Trump To Release Call Transcript

BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.

Let’s see an unredacted version and see what it says

Trump has promised many things and not delivered

He's going to fucking have it altered. Those brown-nosed sycophants in the White House will do anything he says. That's why they are there and 50+ other people are gone now.

The released phone record will be marked up with a Sharpie

MSNBC commented TRUMP is releasing the transcript but the democrats want the whistleblowers report to be released...
Why would there be a difference?

Democrats are now saying the whistleblowers complaint was about more than just the call...IMO if the whistleblower made a claim that doesn't add up they need to face serious charges.
And people bypassing investigation to call for impeachment need a bitch slap also.

Agsim depending on what trump said. :)

Impeachment is the only process Congress has

Trump refuses to cooperate otherwise
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
As I showed you, he clearly didn't say credible. That was a lie the Democrats told about him.
BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.

Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.
Nope. They'll just move the bitching to something else.

and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are
But if the transcript is released and Trump didn't say what he was accused of, then what?
Then the dems have egg on their face for jumping the gun... Congress does need to see the whistleblower report though

The Inspector General said the whistleblower complaint was of "urgent concern" and he's a Trump appointee.
Dems don't have egg on their face.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
As I showed you, he clearly didn't say credible. That was a lie the Democrats told about him.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop bullshitting yourself. Stop trying to parse simple plain language.
Swamp democrats on full desperation mode with their Fake News outlets. Meanwhile, this can get Trump's approval rating highest it's ever been after this charade.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.

sure he does, BLACKMAIL 101 teaches us that.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.

sure he does, BLACKMAIL 101 teaches us that.
Huh? Cool story
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
As I showed you, he clearly didn't say credible. That was a lie the Democrats told about him.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop bullshitting yourself. Stop trying to parse simple plain language.
In simple plain language, the IG never called the complaint credible. The Democrats have simply been lying their asses off about that. It has long been believed that Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US aid if the prosecutor who was threatening to indict Biden's son was not fired, and the Democrats are trying to get in front of the Trump administration's investigation of Biden's possible crimes by making false allegations against the President.
Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.
Nope. They'll just move the bitching to something else.

and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are
But if the transcript is released and Trump didn't say what he was accused of, then what?
Then the dems have egg on their face for jumping the gun... Congress does need to see the whistleblower report though

The Inspector General said the whistleblower complaint was of "urgent concern" and he's a Trump appointee.
Dems don't have egg on their face.
yea, you're objective and shit.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
As I showed you, he clearly didn't say credible. That was a lie the Democrats told about him.
Fox News is a dem?
QUOTE="iceberg, post: 23170814, member: 63397"]BREAKING: Trump to Release Call Transcript With Ukrainian President

gonna need a lot of popcorn for this. if this shows that the left went apeshit once again over 2nd party info from an unverified source, every single asshole calling for impeachment needs to be booted out of office.

if it shows trump did something wrong, full speed ahead on our judicial system and let's go.[/QUOTE]

Not necessary. Adam Schiff is going to get the whistleblower in person, and everything he has. And since Ukraine doesn't give a rats ass about the well being of Donald Trump, I'm sure they will be very cooperative with the US congress real soon.
Do you think whatever they say will make a difference with the two wings? Seems one side will defend him no matter what is in them and the other side will attack him no matter what is in them.
Nope. They'll just move the bitching to something else.

and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are
But if the transcript is released and Trump didn't say what he was accused of, then what?
Then the dems have egg on their face for jumping the gun... Congress does need to see the whistleblower report though

The Inspector General said the whistleblower complaint was of "urgent concern" and he's a Trump appointee.
Dems don't have egg on their face.
They moved to quickly. They should have pushed to see what is of urgent concern before pushing impeachment
Transcript alone is like a cake without the icing

One bite and the first thought is something is missing

The actual tape puts it more into context

Holding up funds because allies are not contributing has nothing to do with funds that go to the user. Withholding funds does not hurt allies

The whistle blower report and his concerns puts it into prospective

Trump attempt at (rope a dope) is a clumsy attempt at control when the government is suppose to be transparent to the people

Trump wants to take the first bite and explain how it taste instead of letting the people taste for themselves but then again some like things explain to them.
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.
You’re right he does, but not if it’s being used for leverage to get dirt on a political opponent.
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
The IG did not validate it, he just agreed to investigate it, which is his job.


September 9, 2019


The Honorable Adam Schiff


Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US. House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

The Honorable Devin Nunes

Ranking Member

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
US House of Representatives

Washington, DC. 20515

Dear Chairman Schiff and Ranking Member unes:

On August 12, 2019, the Of?ce of the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community received a disclosure from an individual (hereinafter ?the Complainant")
regarding an alleged ?urgent concern." pursuant to 50 U.S.C. The term ?urgent

concern? is de?ned, in relevant part, as:

(U) A serious or ?agrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive
order, or de?ciency relating to the funding, administration. or operation of
an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the
Director of National Intelligence involving classi?ed information, but does
not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.2

Schiff Vows To Escalate Standoff Over Spy Complaint; 'Fake News,' Trump Scoffs

The IG stated that the investigation was urgent because the unvalidated allegations concerned one of the above issues. It was shifty Adam Schiff who inserted the word credible into the IG's statement.
The IG deemed it “credible and of urgent concern” literally just reported and quoted on FOX
As I showed you, he clearly didn't say credible. That was a lie the Democrats told about him.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop bullshitting yourself. Stop trying to parse simple plain language.
In simple plain language, the IG never called the complaint credible. The Democrats have simply been lying their asses off about that. It has long been believed that Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US aid if the prosecutor who was threatening to indict Biden's son was not fired, and the Democrats are trying to get in front of the Trump administration's investigation of Biden's possible crimes by making false allegations against the President.
You do t like credible but your ok with “urgent concern” how’s that sitting with you? Sound serious or like no big deal?
Folks, this is the Ary Of The Deal in action. Trump is brilliantly playing the Democrats. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is transparency!

BREAKING: President Trump Authorizes Release of Unredacted Transcript of His Phone Call to Ukrainian President Zelensky
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.
You’re right he does, but not if it’s being used for leverage to get dirt on a political opponent.
So if the Opponent was super corrupt, used his position as VP to fatten his wallet he shouldn’t say let’s stop doing that? That’s BAD? What is your IQ
When Trumps daughter is granted franchise rights in China after Trump becomes president and at a time when Trump is doing trade war with China

that is the sound of silence

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