Trump To Release Call Transcript

asshat - i am certainly no biden fan nor a fan of the tactics the left keeps pushing demanding their feelz be rewarded. but that is exactly what you are doing here. going after things based off what you hope/wish to be true and then getting all butthurt when people call you on your total lack of proof.
imo the dems should have waited to see the transcript Trump released, assuming he voluntarily released it, and interview both whomever the whistleblower is and the DOJ official who refused to release the whistleblower information. And then decide if there's something to impeach over.

That would have been the wise course. But the Dems are not known for being wise
Trump is the prototypical playground bully who will keep refusing to obey rules and calling other people names. He's actively questioning the patriotism of the whistleblower already, even before the person's name is know. That behavior has to be confronted with consequences. But even some gopers were saying "release the transcript." IF he was using his office to discredit an opponent … that's impeachable, and the dems would have no choice … even though Moscow Mitch would have Elaine pull a train on the entire TrumpNation before allowing the Senate to remove Trump regardless of whatever Trump did. But we just weren't to that point, and there's nothing legally or strategically gained by going fast.
yea, he runs for the victim quickly in a passive sort of way.

the saddest part is we simply don't have ANY leader these days who is acting in a dignified manner. we've reduced ourselves to "our idiot isn't as bad as your idiot" and take some jacked up sense of pride in that battle.
"Being There" with Peter Sellers is on TCM I think. (-:
i'll have to check it out.
LOL, transcript was just released. Fox journalist Catherine Herridge read directly from the transcript explaining terms used, CNN is not reading from the transcript 1st but spending time creating a narrative not reading directly from the transcript...
interesting - from the transcript:

"The New York Times reported earlier this year that Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor in question fired under a threat of withholding $1 billion in loan assets for the country. At the time of the firing, that prosecutor was looking into Hunter Biden."

now *IF* the prosecutor was looking into specifically bidens son, then yes this is pretty bad for biden. til now all i've read is that they were looking into the company, not hunter.
that would be a question for you - you're busy making assumptions and running with them to validate your emo-feelz.
He told us he was asking about Biden’s son lol
Hellooooooo retard lol
asshat - i am certainly no biden fan nor a fan of the tactics the left keeps pushing demanding their feelz be rewarded. but that is exactly what you are doing here. going after things based off what you hope/wish to be true and then getting all butthurt when people call you on your total lack of proof.
imo the dems should have waited to see the transcript Trump released, assuming he voluntarily released it, and interview both whomever the whistleblower is and the DOJ official who refused to release the whistleblower information. And then decide if there's something to impeach over.

That would have been the wise course. But the Dems are not known for being wise
Trump is the prototypical playground bully who will keep refusing to obey rules and calling other people names. He's actively questioning the patriotism of the whistleblower already, even before the person's name is know. That behavior has to be confronted with consequences. But even some gopers were saying "release the transcript." IF he was using his office to discredit an opponent … that's impeachable, and the dems would have no choice … even though Moscow Mitch would have Elaine pull a train on the entire TrumpNation before allowing the Senate to remove Trump regardless of whatever Trump did. But we just weren't to that point, and there's nothing legally or strategically gained by going fast.
Everything is impeachable on Trump. Since election night in 2016.
i swear to god the left is like a cat chasing a laser pointer.
View attachment 280949 What was the prosecutor investigating?

Not Burisma Holdings
There was at least one notable prosecution in progress, however, at the time Shokin was sacked: a corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company which employed Hunter Biden.

According to The Hill‘s Executive VP John Solomon, Ukrainian officials have a file on Burisma holdings which “shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.”

Shokin was also interviewed for the report and said he made “specific plans” for the foiled investigation which “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

The report continues:

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

There was no active investigation into Burisma holdings at the time Biden pressured the Ukraine to sack the dude.
Yes because he was fired before he was looking into it lol

Which is just speculation on your part, no evidence whatsoever.

Also, the current Ukrainian prosecutor general has publicly stated there is no evidence of any wrong doing by either Biden.
Yes Biden has him fired
Not Burisma Holdings
There was at least one notable prosecution in progress, however, at the time Shokin was sacked: a corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company which employed Hunter Biden.

According to The Hill‘s Executive VP John Solomon, Ukrainian officials have a file on Burisma holdings which “shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.”

Shokin was also interviewed for the report and said he made “specific plans” for the foiled investigation which “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

The report continues:

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

There was no active investigation into Burisma holdings at the time Biden pressured the Ukraine to sack the dude.
Yes because he was fired before he was looking into it lol

Which is just speculation on your part, no evidence whatsoever.

Also, the current Ukrainian prosecutor general has publicly stated there is no evidence of any wrong doing by either Biden.
Yes Biden has him fired

No, the current Ukrainian prosecutor general has not been fired.
I don't know what you idiots are reading, but it's in black and white below:

Trump is going around the State Dept and sending a private citizen (Giuliani) to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden.

You'll have to first pull your heads out of your asses to see this, though.

I don't know what you idiots are reading, but it's in black and white below:

Trump is going around the State Dept and sending a private citizen (Giuliani) to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden.

You'll have to first pull your heads out of your asses to see this, though.

View attachment 280960
as the risk of an infraction...

fuck off.


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as I said....and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are
I don't know what you idiots are reading, but it's in black and white below:

Trump is going around the State Dept and sending a private citizen (Giuliani) to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden.

Hillary Clinton bought Russian-Authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a Trump-hating foreign spy intending to use it to alter the 2016 Presidential election....

Tell me the one again how the President of the United States asked the Prime Minister of Ukriane, our ally, to review the possible criminal activities of the leading 2020 Democratic Party candidate in his country...

I love that one...


upload_2019-9-25_10-45-22.jpeg [URL=''][URL='']



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I don't know what you idiots are reading, but it's in black and white below:

Trump is going around the State Dept and sending a private citizen (Giuliani) to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden.

You'll have to first pull your heads out of your asses to see this, though.

View attachment 280960
Seems odd to move the conversation from military aid to providing information on Biden
as I said....and they will both spin it to match their narrative no matter what the actual words are
How does one spin a word-for-word transcript that shows no quid-pro-quo occurred, as the Democrats so desperately claim, based off of a whistle blower's 2nd-hand account?
I don't know what you idiots are reading, but it's in black and white below:

Trump is going around the State Dept and sending a private citizen (Giuliani) to conspire with a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election by asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden.

You'll have to first pull your heads out of your asses to see this, though.

View attachment 280960

This is what an indictment document looks like

The entire Washington Post article is an example indictment document.

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