Trump to send armed troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers

the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
So after 200 years the Mexicans can’t figure out where their border is? Jesus!
They know. They've been doing this forever. Trump needs to slap them down.
Finally a President that stands up to foreign invaders. Light up their asses next time.

They pull guns on our troops it’s time to make an example of them. A nice Hum-vie with a 50 cal mounted on it will do the trick.

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Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.

Everything to you idiots is a simple mistake. They took our military out of there vehicle at gun point. Misunderstanding my ass. Until you serve, don’t talk shit about what you don’t know. Ask the two shoulders what they thought. Have a gun stuck in your face and the pussy liberal you are would shit your pants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.

Everything to you idiots is a simple mistake. They took our military out of there vehicle at gun point. Misunderstanding my ass. Until you serve, don’t talk shit about what you don’t know. Ask the two shoulders what they thought. Have a gun stuck in your face and the pussy liberal you are would shit your pants.

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You're funny. Nuts, but funny.
Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms.

"Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in the future, American soldiers will also carry additional arms.

In addition, the president opined that perhaps the Mexican troops were not really interested in securing their country’s border as they were assisting a drug cartel.

“Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!” the commander-in-chief tweeted."

Escalation: Trump to send ARMED U.S. troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers
I've always wondered if Mexico's politicians were in the pockets of the Drug Cartels from rumors about. If they are, I hope God himself helps them out of that corner. If not, I am grateful we have a good President who won't let corrupt troops from another country threaten our border security. Maybe President Trump's good influence will help the Mexicans deal with corruption that is threatening its nation, deal with joblessness of the poor, and establish a stronger economy for the benefit of its citizens. When I was a little girl, our family visited Mexico once, and when we got to a town square of Neuvo Laredo, there must have been 200 small children begging for nickels. Dad said if anyone tossed them nickels they'd get mobbed, so he got us out of there fast. That was in the 50s. They've had a lot of poor people there for possibly hundreds of years. All I can say is they sure grow pretty flowers in Mexico. Every home I saw had blooms everywhere, even though it's pretty dry down there. Very strange society down there.
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.

Everything to you idiots is a simple mistake. They took our military out of there vehicle at gun point. Misunderstanding my ass. Until you serve, don’t talk shit about what you don’t know. Ask the two shoulders what they thought. Have a gun stuck in your face and the pussy liberal you are would shit your pants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're funny. Nuts, but funny.

If I nuts then you must be out of your mind. Like I said. Your a liberal wimp who wouldn’t make it on the streets for a day. I was a cop. So I can speak from experiences. You are a liberal loser hide behind everyone and talk.

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Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms.

"Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in the future, American soldiers will also carry additional arms.

In addition, the president opined that perhaps the Mexican troops were not really interested in securing their country’s border as they were assisting a drug cartel.

“Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!” the commander-in-chief tweeted."

Escalation: Trump to send ARMED U.S. troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers

Apparently they were not. Donald Trump seems to be lying as usual. It looks like it is a common occurrence where Mexican soldiers and American soldiers talked and everyone went on their way. The Defense Department is not contesting this.

Why is Trump lying? Is he trying to start something? Perhaps he wants to create a confrontation to justify his actions. It will not work. Trump will be exposed as a liar.
the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.
So after 200 years the Mexicans can’t figure out where their border is? Jesus!

The border markers are not always accurate. Duncan Hunter jumped a fence and claimed he was in Mexico. The Border Patrol says he was 75 feet short of Mexico.
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

And nobody is saying anything about what will happen to the 2 soldiers. Giving up their weapons to members of a foreign military is far beyond any military standards I know of.

And what about the leaders who put them in that position? What will happen to them?

It never happened. The Defense Department is confirming what Mexico says. They met, they talked, and they went their own way. No one was disarmed.
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

And nobody is saying anything about what will happen to the 2 soldiers. Giving up their weapons to members of a foreign military is far beyond any military standards I know of.

And what about the leaders who put them in that position? What will happen to them?

It never happened. The Defense Department is confirming what Mexico says. They met, they talked, and they went their own way. No one was disarmed.

And you believe that. I have a bridge for sale.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.

Everything to you idiots is a simple mistake. They took our military out of there vehicle at gun point. Misunderstanding my ass. Until you serve, don’t talk shit about what you don’t know. Ask the two shoulders what they thought. Have a gun stuck in your face and the pussy liberal you are would shit your pants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since you are telling us fairy tales. do you know Goldilocks and the 3 Bears?
Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.
--------------------------------- to me the issue is the Disarming of American Troops by 'mex' military Bulldog and Busybee .
Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms.

"Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that in the future, American soldiers will also carry additional arms.

In addition, the president opined that perhaps the Mexican troops were not really interested in securing their country’s border as they were assisting a drug cartel.

“Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!” the commander-in-chief tweeted."

Escalation: Trump to send ARMED U.S. troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers

HOO! HAA! BRING that heavy artillery to the border!

Bust 'em up real good!

Let's mess those Mexican Troops up, it's time to SETTLE this bull once and for all.

We have been overly generous with our patience, but patience no more. :mm:

Really? Trump is wanting a war with Mexico? Really? The man is more nuts than I thought.
So you are in favor of Mexican troops crossing onto American soil and disarming Americans? Got it! You are an asswipe!

I would mention that it was a simple mistake caused by the fence not being on the actual border, but you already know that, and seem to enjoy being an idiot.

Everything to you idiots is a simple mistake. They took our military out of there vehicle at gun point. Misunderstanding my ass. Until you serve, don’t talk shit about what you don’t know. Ask the two shoulders what they thought. Have a gun stuck in your face and the pussy liberal you are would shit your pants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since you are telling us fairy tales. do you know Goldilocks and the 3 Bears?

The only fair tales is every time one of you libtards open your mouth and shit comes out. I will say hello too the three bears for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the commander-in-chief tweeted.

Leave it to the super patriotic american clown-in-chief to make a mountain out of a molehill turning a common occurence that has been happening for the last 200 years, US and Mexican security agents mistakenly entering each other's territory into an international incident.

STFU up Jose B.

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