Trump: Troops On The Border Should Treat Migrant Rocks Like A Rifle

Smart by Trump....our govt should then pull a Golulf of Tonkin and get a chance to send a message the hard way...all caught on vid of course. Turn the rest of the caravan to falling all over themselves to get back to Honduras!!:113::113::113:

Opens the door for militia guys though...that'd be some shit!!
Pull a Gulf of Tonkin? You mean fake a crisis?
Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed @ Troops On The Southern Border May Not Be Armed


You got one guy carrying a pillow for nappy time. Two or three them carrying black satchels with what I would imagine laptops in them so they can watch YouTube videos to pass the time I guess. And the rest of the flock lolly gaggin around behind all out of formation.

Not an impressive show of force. Not to sure them fake migrants will be to worried about those guys.

I'd rather see something like this:

I agree and I hope they are all armed and have bullets.

If those dipshits throw rocks or pull guns then our men and women should be able to shoot the stupid fucks.
Reagan was the President who deployed troops without bullets in their guns.
Beirut Marine Barracks.
and when i grew up everyone was a Veteran from school teacher to Father and Uncles , neighbors . Either Enlisted or Drafted . After they were discharged that was it as they got jobs , had kids and just became AMERICANS . Nothing Special as they became Americans and that was it and never heard about their veteran status or saw them parading about in veteran baseball caps . Nowadays though many military veterans think they are SPECIAL but as retired volunteers they are simply ex government employees , imo Ozro .
Aren't you special? :290968001256257790-final:
The poor suckers will be spending Thanksgiving, away from their families, for the vainglorious psychopath of a trump and his fan-band of murderers.....doing nothing.
Gunning down unfortunate brown people is something that Jesus talked about all the time...isn`t it?

unfortunate brown people should not break the law or attempt to while throwing rocks at our law enforcement or border patrol officers.
if they are too stupid to realize this, shoot them. natural selection.
Applying for asylum is NOT breaking the law dumbass.

many have said they intend to cross illegally, just as they did in mexico.

you really are as dumb as a rat in a drainditch.
Are these 4,000 or so people going to try to sneak across the border undetected or will they try to shoot their way in without weapons? Let me guess...when they reach the border George Soros is going to airlift heavy weapons to them to do battle with our military, border patrol and the Walmart militia.
Don't give the trumpanzees ideas. Next thing we know, the (((SOROS))) is going to airlift them heavy weapons will be trump bible canon.
The Left already mocks, reports fake news, and uses the military to push their BS enough without giving them more 'ammo'.

For Example, showing Liberals know no shame and are willing to dive into the depths of the gutter from where they will enthusiastically attack and make fun of the military:



Since the Vietnam War, liberals have been known for their great disdain for America’s service members, despite their efforts to hide it.

Those Who Don't Realize This Should Go Back to the Crumbling Castles of Europe Where They Belong

During the 50s, we were brought up on pro-war movies in order to make us want to go fight, too, and become heroes in order to escape from our limited futures. However, all the richkid Liberals and Chickenhawk Right saw in those same movies were people born in the working class being given something to be proud of.

These vicious sheltered snobs couldn't let that happen, so they performed their protest skits in front of the media, which was owned by their class. It had nothing to do with pacifism or sympathy for Asian peasants. Whispered in their dark dreams and hidden underneath their media-directed narratives was, "Daddy, you always told us that blue-collar workers were lazy, stupid, and greedy. Well, we got one better, Daddy; their sons are baby-killers. Will you love us now and pay more attention to us than to your money-hungry career? Please, Daddy, please."
-------------------------------------------------- don't need proof . I think that USA Military became all volunteer in the early 70s after losing in 'vietnam' . I could be wrong but thats what i think . Correct me if i am wrong WP .
Once again, another example of the far right making a claim and not being able to prove it. I try though.

it's common knowledge the draft ended before the vietnam war ended.
Yep....just in the middle of my senior year in could hear the collective sigh of relief from all the senior boys.
You know what’s really fucking sad is all the people who are HOPING these migrants get violent with our military and WISHING for deadly consequences.
They think that seeking asylum gives them justification for murdering poor brown people.
Lots of them are going to the border with their guns and their beer and their snacks.....
and when i grew up everyone was a Veteran from school teacher to Father and Uncles , neighbors . Either Enlisted or Drafted . After they were discharged that was it as they got jobs , had kids and just became AMERICANS . Nothing Special as they became Americans and that was it and never heard about their veteran status or saw them parading about in veteran baseball caps . Nowadays though many military veterans think they are SPECIAL but as retired volunteers they are simply ex government employees , imo Ozro .
Aren't you special? :290968001256257790-final:
------------------------------------------------ yeah as i had REAL Military Veterans as role models rather than Posers with baseball caps Bode !!
and , i had it made Bode , most everything was FREE and able to be done by even little kids . Even the Police were different . They were 'Peace Officers ' while nowadays they are 'Law Enforcement and its the everlasting and forever computer for you . Most everything was open and available to my generation and my parents generation before me . Its YOU Guys that live in messed up times and i'm happy to see YOUSE getting what you deserve Bode .
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I don't get the insulting our soldiars because they all joined up voluntarliy.

That really seems backwards.

Hooray for our guys and if I see one of you drop your retired military ballcap I'll try to pick it up for you.
------------------------------------------------- some of them think that they are SPECIAL Ozro .

They are. Not the same way you are though.
Thank you ozro you get it. Some people have a since of duty and care about others. I have a great respect for all who have served not just in the miliitary but in the fire department, police force, soup kitchens and any one else that has tried to better the life of others. I have a great deal of respect for all of these people.. The volunteers have a greater respect from me. I feel no more special than any one who tries to help others. These people are found in all walks of life it can be as simple as help coach a sports team but find a way to help those around you.




This is what it looks like when the infantry leaves your neighborhood. Who wants to invite them in? Do you want to release this on some poor people that just want a btter life? How about the Americans that live on the border?
All of modern USA Volunteer Military work for a PAYCHECK , training and benefits or free or subsidized education . And thats fine because everyone needs a job . But new volunteer military in particular are just a bunch of government employees or 'kings men' and are far different than old military guys from the World Wars , Korea and Vietnam Evenflow . Plus many use the pretend status as veteran to infringe on the RIGHTS of Americans . See the retired military experts working as gun control advocates for 'the gifford group' of gun controllers . Thats unAmerican Evenflow .
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