Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
The Left have said it endlessly: voter fraud is a myth. Obama said it in 2016: voter fraud is impossible!
Why do you people just make shit up. Voting fraud has happened but Is extremely rare. That’s been what we’ve said from the beginning.
Which did I make up? That it is a myth or that Obama said it was impossible?

Then why do democrats claim now Trump is interfering in the election? Why do states, cities and counties turn up with baskets full of illegal votes?

You morons didn’t even think voting fraud was a problem until the GOP starting conveniently calling it rampant in the 2012 election. You can’t think for yourselves.
Both Bush and Trump have commissions to prove rampant voter fraud. Neither lastEd long and Gould nothing. They couldn’t prove Hillary guilty of anything either and they couldn’t prove voter fraud. Either the GOP is lying, or they’re fking incompetent. The truth is, it’s both.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
actually it's not even half a quote
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”


Anyone who does that is guilty of a felony. The intent is to overtax poll worker so that fewer people can get a turn to vote. Pure treason. So is anyone's lame defense.
voting twice would be going to two different polling places to vote
having a mail-in ballot get's you a provisional ballot your provisional ballot doesn't get counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Therefore you only voted once if the other ballot is not counted lol
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”


Anyone who does that is guilty of a felony. The intent is to overtax poll worker so that fewer people can get a turn to vote. Pure treason. So is anyone's lame defense.
voting twice would be going to two different polling places to vote
having a mail-in ballot get's you a provisional ballot your provisional ballot doesn't get counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Therefore you only voted once if the other ballot is not counted lol
Not what Trump said

He advocated voting twice to show you could do it.
If Trump was talking about casting a provisional ballot, he would have said so
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
NO you didn’t dumbfuck. Since he never uttered that statement.

Dumbfuck, this is a direct quote. Your vapid denials can't erase what he said...

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

Your fucking stupidity is exceeded only by your cowardice asshole. Where are the words “vote twice” that you claim were uttered? The law allows what he said you uneducated fuck. You are being bitch slapped again bitch. Dismissed.
So what is the end game guys...

Do you really think the Secretaries of State for the 50 United states and territories that vote for the President are not going to sign off on the election results by each of them has done since their state was admitted to the union (with the exception of the Civil War years)?

Trump supporters have taken stupidity to a new level.
There is plenty of time to resolve issues. Dec 8th is the cutoff date for the states to send election results to congress. That gives the states more than a month.

Keep in mind the purpose of Trump's campaign against mail in voting is to create as much chaos as possible. When the president forecast a disastrous election it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy because thousands of his supporters will be doing all they can to prove him correct.

Encouraging people to vote twice is just one of many tactics Trump can use to sabotage the election. He could also forecast riots by democrat voters and the far left which would certainly bring alt right groups like Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to defend the polls which of course would bring Antifa to counter them. Then if he federalizes the National Guard and stationed them at polling places to insure security around the country, we would have all the ingredients for riots at the polls, a sure way to intimidate voters and reduce turnout.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.
Maybe when he said....Mail in your ballot and then go vote.

1+1= 2
Trump said Americans who die in war WERE LOSERS AND SUCKERS and you mf's support that shit?

Go give Trump a ""tug""
Never happened you uneducated liar. As stated by people who were there. Eddie sucks the Dim dick and swallows again.
I already quoted you saying the things you now deny...
"For years, decades in California, Democrats allowed illegal aliens to vote."
"They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicle office."
Then when asked for proof illegal aliens are handed voter registration cards and DMV's, you posted California's motor voter laws.​
Try as hard as you might, you can't take those words back, as stupid as they are.
You asserted I said something that I did not. I never said DMV registers voters in California, and the California motor voter law does not register people to vote at DMV.

Registering people to vote is done by the Secretary of State not the DMV.

I do not need to take my words or statements back, they are facts. Nothing you have said have changed my facts. All you have done is shown when given a fact, you will misinterpret that fact and state something different. Now that is stupidity. You have done it repeatedly. Over and over, you simply can not comprehend the simplest of facts.

They hand illegal aliens voter registration cards at the department of motor vehicles office.

That is a fact, one that you did not comprehend, one that you misquoted, over and over.

You're truly fucking deranged. Of course you said that. You just don't know you said that because you don't know what you're talking about.

You claimed the DMV hands illegal aliens voter registration cards. That's idiotic, they don't hand anyone voter registration cards, no less to illegals. So no, that's not a fact no matter how much you claim it is.

The DMV electronically transmits data to the secretary of state. But they don't transmit data of illegal aliens. So no, California is not registering illegal aliens to vote. I even showed you the laws which prove this. You're just not sharp enough to understand.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”


Anyone who does that is guilty of a felony. The intent is to overtax poll worker so that fewer people can get a turn to vote. Pure treason. So is anyone's lame defense.
You are a moron who doesn't know the definition of treason.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
The salient half. And again, nothing else he said vacated his recommendation to voters to vote twice. Once by mail and once in person.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
And the idiot will try to tell you he quoted him verbatim.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”


Anyone who does that is guilty of a felony. The intent is to overtax poll worker so that fewer people can get a turn to vote. Pure treason. So is anyone's lame defense.
voting twice would be going to two different polling places to vote
having a mail-in ballot get's you a provisional ballot your provisional ballot doesn't get counted until after all mail in ballots are counted
Therefore you only voted once if the other ballot is not counted lol
That's a lie. One need not go to two polling places to vote twice. Once again, you demonstrate you're an idiot.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.

ShortBus, watch as I educate you...

1 + 1 = 2

One vote by mail plus one vote in person equals voting twice.

Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
The salient half. And again, nothing else he said vacated his recommendation to voters to vote twice. Once by mail and once in person.

I'm really starting to worry about your comprehension skills.

Or is it your reading skills that are the problem?

"And again, nothing else he said vacated his recommendation to voters to vote twice. Once by mail and once in person."

Didn't happen.
From your link:

"President Trump encourages supporters to vote absentee-by-mail early, and then show up in person at the polls or the local registrar to verify that their vote has already been counted," Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh said. "It’s amazing that the media can go from insisting that voter fraud doesn’t exist to screaming about it when President Trump points out the giant holes in the Democrats’ voting schemes.”

Hey you dumb stupid moron. This is the DIRECT quote from Trump:

"So let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system's as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote. If it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote," Trump said when asked whether he has confidence in the mail-in system in North Carolina, a battleground state.“
And precisely NOWHERE in there does Trump tell people to vote twice. Yet another epic fail for the OP.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if the system is as good as they say it is, then obviously they won't be able to vote."

... that's a false statement that "they won't be able to vote" since even the best system won't know if people voted if their ballot arrives within 3 days after the election, which are still counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. Those people will have either voted twice, or at least tried to vote twice.

Either way,, that's a felony.

Also telling people to do that is a felony. North Carolina should charge Impeached Trump with a crime.
Fuck off and die little yellow coward illiterate. Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole. People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list. Poor little coward doesn’t know anything. As usual. You are bitch slapped and dismissed moron. As usual.
"Nowhere in that statement does Trump say the phrase to vote twice asshole."


Brain-dead con...

"So let them send it in and let them go vote"
______ one vote ^ __________ second vote ^

"People would get a provisional ballot that would not be counted if their mailed ballot arrives and is checked against the list."

By then, they've already broken the law by voting twice. They're not off the hook simply because they got caught trying to vote twice.
Pathetic faggot coward. Where are the words “vote twice” asshole? Even when quoted the law and procedure you double down on the stupid. You’re getting your ass kicked. As usual bitch.
Maybe when he said....Mail in your ballot and then go vote.

1+1= 2
Not what he said. As shown multiple times here. Damn leftists are dense.
Did he or did he not just encourage his cult members to commit a felony?

Wait for him to walk his statement back and blame the media
Dear cultist you have been once again misinformed

“Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote,” the president said. “If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote.”

“That’s the way it is,” he added. “And that’s what they should do.”
Voting twice in the same election is illegal.

“Let them send it in and let them go vote..."

That's 2 votes. Sadly, conservatives can't count that high.
It's what comes after the ....that destroys your dumbassery, which is why you edited it out.
Nah, you're just a moronic troll. Nothing he said after voids out his solicitation to vote twice.
Yes it does, which is why you didn't quote it, Halfwit.
I quoted him saying vote twice.
Do you know what "out of context" means? Of course you do, that's why you intentionally edited his quote to take it out of context.

Look Fuckwit, your bullshit was already tried in this thread and it was thoroughly destroyed. Now, you can continue to make a fool of yourself (you do it 24/7 here), but I suggest you move on. You lost this one.

Screeches a moron. Again, moron, I quoted him saying vote twice. Nothing after that undoes that.
No, you didn't quote him saying that.

Dumbfuck, not only did I quote Impeached Trump saying, “Let them send it in and let them go vote, " I even accompanied that quote with a video of him saying that verbatim.
More editing by the moron Fawn.
Nope, I quoted him verbatim.
no dumbass pussy bitch you left out most of what he said
Nothing else he said vacates the ludicrousness of him telling people to vote twice with the hope that one will count.
when you leave out what he said it's not verbatim
That's not true. He says lots of things. I quoted him verbatim saying, “let them send it in and let them go vote," which he did say in those exact words.

Still half a quote.
The salient half. And again, nothing else he said vacated his recommendation to voters to vote twice. Once by mail and once in person.

I'm really starting to worry about your comprehension skills.

Or is it your reading skills that are the problem?

"And again, nothing else he said vacated his recommendation to voters to vote twice. Once by mail and once in person."

Didn't happen.
Obviously did happen

If Trump was concerned with his followers vote being counted....

Why didn’t he instruct them to verify if the mail in ballot was received?
If not, why didn’t he instruct them to request a provisional ballot?

Instead, he instructed them to try to vote twice and see if they could get away with it

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