Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

I quoted him saying vote twice.
NO you didn’t dumbfuck. Since he never uttered that statement.

Dumbfuck, this is a direct quote. Your vapid denials can't erase what he said...

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

No..... That's a corruptly edited sound bite. Not at all what he explained the process is.. That's the realm of dishonest hacks...

He told people to vote twice. Now I get his intentions, between voting by mail and showing up at the polls in person, only one of your votes will count -- but for many who do that, they will end up illegally voting twice.
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

1. We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

2. If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally

1. Yet Trump only deported a tiny fractions of illegals. Illegals are still here.

2. That is true but you purposely ignore because of your ignorance that they don’t get arrested at welfare or health cares. ICE do not show up or never at these locations.

Going to vote is entirely different when they are going to get check. You are thinking like a white Americans brave and daring but these minorities doesn’t think that way.

Let me repeat it again. These people came here to America to have a better life, it’s their last chance. Now you are telling me that they will take that chance just for one LOUSY votes?

Lots of illegals do vote. You're not posting anything but your own opinion
Great, post a link showing that...
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Why did you not answer my question? Again, you said California allows illegals to vote...

"For years, decades in California, Democrats allowed illegal aliens to vote."

Then you said they're registered to vote at DMV's...

"They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office."

Then you posted about California's motor voter laws, which registers U.S. citizens to vote.

Now you pretend you were talking about something else since you were shown they are not registering illegal aliens as you ridiculously asserted.

So for a second time, since you didn't answer, I ask... Why would you post about motor voter and illegal aliens voting if your message isn't that California is registering illegal aliens to vote through motor voter?
Why won't I answer your question? Because you have asserted that I stated something I never stated. You have no idea what you are talking about. You make false claims about what people post. It appears you do not read our comments nor the stuff we link to. Beause you get it all wrong. Then you come here and demand us to answer a question on something we never said. I do not know how to be nice with someone such as yourself because the way you are behaving is either you are stupid, and asshole, or lazy.

Go back and figure out what you are talking about. Read the posts, what I stated is perfectly clear. But, you must ignore it and go off on some wild tangent otherwise you have no argument.

Illegal aliens vote in California. If you think otherwise, you are the problem.
Dumbfuck, I realize you're embarrassed because I proved you wrong, but you asserted California's motor voter laws allow illegal aliens to register to vote. You posted an image of that law while claiming California allows them to vote.

If you don't understand what you write, you have no chance at understanding others.
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally
So it went from 11 million as the statistical count, to right wingers calling that 20 million, to now YOU calling it 30 million....??? WOW!
Well there were an estimated 12 million here when Obama left office; so the other 18 million must've snuck in under Impeached Trump's mindful mindless watch,

You're literally using 30 year old numbers. You should do some research, kiddo. Those were the numbers from 20 years before Obama
Nope, you're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Sorry, I can't take you seriously when you start your post that you're an eight year old.

Did you clean your room and make your bed like your mommy told you to do, kiddo?

Translation: Faun owned me again. :(
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
Who would have thought the IMPOTUS would encourage the electorate to commit felonies? Well, everyone, really. It's just that the deplorables have no problem with it. Hilarious.

States have long used a number of measures to guard against double voting. Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for the North Carolina State Board of Elections, said the system in North Carolina would prevent a person from voting twice, because only the first vote recorded would be counted.
If a person has already mailed in an absentee ballot and goes to the polls on Election Day, records will show poll workers that the person has already voted, Mr. Gannon said. Or, if a person votes on Election Day and officials later receive that person’s absentee ballot, it will be “spoiled” and not counted, he said.
“Intentional willful double voting is a felony,” Mr. Gannon added.
Thanks for affirming that no one can "vote twice" and have two votes count. Only a single vote would be counted.
It doesn't matter if only one vote counts, it's still illegal in NC to vote twice.
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
To test the system of course! Oh gee how convenient. Voting fraud is now okay. Why? Because it means those votes will supposedly slip through the cracks and it will help him win fraudulently. He is a such a fucking moron.

/——/ Its legal in New York, and Trump grew up in NY.
Newsday 9/4/20 page A6
It's not legal in North Carolina.
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

1. We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

2. If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally

1. Yet Trump only deported a tiny fractions of illegals. Illegals are still here.

2. That is true but you purposely ignore because of your ignorance that they don’t get arrested at welfare or health cares. ICE do not show up or never at these locations.

Going to vote is entirely different when they are going to get check. You are thinking like a white Americans brave and daring but these minorities doesn’t think that way.

Let me repeat it again. These people came here to America to have a better life, it’s their last chance. Now you are telling me that they will take that chance just for one LOUSY votes?

Lots of illegals do vote. You're not posting anything but your own opinion
Great, post a link showing that...

Faun: Prove me WRONG!

Pass. Support your claim, it's not my job to prove you wrong, kiddo
Who would have thought the IMPOTUS would encourage the electorate to commit felonies? Well, everyone, really. It's just that the deplorables have no problem with it. Hilarious.

States have long used a number of measures to guard against double voting. Patrick Gannon, a spokesman for the North Carolina State Board of Elections, said the system in North Carolina would prevent a person from voting twice, because only the first vote recorded would be counted.
If a person has already mailed in an absentee ballot and goes to the polls on Election Day, records will show poll workers that the person has already voted, Mr. Gannon said. Or, if a person votes on Election Day and officials later receive that person’s absentee ballot, it will be “spoiled” and not counted, he said.
“Intentional willful double voting is a felony,” Mr. Gannon added.
Thanks for affirming that no one can "vote twice" and have two votes count. Only a single vote would be counted.
It doesn't matter if only one vote counts, it's still illegal in NC to vote twice.
That’s not what he’s saying.. you can’t read obviously so let me explain one more time if you vote by mail and it should be tabulated, and if it’s not make sure you vote in person.. Don’t you want votes to Count?
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
So? You're the one bitching about it. Now you ask me to do your job.
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
So? You're the one bitching about it. Now you ask me to do your job.
You the one complaining about election chaos lol
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

1. We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

2. If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally

1. Yet Trump only deported a tiny fractions of illegals. Illegals are still here.

2. That is true but you purposely ignore because of your ignorance that they don’t get arrested at welfare or health cares. ICE do not show up or never at these locations.

Going to vote is entirely different when they are going to get check. You are thinking like a white Americans brave and daring but these minorities doesn’t think that way.

Let me repeat it again. These people came here to America to have a better life, it’s their last chance. Now you are telling me that they will take that chance just for one LOUSY votes?

Lots of illegals do vote. You're not posting anything but your own opinion
Great, post a link showing that...

Faun: Prove me WRONG!

Pass. Support your claim, it's not my job to prove you wrong, kiddo

Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

It's not my job to prove your claims. That's your job.

Clearly, you're not up to the job. :mm:
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
So? You're the one bitching about it. Now you ask me to do your job.
You the one complaining about election chaos lol
Yeah, caused by Impeached Trump.
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
So? You're the one bitching about it. Now you ask me to do your job.
You the one complaining about election chaos lol
Yeah, caused by Impeached Trump.
When has trump called for unsolicited ballots being mailed out? I’ll just sip on my coffee and wait for you to find that information
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Democrats allowed illegals to vote.
That is a lie.
They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office.

This has been debunked so many times it now resides in Debunktion Junction. In RARE cases states like California allow LEGAL migrant workers to obtain temporary driver permits. These do not enable them to vote.

When I moved to Oregon recently, I had to show them my birth certificate and then registration to vote is automatic and all voting is mail-in. Oregon did an exhaustive study after the 2016 elections and found TWO cases of voter fraud in the entire state.

An illegal resident would never risk it. Getting caught would mean permanent deportation.


Yeah, illegal aliens are so afraid of deportation. More of your stupid propaganda

True illegals are afraid of deportations. Now you tell me they will go and vote illegally so they can get arrested or deported?

Since when a scared person that came here to have a better chance for a better life for her/him families will sacrifice that with
just one lousy vote and expose themselves??? They are even scared to get stop or driving around let alone go to a voting polls. Yo quiero votar. They are not that stupid.

We have 30 million illegals in this country. Only a tiny fraction of them are deported, they know that.

If they were afraid, they wouldn't be going to government schools, getting free healthcare, applying for welfare and all those things. No one is deported for voting illegally
So it went from 11 million as the statistical count, to right wingers calling that 20 million, to now YOU calling it 30 million....??? WOW!
Well there were an estimated 12 million here when Obama left office; so the other 18 million must've snuck in under Impeached Trump's mindful mindless watch,

You're literally using 30 year old numbers. You should do some research, kiddo. Those were the numbers from 20 years before Obama
Nope, you're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Sorry, I can't take you seriously when you start your post that you're an eight year old.

Did you clean your room and make your bed like your mommy told you to do, kiddo?

Translation: Faun owned me again. :(

The ad hominem is a clear admission on your part you can't win with content. You know I won't address your posts that start with your being an eight year old. I'm bantering with you because you're bantering with me. But either be serious or don't. But don't not be serious and whine, little boy.

If you thought you had a reasonable chart, you'd have not done that. You know you think you don't so you didn't.

Repost it without the eight year old and I'll address it. Or don't, I don't care. But like Blake, you have the choice
Dumbfuck ... again ... a person mails in their ballot on, or just before, election day. When they go to vote in person, their ballot is not counted yet because because it hasn't yet arrived. Now they vote again -- that's voting twice.

The provisional ballot would be rejected if the registrar's office is operating correctly. Your math and election process challenged party CREATED THIS.. It's what they do to DELAY ELECTION RESULTS.. That's why we're even discussing it.. They took the concept of Absentee ballots and increased the load on registrars with Mail-ins by a factor of 10.. To do the job that Putin and Xi want to do to DESTROY FAITH IN THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS..

If you mail it in LESS than a couple days before the election AND you ask for a provisional -- you're purposely HOSING the registrar's tally...

And Putin thanks you....
It matters not if a provisional ballot is rejected because a mail-in ballot is already sent in -- such people will have already illegally voted twice.

And it's impeached Trump who's trying to create election chaos. He's the one hampering the USPS ability to operate, he's the one crying the election is rigged and he's the one telling people to illegally vote twice.
Well tell democrats to stop the nonsense about Unsolicited ballots being mailed out to peoples animals
Why are you asking me to do your work?
I’m not a democrat you are
So? You're the one bitching about it. Now you ask me to do your job.
You the one complaining about election chaos lol
Yeah, caused by Impeached Trump.

Yes, the Democrats impeached Trump while the Biden virus was emerging and fucked the country twice with their inability to overturn an election they got stomped in 304-227.

It is a good example though that Biden has earned this being the Biden virus multiple times, not just once

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