Trump to pressure governors to reopen schools

Is that not every politician? I can't think of any off the top of my head who I've ever heard say "I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do and if it costs me reelection then so be it."
Reagan bet his second term on his tax cut, and Obama bet his on killing Bin Laden. W was sort of unique in that he bet his second term but then beat Kerry as being a waffler on supporting troops in war and scaring the shit out of people. (-: Slick didn't really face any crisis. HW was really just Reagan's third term, and then he raised taxes.

The job sometimes requiring not putting self before America.

But I would argue that none of those issues were grossly unpopular among the people at that point in time, so not really much of a sacrifice there on their parts.
Public schools being what they are maybe it best children be kept far, far away from them.
Public schools are purposely underfunded, just like the post office. The Right has no interest in the most vulnerable populations.

Schools are funded on a local basis. School in Radical Left communities are no better off than any other.
I don't think you get the whole picture here; DeVos Partially Retreats in Fight Over COVID Aid and Private School Students

Oh he gets it.

You motherfuckers in the "shut down the oppostion" mode are in for a bit of a surprise.

People are tired of this bullshit.

Here's hoping you get it and suffer long and hard.
Kids are not as vulnerable as adults or at risk categories. As for teachers I'm sure they wont mind masking up.

I have a niece that is a college professor. She is going to tell her students that they will not pass the course unless they wear a mask in class. I don't blame her.

They should not be allowed in class without one.

We don't need to cancel school

But we don't need to be stupid either.
In my home county of Allegheny (1.2MM residents), not a single school-age kid has died of CV-19. Not one.

And we include thousands of kids with all sorts of disorders, some of which make them vulnerable, eh?

Not one.

Kids are in NO DANGER from CV-19. Healthy teachers up to age 60 are in virtually no danger.

The kids may bring the Cooties back home, and if they do, then their exposure to Granny should be limited.


Who in their FUCKING RIGHT MINDS would prefer the ridiculous, unnecessary damage of keeping the kids out of school with the microscopic possibility that one or two of them in each state might get sick.

Trump is an idiot? How about the originator of this thread? Idiocy on steroids.
Trump wants them in schools .... Its the dimocrats that are clueless...
Who doesn't want the kids back in school? It's the timing and safety. Many parents want the same but not when they think it isn't safe.
They lie. It's their MO.

Oh...there's a fact.

With no support.

Fuck you, hypocrite.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

I can't complain too much about this, as I thought this was a good idea before the Corona Panic.

Close the brick and mortar Government Schools, and go strictly to online. No more gas bills, no more lunch ladies, no more school buses, no more books, no more paddles. The teachers could live anywhere. Hermitage PA School District could hire new educators in Bangalore or Mumbai and no one would be the wiser.

A lot of money could be saved.
Parents that work depend on schools. Online classes don't work for many students anyway. Many students just wont bother. Communist democrats really don't care about anything other than victory in the civil war they started.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

There is no point whatsoever in providing facts about anything to Democrats. To them, the only thing that matters are FEELINGS!

If President Trump suggested to NOT open the schools until Fall 2021, and there had been no new cases of COVID-19 in six months, the Democrats would be screaming and stomping their little feet in faux outrage and that it was insane to not wait a full year.

Democrats have no clue as to what to do. All they know is that ANYTHING President Trump does is a calamity!

You and Trump have no clue what is happening. Cases are skyrocketing and at this time it is hard to see how schools open on time.
How about the facts which show children are not affected? Or the facts that children are poor vectors and transmissioners of COVID19? How do you justify your position?

are you going to force schools closed for flu seasons every year as well? The flu (common) is one children actually are excellent vectors of.
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Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

Oh and just what the hell do you think kids are doing out of school?? Sitting home like they should?

I'd bet you will see them at the beaches, and all over town and certainly not six feet apart.

You sure are a whiny little fool.
Public schools being what they are maybe it best children be kept far, far away from them.
Public schools are purposely underfunded, just like the post office. The Right has no interest in the most vulnerable populations.

Schools are funded on a local basis. School in Radical Left communities are no better off than any other.
I don't think you get the whole picture here; DeVos Partially Retreats in Fight Over COVID Aid and Private School Students

Oh he gets it.

You motherfuckers in the "shut down the oppostion" mode are in for a bit of a surprise.

People are tired of this bullshit.

Here's hoping you get it and suffer long and hard.
People are tired of the BS and you hope someone suffers from it.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

Oh and just what the hell do you think kids are doing out of school?? Sitting home like they should?

I'd bet you will see them at the beaches, and all over town and certainly not six feet apart.

You sure are a whiny little fool.
They sit at home with their electronics when at home. That's what kids do these days. Who's fool are you?
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

Oh and just what the hell do you think kids are doing out of school?? Sitting home like they should?

I'd bet you will see them at the beaches, and all over town and certainly not six feet apart.

You sure are a whiny little fool.
They sit at home with their electronics when at home. That's what kids do these days. Who's fool are you?
Fool... Not after the parents lost their jobs and couldn't pay for internet .. and phones.
I heard on the radio yesterday that instead of our leader, its up to each state when the kids go back to school, so if people don't like when their kids are to return, dial up whoever your govern is I guess.

God bless you always!!!

Trump has seemingly threatened to withhold or somehow hinder federal funds for schools if his demands for opening schools are ignored.

If the localities and states don't open the schools, why would they need Federal Funds at all?
Stop drinking Brawndo or similar drinks. Stop it now.

But, but... It's got what plants CRAVE!
In my home county of Allegheny (1.2MM residents), not a single school-age kid has died of CV-19. Not one.

And we include thousands of kids with all sorts of disorders, some of which make them vulnerable, eh?

Not one.

Kids are in NO DANGER from CV-19. Healthy teachers up to age 60 are in virtually no danger.

The kids may bring the Cooties back home, and if they do, then their exposure to Granny should be limited.


Who in their FUCKING RIGHT MINDS would prefer the ridiculous, unnecessary damage of keeping the kids out of school with the microscopic possibility that one or two of them in each state might get sick.

Trump is an idiot? How about the originator of this thread? Idiocy on steroids.
Trump wants them in schools .... Its the dimocrats that are clueless...
Who doesn't want the kids back in school? It's the timing and safety. Many parents want the same but not when they think it isn't safe.
They lie. It's their MO.

Oh...there's a fact.

With no support.

Fuck you, hypocrite.
Sqwaks MO is lies, belittling, and name calling. He runs from facts.
Not one bedwetter has explained to us how children are in danger by going back to school. Children don’t get ill from the virus, and certainly don’t die from it at any significant rate. I mean out of 130,000 plus deaths, 14 were in the age group of 5-14. And I bet most if not all had some other very serious conditions.

No takers? Science and statistics scare you off?
BWK , okfine ?
14 is 14 too many. Also they have families as well. They can infect their family.
14 out of 330 million people over the last 5 months. Uh-huh. More than 50 children die per day of car accidents.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

There is no point whatsoever in providing facts about anything to Democrats. To them, the only thing that matters are FEELINGS!

If President Trump suggested to NOT open the schools until Fall 2021, and there had been no new cases of COVID-19 in six months, the Democrats would be screaming and stomping their little feet in faux outrage and that it was insane to not wait a full year.

Democrats have no clue as to what to do. All they know is that ANYTHING President Trump does is a calamity!

You and Trump have no clue what is happening. Cases are skyrocketing and at this time it is hard to see how schools open on time.
These guys want instant death results to coincide with POS test results.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.

Oh and just what the hell do you think kids are doing out of school?? Sitting home like they should?

I'd bet you will see them at the beaches, and all over town and certainly not six feet apart.

You sure are a whiny little fool.
They sit at home with their electronics when at home. That's what kids do these days. Who's fool are you?

If you say so. Apparently you aren't out and about. Kids are all over the streets. they sure aren't home where they should be.

Who's fool are You??
The WH is backtracking on Trump's defunding schools comment.
Of course he said something and didn't mean it.

“Why would he want to take funding away from schools?” one reporter asked.
McEnany explained that Trump wants to “support schools” with more funding, but he won’t implement that unless he gets a second term. It’s a strange claim because not seven hours previously, Trump threatened to take funds away from schools if they followed CDC guidelines and stalled reopening in the fall."

I thought republicans cared about states rights? Not anymore! Trump wants it so now his supporters must insist it is a good idea.

Luckily, none of them are going to listen to this moron anyway.

Why do you fear this?

COVID 19 deaths.
View attachment 361324
Because that is a lot of deaths. Because those tallies lag the new cases curve. Because it is still dangerous, even if it doesn't kill you. Because our hospitals can be overwhelmed.

These are all simple ideas that a grown man who wasn't brainwashed by a cult would be able to puzzle out.

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