Trump To Release Call Transcript

Not quite... the prosecutor had looked into a guy that ran a company that Hunter Biden was on the board of directors for. However at the time Joe had the dude fired the investigation was dormant... you should really get your facts straight.
The prosecutor was recently interviewed and said he was questioning Hunter Biden ,, directly or indirectly it doesn’t matter . And joe had him fired and bragged about it.. ITS ON VIDEO
Conflict of interest!
When did he interview hunter Biden? Was the investigation on going when the guy was fired?
He was fired before he could hellooooo

A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

Lutsenko told Solomon that he “discovered members of the Board obtained funds as well as another U.S.-based legal entity, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, for consulting services.”

He also said he would like to show some of the evidence to US Attorney General William Barr, “particularly the vice president’s intervention.” He added, “Unfortunately, Mr. Biden had correlated and connected this aid with some of the HR (personnel) issues and changes in the prosecutor’s office.”

Joe Biden just responded, saying his kid couldn’t have taken all that money because he was home listening to “words” on the Record Player.

The Brown SHirt Media has been ignoring the story for years. They only transiently picked it up when they thought they could use it to “get Trump”. Now it has blown up in their faces they are ignoring it as hard as they can again. The funny part is suddenly the “journalists” have become terribly interested in a sitting President investigating a candidate.
Well I guess we have conflicting narratives... shocking
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
The prosecutor was recently interviewed and said he was questioning Hunter Biden ,, directly or indirectly it doesn’t matter . And joe had him fired and bragged about it.. ITS ON VIDEO
Conflict of interest!
When did he interview hunter Biden? Was the investigation on going when the guy was fired?
He was fired before he could hellooooo

A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

Lutsenko told Solomon that he “discovered members of the Board obtained funds as well as another U.S.-based legal entity, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, for consulting services.”

He also said he would like to show some of the evidence to US Attorney General William Barr, “particularly the vice president’s intervention.” He added, “Unfortunately, Mr. Biden had correlated and connected this aid with some of the HR (personnel) issues and changes in the prosecutor’s office.”

Joe Biden just responded, saying his kid couldn’t have taken all that money because he was home listening to “words” on the Record Player.

The Brown SHirt Media has been ignoring the story for years. They only transiently picked it up when they thought they could use it to “get Trump”. Now it has blown up in their faces they are ignoring it as hard as they can again. The funny part is suddenly the “journalists” have become terribly interested in a sitting President investigating a candidate.
Well I guess we have conflicting narratives... shocking
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
If Trump did not use the military aid as leverage to get dirt on Biden then this is the best move he can do. The dems will have egg on their face if the conversation was legit.

I’m curious about what this whistleblower complaint was all about. Something made the IG validate it.
Trump has every right to hold funds from corrupt regimes.
You’re right he does, but not if it’s being used for leverage to get dirt on a political opponent.
So if the Opponent was super corrupt, used his position as VP to fatten his wallet he shouldn’t say let’s stop doing that? That’s BAD? What is your IQ
My IQ is obviously much higher than yours as I’m not the one running around mischaracterizing the situation.

and to answer your idiotic question. If the VP used his position to fatten his wallet in an illegal way then he should be held accountable. But that’s not the case here and of it was there is a legal process to go through to investigate and indict. Not asking a foreign government to investigate for you while freezing millions of dollars in aid. Wake up
Investigate what!? Biden bragged about having the prosecutor fired, withholding money, according to the New York Times the investigator was asking about Hunter Biden, The prosecutor admitted he was questioning Hunter Biden ,, Hunter Biden had no experience in Ukraine language had no experience in energy . He was getting paid because of back door deals his father set up.
We shouldn’t give Ukraine money if they are going to have back door deal with corrupt American politicians .. what’s wrong with trump assuring that?

Where is the proof as of right now all you have is speculation from Fox and Solomon

The same people who brought out the Uranium One deal that implicated Clinton

But 5 years later Clinton has not been charged with anything and nothing has been proven

just allegations make by people with an agenda

So his son got a job maybe because of his dad position

Happens everyday in the good old USA

Not a crime.

If you think Biden was paid off provide proof and then give it to the authorities

FOX and right wing bloggers are not proof, they are paid to rile up the base over what if and what could be and hail Mary

Still Hilary is sipping wine somewhere with not a care in the world because the right wing can't prove any allegations.

Even Trump who calls Hillary crooked has not been able to get her convicted on anything related to Uranium 1 or any Russian connections.

All he can do is call her crooked and that is politics.
So his son got a job maybe because of his dad position
So you admit conflict of interest, there ya go you agree with me
i don't think anyone ever denied there was a conflict of interest. i also find it very funny the left will go ape-shit batty if the air force stays at a trump property and trump had nothing to do with them booking there and cry CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!!

yet when bidens son makes $50k a month and has a "money" connection to said conflict, they bypass that to attack trump and push for impeachment because someone said something UNPROVEN. our priorities are seriously screwed up - no doubt.

all that said, there is also no proof that biden pushed to get this guy removed because said person was investigating his sons place of employment. now *IF* they were investigating why he was getting $50k NOW there's a strong connection you really can't gloss over.

so - that brings into question what the company was being investigated for.
When did he interview hunter Biden? Was the investigation on going when the guy was fired?
He was fired before he could hellooooo

A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

Lutsenko told Solomon that he “discovered members of the Board obtained funds as well as another U.S.-based legal entity, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, for consulting services.”

He also said he would like to show some of the evidence to US Attorney General William Barr, “particularly the vice president’s intervention.” He added, “Unfortunately, Mr. Biden had correlated and connected this aid with some of the HR (personnel) issues and changes in the prosecutor’s office.”

Joe Biden just responded, saying his kid couldn’t have taken all that money because he was home listening to “words” on the Record Player.

The Brown SHirt Media has been ignoring the story for years. They only transiently picked it up when they thought they could use it to “get Trump”. Now it has blown up in their faces they are ignoring it as hard as they can again. The funny part is suddenly the “journalists” have become terribly interested in a sitting President investigating a candidate.
Well I guess we have conflicting narratives... shocking
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
He was fired before he could hellooooo

A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Stop The Tape! How Has Joe Biden's Scandal Suddenly Become President Trump's Scandal?

Lutsenko told Solomon that he “discovered members of the Board obtained funds as well as another U.S.-based legal entity, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, for consulting services.”

He also said he would like to show some of the evidence to US Attorney General William Barr, “particularly the vice president’s intervention.” He added, “Unfortunately, Mr. Biden had correlated and connected this aid with some of the HR (personnel) issues and changes in the prosecutor’s office.”

Joe Biden just responded, saying his kid couldn’t have taken all that money because he was home listening to “words” on the Record Player.

The Brown SHirt Media has been ignoring the story for years. They only transiently picked it up when they thought they could use it to “get Trump”. Now it has blown up in their faces they are ignoring it as hard as they can again. The funny part is suddenly the “journalists” have become terribly interested in a sitting President investigating a candidate.
Well I guess we have conflicting narratives... shocking
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
Well I guess we have conflicting narratives... shocking
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
prove that allegation. you don't let the left make unsubstantiated claims, why do you do it? why are your FEELZ more correct than theirs?

we either all live by the letter of the law or we don't. so far it seems the extreme don't give a fuck about the law, just pulling some shit on the other side.
I’m not giving you a narrative, it’s what the prosecutor said , lol Hunter Biden did not speak Ukrainian, he knew nothing about the energy field, when the heat was turned on Biden got the man fired. Facts
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
prove that allegation. you don't let the left make unsubstantiated claims, why do you do it? why are your FEELZ more correct than theirs?

we either all live by the letter of the law or we don't. so far it seems the extreme don't give a fuck about the law, just pulling some shit on the other side.
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality
The dude would have been fired regardless. The US and U.K. wanted him gone and Biden was the appointed frontman. I don’t think the U.K. and US government cared too much about Hunter Biden’s boss
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
prove that allegation. you don't let the left make unsubstantiated claims, why do you do it? why are your FEELZ more correct than theirs?

we either all live by the letter of the law or we don't. so far it seems the extreme don't give a fuck about the law, just pulling some shit on the other side.
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality
do you have it? any proof? i *am* dealing with reality, not your speculation all geared to make you RIGHT.

so if you have unbiased proof, show it. otherwise shut up.
Really doesn’t matter what you think we have Biden on video. We have his son being investigated. Not sure what you can’t understand. We have him on air Force 2 getting a billion dollar loan from China with no experience in that type of work.
Biden used his position to make money. All this is back firing. Get mad all you want
really doesn't matter what you think either. the video proves nothing and our gov has done this for such a long time it has unfortunately become common practice.

Republicans Threaten to Withhold Government Funding Over Obama's New EPA Rules
look - trump doing it now to us here inside the US. i missed your thread on this outrage. my guess is you'd say GOOD THEY NEED THE SLAPPIN and suddenly "this" is different.

trump threatens to withhold money all the time. again, where is your outrage?
Not to get someone fired for investigating his son. That’s was Biden.
prove that allegation. you don't let the left make unsubstantiated claims, why do you do it? why are your FEELZ more correct than theirs?

we either all live by the letter of the law or we don't. so far it seems the extreme don't give a fuck about the law, just pulling some shit on the other side.
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality
do you have it? any proof? i *am* dealing with reality, not your speculation all geared to make you RIGHT.

so if you have unbiased proof, show it. otherwise shut up.

No just a video of Biden threatening Ukraine with funds .. thanks
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality

Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

Thanks. So, I went through all 3:53 and did not find the part where he talked about his son. Can you tell me at what point in the video he does that?
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality

Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

Thanks. So, I went through all 3:53 and did not find the part where he talked about his son. Can you tell me at what point in the video he does that?

Who did his son work for?? MIC DROP
View attachment 280946
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality

Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

Thanks. So, I went through all 3:53 and did not find the part where he talked about his son. Can you tell me at what point in the video he does that?

Who did his son work for?? MIC DROP

Ok, then show me that part in the video where he talks about the company his son worked for.
View attachment 280946
Ok would you like me to post the video of Biden threatening Ukraine to fore the prosecutor looking into a son ?

Hellooooo let’s deal with reality

Yes, I would like you to post it.

Lol google has taken down almost all videos of it hahah but I found it again.
Poor democrats hate freedom.

Thanks. So, I went through all 3:53 and did not find the part where he talked about his son. Can you tell me at what point in the video he does that?

Who did his son work for?? MIC DROP

Ok, then show me that part in the video where he talks about the company his son worked for.

What was the prosecutor investigating?

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