Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

If any of those illegal votes make it through the count which is certainly possible if there are hundreds of thousands of them,, the president will protest the vote. And if it occurs in multiple states, Trump could try to invalidate the whole election and call for a new election which of course would be unconstitutional but at that point, the constitution might be irrelevant since he is the Commander and Chief.

Remember one important thing. Without a valid election, Trump will be out comes January 20th 2021. And then presidential succession rules apply. Without a valid election, there is no president or vice president. So it devolves to the speaker of the house, and the president pro-tem of the senate.

At least that the current legal theory.
That all assume the President does not declare a national emergency and invoke Presidential Directive 51 which gives him the power to convene and adjourn both Houses of Congress and a lot more. This action from any other president would seem very far fetched but keep in mind Trump is not like any other president. His entire life has been about winning. To think Donald Trump will peacefully leave the White House to devote himself to creating his presidential library is wishful thinking. He is going to do everything he can, legal or not to remain in power.
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

Can you read? Lol
Yeah idiot and I quoted him directly in a previous post.
so why the misleading headline?
Um it wasn’t based on what I quoted.

Isn't that dishonest then?? Titles should be straight up real... Except in the WashPo, NYTimes and SFChronicle I guess.. LOL...
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

Interesting that neither Barr or Trump's press secretary will admit that following Trump's advice would be breaking the law. I think they were caught flat footed by Trump' suggestion and can't bring themselves to admit their boss is dead wrong on this... that would be 'disloyal'

NO WAY -- it would "breaking the law".. If the folks at the polling place can't TELL YOU if your mail-in ballot has been tallied -- they give you a PROVISIONAL.. The rejection rate on mail-ins is ASTOUNDING.. If you age and your signature changes -- you can be rejected. If you don't mark the envelope correctly -- it can be rejected.. Why risk it? It's a shitty way of voting..

IN FACT -- going to polls is LESS RISKY than going grocery shopping... FOLLOW THE SCIENCE -- science deniers.. Fauci says so...

NO NEED to toss 10X the number of mail ballots at a local registrar KNOWING THEY CANT HANDLE THEM..

Only MORONS would let the Dems design a voting system.. They FAILED to count 100,000 people in the IOWA caucauses when the people were standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM !!! Paperless voting -- a Dem initiative.. Keep their paws off the polls... Go vote in person..
I quoted him saying vote twice.
NO you didn’t dumbfuck. Since he never uttered that statement.

Dumbfuck, this is a direct quote. Your vapid denials can't erase what he said...

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

No..... That's a corruptly edited sound bite. Not at all what he explained the process is.. That's the realm of dishonest hacks...
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
So what is the end game guys...

Do you really think the Secretaries of State for the 50 United states and territories that vote for the President are not going to sign off on the election results by each of them has done since their state was admitted to the union (with the exception of the Civil War years)?

Trump supporters have taken stupidity to a new level.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.

I listened to it this afternoon....Clearly you are leaving out a preshiant part of what he was saying....

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted,"

It's getting way too easy to catch lib lies these days....It's constant....


Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

Cons can't fathom this because they can't count to 2.
Lol...good one asshole...I know, if we have mail in, let’s mandate postmarks...sound fair?
Why did you not answer my question? Again, you said California allows illegals to vote...

"For years, decades in California, Democrats allowed illegal aliens to vote."

Then you said they're registered to vote at DMV's...

"They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office."

Then you posted about California's motor voter laws, which registers U.S. citizens to vote.

Now you pretend you were talking about something else since you were shown they are not registering illegal aliens as you ridiculously asserted.

So for a second time, since you didn't answer, I ask... Why would you post about motor voter and illegal aliens voting if your message isn't that California is registering illegal aliens to vote through motor voter?
Why won't I answer your question? Because you have asserted that I stated something I never stated. You have no idea what you are talking about. You make false claims about what people post. It appears you do not read our comments nor the stuff we link to. Beause you get it all wrong. Then you come here and demand us to answer a question on something we never said. I do not know how to be nice with someone such as yourself because the way you are behaving is either you are stupid, and asshole, or lazy.

Go back and figure out what you are talking about. Read the posts, what I stated is perfectly clear. But, you must ignore it and go off on some wild tangent otherwise you have no argument.

Illegal aliens vote in California. If you think otherwise, you are the problem.
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There are no other citizens in this country that are bold enough to just walk in to a polls to do that except whites. Exactly just like what moron Trump just said SEND IT AND GO VOTE.......
Back to stereotyping white people as being the only ones to be so bold? That again, reinforces that you think like a bigot.

I wonder, can I have an intelligent conversation with you, after you put your thoughts is such bold, bigoted, terms.

You are another problem in this great country of ours.
Anyone who receives a mail in ballot is blocked from voting in person.
Excellent then as the president said they'll not be able to vote in person

Then why tell them to vote twice?
if the system democrats say works they should only be able to vote once.
Are you saying the system doesn't work as democrats say it will?

So you are admitting Trump is advocating breaking the law to test the system?
The system is to prosecute those who intentionally attempt to vote twice
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

What is hilarious is the irony of what he said, and how the media reacted.
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

/——/ Its legal in New York, and Trump grew up in NY.
Newsday 9/4/20 page A6


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Who would have thought the IMPOTUS would encourage the electorate to commit felonies? Well, everyone, really. It's just that the deplorables have no problem with it. Hilarious.

States have long used a number of measures to guard against double voting. Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for the North Carolina State Board of Elections, said the system in North Carolina would prevent a person from voting twice, because only the first vote recorded would be counted.
If a person has already mailed in an absentee ballot and goes to the polls on Election Day, records will show poll workers that the person has already voted, Mr. Gannon said. Or, if a person votes on Election Day and officials later receive that person’s absentee ballot, it will be “spoiled” and not counted, he said.
“Intentional willful double voting is a felony,” Mr. Gannon added.
Thanks for affirming that no one can "vote twice" and have two votes count. Only a single vote would be counted.
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

1. We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

2. If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally

1. Yet Trump only deported a tiny fractions of illegals. Illegals are still here.

2. That is true but you purposely ignore because of your ignorance that they don’t get arrested at welfare or health cares. ICE do not show up or never at these locations.

Going to vote is entirely different when they are going to get check. You are thinking like a white Americans brave and daring but these minorities doesn’t think that way.

Let me repeat it again. These people came here to America to have a better life, it’s their last chance. Now you are telling me that they will take that chance just for one LOUSY votes?

Lots of illegals do vote. You're not posting anything but your own opinion

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