Trump told McGhan to do crazy .... about the Mueller investigation

Oh, he can offer it. He just didn't know it would be hijacked by Barr. The report clearly states that the decision was to go to Congress.
Mueller clearly did say the the report and the decision on obstruction should go to Congress, but he had no authority or jurisdiction to decide these issues,so it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to do so, nonetheless the report has gone to Congress and Barr has even allowed several of the top Democrats and Republicans to view the classified sections of it that have been redacted, but so far no Democrats have shown any interest in seeing it and only two Republicans,so clearly all fuss the Democrats are making over seeing the unredacted report is just political theater.
They are holding Barr in contempt to see the full report. What are you smoking?
The Democrats may issue a contempt citation, but it will mean nothing, just more political theater. If they do cite him for contempt, the issue will go to the courts to determine if Congress had legitimate grounds for demanding the unredacted version, and we won't know the decision for three or four years. The question is if the Democrats are really interested in seeing the unredacted report, why have any of them Barr invited to view it come to see it. Clearly, the Democrats are just putting on a show.
A contempt citation is a legally binding document. Again, what are these cultists smoking? Are you suggesting team Trump is above the law? Are you in favor of trashing the Constitution and the rule of law? if not, then the citation means a lot.
Are you too stupid to understand that any kind of contempt citation issue will go to federal court and after the three or four years it will take for the SC to decide the case, the citation will just disappear, just like the contempt citation issued to Holder in the fast and furious case.
It won't be three or four years. We aren't dealing with a jaywalking charge here.
Fine, then the courts will decide what they are entitled to in a few years.
Hmm, no,I doubt it takes that long. The house judiciary committee is in the right, so they will fast track it to the SCOTUS, if needed. And the SCOTUS will take it up quickly.
It will take that long. When Holder was cited for contempt when Obama a refused to turn over to Congress documents related to the fast and furious debacle, it took nearly four years to decide the issue. Since there is no demonstrable urgency in this case, it will have to go through the lower courts before reaching the SC.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

There are plenty of attorneys on Mueller's investigative team that have come out & stated that if Trump were not POTUS, he would have already been indicted for obstruction.

I have no doubt Mueller will state the same in his coming testimony before the Nadler committee.

And the committee will clearly define aome terms conflated and obfuscated by Barr, specifically: collusion and conspiracy. And then they will proceed to lay out several examples of evidence of collusion in muellers report, supported by mueller's agreement. They will also establish the fact that Barr mislead the public, intentionally misused these terms, and misrepresented the report by saying it found no collusion and by saying it determined there was not enough evidence to charge trump.
If you had read it you would know that the President cannot fire someone who is investigating a crime he, the President may be involved in, but since neither Mueller nor Comey was involved in such an investigation, firing either of them would not constitute obstruction. Furthermore, there is no written or case law to support Mueller's expanded definition of obstruction. Mueller clearly read and agreed with Barr's analysis and that's why he declined to offer an opinion on obstruction.
Oh, he can offer it. He just didn't know it would be hijacked by Barr. The report clearly states that the decision was to go to Congress.
Mueller clearly did say the the report and the decision on obstruction should go to Congress, but he had no authority or jurisdiction to decide these issues,so it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to do so, nonetheless the report has gone to Congress and Barr has even allowed several of the top Democrats and Republicans to view the classified sections of it that have been redacted, but so far no Democrats have shown any interest in seeing it and only two Republicans,so clearly all fuss the Democrats are making over seeing the unredacted report is just political theater.
Mueller clearly did say the the report and the decision on obstruction should go to Congress, but he had no authority or jurisdiction to decide these issues,so it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to do so, nonetheless the report has gone to Congress and Barr has even allowed several of the top Democrats and Republicans to view the classified sections of it that have been redacted, but so far no Democrats have shown any interest in seeing it and only two Republicans,so clearly all fuss the Democrats are making over seeing the unredacted report is just political theater.
They are holding Barr in contempt to see the full report. What are you smoking?
The Democrats may issue a contempt citation, but it will mean nothing, just more political theater. If they do cite him for contempt, the issue will go to the courts to determine if Congress had legitimate grounds for demanding the unredacted version, and we won't know the decision for three or four years. The question is if the Democrats are really interested in seeing the unredacted report, why have any of them Barr invited to view it come to see it. Clearly, the Democrats are just putting on a show.
Lol! The redacted report is enough to charge Trump with obstruction. And the SDNY is getting a big resume ready for Trump as well on multiple criminal fronts. In the mean time, Trumps cultists are trashing the rule of law, the Constitution, and are exposing themselves as true traitors to this country. What a bunch of sick fucks.
lol I hope you have the good sense to feel foolish about that post.
The truth has already spoken boss. And you are on the receiving end of trying to hide it with your complicity. Why do you all cover for criminals? What do you get out of it. Trump wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
The democrats never cover for 'their' criminals, do they? :auiqs.jpg:
Politicians with top level clearance can look at the full report, they just choose not to. Funny that
Politicians with top level clearance can look at the full report, they just choose not to.
It is not the full report, just less redacted. And no underlying materials are offered.

And the demand is that the full report and its underlying materials be made available to every member of congress. Why would they cave to that half assed effort? They shouldn't and won't.
Mueller clearly did say the the report and the decision on obstruction should go to Congress, but he had no authority or jurisdiction to decide these issues,so it was improper and perhaps unethical for him to do so, nonetheless the report has gone to Congress and Barr has even allowed several of the top Democrats and Republicans to view the classified sections of it that have been redacted, but so far no Democrats have shown any interest in seeing it and only two Republicans,so clearly all fuss the Democrats are making over seeing the unredacted report is just political theater.
They are holding Barr in contempt to see the full report. What are you smoking?
The Democrats may issue a contempt citation, but it will mean nothing, just more political theater. If they do cite him for contempt, the issue will go to the courts to determine if Congress had legitimate grounds for demanding the unredacted version, and we won't know the decision for three or four years. The question is if the Democrats are really interested in seeing the unredacted report, why have any of them Barr invited to view it come to see it. Clearly, the Democrats are just putting on a show.
A contempt citation is a legally binding document. Again, what are these cultists smoking? Are you suggesting team Trump is above the law? Are you in favor of trashing the Constitution and the rule of law? if not, then the citation means a lot.
Are you too stupid to understand that any kind of contempt citation issue will go to federal court and after the three or four years it will take for the SC to decide the case, the citation will just disappear, just like the contempt citation issued to Holder in the fast and furious case.
It won't be three or four years. We aren't dealing with a jaywalking charge here.
The level of ignorance you bring to a discussion continues to astonish. It took nearly four years when Obama refused to turn over documents relating to the fast and furious debacle and Holder was cited for contempt. The House Democrats are just putting on a show for you.
Politicians with top level clearance can look at the full report, they just choose not to.
It is not the full report, just less redacted. And no underlying materials are offered.

And the demand is that the full report and its underlying materials be made available to every member of congress. Why would they cave to that half assed effort? They shouldn't and won't.
When has that EVER been done in the past? There has always been redaction and for good cause.
Sounds more like just a lot of noise to muffle the real crimes perpetrated by the democrats and top
officials. MAGA
It will take that long.
hmm, no. There is much more will to pursue this than there was in the other instance you noted.
lol Only in your troubled imagination.
Well that was childish and not compelling.

Oh Yes, there is much more will this time around.
Look, the House Democrats are putting on a show for you. Sit back and enjoy it, but don't confuse it with reality. The reality is that Nadler and others are just huffing and puffing to try to save face, but they know they are powerless. Try not to get confused.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

There are plenty of attorneys on Mueller's investigative team that have come out & stated that if Trump were not POTUS, he would have already been indicted for obstruction.

I have no doubt Mueller will state the same in his coming testimony before the Nadler committee.
No doubt. Lol! It's kind of funny, but we found out more about obstruction by Trump and Barr, that we would never discovered, compliments of the Mueller report itself. Even with the report, Barr and Trump have been constantly trying to cover up the truth and the facts. These two are pathetic and disgusting pigs.
It will take that long.
hmm, no. There is much more will to pursue this than there was in the other instance you noted.
lol Only in your troubled imagination.
Well that was childish and not compelling.

Oh Yes, there is much more will this time around.
Look, the House Democrats are putting on a show for you. Sit back and enjoy it, but don't confuse it with reality. The reality is that Nadler and others are just huffing and puffing to try to save face, but they know they are powerless. Try not to get confused.
If they were confused, it would mean they know nothing of the law. And you're telling us Barr and Trump do? :auiqs.jpg:
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

There are plenty of attorneys on Mueller's investigative team that have come out & stated that if Trump were not POTUS, he would have already been indicted for obstruction.

I have no doubt Mueller will state the same in his coming testimony before the Nadler committee.
No doubt. Lol! It's kind of funny, but we found out more about obstruction by Trump and Barr, that we would never discovered, compliments of the Mueller report itself. Even with the report, Barr and Trump have been constantly trying to cover up the truth and the facts. These two are pathetic and disgusting pigs.
Can't wait for Barr to expose the corruption of the democrats. Hold on to your Fruit of the Looms, BWK
It will take that long.
hmm, no. There is much more will to pursue this than there was in the other instance you noted.
lol Only in your troubled imagination.
Well that was childish and not compelling.

Oh Yes, there is much more will this time around.
Look, the House Democrats are putting on a show for you. Sit back and enjoy it, but don't confuse it with reality. The reality is that Nadler and others are just huffing and puffing to try to save face, but they know they are powerless. Try not to get confused.
Well that's an adorable bit of irrelevant hissy fit.
It will take that long.
hmm, no. There is much more will to pursue this than there was in the other instance you noted.
lol Only in your troubled imagination.
Well that was childish and not compelling.

Oh Yes, there is much more will this time around.
Look, the House Democrats are putting on a show for you. Sit back and enjoy it, but don't confuse it with reality. The reality is that Nadler and others are just huffing and puffing to try to save face, but they know they are powerless. Try not to get confused.
Hundreds of former federal prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he wasn't president

Prosecutors sure aren't confused.
If that isn't obstruction, I don't know what is. // Everything we knew about Trump has come true. Trump and his team picked oranges over apples, when the report is filled with apples.

There are plenty of attorneys on Mueller's investigative team that have come out & stated that if Trump were not POTUS, he would have already been indicted for obstruction.

I have no doubt Mueller will state the same in his coming testimony before the Nadler committee.
No doubt. Lol! It's kind of funny, but we found out more about obstruction by Trump and Barr, that we would never discovered, compliments of the Mueller report itself. Even with the report, Barr and Trump have been constantly trying to cover up the truth and the facts. These two are pathetic and disgusting pigs.
Can't wait for Barr to expose the corruption of the democrats. Hold on to your Fruit of the Looms, BWK
If only he could. Just like Hillary and Obama. Found nothing and only ended up with a bucket of shit.

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