Trump Tried to Steal My Vote, and He Needs to go to Jail for it.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.

The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.


Translation -- "I never get tired of being laughed at in second-rate political message boards".

The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.

Lol sure he did. lol Something Stalin would propagate haha..

You got him now .. unfortunately propaganda doesn’t pass the court system haha
Here we have a Democrat making the same claims as Trump, in the same state, we must throw this democrat in jail. It is a crime, what she is saying.

Twice-failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate and national Democrat celebrity Stacey Abrams is still free as of Monday, despite having maintained for years that her 2018 race was stolen — a claim for which former President Donald Trump has been indicted
Stacey Abrahams is making the same comments as Trump, for longer, yet she is not convicted of this crime?
Like Trump and his associates, Abrams made her claims of a stolen election repeatedly, from public platforms (and appears to have believed them). Like Trump, Abrams enlisted the help of political allies — and, worse, other elected Democratic officials.
These charges are no different than Communist Russia under Stalin, sending people to the Gulags

As Robert Spencer contends, “we’re racing past” the banana republic stage and America is “heading toward becoming a new Stalinist regime in which critics of those in power are arrested by the regime itself, tried on false and fabricated charges, and executed.” Spencer evokes the Moscow Trials of the 1930s, and those sessions pack more verisimilitude than people might think
I thought for a moment last night that the evidence of a national Leftist conspiracy to take Trump off the ballot was so overwhelming now that even Democrats would see it.

Apparently I was too optimistic.

If you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, listen to what they are accusing their opponents of...trying to thwart "democracy"? How can you be so clueless as to not see this?
I thought for a moment last night that the evidence of a national Leftist conspiracy to take Trump off the ballot was so overwhelming now that even Democrats would see it.

Apparently I was too optimistic.

If you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, listen to what they are accusing their opponents of...trying to thwart "democracy"? How can you be so clueless as to not see this?
They are even writing articles about the point you make. It is all true, if the Democrats accuse Trump of something, they are doing it.

It’s a favorite tactic of Democrats: Accuse your political enemy of exactly what you’re doing. They did it to former President Donald Trump, attacking him for colluding with Russia when it was, in fact, the Clintons. New revelations show Clinton campaign operatives worked with a technology firm to spy on Mr. Trump before and during his presidency. Then, Democrats impeached him for a phone call with the Ukrainian president while ignoring Hunter Biden’s relationship with a Ukrainian energy company. But in the year since President Biden took office, Democrats’ projection has become more blatant than ever.
The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.


you're not old enough to vote
Trump and his flunkeys did try to get other responsible Republicans in Georgia and elsewhere to commit election fraud. They failed thanks to these Republicans’ integrity and courage.

Trump did criminally try to keep himself in power after losing the election, and lied about everything. This was exactly what insider Steve Bannon predicted would happen.

I think all this is already pretty clear to sober-minded Americans. But many millions of Americans refuse to believe it and prefer to believe the lies of this one man and the “Trump Party.” They have gone from wanting to “MAGA” to becoming “MAGAnuts” who are willing to destroy the foundations of our Republic and law and order itself on behalf of this criminal liar.

These are my and most Americans’ opinions. Now we will see if they can be proven in courts of law … a much more difficult thing to do.
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Everybody must agree our country would be better off without the Democrat party. They are criminals, protecting themselves. How many crimes do the democrats commit. It is not just Biden that committed crimes. They are all profiting from their office, selling us out to China.

The Democrats say we must spend $100 to $200 trillion on Wind Turbines and Solar Panels. China builds that stuff. Every bill supporting wind and solar, is a payment to China.

This is what the Democrats are protecting.
The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.

The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.

But Stanker, the Dims actually DID steal your vote 3 or 4 more times....
The evidence is here.
The evidence is real, credible, and corroborated by multiple sources.
The evidence has Trump caught on tape.

Trump literally tried to steal people's vote and change the results of a free and fair election.
Just because you don't like the results of an election doesn't mean you get to illegally change these results.

This is what a real criminal indictment looks like, real charges, with overwhelming credible evidence to support them.

Your posts suggest that you are ineligible to vote in America.
Trump and his flunkeys did try to get other responsible Republicans in Georgia and elsewhere to commit election fraud. They failed thanks to these Republican’s integrity and courage.

Trump did criminally try to keep himself in power after losing the election, and lied about everything. This was exactly what insider Steve Bannon predicted would happen.

I think all this is already pretty clear to sober-minded Americans. But many millions of Americans refuse to believe it and prefer to believe the lies of this one man and the “Trump Party.” They have gone from wanting to “MAGA” to becoming “MAGAnuts” who are willing to destroy the foundations of our Republic and law and order itself on behalf of this criminal liar.

These are my and most Americans’ opinions. Now we will see if they can be proven in courts of law … a much more difficult thing to do.
Sober-minded Americans aren't Dimtards, Dimtard.
You kooks have lost your minds.

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