TRUMP to Sign executive order on social media, their attacks on free speech!

This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.

Countless examples of voter mail fraud? You must have been too much in a hurry to post a link on that. BTW, Down here in Arizona, we have been voting by mail for decades, with no voter fraud.
With no found voter fraud. Which doesn't mean it exists... Not to be a dick... But.. It's Arizona.

Edit: Full disclosure... I'm from Iowa, they wouldn't care about my state doing it either for the most part.

So, voter fraud exists, even if none is ever found?
Um... Did you not read my post? It's... Right up there.. You quoted it.

You do understand that "doesn't" is a contraction word. It means the same as "does not"

But not found is not the same as doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that it does exist. Only that it's not found.

Don't get me wrong... I think you are an idiot if you think it doesn't exist. That's absolutely true. Here... One second.

That's just the first one on the first page. You can do more if you like.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.

Countless examples of voter mail fraud? You must have been too much in a hurry to post a link on that. BTW, Down here in Arizona, we have been voting by mail for decades, with no voter fraud.
With no found voter fraud. Which doesn't mean it exists... Not to be a dick... But.. It's Arizona.

Edit: Full disclosure... I'm from Iowa, they wouldn't care about my state doing it either for the most part.

So, voter fraud exists, even if none is ever found?
Um... Did you not read my post? It's... Right up there.. You quoted it.

You do understand that "doesn't" is a contraction word. It means the same as "does not"

But not found is not the same as doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that it does exist. Only that it's not found.

Don't get me wrong... I think you are an idiot if you think it doesn't exist. That's absolutely true. Here... One second.

Edit: The Heritage Foundation
That's just the first one on the first page. You can do more if you like.
Not to put a fine point on it, but your rambling sounds awfully similar to Trump explaining his latest Coronavirus test results.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.

Countless examples of voter mail fraud? You must have been too much in a hurry to post a link on that. BTW, Down here in Arizona, we have been voting by mail for decades, with no voter fraud.
With no found voter fraud. Which doesn't mean it exists... Not to be a dick... But.. It's Arizona.

Edit: Full disclosure... I'm from Iowa, they wouldn't care about my state doing it either for the most part.

So, voter fraud exists, even if none is ever found?
Um... Did you not read my post? It's... Right up there.. You quoted it.

You do understand that "doesn't" is a contraction word. It means the same as "does not"

But not found is not the same as doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that it does exist. Only that it's not found.

Don't get me wrong... I think you are an idiot if you think it doesn't exist. That's absolutely true. Here... One second.

Edit: The Heritage Foundation
That's just the first one on the first page. You can do more if you like.
Not to put a fine point on it, but your rambling sounds awfully similar to Trump explaining his latest Coronavirus test results.

Always remember... Nothing anyone says or does can make you look stupid. You have to do it.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.

Countless examples of voter mail fraud? You must have been too much in a hurry to post a link on that. BTW, Down here in Arizona, we have been voting by mail for decades, with no voter fraud.
With no found voter fraud. Which doesn't mean it exists... Not to be a dick... But.. It's Arizona.

Edit: Full disclosure... I'm from Iowa, they wouldn't care about my state doing it either for the most part.

So, voter fraud exists, even if none is ever found?
Um... Did you not read my post? It's... Right up there.. You quoted it.

You do understand that "doesn't" is a contraction word. It means the same as "does not"

But not found is not the same as doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that it does exist. Only that it's not found.

Don't get me wrong... I think you are an idiot if you think it doesn't exist. That's absolutely true. Here... One second.

Edit: The Heritage Foundation
That's just the first one on the first page. You can do more if you like.
Wow, 20 whole cases spanning 3 election cycles covering some 350 million votes. That's a real problem, huh?
It’s their site....they set the rules of behavior
Negative Ghostrider.

A platform doesn't get to chose what gets posted...a publisher does.

If they are a platform, they are indemnified...if they are a publisher, they aren't.

It's either fish our fowl...can't be both.

You're so far over their heads... the marxist shitstains want book-burnings and something to die. These laws you speak of mean nothing to these shit-eating rodents.
It's so cute when he thinks he's a dictator. This is going nowhere.

A few suggestions:

1) Boycott Twitter. You guys already have dozens of other companies that you boycott. What's one more?

2) Start your own social networking site and make whatever rules you want.

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!

So, Trump is going to forbid Twitter from calling him a liar, and that will guarantee "free speech", although not, of course, for Twitter. But, never mind. What he is claiming that he will do is blatantly unconstitutional anyway. It is just another of Trump's wet dreams.
No they will allow trump to speak and let the people decide, Milo will come back, Gavin McGinnis, etc... I cant wait to hear freedom

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!
What can he possibly do with an executive order to force social media?

I kind of think he is full of shit too.

He could begin the process of having "social media" recognized as a public utility, which it is. Though I agree that its unlikely anything will come of this. For the foreseeable future these big social networking sites will be given a veritable free hand to do what they will much like was done, and still is done for the railroads.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
It has to be done.. we need fair elections. We need the conservative message out
Conservatives own the internet with their messaging, well over 1000 sites/blogs dedicated to your mostly alternative facts and alternative truth.... all on the Russian created conservative sites too, added to the Repub sites!!! :)

Liberals are clueless on how to use the internet and talk radio to message, they are way behind the Rebubs on tech and the net and any kind of uniformed messaging imo.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
It has to be done.. we need fair elections. We need the conservative message out
Conservatives own the internet with their messaging, well over 1000 sites/blogs dedicated to your mostly alternative facts and alternative truth.... all on the Russian created conservative sites too, added to the Repub sites!!! :)

Liberals are clueless on how to use the internet and talk radio to message, they are way behind the Rebubs on tech and the net and any kind of uniformed messaging imo.
I know but we need to stop the Democrats from Tyranny

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!
What can he possibly do with an executive order to force social media?

I kind of think he is full of shit too.

He could begin the process of having "social media" recognized as a public utility, which it is. Though I agree that its unlikely anything will come of this. For the foreseeable future these big social networking sites will be given a veritable free hand to do what they will much like was done, and still is done for the railroads.
Go with capitalism, and add some competition.... create your own Twitter.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
It has to be done.. we need fair elections. We need the conservative message out
Conservatives own the internet with their messaging, well over 1000 sites/blogs dedicated to your mostly alternative facts and alternative truth.... all on the Russian created conservative sites too, added to the Repub sites!!! :)

Liberals are clueless on how to use the internet and talk radio to message, they are way behind the Rebubs on tech and the net and any kind of uniformed messaging imo.
I know but we need to stop the Democrats from Tyranny
You got the President and his entire admin and staff illegally using their government jobs to campaign 24/7 for Trump.... on my tax dime....
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
It has to be done.. we need fair elections. We need the conservative message out
Conservatives own the internet with their messaging, well over 1000 sites/blogs dedicated to your mostly alternative facts and alternative truth.... all on the Russian created conservative sites too, added to the Repub sites!!! :)

Liberals are clueless on how to use the internet and talk radio to message, they are way behind the Rebubs on tech and the net and any kind of uniformed messaging imo.
I know but we need to stop the Democrats from Tyranny
You got the President and his entire admin and staff illegally using their government jobs to campaign 24/7 for Trump.... on my tax dime....

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!
What can he possibly do with an executive order to force social media?

I kind of think he is full of shit too.

He could begin the process of having "social media" recognized as a public utility, which it is. Though I agree that its unlikely anything will come of this. For the foreseeable future these big social networking sites will be given a veritable free hand to do what they will much like was done, and still is done for the railroads.
Go with capitalism, and add some competition.... create your own Twitter.
I hope trump just takes it over,, let’s get Milo back on their, Gavin McGinnis, red elephants.. awww freedom! Where ya been!
When you "fact check" the President .....but you don't "fact check" the networks spreading Communist Chinese propaganda, then yes, you get to be shut down.

Hope the President signs the executive order NOW! :thup:

He can’t order Twitter to do jack shit. It’s a private company.

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