Trump To Release Call Transcript

Trump has had the transcript long enough to alter it to suit his bs, why not release it now.

100-1 he doesnt have the balls to release both sides of the report.
It wont matter what he does they will find fault.....God put Trump in office to destroy the enemy aka Democrats.

How will we know if it's a TRUTHFUL transcript? We can't believe anything Trump says or does! He's a pathological liar! We need to see the whistleblower complaint.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
And the media as well....
The media is fueled by drama, they jump on everything. There is nothing new there. We all should know that by now
It wont matter what he does they will find fault.....God put Trump in office to destroy the enemy aka Democrats.

Which God? More like Satan.


Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
And the media as well....
The media is fueled by drama, they jump on everything. There is nothing new there. We all should know that by now
The new part is they are so filled with hatred that they are no longer hiding their contempt for middle America and their wishes...they have written off Trump voters and most of the center of America.....they report news fit for themselves and their friends only...
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX

Fox - credible ?


hock, spit -

yeah right
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
And the media as well....
The media is fueled by drama, they jump on everything. There is nothing new there. We all should know that by now
The new part is they are so filled with hatred that they are no longer hiding their contempt for middle America and their wishes...they have written off Trump voters and most of the center of America.....they report news fit for themselves and their friends only...
Then don’t tune in if you don’t like the stories they cover. We’ve got what 1000s of media outlets out there
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX

Fox - credible ?


hock, spit -

yeah right
Do you think the quote they reported was a lie?
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
And the media as well....
The media is fueled by drama, they jump on everything. There is nothing new there. We all should know that by now
The new part is they are so filled with hatred that they are no longer hiding their contempt for middle America and their wishes...they have written off Trump voters and most of the center of America.....they report news fit for themselves and their friends only...
Then don’t tune in if you don’t like the stories they cover. We’ve got what 1000s of media outlets out there
Its not the stories they cover...its the news they cover up to further their selfish agenda of global socialist governance...
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
And the media as well....
The media is fueled by drama, they jump on everything. There is nothing new there. We all should know that by now
The new part is they are so filled with hatred that they are no longer hiding their contempt for middle America and their wishes...they have written off Trump voters and most of the center of America.....they report news fit for themselves and their friends only...
Then don’t tune in if you don’t like the stories they cover. We’ve got what 1000s of media outlets out there
Its not the stories they cover...its the news they cover up to further their selfish agenda of global socialist governance...
Yeah it’s frustrating. And it is taken to a whole other level with the president of the USA does that as our elected representative.

Calling Biden’s SANCTIONED actions disgraceful and distorting the narrative to make it seem like he was only acting to cover for his son while not mentioning that the USA and EU wanted that prosecutor fired. That in itself is disgraceful and dishonest. Hold your dude to the same standards as you hold the media
BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.

Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.

MSNBC commented TRUMP is releasing the transcript but the democrats want the whistleblowers report to be released...
Why would there be a difference?
Well I don't think there should be.
We have zero proof Trump did what he was accused of. Just some unknown whistle-blower who HEARD about it.

Yet here we are back to impeachment.

THAT is a banana republic move to the core.
BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.

Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.
Nope. They'll just move the bitching to something else.
BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.

Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.
Nope. They'll just move the bitching to something else.

and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are

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