Trump to reduce corporate taxes but there will be consequences for companies leaving the US, he said

Trump's economic meltdown is going to be far worse than Dubya's.
Trump would make more money to fix the economy if he got Ivanka to start a porn site with the proceeds going to pay off the national debt. It would definitely work better than his plan now to give away money for saving less jobs than the country loses.
Like all his announcements, it's aimed at the cameras, and thus needs no reality.
With all his 'tax cuts', 'military upgrades' and 'infrastructure spending', I'm surprised no-one seems to be talking about the DEFICIT, which was such a popular topic in attacking Obama.
Like all his announcements, it's aimed at the cameras, and thus needs no reality.
With all his 'tax cuts', 'military upgrades' and 'infrastructure spending', I'm surprised no-one seems to be talking about the DEFICIT, which was such a popular topic in attacking Obama.
Read here:

TRUMP: “Alright. Well, what we're going to do, I mean we do, and by the way it's not $18 trillion, it's now $19 trillion. So we have now $19 trillion in deficits. $19 trillion, you know if you look, we owe! When I say that, we owe, this is what you're talking about, we owe $19 trillion as a country. And we're gonna knock it down and we're gonna bring it down big league and quickly, we're gonna bring jobs back, we're gonna bring business back, we're gonna stop our deficits, we're gonna stop our deficits, we're gonna do it very quickly.”


TRUMP: “Oh, how! Are you ready? Number 1, we have tremendous cutting to do. You have a Department of Education that is totally out of control, massive costs. And, you know, most of the, and some of the Republican candidates like Common Core. I'm totally against Common Core. I want local education. When I'm in New Hampshire and Iowa and South Carolina, I want – so important. So we're gonna have that.

We're gonna save on Department of Environmental Protection, because they're not doing it. They're not doing their job, and they're making it impossible for our country to compete. And many, many other things. Hundreds of billions of dollars is going to be saved, just in terms of running government.

In addition to that, I'm gonna bring millions of jobs back into this country. Okay, darling? Thank you.”
Donald Trump on the Deficit and Debt
Like all his announcements, it's aimed at the cameras, and thus needs no reality.
With all his 'tax cuts', 'military upgrades' and 'infrastructure spending', I'm surprised no-one seems to be talking about the DEFICIT, which was such a popular topic in attacking Obama.
Read here:

TRUMP: “Alright. Well, what we're going to do, I mean we do, and by the way it's not $18 trillion, it's now $19 trillion. So we have now $19 trillion in deficits. $19 trillion, you know if you look, we owe! When I say that, we owe, this is what you're talking about, we owe $19 trillion as a country. And we're gonna knock it down and we're gonna bring it down big league and quickly, we're gonna bring jobs back, we're gonna bring business back, we're gonna stop our deficits, we're gonna stop our deficits, we're gonna do it very quickly.”


TRUMP: “Oh, how! Are you ready? Number 1, we have tremendous cutting to do. You have a Department of Education that is totally out of control, massive costs. And, you know, most of the, and some of the Republican candidates like Common Core. I'm totally against Common Core. I want local education. When I'm in New Hampshire and Iowa and South Carolina, I want – so important. So we're gonna have that.

We're gonna save on Department of Environmental Protection, because they're not doing it. They're not doing their job, and they're making it impossible for our country to compete. And many, many other things. Hundreds of billions of dollars is going to be saved, just in terms of running government.

In addition to that, I'm gonna bring millions of jobs back into this country. Okay, darling? Thank you.”
Donald Trump on the Deficit and Debt
The scary thing is that he can spout this nonsense and know that a lot of people will swallow it. And he knows that.
You guys don´t give him the time to prove himself. He is not even in office!
The scary thing is that he can spout this nonsense and know that a lot of people will swallow it. And he knows that.
nonsense? it s not nonsense to those who voted from him and now have jobs!!!!
At the public expense ? Trumps job creation is a myth.

1000 jobs at Carrier is a myth? Ending the corporate tax to bring back 15 million jobs is a myth?? Shipping 30 million illegals home to open up 30 million jobs for real Americans is a myth? You don't actually know anything do you?
1000 jobs at Carrier is a myth? Ending the corporate tax to bring back 15 million jobs is a myth?? Shipping 30 million illegals home to open up 30 million jobs for real Americans is a myth? You don't actually know anything do you?
Gods. To think one's jaws may distend far enough to swallow all that. A miracle!
1000 jobs at Carrier is a myth? Ending the corporate tax to bring back 15 million jobs is a myth?? Shipping 30 million illegals home to open up 30 million jobs for real Americans is a myth? You don't actually know anything do you?
Gods. To think one's jaws may distend far enough to swallow all that. A miracle!

if the liberal disagrees can he say why or does he lack the IQ to defend himself??
The scary thing is that he can spout this nonsense and know that a lot of people will swallow it. And he knows that.
nonsense? it s not nonsense to those who voted from him and now have jobs!!!!
At the public expense ? Trumps job creation is a myth.
can you explain what on earth you are talking about??
It isnt sustainable.
He has also set a precedent for future negotiations with the corporations.
He should just concentrate on his infrastructure projects and ensure that the only companies that pick up work are tax paying american based ethical concerns.
It is some kind of carrots or stick that Trump will be offering. One hand he will reduce corporate taxes to 15 % but on the other he announced consequences for those who leave the USA. Unclear is if the new or modified tax laws will remove current tax gaps.

Trump Warns US Companies: There Will Be 'Consequences' for Leaving
This has nothing to do with Trump.

Both the GOP and the DEM's agree that US corporate taxes need to be reduced to be competitive with other nations. They are both talking about 20% to 25%.

Trump has mentioned 15% which is actually quite brilliant since it would make the US competitive with Singapore and Ireland as well. I agree with Trump on this.

I doubt that the DEM's will give-in to a 15% rate however. 22 1/2 % is more likely as a compromise.

To equalize the lost revenues Congress and Trump will need to come up with a special Subpart F tax on companies like Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, etc. who hide foreign earnings in Ireland now.

However the GOP may want another "W" Bush type 5% repatriation dividend tax.

You have no idea how taxation works, especially not corporate.

So don't stick your nose where you are blind dumb.
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