Trump to pressure governors to reopen schools

Not one bedwetter has explained to us how children are in danger by going back to school. Children don’t get ill from the virus, and certainly don’t die from it at any significant rate. I mean out of 130,000 plus deaths, 14 were in the age group of 5-14. And I bet most if not all had some other very serious conditions.

No takers? Science and statistics scare you off?
BWK , okfine ?
14 is 14 too many. Also they have families as well. They can infect their family.


Apparently you are too stupid to see it.
You and Trump have no clue what is happening. Cases are skyrocketing and at this time it is hard to see how schools open on time.

The number of tests has skyrocketed, so the number of cases has skyrocketed. WOW, who would have thought? Here I thought the number of deaths per million was important.


The percentage of positive tests are increasing. It has nothing to do with more tests.
Schools and colleges that are reopening are for the most part doing hybrid half online / half in person, and they are all taking into account regular testing and that there will be some infections, and in the case of colleges the positives will be isolated in segregated housing until they recover and test negative, and for schools they go home and quarantine. It really isn't that hard..Although it's a nasty virus, vast majority - 99% will recover.

Trump is criticizing schools for doing that. Many people will die and many will be permanently impaired.
Why shouldn’t schools reopen?
Why should I even bother explaining this if you already know what I am going to say?

Of course I know what you were going to say. You are a predictable imbecile. Why don’t you try and educate yourself on the subject first.

Right so you’re an idiot for asking. Glad we cleared that up.

How typical. You post an article about what OTHER countries are doing. As in, countries that have a much better grasp on the virus than we do. See those nations are at risk for a “second wave”, but the US? Our nation is a hotbed for the virus and we are still in the first wave. We lead the world by a big margin in cases and there is no sign of a slowdown in infections.

Your typical shit-for-brains non-critical thinking bullshit.

There are plenty of places that could open safely. Not everyone is as fucked up as New York and New Jersey.
Or Texas or Florida, or Georgia, or South Carolina right?

Actually, none of those states you listed are doing that bad at all. Gov. DeSantis was on the EIB this week speaking with EIB Correspondent Rush Limbaugh.

The state is really not having any big problems at all with COVID. Yes- 85% of the ICU beds are filled, but not with COVID patients. Keeping expensive ICU beds filled is the way hospitals earn their money you know, so that's a good number.

Florida is setting new records for coronavirus infections. DeSantis had to backtrack on re-opening. Rush Limbaugh is so much bullshit.
Why shouldn’t schools reopen?
Why should I even bother explaining this if you already know what I am going to say?

Of course I know what you were going to say. You are a predictable imbecile. Why don’t you try and educate yourself on the subject first.

Right so you’re an idiot for asking. Glad we cleared that up.

How typical. You post an article about what OTHER countries are doing. As in, countries that have a much better grasp on the virus than we do. See those nations are at risk for a “second wave”, but the US? Our nation is a hotbed for the virus and we are still in the first wave. We lead the world by a big margin in cases and there is no sign of a slowdown in infections.

Your typical shit-for-brains non-critical thinking bullshit.

There are plenty of places that could open safely. Not everyone is as fucked up as New York and New Jersey.
Or Texas or Florida, or Georgia, or South Carolina right?

Actually, none of those states you listed are doing that bad at all. Gov. DeSantis was on the EIB this week speaking with EIB Correspondent Rush Limbaugh.

The state is really not having any big problems at all with COVID. Yes- 85% of the ICU beds are filled, but not with COVID patients. Keeping expensive ICU beds filled is the way hospitals earn their money you know, so that's a good number.

Florida is setting new records for coronavirus infections. DeSantis had to backtrack on re-opening. Rush Limbaugh is so much bullshit.

Florida's death rate is 1/10th of New Yorks.

Cases don't mean shit if they don't translate to deaths.
Not one bedwetter has explained to us how children are in danger by going back to school. Children don’t get ill from the virus, and certainly don’t die from it at any significant rate. I mean out of 130,000 plus deaths, 14 were in the age group of 5-14. And I bet most if not all had some other very serious conditions.

No takers? Science and statistics scare you off?
BWK , okfine ?
14 is 14 too many. Also they have families as well. They can infect their family.
14 out of 330 million people over the last 5 months. Uh-huh. More than 50 children die per day of car accidents.

You don't seem to give a damn about those 14 lives. Tell that to their families. If it were my child, I would beat you to a pulp and dare a jury to convict me. Also children can be carriers and most children I know have families that they could infect.
Of course it sucks for those 14 families. Just like it sucks for the families of 50 kids killed on average every day in car accidents. Children cannot be carriers since they get no symptoms 99% of the time. There isn’t one documented case of a child giving it to an adult.

So, you want to govern a nation by emotions. We adults want to govern by science and reason and logic.
Wallace: Someone with Trump's incompetence will not decide if my kid goes back to school Words cannot explain the sheer incompetence and evil of sending children back to school, just to try and make Trump look good. And by the way, he's making the decision? I thought the states were on their own to do their own deciding?

Just to put this into perspective, Trump wants to expose the kids, teachers, and staff to Covid, but has Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort released early because of possible exposure. am I understanding this correctly? covid-19 is so deadly that Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen had to be released from prison early, but it's also so benign that we need to be packing the nation's children back into their schools pronto? ok cool, that checks out Trump and his administration have failed this country and put us all in danger. And the kids? To hell with them.
Hey moron, according to the CDC, out of all the deaths in the US, only 14 deaths are in the age group of 5-14. School age kids are virtually unaffected by the virus. In Arizona the only minor to die with the virus had many other medical conditions.

But, we all know you people are science deniers, and you only object to it because the politics matter more than statistics and science. The left want to keep kids at home and single moms unemployed. Your only goal is the total destruction of the economy. You could care less when a black child is shot dead in Chicago where Dems refuse to send police. So stop pretending you give a shit about the children going to school as if it is even dangerous.

There is no point whatsoever in providing facts about anything to Democrats. To them, the only thing that matters are FEELINGS!

If President Trump suggested to NOT open the schools until Fall 2021, and there had been no new cases of COVID-19 in six months, the Democrats would be screaming and stomping their little feet in faux outrage and that it was insane to not wait a full year.

Democrats have no clue as to what to do. All they know is that ANYTHING President Trump does is a calamity!

You and Trump have no clue what is happening. Cases are skyrocketing and at this time it is hard to see how schools open on time.
How about the facts which show children are not affected? Or the facts that children are poor vectors and transmissioners of COVID19? How do you justify your position?

are you going to force schools closed for flu seasons every year as well? The flu (common) is one children actually are excellent vectors of.

The coronavirus is far more contagious than the flu. You are delusional.

Are you sure about that? Because if that's true, that means that virtually everyone has already been exposed to Coronavirus. After all, the infestation of influenza is very high, and if CV is even more catching, that tells me there is little that can be done.
We are having record infections. "Little that can be done?" Now you say that? Trump said it was a hoax. Remember? Do you understand how shallow your thinking is there? Why do you think the sirens were going off way back at the first of March by the Left, and Trump manufactured all these lies about the virus? Answer, he didn't want to deal with it, he didn't care, and he duped his idiot base into going along with all his magical thinking to make it go away in his head. What you are saying now about "little can be done" was flushed down the toilet when the Right fought everyone over the lock down. When people aren't smart enough to understand that B follows A, and C follows B, that's the losing battle that the Right worked so hard to squash. Congratulations, Trump and his Sheep accomplished the mission.
Stop lying about the hoax statement. He wasn’t talking about the virus itself, he was talking about how the left (to include the media) would lie and use the situation to push their false narratives. And of course, the President was 100% correct.
No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better. It's a simple matter of directing funds to either add to a system or subtract. And they subtracted from the public, therefore, it becomes the scapegoat. It's simple, obvious strategy anyone with an honest bone in their body can see.

How do private schools take funding from public schools and denigrate them?

A couple of decades ago, I put my step-daughter through a private school. If I recall, it was about $6,000 per semester plus the trips, etc. All those years, I don't recall my property taxes going down a dime.

Public schools have become a joke. They are weighted down with administration and Teachers Unions. Both of which are reasons private schools are so much more successful than public schools.
You and Trump have no clue what is happening. Cases are skyrocketing and at this time it is hard to see how schools open on time.

The number of tests has skyrocketed, so the number of cases has skyrocketed. WOW, who would have thought? Here I thought the number of deaths per million was important.


The percentage of positive tests are increasing. It has nothing to do with more tests.

Perhaps, but you failed to show your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation.

The rate of deaths is declining. Isn't that what matters?
No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better. It's a simple matter of directing funds to either add to a system or subtract. And they subtracted from the public, therefore, it becomes the scapegoat. It's simple, obvious strategy anyone with an honest bone in their body can see.

How do private schools take funding from public schools and denigrate them?

A couple of decades ago, I put my step-daughter through a private school. If I recall, it was about $6,000 per semester plus the trips, etc. All those years, I don't recall my property taxes going down a dime.

Public schools have become a joke. They are weighted down with administration and Teachers Unions. Both of which are reasons private schools are so much more successful than public schools.
I think you have a serious problem in word comprehension. Read again. " Be it funding or denigrate."
No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better. It's a simple matter of directing funds to either add to a system or subtract. And they subtracted from the public, therefore, it becomes the scapegoat. It's simple, obvious strategy anyone with an honest bone in their body can see.

How do private schools take funding from public schools and denigrate them?

A couple of decades ago, I put my step-daughter through a private school. If I recall, it was about $6,000 per semester plus the trips, etc. All those years, I don't recall my property taxes going down a dime.

Public schools have become a joke. They are weighted down with administration and Teachers Unions. Both of which are reasons private schools are so much more successful than public schools.
I think you have a serious problem in word comprehension. Read again. " Be it funding or denigrate."

Okay, how do private schools take funding from public schools OR denigrate them?

Now will you answer the question?
No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better. It's a simple matter of directing funds to either add to a system or subtract. And they subtracted from the public, therefore, it becomes the scapegoat. It's simple, obvious strategy anyone with an honest bone in their body can see.

How do private schools take funding from public schools and denigrate them?

A couple of decades ago, I put my step-daughter through a private school. If I recall, it was about $6,000 per semester plus the trips, etc. All those years, I don't recall my property taxes going down a dime.

Public schools have become a joke. They are weighted down with administration and Teachers Unions. Both of which are reasons private schools are so much more successful than public schools.
I think you have a serious problem in word comprehension. Read again. " Be it funding or denigrate."

Okay, how do private schools take funding from public schools OR denigrate them?

Now will you answer the question?
I never said private schools take funding from public schools. That's your invention. I find it fascinating how many people try and play the stupid game of not understanding. The fact that private schools even exist,hurt the public schools, because power and money control the funding that go to public schools. Private schools are run by the privileged. And who run the private schools? Politicians with money of course. And those politicians control the flow of money to public schools. And they have no interest in getting the public schools fully funded, while their private school children get to realize their privilege by way of power and money.

It's not that the private takes money from the public. It's the politicians who favor the private who prevent the public from being fully funded.

There are all kinds of ways to starve the beast, and that's how they do it in this case.
I never said private schools take funding from public schools. That's your invention. I find it fascinating how many people try and play the stupid game of not understanding. The fact that private schools even exist,hurt the public schools, because power and money control the funding that go to public schools. Private schools are run by the privileged. And who run the private schools? Politicians with money of course. And those politicians control the flow of money to public schools. And they have no interest in getting the public schools fully funded, while their private school children get to realize their privilege by way of power and money.

It's not that the private takes money from the public. It's the politicians who favor the private who prevent the public from being fully funded.

There are all kinds of ways to starve the beast, and that's how they do it in this case.

You never said that private schools take funding from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."
I never said private schools take funding from public schools. That's your invention. I find it fascinating how many people try and play the stupid game of not understanding. The fact that private schools even exist,hurt the public schools, because power and money control the funding that go to public schools. Private schools are run by the privileged. And who run the private schools? Politicians with money of course. And those politicians control the flow of money to public schools. And they have no interest in getting the public schools fully funded, while their private school children get to realize their privilege by way of power and money.

It's not that the private takes money from the public. It's the politicians who favor the private who prevent the public from being fully funded.

There are all kinds of ways to starve the beast, and that's how they do it in this case.

You never said that private schools take funding from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."
Exactly! And in my own words. You still do not understand basic word comprehension. What do you think "in their own way" means? You can't be that dense.
I never said private schools take funding from public schools. That's your invention. I find it fascinating how many people try and play the stupid game of not understanding. The fact that private schools even exist,hurt the public schools, because power and money control the funding that go to public schools. Private schools are run by the privileged. And who run the private schools? Politicians with money of course. And those politicians control the flow of money to public schools. And they have no interest in getting the public schools fully funded, while their private school children get to realize their privilege by way of power and money.

It's not that the private takes money from the public. It's the politicians who favor the private who prevent the public from being fully funded.

There are all kinds of ways to starve the beast, and that's how they do it in this case.

You never said that private schools take funding from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."
Exactly! And in my own words. You still do not understand basic word comprehension. What do you think "in their own way" means? You can't be that dense.

You claim you didn't say something, I show you your own words and you DID say exactly what I said.

I'll try again, how do private and charter schools take from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."

It appears that you may not know the definition of denigrate.
  1. criticize unfairly; disparage.
But you're quick to call names which simply means you know your wrong so you lash out.

Grow up. Share with us how private and charter schools cut the funding to public schools.

Do you believe that competition makes everyone better?
I thought republicans cared about states rights? Not anymore! Trump wants it so now his supporters must insist it is a good idea.

Luckily, none of them are going to listen to this moron anyway.

Yeah, it's only most of the world getting kids back in school. But you don't care, because this is a political football you can use, and you hate educated kids anyway, that's why you support those public schools where kids come out dumber than they went in.
Yeah those are nations who actually have the virus contained to some degree. The US? Not even close.

Where was your angst when ANTIFA and BLM were running amok without masks and not practicing "social distancing" that were looting and rioting for two weeks after the George Floyd false flag took over the lamestream media news and COVID-19 wasn't even mentioned during that time?????
ANTIFA does not exist. You are a liar.

And you honestly wonder why I laugh at you? Seriously? You are an unmitigated angry, unmitigated joke but a joke nonetheless that is in search of a punchline.

I find it hilarious that you only want children going to indoctrination centers that is the public school system where they are encouraged to wear clothing in support of queer pride week. You are fine with GLSEN coming into grade schools preaching the virtues of being queer, trans-gendered and drag-queen reading day? Let me be clear, if my children had been exposed to this filth in the schools we sent them? I would have yanked them out there so fast that it would make your head spin.....and then the school administrators would have felt like they had been put in a blender with the setting being on "Frappee".

So in summation? I always kick your ass be it "climate change" or how Mueller was going to "get Trump" which by the way, how did that turn out for you after all your boasting and trolling?


Where they are taught about how individual liberties must take a back seat to the collective and other commie bullshit.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: There's a fool born every day. That website has no origin. Who are the people supporting and printing that site? Where did it come from? Was it invented by the Right to make it appear ANTIFA exists? You need to document the source of the bogus website with authors, printers, and their leadership. Otherwise, you just posted up a bs site.

Trump by the way can be indicted after he leaves office for obstruction of justice, tax fraud, and campaign finance violations. So yes, it is going to turn out well for justice and the rule of law. Something you fight against. That's what's kicking your ass on a daily basis. Even SCOTUS kicked his ass last week.

By the way, do you love your country? Because if you are for fascism, you are no American.

Another thing, did you happen to click on the "Official ANTIFA COMBAT FIGHTING?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: And you think I'm a joke? Damn son!

And, in the meantime, don't let a bogus website distract from your utter homophobia hatred over people who have never done a thing to you.

"Trump by the way can be indicted after he leaves office for obstruction of justice, tax fraud, and campaign finance violations"

You can "indict" a ham sandwich but proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that a crime occurred is two very different things. You swore that Mueller (that didn't even write the report or knew what was actually in it) was going to take down was a big ol bag of nothing. Then when THAT didn't work? Leftards accused Trump of doing exactly what Pedo Joe Biden did which was threaten to with-hold aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor looking into the money laundering scam that Burisma was involved in including kickbacks for leftard politicians that received kickbacks. The E.U friendly puppet that was put in place had a hand in the bogus "Trump Dossier" and the accusation that the ROOSKIES hacked a DNC server on Trump's behalf in exchange for the lifting of sanctions that shouldn't have been placed on Russia to begin with.

Only an idiot like yourself would believe that the "coup d'etat" against the Ukrainian government with financing from the likes of George Soros, the IMF with support from the Barrypuppet admin wouldn't be met with resistance by Russia. Putin refused to turn over Crimea and it's most coveted Peninsula to the E.U bankers. The Crimean people voted to cast their lot with Russia and if you wish to dispute the legitimacy of that election? The same argument can be made for the electing of an E.U friendly puppet. The bottom line is that leftards always accuse their enemies of what they are most guilty of. The only "Russian" collusion was perpetuated by the DNC and the Ukrainian puppet was only too happy to bow and kneel.

"By the way, do you love your country? Because if you are for fascism, you are no American"

I am a constitutionalist that knows that fascism and communism are one and the same. In Nazi Germany after the commies were defeated, they joined the Nazi party. They were called "Beefsteak Nazis"....brown on the outside, red on the inside. I believe in individual liberties and unalienable rights that can only be taken away by consent but otherwise are God-given rights to exist on this earth that cannot be take away by the idea of "collectivism" where my God-given rights can be "voted" out of existence...capiche?

And "yes", you are a joke that has made guarantees about Trump's removal, gotten your ass kicked over the topic of "Climate Change". You pretend that the anti-Trump movement isn't a deep state communist coup attempt when anyone with any ability to think logically can see it for what it is. You have nothing to offer in the way of honest debate because you deal in emotion. Sucks for you, "comrade".

I never said private schools take funding from public schools. That's your invention. I find it fascinating how many people try and play the stupid game of not understanding. The fact that private schools even exist,hurt the public schools, because power and money control the funding that go to public schools. Private schools are run by the privileged. And who run the private schools? Politicians with money of course. And those politicians control the flow of money to public schools. And they have no interest in getting the public schools fully funded, while their private school children get to realize their privilege by way of power and money.

It's not that the private takes money from the public. It's the politicians who favor the private who prevent the public from being fully funded.

There are all kinds of ways to starve the beast, and that's how they do it in this case.

You never said that private schools take funding from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."
Exactly! And in my own words. You still do not understand basic word comprehension. What do you think "in their own way" means? You can't be that dense.

You claim you didn't say something, I show you your own words and you DID say exactly what I said.

I'll try again, how do private and charter schools take from public schools?

Here are your own words.

"No oversight means criminal wrongdoing =charter schools. Charter/private schools are nothing but vehicles to take from public in their own way. Be it funding through the government, or as a way to denigrate the public system by cutting its funding, making charter and private look so much better."

It appears that you may not know the definition of denigrate.
  1. criticize unfairly; disparage.
But you're quick to call names which simply means you know your wrong so you lash out.

Grow up. Share with us how private and charter schools cut the funding to public schools.

Do you believe that competition makes everyone better?

Share with us how private and charter schools cut the funding to public schools.

The thing that is crazy is..... in any other context, these left-wingers wouldn't have a problem with this.

Take Chic-Fil-a. Should we be screaming that going to a different restaurant takes money away from Chic-Fil-A?

No of course not. If you hate that store, then you don't want them getting your money.

If a company does something left-wingers don't like, and they refuse to go to Walmart, none of them would complain that Walmart is not getting their money anymore, when they don't go there.

And even with public schools, people move their kids from one public school, to another public school all the time, and you never hear protests and screams by the left-wingers about the prior school losing money because those people removed their kids from it.

And why is that? It has nothing to do with education. It's because of the Unions. Of course the unions don't care if you move your kid from one public school to another public school, because they get the money either way.

The problem is only when it relates to charter schools and vouchers, because then the Unions don't get the money... and Unions support Democrats.

Has nothing to do with corruption, or education. It's about money, and power. Union dues, and Democrats. They couldn't care less about the students, or education.

Perfect example is the charter school program in Washington DC, started under Bush. Every single poll shows the charter schools are extremely popular with minorities in Washington DC, and the first thing Obama did was fight to end charter schools.
Why shouldn’t schools reopen?

Hello we got this very contagious virus out there that spreads so easily from person to person. Now think all these kids, teachers, and staff in an overcrowded building in close proximity to each other breathing each other's air. Studies are showing you don't even need to be close to the person if air is recycled through like say air conditioning then the COVID is easily spread throughout the whole building. Reopening schools in the fall would be one of the stupidest things to do right now. Republicans want a bigger COVID outbreak, go ahead open the schools again and watch the numbers soar !
Hello we got this very contagious virus out there that spreads so easily from person to person. Now think all these kids, teachers, and staff in an overcrowded building in close proximity to each other breathing each other's air. Studies are showing you don't even need to be close to the person if air is recycled through like say air conditioning then the COVID is easily spread throughout the whole building. Reopening schools in the fall would be one of the stupidest things to do right now. Republicans want a bigger COVID outbreak, go ahead open the schools again and watch the numbers soar !

Perhaps you and the other "don't educate our kids movement" should do some research before telling what might happen.

Schools reopening has not triggered rise in Covid-19 cases, EU ministers told
This article is more than 1 month old
France’s education minister says it is more of a risk keeping children at home
The reopening of schools in 22 European countries has not led to any significant increase in coronavirus infections among children, parents or staff, a videoconference meeting of education ministers from around the EU has heard.


Millions of kids around the world adjust to school in the coronavirus era
MAY 21, 2020 / 9:53 AM / CBS NEWS
So far, CBS News correspondent Holly Williams reports the reopening of schools in 22 European countries has not brought any major spikes in infections, though there have been a few hiccups, and some have only been open for a couple weeks.


Reopened schools in Europe and Asia have largely avoided coronavirus outbreaks. They have lessons for the U.S.
By Michael Birnbaum
July 11, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
BRUSSELS — Many countries around the world are pushing ahead with plans for full-time, full-capacity, in-person classes, after having largely avoided coronavirus outbreaks linked to schools during more tentative reopenings in the spring.

From Belgium to Japan, schools are abandoning certain social distancing measures, such as alternate-day schedules or extra space between desks. They have decided that part-time or voluntary school attendance, supplemented by distance learning, is not enough — that full classrooms are preferable to leaving kids at home.

I thought republicans cared about states rights? Not anymore! Trump wants it so now his supporters must insist it is a good idea.

Luckily, none of them are going to listen to this moron anyway.

Yeah, it's only most of the world getting kids back in school. But you don't care, because this is a political football you can use, and you hate educated kids anyway, that's why you support those public schools where kids come out dumber than they went in.
Yeah those are nations who actually have the virus contained to some degree. The US? Not even close.

Where was your angst when ANTIFA and BLM were running amok without masks and not practicing "social distancing" that were looting and rioting for two weeks after the George Floyd false flag took over the lamestream media news and COVID-19 wasn't even mentioned during that time?????
ANTIFA does not exist. You are a liar.

And you honestly wonder why I laugh at you? Seriously? You are an unmitigated angry, unmitigated joke but a joke nonetheless that is in search of a punchline.

I find it hilarious that you only want children going to indoctrination centers that is the public school system where they are encouraged to wear clothing in support of queer pride week. You are fine with GLSEN coming into grade schools preaching the virtues of being queer, trans-gendered and drag-queen reading day? Let me be clear, if my children had been exposed to this filth in the schools we sent them? I would have yanked them out there so fast that it would make your head spin.....and then the school administrators would have felt like they had been put in a blender with the setting being on "Frappee".

So in summation? I always kick your ass be it "climate change" or how Mueller was going to "get Trump" which by the way, how did that turn out for you after all your boasting and trolling?


Where they are taught about how individual liberties must take a back seat to the collective and other commie bullshit.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: There's a fool born every day. That website has no origin. Who are the people supporting and printing that site? Where did it come from? Was it invented by the Right to make it appear ANTIFA exists? You need to document the source of the bogus website with authors, printers, and their leadership. Otherwise, you just posted up a bs site.

Trump by the way can be indicted after he leaves office for obstruction of justice, tax fraud, and campaign finance violations. So yes, it is going to turn out well for justice and the rule of law. Something you fight against. That's what's kicking your ass on a daily basis. Even SCOTUS kicked his ass last week.

By the way, do you love your country? Because if you are for fascism, you are no American.

Another thing, did you happen to click on the "Official ANTIFA COMBAT FIGHTING?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: And you think I'm a joke? Damn son!

And, in the meantime, don't let a bogus website distract from your utter homophobia hatred over people who have never done a thing to you.

"Trump by the way can be indicted after he leaves office for obstruction of justice, tax fraud, and campaign finance violations"

You can "indict" a ham sandwich but proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that a crime occurred is two very different things. You swore that Mueller (that didn't even write the report or knew what was actually in it) was going to take down was a big ol bag of nothing. Then when THAT didn't work? Leftards accused Trump of doing exactly what Pedo Joe Biden did which was threaten to with-hold aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor looking into the money laundering scam that Burisma was involved in including kickbacks for leftard politicians that received kickbacks. The E.U friendly puppet that was put in place had a hand in the bogus "Trump Dossier" and the accusation that the ROOSKIES hacked a DNC server on Trump's behalf in exchange for the lifting of sanctions that shouldn't have been placed on Russia to begin with.

Only an idiot like yourself would believe that the "coup d'etat" against the Ukrainian government with financing from the likes of George Soros, the IMF with support from the Barrypuppet admin wouldn't be met with resistance by Russia. Putin refused to turn over Crimea and it's most coveted Peninsula to the E.U bankers. The Crimean people voted to cast their lot with Russia and if you wish to dispute the legitimacy of that election? The same argument can be made for the electing of an E.U friendly puppet. The bottom line is that leftards always accuse their enemies of what they are most guilty of. The only "Russian" collusion was perpetuated by the DNC and the Ukrainian puppet was only too happy to bow and kneel.

"By the way, do you love your country? Because if you are for fascism, you are no American"

I am a constitutionalist that knows that fascism and communism are one and the same. In Nazi Germany after the commies were defeated, they joined the Nazi party. They were called "Beefsteak Nazis"....brown on the outside, red on the inside. I believe in individual liberties and unalienable rights that can only be taken away by consent but otherwise are God-given rights to exist on this earth that cannot be take away by the idea of "collectivism" where my God-given rights can be "voted" out of existence...capiche?

And "yes", you are a joke that has made guarantees about Trump's removal, gotten your ass kicked over the topic of "Climate Change". You pretend that the anti-Trump movement isn't a deep state communist coup attempt when anyone with any ability to think logically can see it for what it is. You have nothing to offer in the way of honest debate because you deal in emotion. Sucks for you, "comrade".


Trump was impeached and he will be indicted, and nothing you say or do is going to change that.

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