Trump Town hall

"have fun. politics is a game, and winning that game is a blast" - Trump when asked at town hall what advice he gives to young people
No, it really does not. The problem is with your limited intelligence. it does not allow you to understand that someone can have views that do not fall under a 'side'
I think the term for that is "Wishy Washy" guts no glory Wally...

This is a game he is playing with us here...In my short time here, I haven't noticed any postings from him that could be considered anything but standard leftist opinion....So, I think he gets a good chuckle posting that BS....

I cannot help it if you do not pay attention and that you are dumb enough to think that not liking Trump is only a leftist opinion.

No, I don't think that. But I do believe that Republican's have had a problem for the past with their own progressive wing, some refer to them as RINO's. These people have allowed the progressive liberals to get to the point where Socialism/Communism is at our doorstep.

We need to get back to true Conversitism....

The problem is we have not had a true Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

In our lifetimes Conservative has become to mean only social issues and not fiscal one, and that is a problem.

Republican's acting like Democrats in relation to spending is relatively recent. Historacally speaking.

But I do know this, at some point things have to balance or its over.
I think the term for that is "Wishy Washy" guts no glory Wally...

This is a game he is playing with us here...In my short time here, I haven't noticed any postings from him that could be considered anything but standard leftist opinion....So, I think he gets a good chuckle posting that BS....

I cannot help it if you do not pay attention and that you are dumb enough to think that not liking Trump is only a leftist opinion.

No, I don't think that. But I do believe that Republican's have had a problem for the past with their own progressive wing, some refer to them as RINO's. These people have allowed the progressive liberals to get to the point where Socialism/Communism is at our doorstep.

We need to get back to true Conversitism....

The problem is we have not had a true Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

In our lifetimes Conservative has become to mean only social issues and not fiscal one, and that is a problem.

Republican's acting like Democrats in relation to spending is relatively recent. Historacally speaking.

But I do know this, at some point things have to balance or its over.

seems it started with Reagan, the "ultimate Conservative"
Washington is at Trump's feet. he has drained the Washington swamp. changing the world is his next thing!
You stupid Trump fucks don't think for a minute that those people and questions weren't completely vetted and rehearsed beforehand?
Let me guess....was it on FOX?
And you stupid cocksockets lapped it up hook, line and sinker.
God how do you continue to be so fucking stupid?


Ten years ago if someone had told you mindless twats that you'd be voting for a sexual predator who dyes his hair yellow, paints his face orange and spends all of his time on Twitter, you'd have called them crazy.

Wall Street has given up on your dickless feckless carnival barker. Now it's time for you to, too.

Trump’s Message on Virus Draws Scrutiny
I wish some of you dems would watch may change your minds....

LOL! We wish you still had enough of a mind left to USE.


Say what you want...we are better off as a nation today under Trump than we were under Obama just 3 years everything I'm better off and everyone I know is as I really don't understand the dems angst....MAGA is why piss all over it every day? may as well be pissing in the wind....
This is a game he is playing with us here...In my short time here, I haven't noticed any postings from him that could be considered anything but standard leftist opinion....So, I think he gets a good chuckle posting that BS....

I cannot help it if you do not pay attention and that you are dumb enough to think that not liking Trump is only a leftist opinion.

No, I don't think that. But I do believe that Republican's have had a problem for the past with their own progressive wing, some refer to them as RINO's. These people have allowed the progressive liberals to get to the point where Socialism/Communism is at our doorstep.

We need to get back to true Conversitism....

The problem is we have not had a true Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

In our lifetimes Conservative has become to mean only social issues and not fiscal one, and that is a problem.

Republican's acting like Democrats in relation to spending is relatively recent. Historacally speaking.

But I do know this, at some point things have to balance or its over.

seems it started with Reagan, the "ultimate Conservative"

Regan's expansion of the military budget was the right move, we won the cold war because of that...Look, it is the house that comes up with spending, not the President.
I cannot help it if you do not pay attention and that you are dumb enough to think that not liking Trump is only a leftist opinion.

No, I don't think that. But I do believe that Republican's have had a problem for the past with their own progressive wing, some refer to them as RINO's. These people have allowed the progressive liberals to get to the point where Socialism/Communism is at our doorstep.

We need to get back to true Conversitism....

The problem is we have not had a true Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

In our lifetimes Conservative has become to mean only social issues and not fiscal one, and that is a problem.

Republican's acting like Democrats in relation to spending is relatively recent. Historacally speaking.

But I do know this, at some point things have to balance or its over.

seems it started with Reagan, the "ultimate Conservative"

Regan's expansion of the military budget was the right move, we won the cold war because of that...Look, it is the house that comes up with spending, not the President.

The President starts the process with their budget request. The President ends the process with his signature.

I do not know why everyone wants to give the president such a free pass.

I also recall that during the previous admin all those now giving the president a free pass seemed to blame that president.
No, I don't think that. But I do believe that Republican's have had a problem for the past with their own progressive wing, some refer to them as RINO's. These people have allowed the progressive liberals to get to the point where Socialism/Communism is at our doorstep.

We need to get back to true Conversitism....

The problem is we have not had a true Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

In our lifetimes Conservative has become to mean only social issues and not fiscal one, and that is a problem.

Republican's acting like Democrats in relation to spending is relatively recent. Historacally speaking.

But I do know this, at some point things have to balance or its over.

seems it started with Reagan, the "ultimate Conservative"

Regan's expansion of the military budget was the right move, we won the cold war because of that...Look, it is the house that comes up with spending, not the President.

The President starts the process with their budget request. The President ends the process with his signature.

I do not know why everyone wants to give the president such a free pass.

I also recall that during the previous admin all those now giving the president a free pass seemed to blame that president.

I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...
I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?
I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?

The short answer to that is not only no, but hell no...And here is the reason why...The spending Obama did with a compliant Democrat house, and Senate in the first two years only showed America that given the chance Democrats would not lean left, but lurch far left and start taking over the biggest parts of the economy they could, like health coverage...Second, his "stimulus" was a joke. A Trillion dollars down the drain, handed out largely to cronies, and friends. And all of that never moved the needle to bring America out of the ditches he refused to address...In fact, he tried to argue to the American people that the zero growth was "the new norm".... Obama was ushering in America in decline, and American's knew it....You think they want to go back to that?

Obstruction is the norm now....Just look, Democrats whined and cried all the way through the previous administration about it, and now do the same in spades to this administration....
Minds are already made up. People know how they are going to vote if in fact they are going to vote. I forsee a close election going Trump's way. Close elections are a sign of a nation on the rise.
I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?

The short answer to that is not only no, but hell no...And here is the reason why...The spending Obama did with a compliant Democrat house, and Senate in the first two years only showed America that given the chance Democrats would not lean left, but lurch far left and start taking over the biggest parts of the economy they could, like health coverage...Second, his "stimulus" was a joke. A Trillion dollars down the drain, handed out largely to cronies, and friends. And all of that never moved the needle to bring America out of the ditches he refused to address...In fact, he tried to argue to the American people that the zero growth was "the new norm".... Obama was ushering in America in decline, and American's knew it....You think they want to go back to that?

Obstruction is the norm now....Just look, Democrats whined and cried all the way through the previous administration about it, and now do the same in spades to this administration....

And yet you ignore the spending Trump did with a compliant Repub House, and Senate in the first two years of his Admin. The deficit almost doubled under them.

This is why we are sitting at 23.5 trillion dollars in debt, both sides constantly give their side a free, and thus nothing ever changes.
I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?

The short answer to that is not only no, but hell no...And here is the reason why...The spending Obama did with a compliant Democrat house, and Senate in the first two years only showed America that given the chance Democrats would not lean left, but lurch far left and start taking over the biggest parts of the economy they could, like health coverage...Second, his "stimulus" was a joke. A Trillion dollars down the drain, handed out largely to cronies, and friends. And all of that never moved the needle to bring America out of the ditches he refused to address...In fact, he tried to argue to the American people that the zero growth was "the new norm".... Obama was ushering in America in decline, and American's knew it....You think they want to go back to that?

Obstruction is the norm now....Just look, Democrats whined and cried all the way through the previous administration about it, and now do the same in spades to this administration....

Growth under Trump...notice which way the trend line is pointing?

I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?

The short answer to that is not only no, but hell no...And here is the reason why...The spending Obama did with a compliant Democrat house, and Senate in the first two years only showed America that given the chance Democrats would not lean left, but lurch far left and start taking over the biggest parts of the economy they could, like health coverage...Second, his "stimulus" was a joke. A Trillion dollars down the drain, handed out largely to cronies, and friends. And all of that never moved the needle to bring America out of the ditches he refused to address...In fact, he tried to argue to the American people that the zero growth was "the new norm".... Obama was ushering in America in decline, and American's knew it....You think they want to go back to that?

Obstruction is the norm now....Just look, Democrats whined and cried all the way through the previous administration about it, and now do the same in spades to this administration....

And yet you ignore the spending Trump did with a compliant Repub House, and Senate in the first two years of his Admin. The deficit almost doubled under them.

This is why we are sitting at 23.5 trillion dollars in debt, both sides constantly give their side a free, and thus nothing ever changes.

If we didn't have this BS surrounding automatic increases to existing budgets for some of these departments that are not even in the Constitution, plus having to tackle the economic mistakes made by the previous administraion, then we could institute things like a 'penny plan' and start to tackle debt.

The problem arises when you have individual politicans that have pet spending pork put in place years ago, now can't touch them without putting their seats in jepordy....They continue to argue for continued wasteful spending instead of talking reality to their constituants...

While I don't have the answers off the top of my head, I do know that comitting to political suicide is not the answer either...
I am aware that the President submits a proposal, however, that is only that, a proposal...Can you tell me in the past three budgets how many of the President's proposals were adopted in the final budget without being shredded by the house or senate? And yes, he does have to sign them, however, if Trump were to refuse to sign the house's disaster budgets, then the government would shut down, and they would blame him for not getting them signed...

As for the "free pass", just think about what the President has been able to achieve, even in the face of constant, unrelenting obstruction from Democrats in the house...It is truly stunning...Just think of how it could be if Democrats were like Democrats of era's past and sought to actually work with the current administration and do their jobs to pass legislation that works for the people, and I'm not talking about the bat shit crazy crap they currently fiddle around with that serves nobody but their radical base and has NO chance of ever becoming law...

As for the politics of it, sure, what do you expect? Do you really think that Republican's should now return to the so called "high road" when clearly Democrats will NEVER do that? Nah, the paradigm of political agendas, and game plans have changed, and it is time that Democrat's now have to eat the same shit sandwiches that they have been feeding the Republican's for decades...

Does Obama get the same free pass for the 9 trillion added to the debt under him that you give Trump for all the spending under him?

Does Obama get the same free pass for for the unrelenting obstruction from Repubs in the House and Senate?

The short answer to that is not only no, but hell no...And here is the reason why...The spending Obama did with a compliant Democrat house, and Senate in the first two years only showed America that given the chance Democrats would not lean left, but lurch far left and start taking over the biggest parts of the economy they could, like health coverage...Second, his "stimulus" was a joke. A Trillion dollars down the drain, handed out largely to cronies, and friends. And all of that never moved the needle to bring America out of the ditches he refused to address...In fact, he tried to argue to the American people that the zero growth was "the new norm".... Obama was ushering in America in decline, and American's knew it....You think they want to go back to that?

Obstruction is the norm now....Just look, Democrats whined and cried all the way through the previous administration about it, and now do the same in spades to this administration....

Growth under Trump...notice which way the trend line is pointing?

View attachment 310841

Also, notice that the numbers in that graph are more than an Obama administration ever dreamed of too....

Look, you can't argue that the average American is making more money in their household, feels more secure and thus is confident in spending...That's a formula that is historically unbeatable in a bid for re election.

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