Trump to the UN on North Korea's Kim:"Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime"

Macron my President think that he could change Trump about North Korea and Trump will listen to him.
Ha! Ha! just because they got together for the July 14, in he's dream... Macron a big Sissy Trump is a not one of those.
"If the U.S. is forced to defend itself North Korea will be totally destroyed". Refreshing words from a true patriot.
Trump likes to give nicknames. 'Rocket man' is his latest.
Provide a link, please.
He didn't really say that out loud to the UN General Assembly, did he?

Sadly yes, he threatened nuclear war and this gem:

Reading carefully from a script, Trump said the U.S. military would soon be the strongest it has ever been. Turning to Venezuela, Trump called the collapsing situation there "completely unacceptable" and said the United States cannot stand by and watch.
U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the United States will be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear challenge, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a "rocket man" on a suicide mission.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe. Unless North Korea backs down, he said, "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

He went bat crack crazy, in front of the world.
so how do you classify the kim dude? why is he not "bat crack crazy" for conducting nuclear tests and threatening anyone and everyone around him?

what is the response supposed to be?

if i say i'm going to kill you and your family, is "i will destroy you if you try" in appropriate on your part?

you seem ok with fatboy having nukes. i'm not. not much inbetween here for me.

You do not fight by announcing your battle plans in advance! Yes, Kim Jong un is crazy, that is why the US needs a sane leader; Trump said little to nothing for days, now announces the complete destruction of a nation, you find that normal for a US President? If so, when did you arrive on our planet?
Trump likes to give nicknames. 'Rocket man' is his latest.
Provide a link, please.
He didn't really say that out loud to the UN General Assembly, did he?

Sadly yes, he threatened nuclear war and this gem:

Reading carefully from a script, Trump said the U.S. military would soon be the strongest it has ever been. Turning to Venezuela, Trump called the collapsing situation there "completely unacceptable" and said the United States cannot stand by and watch.
U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the United States will be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear challenge, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a "rocket man" on a suicide mission.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe. Unless North Korea backs down, he said, "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

He went bat crack crazy, in front of the world.

Yes Trump used some strong language. I personally wouldn't have gone the Rocket Man route, but his tough talk is otherwise needed.

North Korean leaders have stated they would waste America. Told them they would nuke them to hell. Can you imagine U.S leaders of the past accepting that threat? The bombs may have already have been dropped on N Korea.

Furthermore, North Korea had it made. They were funded by China and being rewarded and noone bothered them as they set up prison camps. However, like any fascist, dictatorship lead by a coward, that is never enough. He wants his nukes too. He wants to be a world player simply because he is able to bully his own citizens.

If that little fat sob was ended tomorrow, the world would be much safer. If a war breaks out there, China will get their Just Desserts, 100's of thousands of North Koreans pushing through their border. A well deserved outcome for supporting this isolated regime.

If this doesn't work, heavy tariffs on Chinese goods. There is no if and's or buys, N Korea cannot have a nuke. If so, God help us.
What a speech! Bravo! This is what the silent White majority voted for and we are not disappointed. The spirit of Steve Bannon was all throughout the speech. What patriots those two are.y
North Korean leaders have stated they would waste America. Told them they would nuke them to hell.
So you think nuclear war is OK; we know Kim is insane, the US President being like him will not help the US. I expected a rational speech from Trump, it was not to be. That is why the crowd murmured in disbelief.
Trump's calling out rouge nations

Obama would've been calling out America.

Nice to have a POTUS who sticks up for his county
Trump's calling out rouge nations

Obama would've been calling out America.

Nice to have a POTUS who sticks up for his county
I really wish you'd learn how to spell ROGUE. I've tried to help you with this before. What you are spelling is the pink stuff old ladies put on their cheeks.
Finally, a leader who gets it. "For the cost of settling one refugee in the US, we could support 10 in their home country" -Trump
Trump likes to give nicknames. 'Rocket man' is his latest.
Provide a link, please.
He didn't really say that out loud to the UN General Assembly, did he?

Sadly yes, he threatened nuclear war and this gem:

Reading carefully from a script, Trump said the U.S. military would soon be the strongest it has ever been. Turning to Venezuela, Trump called the collapsing situation there "completely unacceptable" and said the United States cannot stand by and watch.
U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the United States will be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear challenge, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a "rocket man" on a suicide mission.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe. Unless North Korea backs down, he said, "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

He went bat crack crazy, in front of the world.
so how do you classify the kim dude? why is he not "bat crack crazy" for conducting nuclear tests and threatening anyone and everyone around him?

what is the response supposed to be?

if i say i'm going to kill you and your family, is "i will destroy you if you try" in appropriate on your part?

you seem ok with fatboy having nukes. i'm not. not much inbetween here for me.

You do not fight by announcing your battle plans in advance! Yes, Kim Jong un is crazy, that is why the US needs a sane leader; Trump said little to nothing for days, now announces the complete destruction of a nation, you find that normal for a US President? If so, when did you arrive on our planet?
you are not fucking serious.

what battle plan was announced other than "we will destroy you"?

we need sane citizens that quit fucking shit up with their own confusion of self-hate.
Trump likes to give nicknames. 'Rocket man' is his latest.
Provide a link, please.
He didn't really say that out loud to the UN General Assembly, did he?

Sadly yes, he threatened nuclear war and this gem:

Reading carefully from a script, Trump said the U.S. military would soon be the strongest it has ever been. Turning to Venezuela, Trump called the collapsing situation there "completely unacceptable" and said the United States cannot stand by and watch.
U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the United States will be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear challenge, mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a "rocket man" on a suicide mission.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe. Unless North Korea backs down, he said, "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

He went bat crack crazy, in front of the world.

Leading from behind is over, there's a new sheriff in town, if his mean words hurt your feelings then cover your eyes and ears and we will wake you when it's over, don't worry uncle Donald will keep you safe.

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"The United States and our allies are working together to crush the loser terrorists."
Democrats are so unused to hearing a president speak that doesn't have every other word as "I, me" or "my".

Bravo Mr. President. We have been waiting a long time for you.

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