Trump trolls media with their own words

Orange vs Sleepy...two crazy persons running for president of the most powerful nation in the world.

Oh well, we’ll all be dead soon so it won’t matter.
Speak for yourself.
Sorry to inform you, but no one gets out alive.
Yeah but I d like it to be later than sooner.
Me too, but we all die sooner or later.
Of course

This is great stuff!

I watched it live on FOX yesterday. I'd have thrown that bitch out.
The White House Correspondent’s Association chairman Jonathan Karl took special offense to the video, demanding to know who produced the “campaign ad”.

Hey Jon, WTF are you going to do to who produced it?
The travel restrictions were barely covered by the media. Trump and his supporters are trying to divert criticism by pretending it was a huge uproar when it wasn’t.
That's the point. The coverage they DID give was telling everyone that COVID-19 was less of a threat that the flu. Watch the video. It's indisputable.


Am I supposed to believe Trump’s video is an accurate encapsulation of the entirety of the media coverage?

Well, I am sure the media will have a response with their PROPER coverage. Have you seen that yet?

Trump sues people for doing stuff like this.

Well, the media can sue away. Have at it.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump. Just like absentee voting, it’s okay when he does it.
That's fine. I have no problem joining you in pointing out his hypocrisy. Can you join in pointing out the complete lack of journalistic integrity on display?

Trump cherry picked people who believed Trump had Coronavirus under control. Let’s ridicule them for believing that.

Meanwhile those that did say the virus was a big danger were ridiculed by the president and his supporters and accused of perpetrating a hoax.

Nice try. They said the virus itself was no worse the. The flu and flights shouldn’t be shut down.

I bet you didn’t even watch it.
Who produced it? He said it was White House staff.

What is wrong with them playing the media lies back to the media. The people should know the media is lying to them.

Tell the truth and there is no video.
The video opened with Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown on Feb 24. So amazing.

What a dumb bitch.

Liberals, your life is a lie. You must be so ashamed to be you.

This is great stuff!

The so called media, brass knuckles and thin skin, like the many of the demrats they can dish it out, but can't take it.

This is great stuff!

His pressers are getting more and more unhinged each day. The guy looks absolutely miserable. He's forced to sit there and actually do the job he was elected for. He can't hold one of his pep rallies or campaign. He's no good at actually being a leader. All he knows how to do it is run a popularity contest. This is a sad time for our republic.

It is when the President has to put a mirror up to the media and show them their own lies. It’s a sad time.
The travel restrictions were barely covered by the media. Trump and his supporters are trying to divert criticism by pretending it was a huge uproar when it wasn’t.
That's the point. The coverage they DID give was telling everyone that COVID-19 was less of a threat that the flu. Watch the video. It's indisputable.


Am I supposed to believe Trump’s video is an accurate encapsulation of the entirety of the media coverage?


He should have played every media sound byte for the past 4 months? Huh?

Of course you play sound bytes and you show c word Pelosi going to Chinatown.

Don’t you love your clips of Trumps supposed lies? Why don’t you insist the media play every second of what Trump says?

You don’t even see your own hypocrisy. You live a miserable existence.

This is great stuff!

What a douche.

Media should be held accountable. Fuck them and their lies.

Trump should ne held accountable.
Fuck him and his lies.

please point out his lies! Seems everything he said was backed up by video clips

He has been lying every single day since elected.
This is known.

Oh OK nothing specific than! Thought you might have been able to do better than that

I do my own research.
I suggest you do the same.

A laughable assertion. You are incapable of thinking for yourself as these responses demonstrate.
you would think the fat bastard would have bigger fish to fry than jackin' with reporters -

just an attention hound -

When liberals really freak out, you know you are right over the target. They can’t stand being made to watch their own lies.
They are such political beasts. Why won’t they stand behind what they said?
you would think the fat bastard would have bigger fish to fry than jackin' with reporters -

just an attention hound -


He showed them their own lies and it was fucking brilliant. The media is just scared that the citizens will stop believing their horseshit.

Pelosi in Chinatown on Feb 24th. Then the media tweaks that Trump didn’t close EVERYTHING down in early January.

Admit it, the media are just trying to score political points against Trump to hurt him in the election. That’s all this bullshit is.

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