people. Did you figure out all by yourself? Impressive!

From today 7/9/2020

Doesn't seem like there's really a plan here with the best interests of the communities in mind.

What about the teachers? Many of them are old and have health conditions.
What about the elderly living with the younger ones?

What exactly is the plan? There's no way for the kids to effectively keep 6 feet of distance among themselves.


Well, what should be done about them?
Doesn't seem like there's really a plan here with the best interests of the communities in mind.

What about the teachers? Many of them are old and have health conditions.
What about the elderly living with the younger ones?

What exactly is the plan? There's no way for the kids to effectively keep 6 feet of distance among themselves.


Well, what should be done about them?

As you know, the President has no authority over school districts. He can push the governors to get their behinds in gear. After that, it is up to the governors and local school boards to work out the details.
Doesn't seem like there's really a plan here with the best interests of the communities in mind.

What about the teachers? Many of them are old and have health conditions.
What about the elderly living with the younger ones?

What exactly is the plan? There's no way for the kids to effectively keep 6 feet of distance among themselves.


Well, what should be done about them?

As you know, the President has no authority over school districts. He can push the governors to get their behinds in gear. After that, it is up to the governors and local school boards to work out the details.

Kind of some big details he's just leaving up in the air for someone else to figure out. I'm guessing you don't have any answers either.

Just demand schools be re-opened without considering the consequences and maybe someone else will magically figure out how to solve it without putting the teachers or families in danger. He has no idea what he's doing.
Can you provide documentary evidence of that? Of course not.

A piece of cake. IF the Democrats were sincere, they would admit that what they have done for the past sixty-plus years has failed in a stupendously grand manner?

How is that a good thing? Please give us specific examples of why overwhelming failure for generations is acceptable to Democrats.

Typical low rent Cult45 asshole. Always wanting others to do their homework for them..
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
It doesn't matter. In all seriousness, Trump does essentially everything to remain in line with talk radio, because he knows that's his base.

If Rush and Sean are pushing to open the schools, so too will Trump.

He's made this strategy abundantly clear for over three years now. It worked in 2016, and he's banking on it to work again in 2020.

That, by far, is his motivation on any given issue.
I heard on the radio yesterday that instead of our leader, its up to each state when the kids go back to school, so if people don't like when their kids are to return, dial up whoever your govern is I guess.

God bless you always!!!

I thought republicans cared about states rights? Not anymore! Trump wants it so now his supporters must insist it is a good idea.

Luckily, none of them are going to listen to this moron anyway.

That works, I blame the governors for not shutting their states down soon enough and losing over a million lives. They also opened back up to soon and guilty of those lives as well.
So the virus has "killed over a million lives"?
Better tell that to fauci and the CDC. I'm sure they would want to know...........LYING ASSHOLE!
I heard on the radio yesterday that instead of our leader, its up to each state when the kids go back to school, so if people don't like when their kids are to return, dial up whoever your govern is I guess.

God bless you always!!!

Trump has seemingly threatened to withhold or somehow hinder federal funds for schools if his demands for opening schools are ignored.
I thought republicans cared about states rights? Not anymore! Trump wants it so now his supporters must insist it is a good idea.

Luckily, none of them are going to listen to this moron anyway.

Why do you fear this?

COVID 19 deaths.
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Hopefully our governor tells him to go fly a kite and takes heart to the expression, fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.
I heard on the radio yesterday that instead of our leader, its up to each state when the kids go back to school, so if people don't like when their kids are to return, dial up whoever your govern is I guess.

God bless you always!!!

Trump has seemingly threatened to withhold or somehow hinder federal funds for schools if his demands for opening schools are ignored.

If the localities and states don't open the schools, why would they need Federal Funds at all?

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